UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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He appears to me in his videos that he could have ADHD rather than bi polar or depression...he's overly hyper and mix in alcohol then he could become very annoying to others, hence being asked to leave flex.
I still believe it's a tragic accident and I think he will turn up in water or under a hedge bottom eventually
Someone mentioned Travellers on the other thread. There is an unofficial (?) travellers site at the Tesco Roundabout (some early reports stated dogs may have lost Corries scent here) There is also a couple of Travellers sites at Beck Row. Just one of the little coincedences that link BSE and Beck Row (along with USAF and Bin Lorry).
The Beck Row search was said to be in an area popular with spotters and dog walkers so that narrows it down (not).
One of the family's updates said that there was no Tesco scent. They also said that CCTV from the sugar beet factory had been checked and it didn't catch Corrie walking by up there.

One of the sites in Beck Row was just like a playing field/village green, surrounded by trees and bushes. Sulsar did say they were moving the searches out from BSE and I don't think it's an unreasonable location to search for a missing person...lots are found in locations like that.

Someone mentioned Travellers on the other thread. There is an unofficial (?) travellers site at the Tesco Roundabout (some early reports stated dogs may have lost Corries scent here) There is also a couple of Travellers sites at Beck Row. Just one of the little coincedences that link BSE and Beck Row (along with USAF and Bin Lorry).
The Beck Row search was said to be in an area popular with spotters and dog walkers so that narrows it down (not).
I haven't made my mind up on Corries sexuality yet (I have put forward suggestions for why Grindr hookups could be possible but I'm not convinced either way yet) but some of the reasons people are using to say he's DEFINITELY gay or bi are getting a bit silly.

Wearing white jeans - I see many men of his age and similar appearance wearing white jeans on a night out. It's "the look". And a baby pink shirt certainly goes better with white trousers/jeans than any other colour I can think of. I dont think in 2016 we can judge a young man on what he's wearing on a night out to make assumptions about his sexuality.

His instagram - it's very possible that a young man like Corrie is simply FRIENDS with gay people. Again it's 2016. Instagram and FB have a popular 'tag for tag' or 'like for like' thing going on where people simply return tags or likes to gain more popularity and exposure for their own photos. It's very easy to pick out the handful of gay people he speaks to or has limited instagram contact with and completely ignore the masses of females he speaks to or has contact with on social media because you almost want him to be gay because being gay fits some of the theories. But I don't think you can assume he's gay because of instagram.

I am a gay female myself but have straight friends. In my closest group of friends we are made up of a straight male, straight females, and then gay males and females. So the straight male often has gay men liking his instagram photos, commenting on his facebook etc. And sometimes he jokingly flirts back. And because of his close friends he attracts attention from other gay men who happen to be friends or 'instagram followers' of his gay friends. He's definitely straight and 100% comfortable with his sexuality. One of the straight females often tags all of us in her instagram photos (so she tags lesbians despite being straight herself), it's simply because she wants us to like them. She will also send half naked selfies or flirt with others in the friendship group. Again she's 100% straight. So I really don't think you can read anything in to his instagram activity. A lot of it is for attention and massaging of the ego to be to be reassured you are good looking. I also think the captions are just mostly quotes and lyrics and nothing to read in to. It's what a lot of people do.

His earring - I don't think this means anything at all. Also remember a lot of 'selfies' are mirrored so it could be on the opposite side to the side that "means gay".
How is can anyone confirm Corrie wasn't on Grindr? A huge proportion of men on there are bi and married or already in a gay relationship - just like PC Semple was - so they NEVER put pictures of their face up on the main site, nor do they go by their real names.

I suspect having looked at Corrie's poses on Instagram and the fact he tags gay men into some of his posts - some of whom compliment him and say how cute he is etc - that Corrie is either gay or bi. I have some close gay friends and a male member of my family is gay, and Corrie DEFINITELY looks gay in his pictures. He even wears his earring in his right ear on occasions. Wearing it in your right ear is a known signal to display to other gay men that you too are gay: why would a straight man want to chance being mistaken for gay if he wasn't?

Far be it from me to cast aspersions (and with a great deal of reluctance)...I have to agree. I've suggested it before but i'm still of the opinion that if you're 'in the closet' in the military and suspicion is there, then you are still positively targeted in one way or another. It doesn't necessarily mean a physical targeting but I'd say moreover a psychological one at the very least. It does explain a lot to me. There are too many ingredients in the mix to discount it.
At one time gays weren't even allowed in the Mob due to possible black mail threats and bringing the Mob into disrepute. Now times seem to have changed.
the clothes, over compensatory masculinity (infantry), Instagram, gay hotspots where the phone may have travelled towards....things that make me go regrettably hmmmmm.
sorry if this post offends but that's the way I see it :(
The call was about an hour from 10-11. Maybe a strange time for the brother to call?..or just the first chance he had outside of Corries working hours?

