UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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I don't discount the lone wolf "crime of opportunity" aspect, but you do make a very excellent point about threat levels not being raised on military sites.

Good observation, Goape.
The current threat level is severe - bar knowing that an attack will happen in the very near future I'm not sure where you think it could be raised to?
Taken from MI5:
[h=3]What the threat levels mean[/h][FONT=titillium_webregular]Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.[/FONT]

  • LOW means an attack is unlikely.
  • MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
  • SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is a strong possibility
  • SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
  • CRITICAL means an attack is expected imminently
The current threat level is severe - bar knowing that an attack will happen in the very near future I'm not sure where you think it could be raised to?
Taken from MI5:
What the threat levels mean

[FONT=titillium_webregular]Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.[/FONT]

  • LOW means an attack is unlikely.
  • MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
  • SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is a strong possibility
  • SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
  • CRITICAL means an attack is expected imminently

Interesting - I did not realize this. Puts it back into play in my mind.
"Cag's Theories" in no particular order:

Corrie got into the car of someone he knew, drove away and something bad happened that night. So we are looking for a method of contact and a vehicle. The police have his phone records and presumably would be able to track people down. But Whatsapp is encrypted, does this mean the police couldn't find out if Corrie sent any messages that night? And why ca't the car be traced?

Corrie either willingly or unwillingly got into the cab of the bin lorry. Willingly - cadging a lift somewhere? Mildenhall? Near the USAF base? Unwillingly - a fight, an accident? No blood (if the right vehicle was searched) and no definitive scent of Corrie.

Corrie has his wee, headed up Short B and fell in a river/ditch or got hit by a vehicle.. Wish someone would clarify whether he definitely would have been caught on camera

Corrie went into one of the flats and didn't come out alive Driven away at some point over the next couple of days, before the alarm was raised. Send cadavers up there I say.

Things that make me go hmmmmmmm - the search near Mildenhall USAF. The "Corrie often came in with his American friend" from the first Mamma Mia interview. Possible waste plant at Rougham near to where the A14 was closed and searched this week. The fact that nobody reported Corrie missing until Monday despite living with friends / colleagues / puppy. Did anyone try and contact him? Tony's insistence Corrie could NOT have left the bin area. Why not? If there were permanent cameras recording the comings and goings of the area, why have they caught nothing?

Think that's all my thoughts and ramblings for today. I have no idea what happened, but none of us do. We can speculate and pontificate for all we like but so many things could have happened. Hope this gets resolved, we're at that funny time when no new info comes out and things start naturally slowing down. Let's home we #FindCorrie before the first "bumping" post :(
It does seem strange that a whole weekend went by with nobody missing him. I have no idea what normally happens at the weekend at these places though.
I still find it intriguing that a direct appeal was made personally by his mum to students at the local college. Along the lines of if anybody saw someone that made you feel uncomfortable.

But wasn't that before the police tracked down the teenagers seen hanging around the back of the shopping centre at 4:20? I always thought she was targeting them in particular but might have my timings muddled.
It does seem strange that a whole weekend went by with nobody missing him. I have no idea what normally happens at the weekend at these places though.

I have no idea either. If he lived alone then fair enough, if he was in shared accom you'd think someone would have noticed sooner. Wonder if someone else was feeding the puppy, or whether she was found hungry and with dog mess everywhere.
But wasn't that before the police tracked down the teenagers seen hanging around the back of the shopping centre at 4:20? I always thought she was targeting them in particular but might have my timings muddled.

No, it was after. Although she may have done an early appeal (not sure), I do know she appealed to a local college long after the three youths had been found a supposedly cleared.
But if you're cruising for a pickup in a car you wouldn't go into a dead end area you'd stick to roads where you were more likely to see people and where you would be able to keep driving round rather than have to start performing vehicular manoeuvres. I've not seen anything to indicate the bin areas is a known pickup spot. If it was a gay pickup it would have to be via gindr or similar. If it was via grindr and they haven't already identified the individual then I would expect more inquiries amongst the local gay community. If Corrie was on grindr, similar or had had any exchanges on apps about gay liaisons past or planned the family and police would now be aware through interrogation of his usage (they wouldn't need his actual phone for this).

If someone's cruising, then they'll likely get turned down the first few times they offer a lift to someone, but if they get away with this offer of a lift, then they'll keep trying until they do manage to pick someone up.

