UK - Gaia Pope, 19, found deceased, Swanage, Dorset, 7 Nov 2017 #2

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Ok my thoughts.

I am not considering hypothermia. If RD's accounts are true it is more likely she was in a psychotic break- add meds, or lack of, add the stress, add the severe anxiety- she stripped off in the house- ran quite a distance again- stripped again- disoriented and confused and slippery, dark, muddy conditions...

Suicide no. Death by misadventure.

However certain things stick in my mind:

3 arrested on suspicion of murder- not 'taken in for questioning' or 'helping police with their enquiries'

3 released under investigation- not cleared

property being a 'crime scene' and pretty much ripped apart, car taken away, phones taken away

PE isn't acting as you would imagine when he would normally be home every evening caring for his mother and he was estranged from GE for years and then staying with him though that at the same time, not unbelieveable.

AND then add the house being free for the family to go back to again- not preserved as a crime scene for longer.

So yeah I am on the fence AGAIN.

Anyone local know if the police are still on the site and if she has been removed from the area?

Poor Gaia- poor family. A horrible ending.
We usually get PM completed within 24-48 hours (depending on the day of the week they come in to the office). This usually provides us with a COD. Where natural causes are not evident, we will wait for tox report to come in before relating any findings to the family. This can take up to a few weeks (a couple of weeks for us to receive the report, and another week for us to assess this information against the other evidence we have) before we discuss with family. We will try and hold off for another few days before any of this goes public, out of respect for the family. Where suicide is suspected, the family often choose for the info to never become public, however we can't prevent this from becoming public knowledge on the coroner's website, should anyone wish to search for it
If someone is at a stage of Hypothermia where they're taking off their clothing, they're more often than not also doing something referred to as 'Terminal Burrowing' - squeezing and burrowing themselves into a tight space ...

The fact that the Dinch/Elseys have all been so far released uncharged and Rosemary home released back to her, I could possibly accept that they aren't connected to her death but ...

There's just something not right ...
The statistics of dying in this manner due to an epileptic episode are very slim, especially given the information surrounding state of mind in the hours before her disappearance
I’d have said it was much higher risk than slim, she had severe deteriorating epilepsy, daily seizures ON meds. Stress, overheating, exertion can all trigger seizures. Raises in body temp can be indicative of, or part of seizure activity.

The cousin said she’d frequently had large seizures requiring paramedics - Which indicates instances of 10mins or more continuous or cluster seizure activity. A big seizure with no assistance, no rescue meds while unclothed in cold weather .. she’d be very vulnerable medically.
We usually get PM completed within 24-48 hours (depending on the day of the week they come in to the office). This usually provides us with a COD. Where natural causes are not evident, we will wait for tox report to come in before relating any findings to the family. This can take up to a few weeks (a couple of weeks for us to receive the report, and another week for us to assess this information against the other evidence we have) before we discuss with family. We will try and hold off for another few days before any of this goes public, out of respect for the family. Where suicide is suspected, the family often choose for the info to never become public, however we can't prevent this from becoming public knowledge on the coroner's website, should anyone wish to search for it

When you say "we", Lucy, do you work for the police / coroner?
Although I'm not working on this case, so am only party to the same msm information as everyone else, due to my training there are 2 glaring factors which would 'make me want to investigate further'.

1. RD's mention of herself in her interview. "We haven't had a proper family meal, and that's not good for me" Projecting sympathetic focus towards herself

2. The fact that PE 'went missing' in the week after Gaia was last seen alive. Always a red flag to an investigator, when someone close to the case goes missing, although I acknowledge his reason is that he was performing maintenance on one of his properties in another county. (My family could still contact me even if I was in another country, let alone county.....just sayin)
I'm really not sure about hypothermia right now. I still remember the Adrian Lynch case where the lead detective was insistent his behavior indicated such. I thought a bad E tablet or other similar drug caused a bad trip was more likely. Sadly we'll never now know...

I think we now wait and hope a COD is established. Also time of death could also tell us something?
I’d have said it was much higher risk than slim, she had severe deteriorating epilepsy, daily seizures ON meds. Stress, overheating, exertion can all trigger seizures. Raises in body temp can be indicative of, or part of seizure activity.

