GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #4

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Hold on are they saying the bank info was changed at broadstsirs when IS WASNT there??? Totally confused. These details are getting totally muddled up

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No it just means he tried to set it up on 11th and it was due to start going out of the account on May 1st. When you set up a standing order online it asks what day you want it to start.

He sent a text while driving to Broadstairs on Saturday the 16th.
Unrelated fraud attempt

On April 28 police completed a wifi survey at the Broadstairs house. Five wifi readings were taken. On May 18 devices were recovered from the Baldock Road house in Royston. Police arrived at 11.15am and were let in by Stewart. There was unsuccessful attempted access to the Paypal account of Helen Bailey in April. This is likely to be an unrelated fraud attempt. In another attempt, the IP address relates to an address with O2, it is not the Baldock Road address. Helen Bailey’s phone and Stewart’s phones were not on the 02 network.
Oh I am chuckling now does this mean, as Interested Bystander said just before, that the Broadstairs router was not kept at Broadstairs permanently.

So he does all his bank account fiddling on April 11 and 15 - in Royston, but using the Broadstairs router - which he thinks won't be linked to him.

Then on April 16, he goes down to Broadstairs, taking the router with him, to leave in Broadstairs - and Helen's phone of course.
He plugs in the router, and Helen's phone then connects to the wifi !! ha ha .........if that's the case, what a total idiot
It's the attempts on April 15th that used the Broadstairs IP. So that must be when he was down in Broadstairs.

police at royston night of 15th . eg.

Goodyear:She admitted that she got the date of the day she visited the house in Royston wrong in her notebook - she had written Friday April 14.
The actual date she visited the house was Friday, April 15.She said she got to the Royston house at 7.40pm

looks like 7.40 - 9.30 cops arrive, interview and search, then leave
cop Woodhouse also there.
Stewart had savings of more than £17,000

Helen Bailey’s iPhone and her debit cards have never been found. All cards found at the Royston address examined, no forensic material found including blood or DNA etc. The lid to the cess pit cover weighed 13.7kg. Stewart had savings of £17,263.
Emboldened by fellow lurkers revealing themselves today, I also thought I'd create an account and join the discussion. Having gone back and read the original thread from when Helen & Boris first went missing, I'm impressed at the WebSleuthers who suspected IS way back then. I have to admit, when IS was first arrested my first thought was that he must be covering for one of his sons but as we've been drip fed more and more evidence, my gast is flabbered at the audacity and idiocy of this 'human'.

I really hope the pros rip any defence arguments to shreds and there is nothing to imply that anything other than the right verdict will be reached. Kudos to the WebSleuther who tested the zoplicone in tea and thanks to whomever posted about 'snot bubbles' as that proper cracked me up.

I've read Helen's Electra Brown books (my excuse is having a 14 year old sister) as well as the Bikini book and it's fascinating how much a writer has captured people's hearts so strongly after her tragic demise.

I've been reluctant to join as I feel I have little to add in terms of 'sleuthing' or analysis. I don't know how to snip things yet but I just saw that her debit cards were never found - wonder if they also got disposed of on the Palma jolly
Stewart suffered injury

On July 20, an officer came across Stewart on his hands and knees on the landing with prisoners around him. Stewart said he had slipped and had an injury to his head. He said he had received a hit from behind but he did not see what had happened. He was relocated to another cell. He had slight bruising to the right ear, left shoulder and left knee.
agreed. just trying to work this out, as cops were at Royston 7pm ish to 9.3o on 15th AFAIK and IS says via text to John B that he's on his way there on Saturday, not Friday!

will check later.

Looks like he ... or someone else was there a day earlier. Strange
Oh I am chuckling now does this mean, as someone said just before, that the Broadstairs router was not kept at Broadstairs permanently.

So he does all his bank account fiddling on April 11 and 15 - in Royston, but using the Broadstairs router - which he thinks won't be linked to him.

