UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #21

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in for a penny in for a pound after spending a small fortune searching the landfill they need to be 100% sure that he is not in the landfill to close that line of enquiry! IMO I don't think he will be found at the LF,
in for a penny in for a pound after spending a small fortune searching the landfill they need to be 100% sure that he is not in the landfill to close that line of enquiry! IMO I don't think he will be found at the LF,

I'm still on the fence after what MM said the Police told him (that they are certain he is there in so many words).

What intrigues me is how the search by Police has been conducted. It is like they are looking for traces of Corrie rather than a full skeleton and/or clothes, boots, wallet, keys, mobile etc and this is odd to me if the "official" line/thinking is he got in a bin and is misadventure. Granted it is true, as others said earlier, that we actually know very little about what the Police know so it is hard to judge.
This DMail article has been updated - I hadn't heard of this bit before so am putting a link in.

Landfill search for missing RAF gunner Corrie McKeague is extended for another three weeks as mother vows to hire a private investigator if police fail to find him.

PUBLISHED: 09:24, 17 May 2017 | UPDATED: 08:15, 18 May 2017

A desperate search for missing RAF gunner Corrie McKeague was today extended for another three weeks.

The 23-year-old vanished after a night out with his friends in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, on September 24 last year.

His mother has now vowed to hire a private investigator if police fail to find her son who has been missing for more than seven months.
His mother has now vowed to hire a private investigator if police fail to find her son who has been missing for more than seven months.

Yep a strange statement from someone that raised over 50k to hire a PI and decided not to use the money for that! Maybe we will see a new crowd fund?

On a less cynical note, for those of you following other missing person cases, do PIs tend to find new info the police have been unable to unearth? Just wondering how effective a PI would be at this stage.

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Yep a strange statement from someone that raised over 50k to hire a PI and decided not to use the money for that! Maybe we will see a new crowd fund?

On a less cynical note, for those of you following other missing person cases, do PIs tend to find new info the police have been unable to unearth? Just wondering how effective a PI would be at this stage.

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IMOO If they can afford it people may hire Private Investigators to find someone who has gone 'missing'. The Salvation Army offer help in such circumstances as well I understand but that is for those who have left of their own accord surely?

I may have misinterpretated N's comments from the DM article, but sounds like AWOL is becoming more of a consideration perhaps ?

Wouldn't the police be the best investigators if a disappearance is due to misadventure or at the hands of others?

Really don't know what to think now. What is being looked for at the LF? What would be the condition of a body placed there after 7 months?
Do hope they find a trace of C, but always doubted he was in LF. JMO
Yep a strange statement from someone that raised over 50k to hire a PI and decided not to use the money for that! Maybe we will see a new crowd fund?

On a less cynical note, for those of you following other missing person cases, do PIs tend to find new info the police have been unable to unearth? Just wondering how effective a PI would be at this stage.

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I was thinking this same cynical thought.

I think a PI would ask D "what did C tell you about his plans that weekend during the several calls with you the day and evening before he disappeared? " . Then he would interview all the friends he was out with that night to find out any other details about the arrangements that night. He would then (I guess) compare the answers to what SP have.

If N already has all this info then a PI may be a waste of money iMO.
From the Mail report:

A Suffolk Police spokesman said on Wednesday: 'The search has been expanded after waste linked to both the right dates and the right location were found outside the initial cell area identified.

'As this type of search is so unusual, it was not known how the waste would have moved and as the work has progressed officers have gained a greater understanding of both how the waste is deposited and spread out, and the nature and construction of the site. Officers continue to take all of this into account as the search continues.

'The work is under constant review and now, in week 11, in view of the dates on items still being found and advice from officers on the ground and the site team, it is likely the search will continue for at least three further weeks to ensure that the area holding waste from the relevant period is comprehensively examined.'

That explains it better - it seems that the area of the cell has effectively expanded. I wouldn't have expected the edges to be well defined anyway.
It sounds as though they have resolved to search the entire perimeter whether or not they find anything.
An update from MM is copied in this article.

Corrie’s dad praises searchers for working in conditions that make you “retch”

CORRIE McKeague’s father has praised heroic search teams for working in conditions so appalling the smell “makes you want to retch”.

Martin McKeague revealed last night that conditions are so bad at the landfill site in Milton near Cambridge that police had been peppering the air with mint to mask the stench.
This is the bit that I find so frustrating:

"He added: 'As I said in my previous post; he is there, and the police are searching in the right place. And any suggestion to the contrary simply does not marry up to the evidence.' "

What evidence ? !!!!!!
If there's more to it than the phone pings, I'd like the police to say so. Of course I don't expect them to disclose anything sensitive, but it would be reassuring to know if there is any actual evidence that he is in the LF.
An update from MM is copied in this article.

