UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #20

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I don't think it was a secret. I interpret the article to mean the family and C knew on the 18 th . I could have misunderstood. Perhaps he was secretly celebrating which would tie in with drinking in his car and doing shots in Flex JMO.

I don't think drinking in his car had anything to do with "celebrating". It was to get tanked up on alcohol so that he wouldn't need to buy expensive club drinks. A very common strategy.

And in my experience young men often do not welcome the news of a pregnancy, especially when they've only been seeing the girl for five minutes.
I don't think drinking in his car had anything to do with "celebrating". It was to get tanked up on alcohol so that he wouldn't need to buy expensive club drinks. A very common strategy.

And in my experience young men often do not welcome the news of a pregnancy, especially when they've only been seeing the girl for five minutes.
It was five months not five minutes-fact. He was beyond happy - fact. He was going to be a Dad - fact. He was out drinking -fact. He was buying multiple shots in Flex - fact. He was celebrating something IMO.
So it's each to their own as to which article they choose to believe.
Here, Corrie knew about the baby.

'Nicola also told us about this girlfriend, April, who was pregnant, and who had told Corrie about it on September 18. '

Or here, Corrie didn't know about the baby.

'The 23-year-old’s girlfriend April Oliver has revealed that she found out she was pregnant just two weeks after the serviceman disappeared in September last year.'
'She said that Mr McKeague, who she met on a dating site, had not known she was pregnant before he vanished'

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Well someone is lying and I know who I believe. And I will take everything with a pinch of salt from now on. The bit about C not being allowed near weapons, I had heard before but now MM has confirmed it as well as the drinking problems. He could be difficult after drink is what MM has said. This can't be ignored by the investigation IMO. I really don't know what will happen if he is not found in LF but I think misadventure is looking increasingly likely IMO.
The previous weekend he was in London with April on top of the Millenium Dome (Approx 17th/18th Sep ) also his birthday weekend and also when he found out about the baby. Then the following Friday his last text was apparently to April too. Why would he have been drowning his sorrows? What sorrows?
Eta he was " beyond happy" according to D.

That what I was wondering too before the news, but frankly the medications puts everything into different light imo. I'm not an expert on subject, but that I do know that some person can act very happy but at the same time inside he is dying. Also being high on meds and booze explains Corries's behaviour that evening. I suppose Corrie was feeling trapped...
It was five months not five minutes-fact.

I thought I read it was five weeks. My point was that it was not very long, and we have also been told that he was seeing another girl.

He was beyond happy - fact.
Not fact. Just someone's opinion.

He was going to be a Dad - fact.
Unproven as far as we know.

He was out drinking -fact.

He was buying multiple shots in Flex - fact.
If you say so. Was this his regular habit?
MM is saying N has impeded the investigation. This is serious. She knew about C's membership of the sex sites but didn't tell SP for 4 months. MM says himself that the pregnancy could have contributed to C's state of mind the night he vanished and that the membership of the sites could have something to do with his disappearance. I really don't know what is going to happen now TBH.
it also explains the fact uncle t said in an update about c often visiting raf marham, that is the raf place that treats mental health issues , we were told it was normal for c to do this that and another , but IMO his life style was far from normal, for what ever reason I think that c had big problems in life, his excess drinking that night on his own says a lot to me, things were not right , IMO
if he is not found in the landfill I suspect N will be saying that sp did not do the search corect and will be asking for it to be searched a second time as she has no trust in sp to do anything , IMO
She is saying he may have been incinerated. SP have secured the incinerator, so they are not as incompetent as made out to be. They just don't have any evidence - yet. It's in the sun.
She is saying he may have been incinerated. SP have secured the incinerator, so they are not as incompetent as made out to be. They just don't have any evidence - yet.
she was saying that about the landfill last week that sp should have dug it over in month two, now the incinerator , let's dig thetford forest up next week , something is wrong here very wrong, some one is not telling the truth IMO
I think we've got to a point now where,as outsiders, we can't be sure of any of the "facts"

There seems to be a lot of double standards here, most of the time the DM gets a slating, people don't believe what they print yet suddenly today it's assumed by most that what MM says is true even though it's been published by the DM. I don't understand that, IMO it seems that because he's choosed to stay silent until now he must be right and NU must be worng.