The cousin said she’d frequently had large seizures requiring paramedics - Which indicates instances of 10mins or more continuous or cluster seizure activity. A big seizure with no assistance, no rescue meds while unclothed in cold weather .. she’d be very vulnerable medically.

You make a very plausible case for that you could very well be right sleeps. As I say, my medical training doesn't extend to any of these factors, owing to the lack of exposure to these situations by people who have epilepsy
Apologies CMC, for the police

Lucy- do the 3 arrested have no charges against them so far right? Would they be under investigation indefinitely or do they need to be announced as cleared at some point?
I'm inclined now to think this isn't a murder case but a misunderstood medical emergency. Clonidine can be prescribed to treat PTSD and anxiety and can cause hypothermia, which can lead to paradoxical undressing and terminal burrowing behaviour. Alternately, brain tumours can cause epilepsy and also interfere with thermoregulation, causing hypothermia.
Thread #1 :)

Hypothermia would cause you to remove your clothes.

I'm really not sure about hypothermia right now. I still remember the Adrian Lynch case where the lead detective was insistent his behavior indicated such. I thought

Lucy- do the 3 arrested have no charges against them so far right? Would they be under investigation indefinitely or do they need to be announced as cleared at some point?

It is impossible to say. I am not working within their jurisdiction. If I were, I wouldn't be posting here! 😉 It is very unusual to make an arrest at such an early stage, particularly without a body or good reason for the missing person to be considered deceased. Whether the quick discovery of Gaia was related in any way to the arrests....again I wouldn't be party to knowing. Where the investigation goes from here would be dictated by the information Gaia provides
I'm inclined now to think this isn't a murder case but a misunderstood medical emergency. Clonidine can be prescribed to treat PTSD and anxiety and can cause hypothermia, which can lead to paradoxical undressing and terminal burrowing behaviour. Alternately, brain tumours can cause epilepsy and also interfere with thermoregulation, causing hypothermia.

I would say if they were going to give her anything for the PTSD and anxiety, on top of whichever meds she would be taking for the epilepsy, that Valium or Diazepam would be the one most gp's would prescribe.
I'm really not sure about hypothermia right now. I still remember the Adrian Lynch case where the lead detective was insistent his behavior indicated such. I thought

It is impossible to say. I am not working within their jurisdiction. If I were, I wouldn't be posting here! �� It is very unusual to make an arrest at such an early stage, particularly without a body or good reason for the missing person to be considered deceased. Whether the quick discovery of Gaia was related in any way to the arrests....again I wouldn't be party to knowing. Where the investigation goes from here would be dictated by the information Gaia provides

Sorry- I am being thick lol- what I mean is do the police have to come out at some point and say they are cleared? Or no longer under investigation? Or, for instance, if this was ruled as accidental death, can the police say nothing at all and we just presume they are not under investigation anymore.
I haven’t been able to fully catch up but did they manage to identify the person by the car on the next get Gaia went missing?
It seemed to be very close to the fields where her clothes were found.

I also noted that in one Instagram photo, there was a lovely photo of Gaia on a picnic blanket taken in a very similar area to where the police searched. Just made me wonder if it was a place she would go to think or something, at the same age if I was upset I often walked along a beach, always sat on the same rock.

Can’t help wishing the big search was done sooner, with a chance of finding her alive. I imagine questions will be asked and the police may well end up referring it for review.

I’m late in the day but was involved in a similar search years ago and the last person to see the Missing person (later found deceased) was also immediately arrested on suspicion of murder, I was stunned at this but remember the police telling me it was procedure, especially if there was something questionable in the early stages.
This person was then bailed until their alibi/statement was checked out. Even now 20years later the death was left as an open verdict as they couldn’t be sure it was suicide and couldn’t rule out foul play. But didn’t have enough evidence for murder!

I pray that Gaia’s family get some closure on this as it would be unbearable to live with. MOO

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I would say if they were going to give her anything for the PTSD and anxiety, on top of whichever meds she would be taking for the epilepsy, that Valium or Diazepam would be the one most gp's would prescribe.

Isn't diazepam also the medication prescribed for epilepsy?
Something weird is happening with the quotes and I'm not sure if users are replying to me or not!?

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