Corrie’s dad praises searchers for working in conditions that make you “retch”

CORRIE McKeague’s father has praised heroic search teams for working in conditions so appalling the smell “makes you want to retch”.

Martin McKeague revealed last night that conditions are so bad at the landfill site in Milton near Cambridge that police had been peppering the air with mint to mask the stench.

He is really adamant that C is there, whereas it is now N who is doubting that possibility. I don't know what to make of it anymore TBH.
This is the bit that I find so frustrating:

"He added: 'As I said in my previous post; he is there, and the police are searching in the right place. And any suggestion to the contrary simply does not marry up to the evidence.' "

What evidence ? !!!!!!
If there's more to it than the phone pings, I'd like the police to say so. Of course I don't expect them to disclose anything sensitive, but it would be reassuring to know if there is any actual evidence that he is in the LF.
The only thing I can think of is that MM was the one (and the only one) who said that the phone led to the LF. As far as we know from SP, the phone stayed on the BM mast and did not move after that. So perhaps he has assumed that it went wherever the bin lorry went.
This is the bit that I find so frustrating:

"He added: 'As I said in my previous post; he is there, and the police are searching in the right place. And any suggestion to the contrary simply does not marry up to the evidence.' "

What evidence ? !!!!!!
If there's more to it than the phone pings, I'd like the police to say so. Of course I don't expect them to disclose anything sensitive, but it would be reassuring to know if there is any actual evidence that he is in the LF.
The bin weight and the lorry going to Milton is the only other possible "evidence" AFAIK. Forensics on the lorry were negative I understand.
I guess a PI wont have the same restrictions as a police detective?

Nicola doesn't seem to think he is AWOL, and has stated as an opinion, that he may have been incinerated. Other options she may be looking at, that something happened to him as in foul play, and cover ups. If there are cover ups, gaps, someone not telling the truth, I agree that a PI wouldn't have the same restrictions, and may be able to get more information, off the record, that individuals may not give to the police.

As a parent there must be a part of you that holds on, to the hope, that he may be alive, although you don't say it publicly. A PI would have a look at AWOL too, surely, when all other options are exhausted. Challenging for any PI, all of it. Although not covered by the same restrictions, funding and access to people, places and information, would be more restrictive, than for the police. Would take a lot longer in terms of manpower. JMO. I am still following you all, just haven't had anything to add.
What if the bin lorry weight was not calculated correctly by the weighing mechanism and although it may show as being a heavy load even in the raw data, it was actually much lighter? In the time between then and when SP inspected the lorry, it could have been re-calibrated and any fault rectified.

Something that is niggling in the back of my mind is that, in the early days, SP hadn't collected the private CCTV from a lady who iirc said that she heard some noise of more than one person and so she switched her cctv on to see what the noise was. Backing this up, was the bin lorry man who also heard the people and saw them in the car park at the rear of Cornhill shopping centre, but it turned out to be the teenagers that were caught on camera further along and the cctv from other cameras was put out to identify them, but we never saw the lady's cctv. I also recall, that that was the only cctv in the SB area as apparently, at that time, the cctv at the rear of the Cornhill shopping centre was not on because the place was empty or the owner had sold it or whatever and people living in SB backed that up too. Naturally, the local council would not want people to think that their cctv coverage was a bit hit and miss, having spent a lot of taxpayers money on it and so it was hushed up. Hence why, the bin lorry is known to be the first vehicle in the HS, but that doesn't mean that no others were there before or that there weren't any in SB already parked up in the loading bay there, or that some others had been and gone.

The searching of the LF was asked for a long time back, and when it didn't happen, a petition was got up and ended up in parliament somehow when it was then said by ministers that basically money was no object in finding C, and so then LF search was soon after announced.

This is what I recall, but I don't guarantee that it is 100% correct, as there has been so much nitty gritty constantly changing throughout this case and so many things that don't add up.

IMO C could have easily just walked out of the HS, coincidentally while the Greenwood's camera was facing the other way, and got a lift somewhere. If he went to a party or some kind of meet where he was enjoying himself in whatever way and then something happened to him unintentionally and he is deceased, then surely that is the best we could hope for. If it were circumstances where it was intentional, then that is a very different matter and I would hope whoever did it gets the full force of the law.

If, he intentionally, either at the time or later, disappeared of his own accord due to all the pressures upon him, then I can understand that and why after all the media circus, he may not wish to be found. Still nagging in my mind is the man who was found in Norfolk soon after C disappeared but did not wish for anyone to be told who or where he was.

Right from the start of this case I've found it unusual with all it's twists and turns by this time we should have been able to rule out most things that could have hapend and be able to make a calculated judgement,


after all this time I still can't rule any of the above out, imo

i know fewer facts now then I did 6 months ago,
I used to know ware the bin lorry went and the times , even the phone movements , now every thing is up for question , I hope that we will get a reliable le update soon with a few facts,
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