UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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Fears growing for missing RAF serviceman who vanished after night out

Concerns were growing today for the safety of a young military policeman who vanished after a night out and may have tried to walk eight miles back to his base.


Camera operators saw him getting up and walking off - but he failed to return to Honington, the headquarters of the RAF Force Protection who guard UK military installations around the world.

Despite an appeal to motorists, villagers along the serviceman’s route and a search by the Suffolk police helicopter there has been no trace of him.

Corrie is described as white, 5ft 10ins tall, medium build, with short light brown hair. He was wearing a light-pink polo shirt and white jeans when last seen.

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Just a quick note as I'm relatively familiar with the area, Beck Row contains both the staff entrance to RAF Mildenhall and also the accommodation blocks for the base.
Just a quick note as I'm relatively familiar with the area, Beck Row contains both the staff entrance to RAF Mildenhall and also the accommodation blocks for the base.

Excellent point. I was surprised they didn't do a door-to-door knock in this area weeks ago.
The reason I don't believe the bin lorry theory is the police seemed to dismiss it, it was weighed & its been forensically examined. The red flags to me are the vehicles that haven't been traced. Especially the one that went down a one way street.

It's frustrating and we are going on very little and what we do hear sometimes changes. I do however feel the police will almost certainly know what's happened.
The bin was weighed, the cab wasn't, nor was the waste chamber. Even in a market town in Suffolk you can trace a car driven at 4AM, there's not exactly many people on the road. These are in my opinion just false flags to encourage sloppiness from the perp.

The reason I don't believe the bin lorry theory is the police seemed to dismiss it, it was weighed & its been forensically examined. The red flags to me are the vehicles that haven't been traced. Especially the one that went down a one way street.

It's frustrating and we are going on very little and what we do hear sometimes changes. I do however feel the police will almost certainly know what's happened.
I suggested earlier that Corrie didn't mean to fall asleep. Maybe he was initially just getting some air while he ate his food. But he dozes and it's 3.08 and he uses one of the internet messaging services to see who's still up. The first person he contacts says they can come and pick him up but it'll be about 15-20 mins until they get there. So Corrie stays in the doorway for another 10 to 15 mins. Where's he going to meet this car? Why not agree to meet around the horseshoe/ShortBrackland? It's close to Corrie's position, so it seems a reasonable place, and at 3.30am they don't know the bin lorry is coming, it's not daytime so to just pull the car in and turn around straight out isn't going to be a problem.

It also explains why someone meets Corrie there and picks him up and Corrie goes willingly into a car. It saves us putting him in the car of a stranger, waiting for 2 hours for someone who works in a club, getting picked up by a terrorist, a crazy random sex attacker or someone evil on Grindr who'd made a mutual agreement for sex with Corrie (despite Corrie not being gay).

The only problem I have with this scenario is "what went wrong?" and why hasn't Corrie been seen since that night. But if this hypothetical person hasn't come forward, that suggests they were involved in whatever went wrong and don't want to self-implicate.

Trying to decide what on earth he was going to do. Have you ever slept in the day and woken up all over the place? Add in booze, cold and food and that 20 minutes is probably spent running his hands through his hair being a wee bit self-critical.

I am sure most people would just head off home with their takeaway. He didn't. Even if he did fall asleep he could have communicated with someone to pick him up.
One other point, the waste recycling centres at Mildenhall and Rougham (where the road was closed) are owned by the same conglomerate- FCC, these are commercial tippers who may take some Biffa waste as a revenue stream.
The reason I don't believe the bin lorry theory is the police seemed to dismiss it, it was weighed & its been forensically examined. The red flags to me are the vehicles that haven't been traced. Especially the one that went down a one way street.

It's frustrating and we are going on very little and what we do hear sometimes changes. I do however feel the police will almost certainly know what's happened.

I agree, I think they are fairly sure that IF anything went in the bin lorry it was only the phone and it has most probably been destroyed in the process. Even if it was possible there is limited benefit to retrieving it as most of the data is recoverable by other means. I think the police have a suspect and are building the case. The phone could assist in that but they aren't pursuing as they believe it destroyed/ it would be time consuming and they could collect evidence in other ways. The SCIT analysis would however be a valuable use of time as it could establish if the phone was definitely in the bin lorry and build a case for when any incident occurred/ how much the perpetrator attempted to cover it up.
To tell you my initial theory. Corrie walked out of the loading bay to one of the main roads running around BSE. At the same time someone with 'bad' thoughts in their head is driving around, more or less aimlessly, but they see Corrie and take a fancy to him. They offer him a lift, he accepts, because it's a long way home and it'll save him the taxi fare.

This hypothetical perp lives somewhere in the Barton Mills wider area, hence going in that direction. He either takes Corrie to his home (if he lives alone) or to one of these dogging spots, or just a quiet space. Corrie's oblivious to what this person wants from him.

Something horrible happens. Then there's a body to dispose of. Where do you dispose of it? I made a triangle with BSE in one corner, Barton Mills area in another corner, and then went up to Mildenhall/Lakenheath in the north corner...because on a subconscious level this perp can't dump the body near his house, doesn't want to go back to BSE, so he's got a line along which he won't dump, thus he needs to complete his triangle. There's a lot of forested areas to the north, with Thetford Forest, and on the left of the forest are two US bases filled with hot testosterone-filled young men, who are maybe what this perp really dreams of, so subconsciously he wants to dump in that area as it's not too near BSE or his home, but it holds an attraction to him.