I haven't always been NU's greatest suppporter but there are 2 grown adult men who have clearly choosen to side with her (for want of a better word), the press conference seems to have been the final straw but it doesn't make sense that it was the only factor. We have to remember that this happened when C had only been missing for a few days, no one knew what was going to happen so no stress of living in hell for 6 months to factor in. IMO there must be longer standing familly issues that are none of our business and I feel very sorry for them all that it's become so public

she was saying that about the landfill last week that sp should have dug it over in month two, now the incinerator , let's dig thetford forest up next week , something is wrong here very wrong, some one is not telling the truth IMO

We must understand this is desperation. I cannot imagine how hard it is for his parents, they want/need to know, to have answers as to what has happened. It doesn't help when newspapers want headlines. Patience will be rewarded.
She is saying he may have been incinerated. SP have secured the incinerator, so they are not as incompetent as made out to be. They just don't have any evidence - yet. It's in the sun.
Wouldn't they have looked at the incinerator site and cardboard bales already? I thought that was why it went straight to landfill because there were no staff working on Saturdays? Where exactly is this info about the waste process that NU and TW have been providing been coming from ? If it is from SP, where have they been getting it from? Has N held back anything else that perhaps MM or SP do not know about?
E.g. do SP know about AH and have they interviewed her?
We must understand this is desperation. I cannot imagine how hard it is for his parents, they want/need to know, to have answers as to what has happened. It doesn't help when newspapers want headlines. Patience will be rewarded.

Desperation is definitely the right word, things have been blurted out in anger and grief which I am sure the parents wish they could retract or rephrase. Nicola has obviously been told conflicting information which must be a million times more frustrating for her than it is for us, she will be feeling pulled from several sides - the police, the media, the family, the investigative team and the adoring public who have undoubtedly been both a blessing and a curse.

It's truly messed up, this case. I've never known anything like it but then we don't normally have so much information coming from the family and are usually only privy to police reports, if we solely had those in the equation I'm sure things would have been different as far as social media is concerned.

I attempted to reply to this thread an hour ago having only just caught up with recent news, thankfully I waited as my original post was a lot more reactive (and a bit more sweary) :shush:
she was saying that about the landfill last week that sp should have dug it over in month two, now the incinerator , let's dig thetford forest up next week , something is wrong here very wrong, some one is not telling the truth IMO
I completely agree Scorpio. SP are conducting an investigation while it appears another police officer has not been providing all she knows. When MM said a month ago that others are perverting the course of justice, is this what he meant? We know that the reward offered by MM side of the family was what upset N about SP last year, so it has already been acrimonious and now it is getting worse. I think the investigation has been greatly hampered and possibly even misled by it all. AJMO.
This should be simple basic stuff that even the family should have found out by now along with a pi team , ware did the bin lorry go, ware did it stop and what was its final point , this is school boy stuff, did it go to the landfill or the incinerator , IMO
Something key we are not privy to is what is fueling this feud IMO, and must have some direct baring on what happened to Corrie. Below is a key quote that sticks out for me:

‘I know that to be untrue,’ he tells me, ‘In fact, April’s pregnancy goes a long way to explaining Corrie’s state of mind when he vanished.’ Martin says he heard of April’s existence on Wednesday, September 28, two days after Corrie had been declared missing.
Martin and his wife Trisha met Nicola on that day at her home in Dunfermline to talk through the developments. A friend took notes of the meeting.

Just two days after Corrie goes missing, there is a family meeting at which a friend of MM is taken along to take notes? WTF!? This is NOT normal.

Personally I've had enough of the he said, she said....spit out what has really gone on here or stop talking. That to both sides.