Just to clear this small one up hopefully ... in the police press conference in early October, Darroch said they he and Corrie had spoken several times earlier that day (just briefly, during Darroch's breaks at work) then had a longer conversation once Darroch finished work and 'before Corrie went out' (which we now know means 'while Corrie was sitting in his parked car'). I've said before but will mention again: I don't think the length of the call is necessarily unusual. My family phonecalls are usually 30-60 minutes ... maybe it's a Scottish thing?!

Also at the press conference, Darroch said of Corrie that he's 'not a boy to make plans' and prefers just to go with whatever is happening at the time. Make of that what you will!
So he sat in the car drinking and talking to his brother, it would be interesting to know ware he got the drink from, did he take it with him from base, or stop and get it on his way, eather way I would say that the phone call was planed otherwise no reason to have the drink as he was running late and would want to meet up with his mates in the pub as soon as he got to town and wouldn't need the drink as he would not have had time to drink it,
Can we stop going on about whether Corrie is gay or not. We can't prove it either way and it really shouldn't matter.
I won't keep harping on the terrorist angle, but if in fact that was the case, he could theoretically still be alive. Instead of a ransom, terrorist abductors have certainly in the past negotiated "prisoner exchanges" with national security forces, all very covert of course. It's not out of the realm of possibility that that could be happening.
Just suppose it was terrorists, and something hapend soon after and he is dead, no use to them then so no reason to come forward, just dispose of the body and try again,
Can we stop going on about whether Corrie is gay or not. We can't prove it either way and it really shouldn't matter.

Respectfully I have to disagree. It is ABSOLUTELY important to build up the case. Yes I also agree, Corrie's sexuality should have no bearing on everyday life, people around him or us the Sleuths. But it does, as it gives us an insight into his possible intentions later that evening.
Respectfully I have to disagree. It is ABSOLUTELY important to build up the case. Yes I also agree, Corrie's sexuality should have no bearing on everyday life, people around him or us the Sleuths. But it does, as it gives us an insight into his possible intentions later that evening.

But we can only build up the case with facts. And the only fact that we have regarding his sexuality is his family being adamant that he is not gay. Anything else is pure speculation and rumour.
I haven't made my mind up on Corries sexuality yet (I have put forward suggestions for why Grindr hookups could be possible but I'm not convinced either way yet) but some of the reasons people are using to say he's DEFINITELY gay or bi are getting a bit silly.

Wearing white jeans - I see many men of his age and similar appearance wearing white jeans on a night out. It's "the look". And a baby pink shirt certainly goes better with white trousers/jeans than any other colour I can think of. I dont think in 2016 we can judge a young man on what he's wearing on a night out to make assumptions about his sexuality.

His instagram - it's very possible that a young man like Corrie is simply FRIENDS with gay people. Again it's 2016. Instagram and FB have a popular 'tag for tag' or 'like for like' thing going on where people simply return tags or likes to gain more popularity and exposure for their own photos. It's very easy to pick out the handful of gay people he speaks to or has limited instagram contact with and completely ignore the masses of females he speaks to or has contact with on social media because you almost want him to be gay because being gay fits some of the theories. But I don't think you can assume he's gay because of instagram.

I am a gay female myself but have straight friends. In my closest group of friends we are made up of a straight male, straight females, and then gay males and females. So the straight male often has gay men liking his instagram photos, commenting on his facebook etc. And sometimes he jokingly flirts back. And because of his close friends he attracts attention from other gay men who happen to be friends or 'instagram followers' of his gay friends. He's definitely straight and 100% comfortable with his sexuality. One of the straight females often tags all of us in her instagram photos (so she tags lesbians despite being straight herself), it's simply because she wants us to like them. She will also send half naked selfies or flirt with others in the friendship group. Again she's 100% straight. So I really don't think you can read anything in to his instagram activity. A lot of it is for attention and massaging of the ego to be to be reassured you are good looking. I also think the captions are just mostly quotes and lyrics and nothing to read in to. It's what a lot of people do.

His earring - I don't think this means anything at all. Also remember a lot of 'selfies' are mirrored so it could be on the opposite side to the side that "means gay".

Youve said its wrong ring for me to say he DEFINITELY looks gay, then you say he DEFINITELY looks straight. Ha.

Corrie's sexuality is irrelevant to me, BUT I do think it's something that could lead to discovering why or how he's disappeared. You can't just discount the idea that he could be gay because you don't want to believe he is. That's silly.

It's as silly as you saying his wearing the earring in his right ear could be a reflection - it's a full on face shot.

