UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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I'll have to disagree with you on this one. Corrie seemed a pretty out there and yes, very reckless person. Reckless, plus naive/young, plus overextroverted or attention-seeking can lead one to act unwisely.

I can absolutely seeing him accepting a ride from just about anybody.

Even though he had turned down the offer two hours earlier?
Feels like we're at a 50/50 toss up for virtually every option we come to. He might have / he might not have. Maybe he did this /maybe he did that. He always / often / occasionally / rarely / never (*delete as applicable)

In keeping with the multiple choice, basically we know nish / nowt / knack all. I'd like to think the police were on it behind the scenes and just "getting all their ducks in a row" like the American police have to do. But we have much looser powers of arrest and don't have to wait, and I honestly think if there were any suspects they'd have been taken in long ago. We've heard nothing.
I'll have to disagree with you on this one. Corrie seemed a pretty out there and yes, very reckless person. Reckless, plus naive/young, plus overextroverted or attention-seeking can lead one to act unwisely.

I can absolutely seeing him accepting a ride from just about anybody.

I know what you mean... but I just don't accept it as an explanation.

If he "knew" a person, then yeah, okay.
But a total stranger ???

I absolutely don't buy into it. Not one bit.
It is just not "real world". And I don't care what the family say "he would do". They contradict themselves so much, I think they "have an idea" what Corrie did
Just to show Corrie's night out based on the info the family have given I did a rough timeline.

22:00 leaves home
~22:20 parks up on Robert Boby Way
~22:20-23:20 talks on phone with brother
~23:20-23:25 walks to So Bar (do we know if he met with his friends here or did he only meet up with them at Flex?)
Assume 30 minutes at So Bar
~23:55-00:00 walks to Wetherspoon
Assume 30 minutes here
00:30-00:35 walk to Flex
~01:00 asked to leave Flex (apparently his friends weren't aware he was asked to leave? Can't remember where I read this. Anyone else remember?)
~01:05 arrives at Mama Mia's
Feels like we're at a 50/50 toss up for virtually every option we come to. He might have / he might not have. Maybe he did this /maybe he did that. He always / often / occasionally / rarely / never (*delete as applicable)

In keeping with the multiple choice, basically we know nish / nowt / knack all. I'd like to think the police were on it behind the scenes and just "getting all their ducks in a row" like the American police have to do. But we have much looser powers of arrest and don't have to wait, and I honestly think if there were any suspects they'd have been taken in long ago. We've heard nothing.

If anyone is wondering what I mean by this here are the differences in UK and US arrest policy. Basically "reasonable suspicion" vs "probable cause". I found this article ages ago and it helped me understand better why arrests can take aaaages in US cases. Must be patient, must be patient....
Just to show Corrie's night out based on the info the family have given I did a rough timeline.

22:00 leaves home
~22:20 parks up on Robert Boby Way
~22:20-23:20 talks on phone with brother
~23:20-23:25 walks to So Bar (do we know if he met with his friends here or did he only meet up with them at Flex?)
Assume 30 minutes at So Bar
~23:55-00:00 walks to Wetherspoon
Assume 30 minutes here
00:30-00:35 walk to Flex
~01:00 asked to leave Flex (apparently his friends weren't aware he was asked to leave? Can't remember where I read this. Anyone else remember?)
~01:05 arrives at Mama Mia's

So only in Flex with the lads for 25 mins? Ì wonder why there was a disagreement and he was asked to leave..... Regards the lads not telling him where they had gone in town and he had to search few bars for them first or the fact they had left him at the base intentionally because they didn't want him around that night
Just to show Corrie's night out based on the info the family have given I did a rough timeline.

22:00 leaves home
~22:20 parks up on Robert Boby Way
~22:20-23:20 talks on phone with brother
~23:20-23:25 walks to So Bar (do we know if he met with his friends here or did he only meet up with them at Flex?)
Assume 30 minutes at So Bar
~23:55-00:00 walks to Wetherspoon
Assume 30 minutes here
00:30-00:35 walk to Flex
~01:00 asked to leave Flex (apparently his friends weren't aware he was asked to leave? Can't remember where I read this. Anyone else remember?)
~01:05 arrives at Mama Mia's

That's not a lot of drinking, wonder if it was beer or stronger?