I still haven't fully ruled out this possibility, but maybe the pick up spot has to be the horseshoe, and I can't figure out why he'd be driving into that spot. I don't favour this so much that I'm ruling out anything else either, though. I just thought it was time to share it with everyone.
I won't keep harping on the terrorist angle, but if in fact that was the case, he could theoretically still be alive. Instead of a ransom, terrorist abductors have certainly in the past negotiated "prisoner exchanges" with national security forces, all very covert of course. It's not out of the realm of possibility that that could be happening.
^ To tack on to my post, nat sec would not, in my opinion, breathe a word of this even to Tony or Nicola, possibly not even to Suffolk police.
^ To tack on to my post, nat sec would not, in my opinion, breathe a word of this even to Tony or Nicola, possibly not even to Suffolk police.
I don't buy it, if a terrorist group planned to take a soldier to negotiate prisoner releases they would have some element of planning and not happen upon Corrie wandering BSE drunk at 3am. There would also have been significant threat alerts put in place in all bases and activities such as happened across the country for Remembrance Sunday would have had even higher security and limitation on movement of service personnel. To be in a position to start such negotiations there would need to be more than a lone wolf involved, there would need to be links to someone in command structure of that organisation to authorise negotiating terms, they would need to have had a safe house prepared and maintained and known what time their hostage would get there, they would also not have chosen to remove him in a vehicle from a town centre with CCTV as they would maximise chances of security forces tracking them down before removing him to the safe house.
"Cag's Theories" in no particular order:

Corrie got into the car of someone he knew, drove away and something bad happened that night. So we are looking for a method of contact and a vehicle. The police have his phone records and presumably would be able to track people down. But Whatsapp is encrypted, does this mean the police couldn't find out if Corrie sent any messages that night? And why ca't the car be traced?

Corrie either willingly or unwillingly got into the cab of the bin lorry. Willingly - cadging a lift somewhere? Mildenhall? Near the USAF base? Unwillingly - a fight, an accident? No blood (if the right vehicle was searched) and no definitive scent of Corrie.

Corrie has his wee, headed up Short B and fell in a river/ditch or got hit by a vehicle.. Wish someone would clarify whether he definitely would have been caught on camera

Corrie went into one of the flats and didn't come out alive Driven away at some point over the next couple of days, before the alarm was raised. Send cadavers up there I say.

Things that make me go hmmmmmmm - the search near Mildenhall USAF. The "Corrie often came in with his American friend" from the first Mamma Mia interview. Possible waste plant at Rougham near to where the A14 was closed and searched this week. The fact that nobody reported Corrie missing until Monday despite living with friends / colleagues / puppy. Did anyone try and contact him? Tony's insistence Corrie could NOT have left the bin area. Why not? If there were permanent cameras recording the comings and goings of the area, why have they caught nothing?

Think that's all my thoughts and ramblings for today. I have no idea what happened, but none of us do. We can speculate and pontificate for all we like but so many things could have happened. Hope this gets resolved, we're at that funny time when no new info comes out and things start naturally slowing down. Let's home we #FindCorrie before the first "bumping" post :(
I still find it intriguing that a direct appeal was made personally by his mum to students at the local college. Along the lines of if anybody saw someone that made you feel uncomfortable.
I don't buy it, if a terrorist group planned to take a soldier to negotiate prisoner releases they would have some element of planning and not happen upon Corrie wandering BSE drunk at 3am. There would also have been significant threat alerts put in place in all bases and activities such as happened across the country for Remembrance Sunday would have had even higher security and limitation on movement of service personnel. To be in a position to start such negotiations there would need to be more than a lone wolf involved, there would need to be links to someone in command structure of that organisation to authorise negotiating terms, they would need to have had a safe house prepared and maintained and known what time their hostage would get there, they would also not have chosen to remove him in a vehicle from a town centre with CCTV as they would maximise chances of security forces tracking them down before removing him to the safe house.

I don't discount the lone wolf "crime of opportunity" aspect, but you do make a very excellent point about threat levels not being raised on military sites.

Good observation, Goape.
My theories at this point, in no particular order:

1. Grindr or rough trade hookup gone bad

2. Unlicensed taxi or stranger offering a lift (both with criminal/murderous intent from the get-go)

3. Unlicensed taxi or stranger offering a lift, drives to remote area to put the moves on Corrie, Corrie's not into it, driver flies into a rage and kills him (someone on one of the earlier threads said when he was younger in the same area I believe, he accepted a late night ride from a random guy. The guy drove him into the woods to get down to business, but when rebuffed, luckily let our poster go.)

4. Accident (which could range from the lorry driver hitting Corrie if the lorry driver had been drinking, to Corrie OD'ing in a sketchy house, to him somehow making his way out of Bury on foot and being hit by a car on the road walking back to base, or slipping and drowning in a body of water)

5. Crime of opportunity terrorist abduction (could also be posing as unlicensed taxi or Grindr hookup, just to speculate)

6. Involvement of another service person up in Mildenhall.

7. Suicide or AWOL - I think he shows strong signs of being bi-polar / manic depressive. Technically, schizophrenia hits some men very badly at about this age, even when they've shown no signs before. Admittedly, this is lowest on my list, but I do think he may be manic depressive and have impulse control problems. His "reckless" behavior in the past would fit manic episodes.

8. Same guy abducted Corrie that abducted Luke Durbin and has never been caught.
If someone's cruising, then they'll likely get turned down the first few times they offer a lift to someone, but if they get away with this offer of a lift, then they'll keep trying until they do manage to pick someone up.

I know when I was at college that I was waiting at a bus stop one afternoon and a car came by and the driver offered me a lift. I said "no" and that was it. It never occurred to me that that guy would try the same thing again and that he might not be a very nice person. But if I was a bloke like Corrie, I could have easily been silly enough to get in that car.

I still find it intriguing that a direct appeal was made personally by his mum to students at the local college. Along the lines of if anybody saw someone that made you feel uncomfortable.
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