I know when I was at college that I was waiting at a bus stop one afternoon and a car came by and the driver offered me a lift. I said "no" and that was it. It never occurred to me that that guy would try the same thing again and that he might not be a very nice person. But if I was a bloke like Corrie, I could have easily been silly enough to get in that car.
A lot of people out and about on a Friday evening are youngsters. I assumed this was the reason for visiting the college.
An hour and a half phone call? We need to know what was up w that call. Did he go awol, did he fall into a body of water, was he wasted? I hv questions as usual...
Interesting - I did not realize this. Puts it back into play in my mind.

Threat levels are different to warnings and operating procedures put in place. You'd expect a ban on Honnington personnel going to bars and clubs in their own in BSE for example. You'd expect to see scaling down of uniformed activities around remembrance. You would put procedures into place that would limit the possibility of it happening to anyone else asap. Even after Lee Rigby there was a lot of this and that was when the attackers were known lone wolves no longer on the loose.
I think we are getting way ahead of ourselves here.
The "First Base" would be nice to agree upon (ish).

He has been missing for 7 or 8 weeks now. The chances are he has been murdered.

So, how do "young men" get murdered ? Usually its in a fight or its suicide. So, lets rule out those possibilities.
The reason for that is, in a fight (or suicide) no one tends to move the bodies.

So we are left with..
An attack leading to murder "in Short Brackland".
Why move the body at all ?

An attack (sexual) "in Short Brackland"
Later a murder (still it doesn't sit right to me)

Or.... he left with someone from somewhere AND ended up somewhere.

Means, Motive, Opportunity
But the holes in the cheese have to line up.

I think we have some of them lining up.
An hour and a half phone call? We need to know what was up w that call. Did he go awol, did he fall into a body of water, was he wasted? I hv questions as usual...
The call was about an hour from 10-11. Maybe a strange time for the brother to call?..or just the first chance he had outside of Corries working hours?
I've always thought the "we thought he was in the other car" excuse his friends gave for leaving Corrie behind sounded *very* weak.

I question how close he really was to them. I don't think they had any involvement at all, but it may speak to his state of mind.
If someone's cruising, then they'll likely get turned down the first few times they offer a lift to someone, but if they get away with this offer of a lift, then they'll keep trying until they do manage to pick someone up.

I know when I was at college that I was waiting at a bus stop one afternoon and a car came by and the driver offered me a lift. I said "no" and that was it. It never occurred to me that that guy would try the same thing again and that he might not be a very nice person. But if I was a bloke like Corrie, I could have easily been silly enough to get in that car.

When we were at uni (mid 90's) my housemate Dave used to go into the city centre at night and pick up people to give lifts home. Nothing dodgy in it whatsoever; he had a car, nothing to do as he was skint, there were hundreds of students, taxis were pricey and hard to come by. I went with him once and did a few runs, it was a hilarious night and Dave made £60 which was a lot for a student in those days. He treated me to a curry afterwards. Not everyone's a baddie.

(you watch, Dave will be front page of the tabloids tomorrow unveiled as a mid 90's serial killer)
Scores on the doors from me:

Chain of unfortunate events starting with a busy day (week?) followed by...
missed his lift into town,
playing catch up with the boys,
becoming boistrous and anti social in the nightclub,
getting kicked out of the club,
alchol levels catching up on him,
drink and dial moments to secure lifts home from someone at 0330,
large meal to put him on and soak up the alcohol,
snooze until the lift arrives,
bin area for a pee,
inadvertantly loses phone in the bin rubbish,
walks ot of bin area down Shortbrackland to see where his lift is,
dissapearance masked by bin lorry's manoeuvring in the bin area,
enters pre arranged vehicle,
realises his phone is lost in the rubbish and the lorry has gone,
follows bin lorry towards Barton Mills,
exits vehicle at Barton Mills,
accepts defeat and joins driver at a party/function/meeting that accidentally goes wrong.

Phone location:
Recycle hub

Corries location:
Wooded area around Barton Mills/Lakenheath/Mildenhall.

