GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #11

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This is what I struggle with, the why, then, or ever. He had the perfect life given his malingering, a wonderful lady that accepted it, a secure, seemingly happy future for him and his boys, so why did he not let this continue?

We all know now it was about money and I can only think that the reason we struggle with his motive is because we cannot think in the same way he does, the same way that he, obviously a psychopath/sociopath does not think in the same way that we do.

I still struggle, I just wish he would confess......,but it would still be all lies.

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Sadly I think it's as simple as he just didn't want her around, she was an inconvenience, wanted to spend money he thought was rightly his on silly things like engagement rings and weddings, doted on a dog he couldn't stand, and it was just all too much hassle for him.

Regarding the part I put in bold, I genuinely think that if he was told that if he confessed and told the truth they'd half his sentence (or something along those lines), he would still insist it was Jo and Nick - he's just too arrogant and deluded to admit the truth.

Whilst the board is quiet - can I make a confession, ridiculous as it may sound!
When I was teaching in a classroom, I, like most teachers, would give out a few stickers to children each lesson for good work/effort etc. However, I then became consumed with guilt and worry about the stickers that I *hadn`t * given out (bear with me lol). I would feel really bad about all the other children who hadn`t been given stickers that lesson, even though all of them had also worked really hard. So I then spent a few weeks giving out stickers to more or less every child for every lesson! Although that stopped the guilt and worry on my part, it also ended up in them missing most of their break-times/lunch play times, because of the time it took! So in the end I stopped giving out stickers altogether (explaining why), and instead would generally praise the children as a class!
Not that I`m comparing the amazing people on here with a class of 6 year olds in any way (honestly!), but I felt the same kind of guilt in pressing the "thanks" button on here. It would seem to me that the ones I didn`t "thank", meant that they weren`t appreciated, (I did warn you this would be a ridiculous confession :thinking: ) and so I would end up just pressing the thanks button for every post which seemed a bit pointless!
So - to every poster - every amazing, wonderful poster on here - I just want to say a HUGE thanks to you ALL! Each compassionate person, each viewpoint, each link, each piece of evidence, each sharing of thoughts, has made this the wonderful board that it is. A fantastic group of people, each with their own diverse and insightful contributions.
A truly shared, hand holding journey.
Much love
Michelle x

Whilst the board is quiet - can I make a confession, ridiculous as it may sound!
When I was teaching in a classroom, I, like most teachers, would give out a few stickers to children each lesson for good work/effort etc. However, I then became consumed with guilt and worry about the stickers that I *hadn`t * given out (bear with me lol). I would feel really bad about all the other children who hadn`t been given stickers that lesson, even though all of them had also worked really hard. So I then spent a few weeks giving out stickers to more or less every child for every lesson! Although that stopped the guilt and worry on my part, it also ended up in them missing most of their break-times/lunch play times, because of the time it took! So in the end I stopped giving out stickers altogether (explaining why), and instead would generally praise the children as a class!
Not that I`m comparing the amazing people on here with a class of 6 year olds in any way (honestly!), but I felt the same kind of guilt in pressing the "thanks" button on here. It would seem to me that the ones I didn`t "thank", meant that they weren`t appreciated, (I did warn you this would be a ridiculous confession :thinking: ) and so I would end up just pressing the thanks button for every post which seemed a bit pointless!
So - to every poster - every amazing, wonderful poster on here - I just want to say a HUGE thanks to you ALL! Each compassionate person, each viewpoint, each link, each piece of evidence, each sharing of thoughts, has made this the wonderful board that it is. A fantastic group of people, each with their own diverse and insightful contributions.
A truly shared, hand holding journey.
Much love
Michelle x

Haha, Michelle that is so funny - and very sweet :loveyou:

Just left with sadness for Helen and Boris and don't want to even imagine how her family and the boys, too, are going to be able to rebuild their shattered lives.
Was putting myself in the boys shoes, I know it seems that they have shunned him for the time being, anyway, but they should demand and force him to tell them the truth threatening to totally disown him - he needs their support or someone's more so than ever now.
But frankly I don't care if he literally rots away in prison.
I still wish the investigation had searched that garage more thoroughly from the outset, and forcibly moved vehicles around. That they had sought records from land agents and sewage firms and not pussy-footed round IS in his lord-of-the-manor role. That neighbours with knowledge/ land agents/ former owner- had been more intrusive about what had been searched. The indignity to Helen was compounded by that delay in recovering her - and evidence was lost. I was astonished that the judge commended the team, as I thought they would have voluntarily referred themselves to IPCC for "lessons learned" / change in law. Also why no legal powers to disrupt IS by seizing his phone and ALL the computer equipment. Difficult for general public to take missing persons report on trust any more. Anybody genuine would volunteer their phone to assist an investigation. Could they not have taken it apart in his presence, given him a new handset /same SIM? Smartphones are computers now - who knows what he researched by that means under multiple false IDs? Helen got justice by a thread and by a non-credible pantomime act in court by her murderer (his final insult, because yes I do think he hated her- he will have read her private blogs, messages and emails while she was drugged). It took too long to move in on him. How can we stop these charades from re-occurring?

D'you think they should've consulted an astrologer as well?
Totally agree with you. I just looked at the picture and saw little boris next to Helen and my heart sank. Really sank.
Wow - yes we do learn something every day on WS. I am left handed and haven't ever heard the description of 'south paw'. (Also a Leo like Helen). Would love to know other Star signs of you all.
I've heard of south paw but I describe myself as corrie fisted, don't know if that's maybe a Highland term
(sorry if this seems out of kilter....still trying to catch up.)
D'you think they should've consulted an astrologer as well?

I interpreted her post as simply voicing her frustrations. I'm sure many of us are not fully aware of what the procedures are which the police have to follow.
Thank you to all posters for an informed and interesting discussion about this case. The important thing is that the murderer was brought to justice and Helen will, in time, be remembered for her creative output and not as his victim. Appreciate the constraints when investigating - and stretched resources. Well done all.
Tribute to Helen.

Wakening to hear your voice on Woman's hour,
discovering we shared friends,
your voice giving such delicate strength to loss.

Your book on the beside table,
believing it possible that you would take time as a writer and grieving widow in Broadstairs.
Until, you were not in touch with your brother.

The darkest period of humanity. Love and envy become married. You didn't know this, no one could. I believe you found happiness. And you did, Helen - YOU created happiness, you gave everything in love and generosity within your home and future of your new family.

You are a teacher, a writer of truth. You've affected so many lives in your wit through vulnerability.
I want to hold all that you have in memory of you. Your love of your Snowdrop mug - and Hydrangeas. And the blog you wished to create including the corner of special 'belongings' around you. Your memory remains

This is true - and we all have our home factors giving us an anchor.

I only wish darling Helen that you could have contained yours against an evil force.

You shall not ever, ever be forgotten beyond the love of your family and friends.
Just posting this link from the DM
Just posting this link from the DM

It's almost like they have been reading here!

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It's almost like they have been reading here!

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They no doubt have!

I wonder if this relative is too:

"A relative of Mrs Stewart, who asked not to be identified, said: ‘I’m conducting my own investigation. I don’t know about the time she had Oliver in relation to epilepsy, but as far as I’m concerned the only time I heard epilepsy mentioned in relation to Diane was when she died of it.’"
I think for him to be the only person in the house with someone, twice in six years, that both times resulted in death, stands out.
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