GUILTY UK - Ellie Butler, 6, brutally murdered, Sutton, 28 Oct 2013 #2

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DNA Solves
I've been thinking about her desire to stay in hospital. Where else would she have no responsibility, be cared for and checked, given drugs to take the edge off? Maybe it was a safe place away from life, with sympathy and interest coming her way. The drama of a real illness without all the shouting?
I'd be more on edge there. Especially if I'd given a false name. They've only gotta link up on the computer. GPS ect are all interlinked. I would of gone to a refuge.

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She was ill a lot - I think it was all part of her attention seeking charade which is very common with weak characters who have personality disorders. It`s a desperate way to try and force someone to care about you. Like individuals who threaten to kill themselves if you leave them. She tried every trick in the book to keep him. And now she has him where she has always wanted him. Who will visit them in prison? No one. Only she will, when she has served her time. And I believe although he now needs her, over time he will have very conflicted feelings towards her. Because he will, in time, come to blame her (I never wanted bl..dy kids anyway) and hate her.
Thank you so much, Michelle, for your detailed updates today. I'm glad they were distressed and shocked by being found out and punished. I hope at some moment of a long, dark night they will both have an inkling of the terrible tragedy their warped relationship and vendetta has caused.
Sorry Michelle, for bombarding you with questions. I'm shattered so you must be even more. I realise I didn't pick up on any of your points, will come back to all the info you've very kindly shared with us tomorrow. It's been a long day.

Night all x
Same here gonna get me a cookie n warm milk. Just gonna answer a few qs on the other link. And I will be sleepy eyed too. Night night xx

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She was ill a lot - I think it was all part of her attention seeking charade which is very common with weak characters who have personality disorders. It`s a desperate way to try and force someone to care about you. Like individuals who threaten to kill themselves if you leave them. She tried every trick in the book to keep him. And now she has him where she has always wanted him. Who will visit them in prison? No one. Only she will, when she has served her time. And I believe although he now needs her, over time he will have very conflicted feelings towards her. Because he will, in time, come to blame her (I never wanted bl..dy kids anyway) and hate her.

I agree with you. I think he'll drop her like a hot cake, only needed her to support his case.
Thank you to EVERYONE for their brilliant posting. I find things a bit frantic on just a fone. But hey ho. That's how I roll. I will say night night now. Just in case I pass out. I'm not a regular poster on the other case. Just a lurker. As it's so bizarre. X

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Security was upped slightly - the usual one (woman) in the dock but today two extra beefy men also. No, he wasn`t handcuffed and he didn`t make any aggressive moves. It really was quite tame, despite a few callings out. They were well and truly wrecked. Lots of emotion/shock/defeat on their part. Nothing like what we have witnessed on many occasions throughout the trial. There was none of that today - not even a swear word!
Found guilty....being told that not only mother had died months ago but that the information had been deliberately withheld from her......23 years/42 months`s a lot to take in. And of course she lost her dead, one in care...oh wait.....that part doesn`t really matter.
I have just looked for it and found an article referencing it, although I hadn't seen mention of it in the thread today. Thanks jog.

[FONT="][ start quote] The [URL=""]Ellie Butler murder trial[/URL] almost collapsed when a video of police interviewing her younger sibling was leaked online.[/FONT]
[FONT="]It emerged on Youtube at a critical moment - the day after the [URL=""]jury[/URL] retired at the end of seven weeks of evidence.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The video had not been shown during the trial in a bid to shield the vulnerable child from more harm.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#2C2C2C][FONT="]But in the online post, the youngster, who is now in care, was clearly identified, in breach of judge's strict orders in the High Court and the Old Bailey.[/FONT]

[FONT="]In the heavily edited clip, it was claimed that the child backed up Butler's story about Ellie dying in an accidental fall while jumping up and down with Peppa Pig on the television.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#2C2C2C][FONT="]The video had been viewed more than 200 times and had been posted on Twitter by a recently signed-up user with 17 followers before it was removed.[end quote][/FONT]

There's quite a few (maybe 50) tweets still available which include the (dead) link. I assume I can't link to the accounts as they aren't MSM? What am I allowed to post to give a hint of where they are?
There's quite a few (maybe 50) tweets still available which include the (dead) link. I assume I can't link to the accounts as they aren't MSM? What am I allowed to post to give a hint of where they are?
If it's tweets it's for public view. The case has ended. So I don't see an issue.