Genuinely hope I'm wrong on this occasion. :(
Scores on the doors from me:

Chain of unfortunate events starting with a busy day (week?) followed by...
missed his lift into town,
playing catch up with the boys,
becoming boistrous and anti social in the nightclub,
getting kicked out of the club,
alchol levels catching up on him,
drink and dial moments to secure lifts home from someone at 0330,
large meal to put him on and soak up the alcohol,
snooze until the lift arrives,
bin area for a pee,
inadvertantly loses phone in the bin rubbish,
walks ot of bin area down Shortbrackland to see where his lift is,
dissapearance masked by bin lorry's manoeuvring in the bin area,
enters pre arranged vehicle,
realises his phone is lost in the rubbish and the lorry has gone,
follows bin lorry towards Barton Mills,
exits vehicle at Barton Mills,
accepts defeat and joins driver at a party/function/meeting that accidentally goes wrong.

Phone location:
Recycle hub

Corries location:
Wooded area around Barton Mills/Lakenheath/Mildenhall.

Genuinely hope I'm wrong on this occasion. :(

don't think he would follow bin lorry for the phone but I agree with rest of the post
AWOL for me is not an option, you can easily get out of RAF Reg if you don't want to be in. Between 2007 and 2014 there were only 7 incidences of RAF AWOL, all in 2013, these may all have been by the same individual as they are attempts not people. That means even during the days of back to back Afghan tours no-one tried it. When you can hand your notice in, get paid resettlement training etc and keep your life and contact with friends and family you simply wouldn't bother trying, you definitely wouldn't try without a passport, cash, phone, coat, drunk, at ,3:30am in BSE
I still keep thinking about Luke Durbin and whether there is a connection. Young men trying to get home alone in the early hours and suddenly vanish. Just makes me wonder.
I've always thought the "we thought he was in the other car" excuse his friends gave for leaving Corrie behind sounded *very* weak.

I question how close he really was to them. I don't think they had any involvement at all, but it may speak to his state of mind.

They're RAF Reg lovely guys and some very smart but a lot who aren't. By the time they left everyone who wasn't driving would probably already have had a fair few drinks and not be that with it. Not saying you're not right in your assumption, he could be an outsider, but this doesn't sound that weird knowing what these guys are like.
To tell you my initial theory. Corrie walked out of the loading bay to one of the main roads running around BSE. At the same time someone with 'bad' thoughts in their head is driving around, more or less aimlessly, but they see Corrie and take a fancy to him. They offer him a lift, he accepts, because it's a long way home and it'll save him the taxi fare.

This hypothetical perp lives somewhere in the Barton Mills wider area, hence going in that direction. He either takes Corrie to his home (if he lives alone) or to one of these dogging spots, or just a quiet space. Corrie's oblivious to what this person wants from him.

Something horrible happens. Then there's a body to dispose of. Where do you dispose of it? I made a triangle with BSE in one corner, Barton Mills area in another corner, and then went up to Mildenhall/Lakenheath in the north corner...because on a subconscious level this perp can't dump the body near his house, doesn't want to go back to BSE, so he's got a line along which he won't dump, thus he needs to complete his triangle. There's a lot of forested areas to the north, with Thetford Forest, and on the left of the forest are two US bases filled with hot testosterone-filled young men, who are maybe what this perp really dreams of, so subconsciously he wants to dump in that area as it's not too near BSE or his home, but it holds an attraction to him.

I still haven't fully ruled out this possibility, but maybe the pick up spot has to be the horseshoe, and I can't figure out why he'd be driving into that spot. I don't favour this so much that I'm ruling out anything else either, though. I just thought it was time to share it with everyone.

I believe most theories i've read here to be possible and of course there's nothing of substance to actually discount any of theories.

I like the way you post Amonet, the way you phrase your points just saying i'd tend to agree with most of what you say.

That said, I'm open to most theories, even the wackiest, coz in real life, however bizarre it may sound....some terribly awful fates have befallen those poor souls who are still missing and those who've been found following truly abominable acts of horror.

When I'm awake (like now) most of you are sleeping....last evening it took me hours to read through all the posts and I was too tired to post and went to bed. At home today, all morning i've been trying to catch up reading thread#3 and just as I get there, it had closed! *sigh*

Still nothing new to go on....I hope soon to see a break...even if a vehicle isn't clearly identified exiting bin area, surely the other footage will be synchronised at the same time to 'follow' it's route until it's clear to see reg etc.
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