Sorry if this is too robust but this getting beyond the pale...
I think we've got to a point now where,as outsiders, we can't be sure of any of the "facts"

There seems to be a lot of double standards here, most of the time the DM gets a slating, people don't believe what they print yet suddenly today it's assumed by most that what MM says is true even though it's been published by the DM. I don't understand that, IMO it seems that because he's choosed to stay silent until now he must be right and NU must be worng.

I haven't always been NU's greatest suppporter but there are 2 grown adult men who have clearly choosen to side with her (for want of a better word), the press conference seems to have been the final straw but it doesn't make sense that it was the only factor. We have to remember that this happened when C had only been missing for a few days, no one knew what was going to happen so no stress of living in hell for 6 months to factor in. IMO there must be longer standing familly issues that are none of our business and I feel very sorry for them all that it's become so public


I think the type of article matters, too, when considering things like the DM or other tabloids as sources.

This one appears to be pretty well done, on the surface, the quotes seem verbatim rather than words put into someone's mouth or taken out of context (which would be one of my criticisms of a lot of articles in those type of papers). We're not talking about "scientist say" or "meteorologists reckon". It's not been printed to be incendiary to things like race relations or to repeat conspiracy theories about whatever the current favourite conspiracy is.

Having said that, I'm not sure what it brings to the case at this point in time. We still don't have evidence of Corrie leaving the horseshoe on foot. The police appear to think the bin lorry is the most likely vehicle to have carried Corrie out of the horseshoe.

Maybe it's not so much a question of whether Corrie was drinking because he was happy, because he was miserable, or because he liked a night out drinking with the lads, but more that he was out on the town drinking heavily that led to what happened next.

If they did know about the pregnancy, in a lot of ways that gives them more reason to want to 'cover up' certain aspects of Corrie's private life to protect the very vulnerable April. But as Cherwell said, it wasn't an outright lie to say that Corrie was single...single and seeing girls, sometimes switching back and forth or even seeing two at the same's certainly not a sign of heavy attachment, is it? I don't know when the other girl was taken up to Scotland or whether that relationship had since fizzled out or whether the baby news (if true) might have made him feel he should concentrate one one woman or what. And people don't have to be in solid relationships to have can be fathers without being married to the mother...the news doesn't have to mean someone's going to commit suicide over it, they can decide to step back or make a decision later on.

The incinerator thing is interesting. It says that we still don't know if or what processing the bin collection went through. Where do the ashes/remnants from the incinerator go? I would have thought they would go to landfill? If they are looking for incinerated remains, or even if they're not, they seem to have a specialist team on the landfill search who can hopefully recognise bone fragments.

As for the length of time of the search. It might not be practical to go straight to a particular day's waste position. Maybe it's more a case of covering what's around that day's waste as it might have been moved around or smoothed out by the heavy machinery when it was put into the landfill, so the first few weeks of the search were low probability to find something but had to be done to ensure nothing was we would be getting to the primary, higher probability location in the mound?
Something key we are not privy to is what is fueling this feud IMO, and must have some direct baring on what happened to Corrie. Below is a key quote that sticks out for me:

..... Martin and his wife Trisha met Nicola on that day at her home in Dunfermline to talk through the developments. A friend took notes of the meeting.

Just two days after Corrie goes missing, there is a family meeting at which a friend of MM is taken along to take notes? WTF!? This is NOT normal.

I don't find that as extraordinary as you do. Everyone would have been stressed and upset, and it's easy to forget things when you're under pressure like that. I think it's quite sensible to have someone present who's a step removed from the emotions, and taking notes is a practical thing. It applies to all sorts of situations, like going to the doctor for the results of tests as one example. If you're directly affected, you don't always take everything in.

The other factor of course is that the split between the parents may have been acrimonious and there may already have been trust issues.
And another strange twist; flex nightclub is/was owned by Colin davey. Purely coincidental IMO but this case just gets stranger. I believe mm as he is so desperate. Sleeping in his camper to be close to the site. I also feel though that nu may have been mis-advised by the very shady Colin.
So this other GF - could C have arranged to meet and stay at hers that night? That surely must have been checked out and discounted?
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