I think if he isn't found eventually the police will release most of what they do know, if anything solid.
So only in Flex with the lads for 25 mins? Ì wonder why there was a disagreement and he was asked to leave..... Regards the lads not telling him where they had gone in town and he had to search few bars for them first or the fact they had left him at the base intentionally because they didn't want him around that night

Website FAQ says no argument
That's not a lot of drinking, wonder if it was beer or stronger?

I think if he isn't found eventually the police will release most of what they do know, if anything solid.

Nicola did say he was drinking while he sat in his car for an hour talking with his brother.

Whether beer or hard liquor, she didn't say.
If anyone is wondering what I mean by this here are the differences in UK and US arrest policy. Basically "reasonable suspicion" vs "probable cause". I found this article ages ago and it helped me understand better why arrests can take aaaages in US cases. Must be patient, must be patient....

Interesting you bring this up, CMC....I've been thinking for a while now that this case is reminding me a lot of how cases in America are conducted.

Given the potential links in this case, could it be a clue in of itself?
I still find it intriguing that a direct appeal was made personally by his mum to students at the local college. Along the lines of if anybody saw someone that made you feel uncomfortable.
Curious use of words, uncomfortable? What would make a young person feel this way. Implying that a 3am onwards it would have to be something pretty grim.

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Website FAQ says no argument

So what is reason for being asked to.leave then? He had only been drinking for an hour or so.prior to.this..... I don't buy no argument .... Nichola wants to believe and wants the public to believe Corrie is an angel (most moms do) stories have been changed time and again over the weeks

Add on that appearances can be deceptive, a person who offered Corrie a lift might not have thrown up any red flags for him.

Cagney has a story of someone who really did offer people lifts. We know there are fake taxis around. I know in my gut that there are men out there who will slow down if they see a lone girl/woman on the street and offer them a lift, and some of them are thinking of more than a lift from A to B. Corrie isn't a girl/young woman, he's a fearless young man who feels he can take care of himself and that sex attackers are after children/girls/women.

Maybe it's Corrie who's living in a different era/world, and maybe it's not so false...not every hitchhiker gets murdered, it's often the other way around, people are scared to pick up a hitchhiker so you have very little chance of getting a lift that way.

Even as a female, what if someone I loosely know offers me a lift? What goes into the decision to accept or not? Mostly it's going to boil down to how desperate I am and whether or not I get bad vibes from this person.
Just to show Corrie's night out based on the info the family have given I did a rough timeline.

22:00 leaves home
~22:20 parks up on Robert Boby Way
~22:20-23:20 talks on phone with brother
~23:20-23:25 walks to So Bar (do we know if he met with his friends here or did he only meet up with them at Flex?)
Assume 30 minutes at So Bar
~23:55-00:00 walks to Wetherspoon
Assume 30 minutes here
00:30-00:35 walk to Flex
~01:00 asked to leave Flex (apparently his friends weren't aware he was asked to leave? Can't remember where I read this. Anyone else remember?)
~01:05 arrives at Mama Mia's
Thats less than 30 minutes in Flex club. He must of been really drunk to be singled out in a busy club for behaviour. If he is angry from earlier on of being left the alcohol would have loosened him up to have a go at friends. Mind you he is in no rush to get to them earlier. There is a side to Corrie that is being well hid by the family and media.

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The "First Base" would be nice to agree upon (ish).

Or.... he left with someone from somewhere AND ended up somewhere.

Means, Motive, Opportunity
But the holes in the cheese have to line up.

I'd say this one was bang on. All in agreeance?
I think the only thing we at this point can all agree on is 'We don't know'.
We can speculate till the cows come home, the only theory I haven't seen yet is aliens abduction but as the laws of probability stand someone is before long going to come up with that when they see Suffolk appear alongside Rendlesham on google search.
I know what you mean... but I just don't accept it as an explanation.

If he "knew" a person, then yeah, okay.
But a total stranger ???

I absolutely don't buy into it. Not one bit.
It is just not "real world". And I don't care what the family say "he would do". They contradict themselves so much, I think they "have an idea" what Corrie did

So that brings us nicely to my original assumption. That he MUST have known who it was who picked him up (assuming that we've established he left by vehicle?). If that's the case, he MUST have had prior contact with them either verbally during the night OR via mobile communication (whatsapp, text, verbal call).
So that brings us nicely to my original assumption. That he MUST have known who it was who picked him up (assuming that we've established he left by vehicle?). If that's the case, he MUST have had prior contact with them either verbally during the night OR via mobile communication (whatsapp, text, verbal call).

I agree.

And as WhatsApp isn't "registered" then we'll never know.
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