It isn't just his clothes, it's his demeanour that appears gay. And almost all those girls on his Instagram are way over the top, as though it's been done deliberately. He has hardly ANY mates on there, nor girlfriends. And the people he has communicated with and tagged are all gay men. Read into that what you will....

I've noticed that since it's been discussed of the possibility of him being gay, people have joined this group to try and quash any doubts. On Facebook they're portraying him as someone who is almost a saint and real ladies man....but like I said...if he's such a ladies man why did he never ONCE pull a girl when he went clubbing?

Its also well-known in the gay community how many will have casual hook-ups at all time she of the early hours. And it seems HIGHLY likely Corrie was hanging around for almost three hours as he'd arranged a rendezvous. If he was meeting a girl and she was working in a nightclub, say, why didn't he go there to wait for her? His whole behaviour that night was abnormal, and doesn't fir in with a typical straight male who had a date with a girl. It just doesn't.
But we can only build up the case with facts. And the only fact that we have regarding his sexuality is his family being adamant that he is not gay. Anything else is pure speculation and rumour.

Why do you find it so difficult to grasp that many young gay men CANNOT bear coming out to their families? Suicide amongst young men is the highest in all the age groups and sexes, and many of them take their lives because they are gay and can't face telling their families.

iF Corrie is gay, and if he couldn't face telling his family, then of course they're going to say he isn't.
So that brings us nicely to my original assumption. That he MUST have known who it was who picked him up (assuming that we've established he left by vehicle?). If that's the case, he MUST have had prior contact with them either verbally during the night OR via mobile communication (whatsapp, text, verbal call).

I agree that he could have known the person who picked him up but there doesn't need to have been any kind of contact during the evening, a simple accidental bumping into each other would do
I'm curious as to whether police are waiting for passers-by to view the hooded man on the police kiosk CCTV?

I find it strange that they haven't put out a local appeal in the media.

I think the hub was only there for a couple of weeks, the fact that they haven't released the footage suggests to me that they already know who it is
Confirmed he can't be found on Grindr sand he's not gay:curious. Very much a ladies man and let's be honest can you blame him. He's beautiful lol xx

I've missed this, who has confirmed he's not on there, is it a site that people use their real names for?
Why do you find it so difficult to grasp that many young gay men CANNOT bear coming out to their families? Suicide amongst young men is the highest in all the age groups and sexes, and many of them take their lives because they are gay and can't face telling their families.

iF Corrie is gay, and if he couldn't face telling his family, then of course they're going to say he isn't.

Why would you assume that I don't understand the difficulties in coming out? I said that we have to work with facts and the only fact we have is his family's statement. Whether it's correct or not isn't the point - the point is that it's the only fact we have available to us.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't think Corrie is gay. Yes, some folk might think he is but as someone else pointed out, he's a follower of the TOWIE crowd, those guys are camp, metrosexual, fashion conscious and pride themselves on their appearance. IMO Corrie is exactly the same.

Something else I wondered, it's odd we haven't heard from the bin lorry driver himself. Often in these cases the media will approach people indirectly or directly associated with the case, particularly when there's so much speculation surrounding the bin lorry itself.

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Youve said its wrong ring for me to say he DEFINITELY looks gay, then you say he DEFINITELY looks straight. Ha.

Corrie's sexuality is irrelevant to me, BUT I do think it's something that could lead to discovering why or how he's disappeared. You can't just discount the idea that he could be gay because you don't want to believe he is. That's silly.

It's as silly as you saying his wearing the earring in his right ear could be a reflection - it's a full on face shot.

It isn't just his clothes, it's his demeanour that appears gay. And almost all those girls on his Instagram are way over the top, as though it's been done deliberately. He has hardly ANY mates on there, nor girlfriends. And the people he has communicated with and tagged are all gay men. Read into that what you will....

I've noticed that since it's been discussed of the possibility of him being gay, people have joined this group to try and quash any doubts. On Facebook they're portraying him as someone who is almost a saint and real ladies man....but like I said...if he's such a ladies man why did he never ONCE pull a girl when he went clubbing?

Its also well-known in the gay community how many will have casual hook-ups at all time she of the early hours. And it seems HIGHLY likely Corrie was hanging around for almost three hours as he'd arranged a rendezvous. If he was meeting a girl and she was working in a nightclub, say, why didn't he go there to wait for her? His whole behaviour that night was abnormal, and doesn't fir in with a typical straight male who had a date with a girl. It just doesn't.

BBM - if he was meeting a guy why didn't he go to wherever the guy was and wait there?

It's not just girls who work in pubs and clubs and how do we know he never pulled a girl when he went clubbing? Was this established over night, I see that posts have been deleted and I would have missed that
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