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Pleasure. I hope it was of some interest. Some of the stuff that others have sourced/posted has been truly amazing. A fantastic joint effort by everyone. Thank you all so much
.Michelle xx
Pleasure. I hope it was of some interest. Some of the stuff that others have sourced/posted has been truly amazing. A fantastic joint effort by everyone. Thank you all so much
.Michelle xx
And it seems we did right on bringing that video to the attention of the Met and Prosecution.. thanks again Michelle. We can all sleep zap lil sounder tonight.

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Hoping this is ok to post as it's been discussed in MSM.

This is the now dead link that included the evidence

Now if you search for this on twitter, there are two new accounts who were constantly posting the link over the weekend, ending on the 17th. One of the accounts 'MS' on twitter claims to be a law student who has been watching the case from the gallery. Funny then isn't it, that somebody with the same name 'MS' posted the video on youtube as well.

The writing style of the two accounts is incredibly similar. has also clicked that the two accounts maybe the same person.

Is this something that needs to be reported to the MET or whoever?

EDIT: I've purposely broken the YT link as it still gives an identifying photo in the preview
just woken up ! Before I go back to bed, I imagine JHoggs's bad judgment will be back up on Bailli soon, here are some highlights as rep restrictions are now down.

Questions will now be asked about whether Hogg overstepped her powers in a family court by declaring Butler “exonerated” and ordering Sutton council to formally notify all agencies involved in Ellie’s care of this.

In hindsight, Hogg’s 88-page judgment is an extraordinary catalogue of missed opportunities. The contents of her findings, which can be reported for the first time, reveal:

Hogg knew of Butler’s violent past and his criminal convictions but judged him to be a “thoughtful, reflective person”.
She dismissed the account of a doctor who was concerned about aggression and bullying of Gray by Butler. Dr Haswell said he saw “the parents arguing, the father poking the mother in the chest and forehead and being aggressive”. Hogg judged he had “misinterpreted” the scene, noting the medic was a “young, well meaning, but inexperienced and very junior doctor”.
She dismissed concerns that Ellie had been brought to hospital at seven weeks old with evidence of historic burns to her forehead and hand. Butler had said the baby had rolled over and hit an electric heater.
She ruled Butler’s relationship with Sutton council was “doomed to failure” and agreed to appoint a private firm, Services for Children, to assess him and Gray.
Hogg also heard a heart-felt plea from Ellie’s grandfather, who warned her she would have “blood on her hands” if Butler regained custody.
On 12 October 2012, the court order was made stating that Ellie should be returned to her parents. Hogg said that the transition should be completed by Christmas. Services For Children, the assessors, decided to expedite Ellie’s return so that it was completed by 9 November 2012. They told her grandparents that they could not say goodbye to Ellie.
And it seems we did right on bringing that video to the attention of the Met and Prosecution.. thanks again Michelle. We can all sleep zap lil sounder tonight.

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So a WSer contacted the Met about this infringement? I didn't know this!
So a WSer contacted the Met about this infringement? I didn't know this!
Yeah. Well I said that the video could scupper the case and it should be reported. It was obvious that it was an intentional post. On the day the Jury went out of all times.

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Yeah. Well I said that the video could scupper the case and it should be reported. It was obvious that it was an intentional post. On the day the Jury went out of all times.

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Pmd you x

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Ah had to run out to sports day then local festival sports just before sentencing was in. Something which ellies grandparents should have been doing with her.

Im so glad about his sentence, but hers makes me feel really bitter. I hope the pair of them suffer at the hands of others.

Now to get caught up on all the posts ive missed, thank god my body clock thinks 4am is a good time to get up

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