GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #4

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“She [Helen] said they [Oliver S and girlfriend] didn’t have any respect for her or Stewart."

Like I said before about the sons and her.
Friend said Helen Bailey was 'upbeat and chipper'

“She was a very upbeat and chipper person. There were times she would be anxious, then she would joke about it and be OK. “She was confident and always knew her own mind. However at one time in London she was driving a Lotus car and a cyclist drove into her and went over the bonnet. “She said she’d had enough of driving. “At Easter 2016 she said her and Stewart were getting married and I needed to keep September 24 free. “She was talking how Stewart recovered well, after being so unwell at hospital. “On April 6, 2016, Helen was telling me Stewart had been bleeding on the bed sheets at night but he had antibiotics and was now OK. “She didn’t appear to be concerned or worried. “On April 10 she was texting me, we were discussing Oliver’s girlfriend who she thought was rude. “When she had made a Sunday dinner, the grandparents had visited and made arrangements to meet her. Oliver and his girlfriend would just go upstairs. “She said they didn’t have any respect for her or Stewart. She found Oliver’s girlfriend slightly controlling of him. “I would say communication with Helen and I was as it normally is. She didn’t appear to be too over the top or holding back, or less herself. “There was nothing that alarmed me.

Ah there's always a grain of truth. So he had had some bleeding into the sheets before April 4th.

Thoughts on Oliver's girlfriend are also interesting and she had picked up on the fact that Helen looked peed off last time she was there too. She was right,lol.
Yes,but this one came first and then he evidently thought it worth repeating with elaboration. I see the Press Association story this morning highlighted this, as reported in the Guardian. It just is strikingly peculiar. In fact at this point it looks like 'you promised me more money'![/QUOTE]

That's funny ...... really he's expressing disappointment about the limits of his POA and he can't even sort stuff over the phone with a travel agent due to data protection.
Author would have been 'mortified' by fuss

“I’ve never known Helen to just disappear like she has now, without telling anyone where she is. “I was concerned she hadn’t contacted Tracey, another friend of hers. “I sent her a text and rang her twice, but I had no answer. Calls were going straight to voicemail. “For Helen to completely ignore communication was strange. On April 13 Tracey informed me she’d been in touch with Stewart and John Bailey - and she was aware that Helen had left a note asking not to contact her. “This was completely out of character, she would be mortified about all the fuss she would have caused.”
Helen Bailey adored pet dog

“She adored Boris her dog, she spoilt him, he means a lot to her. “I can’t give any places where Helen might have gone. “There was no indication that Helen was distraught in her personal or business life. There was nothing she appeared anxious about, she appeared her normal self. “She was not someone who would hide her problems from me, I feel she would tell me anything. “Helen and I discussed her finances at one point, she said she bought her house in Royston and that Stewart sold his house and added his money to it.”
I thought it weighed less than this 7 kg ? Sorry if I'm wrong, just so confused about these last 'agreed facts' - router/savings etc.

Agree. I'm sure the evidence said 7.5 kilos - it was a question that the Jury asked, way back at the beginning
But he didn't report her 'missing' till 15th, did he?

Ah yes good point lol. Could he have drove down to Broadstairs and back on the 15th before reporting her missing then gone back the next day too.
Friend said Helen Bailey was 'upbeat and chipper'

“She was a very upbeat and chipper person. There were times she would be anxious, then she would joke about it and be OK. “She was confident and always knew her own mind. However at one time in London she was driving a Lotus car and a cyclist drove into her and went over the bonnet. “She said she’d had enough of driving. “At Easter 2016 she said her and Stewart were getting married and I needed to keep September 24 free. “She was talking how Stewart recovered well, after being so unwell at hospital. “On April 6, 2016, Helen was telling me Stewart had been bleeding on the bed sheets at night but he had antibiotics and was now OK. “She didn’t appear to be concerned or worried. “On April 10 she was texting me, we were discussing Oliver’s girlfriend who she thought was rude. “When she had made a Sunday dinner, the grandparents had visited and made arrangements to meet her. Oliver and his girlfriend would just go upstairs. “She said they didn’t have any respect for her or Stewart. She found Oliver’s girlfriend slightly controlling of him. “I would say communication with Helen and I was as it normally is. She didn’t appear to be too over the top or holding back, or less herself. “There was nothing that alarmed me.

Ah...the convenient don't want to drive again story - stored away for future use
Friend offered Helen Bailey advice

The final statement is from Margaret Mason, another friend of Helen’s. She co-founded a group on Facebook which was designed for people further along in the grieving process. “It was during interaction in internet bereavement sites that i formed a friendship with Helen. “We’ve never met in person. I told Helen if she ever wanted advice she only had to ask. “I was aware Helen had met Stewart online, on a bereavement site. “On March 18 2016, I was aware that Stewart’s rescheduled surgery and gone ahead, I asked how it went and helen replied on March 20. “She said things hadn’t gone well and Stewart was in intensive care.”
Author was concerned about becoming a widow again

“On April 5 a post on Facebook stated that they were out celebrating as Ian had been given the all clear. The post finished: ‘now let’s start this year again’ “On April 17 I became aware that Helen was missing. I was shocked and surprised. “I recall Helen telling me she was concerned about becoming a widow again.”
Ah yes good point lol. Could he have drove down to Broadstairs and back on the 15th before reporting her missing then gone back the next day too.

It was a terraced cottage. If he had driven down I am sure the neighbours would have seen him. I feel he already had the Broadstairs Router at home and took it with him in order to create a false link from Helen's phone. The police did not find the router in Broadstairs but found it on search the Royston house.
IS operates at the sub Heath Robinson level. My older son is a software engineer and is at a Cambridge University spin off, working simultaneously with three screens . He would never describe himself as an expert despite working with PhD plus, highly experienced colleagues from all over the globe. From the little I have seen and heard he works at a totally different level from what I've heard of IS's Bodger and Badger efforts. A bit like 1970s B Tec thinking is the impression I get.

I also fiddle about with web sites, host a couple of small business sites for friends who can't justify proper designer costs, run a few blogs for myself. I can create a far better looking site than anything I've see connected to IS. I can build a computer from scratch. I can set up a network from scratch. I haven't seen any evidence yet that IS is more capable than I am. And I'd never in a million years suggest I was any kind of expert. I am definitely a bodger and badger!
Helen Bailey commented on running away

“On April 20 I contacted Hertfordshire police as I wanted to tell them of comments made by Helen in 2014, which showed how upset she was at home caused by Stewart’s son Oliver. “On March 2, 2016, Helen sent me a private message describing problems she was having. “She finished the post saying ‘shall we all just run away, change our names and start again?’ That’s the end of the statement.
The tension waiting for him to come on arghhhhhhhh.......[emoji37]

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Let's bear in mind that we are reading reporters' notes which are being scribbled down (so to speak) at speed. There are bound to be some typos and inaccuracies.
Author was concerned about becoming a widow again

“On April 5 a post on Facebook stated that they were out celebrating as Ian had been given the all clear. The post finished: ‘now let’s start this year again’ “On April 17 I became aware that Helen was missing. I was shocked and surprised. “I recall Helen telling me she was concerned about becoming a widow again.”

So that confirms the lunch - it was on the Tuesday April 5
So this implies that the manhole cover was hidden all the time - first by the bmw and then by Helen's Jeep

On XX Oliver admitted that Helen’s Jeep hadn’t been put into the garage until after April 15, 2016.

He confirmed that at the time police first attended the Royston house, there was nothing covering up that manhole cover (to the cesspit) in the garage.

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