Then on April 16, he goes down to Broadstairs, taking the router with him, to leave in Broadstairs - and Helen's phone of course.
He plugs in the router, and Helen's phone then connects to the wifi !! ha ha .........if that's the case, what a total idiot

he can't manage anything without IT support on call! ;)
Oh I am chuckling now does this mean, as someone said just before, that the Broadstairs router was not kept at Broadstairs permanently.

So he does all his bank account fiddling on April 11 and 15 - in Royston, but using the Broadstairs router - which he thinks won't be linked to him.

Then on April 16, he goes down to Broadstairs, taking the router with him, to leave in Broadstairs - and Helen's phone of course.
He plugs in the router, and Helen's phone then connects to the wifi !! ha ha .........if that's the case, what a total idiot

I thought IP address was where the location was and not the router. So it would change if he moved it to another location...

This is all getting very confusing

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Agreed facts now complete

Helen Bailey’s phone was initially on the Orange mobile network, from May 2011. It was an iphone 4s. That’s the end of the agreed facts.
Stewart suffered injury

On July 20, an officer came across Stewart on his hands and knees on the landing with prisoners around him. Stewart said he had slipped and had an injury to his head. He said he had received a hit from behind but he did not see what had happened. He was relocated to another cell. He had slight bruising to the right ear, left shoulder and left knee.

Ah, poor love took a beating...

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Stewart had savings of more than £17,000

Helen Bailey’s iPhone and her debit cards have never been found. All cards found at the Royston address examined, no forensic material found including blood or DNA etc. The lid to the cess pit cover weighed 13.7kg. Stewart had savings of £17,263.

Wtf happened to the 160k he was supposed to have? This evidence is getting ridiculous now

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No, they have him on cctv filling up with petrol and also arriving on 16th.

Hmm then either the polices router info has the day wrong or somebody else was already at broadstairs on the 15th, trying to log in to Helen's bank account on her computer.
Interesting that the Broadstairs router was used for the log ins to her account. He/they must have brought the router back at some stage. Maybe they didn't leave it down there all the time; perhaps taking it with them when they visited.

Was this part of a set-up by IS to throw the police off the scent?

Ha, just looked back and found it was your suggestion IB. Think that's very possible,
Emboldened by fellow lurkers revealing themselves today, I also thought I'd create an account and join the discussion. Having gone back and read the original thread from when Helen & Boris first went missing, I'm impressed at the WebSleuthers who suspected IS way back then. I have to admit, when IS was first arrested my first thought was that he must be covering for one of his sons but as we've been drip fed more and more evidence, my gast is flabbered at the audacity and idiocy of this 'human'.

I really hope the pros rip any defence arguments to shreds and there is nothing to imply that anything other than the right verdict will be reached. Kudos to the WebSleuther who tested the zoplicone in tea and thanks to whomever posted about 'snot bubbles' as that proper cracked me up.

I've read Helen's Electra Brown books (my excuse is having a 14 year old sister) as well as the Bikini book and it's fascinating how much a writer has captured people's hearts so strongly after her tragic demise.

I've been reluctant to join as I feel I have little to add in terms of 'sleuthing' or analysis. I don't know how to snip things yet but I just saw that her debit cards were never found - wonder if they also got disposed of on the Palma jolly

Ian Stewart moved Helen Bailey's car, son believes

A statement is now being read from Jamie Stewart, dated February 7 (today). It says: “I was asked to clarify if at any time I moved Helen’s white Jeep from outside baldock road to the garage. “At no time did I do that. What I do recall on Sunday April 17 2016, police were at my home address after Helen was reported missing. “A police officer was at the address, and I recall a conversation about moving helen’s car from outside the house to the garage to stop people prying or jumping to conclusions she had returned home. The car was not moved while police were present. I think it was moved by my dad Ian Stewart either later that night or the following day. “In the garage on the left hand side was an MG sports car, and my black Seat. “On the right hand side of my car was Helen’s fiat 500. Dad’s black BMW was also there. “When Helen’s Jeep was moved it was placed where the BMW was, and the BMW moved to the front of the house.”
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