GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #9

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I've always thought so. People explained it in terms of the recent death of John Sinfield, or her own blood pressure, but it still seemed surprising to me.

Has there been any mention of the IS will (may have drifted off at the back sometime) and his provision for Helen (or not) ?
Just a little nugget from today...

IS was taken to the wrong prison on Friday night. He's spent the whole weekend with no meds and no change of clothes.

That gives me much amusement- imagine him stalking about muttering "I do not like this at all" and "This is not right in any way!"

Interesting that not one person has been able to rustle up a suit for him too.

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Has there been any mention of the IS will (may have drifted off at the back sometime) and his provision for Helen (or not) ?

That's an excellent question. Had he returned the favour to Helen so that she would inherit his estate in the event of his death before their marriage? His sons would presumably have been his next of kin if he died before they were wed?
Can't stand all this suspense! Maybe tomorrow we'll get a verdict (if the Jury are quickly unanimous)!
In the mean time, let's watch an episode of 'The Judge is Right' Ian Stewart, Come on down!

Let's hope Trimmer played his joker!
Has there been any mention of the IS will (may have drifted off at the back sometime) and his provision for Helen (or not) ?
No there has been no mention of it. Interesting eh?! The only thing I remember him quoting in terms of long term future was the supposed promise that he and Helen were to give each other "thirty years". That was longer than the time IS had with his wife Diane and Helen had with JS.
Also I would also imagine it will be not lost on the jury just how he managed to get a monthly income of nearly 2 grand whilst unemployed.

This is a man who seems not to have worked since his mid-thirties due to ‘ill health’ so hardly time to build up a pension pot. At best he’s only going to get a minimal amount on any investments at today’s rates so has he been fiddling welfare on the grounds of his ‘illness’ despite a doctor saying he is essentially fit and healthy. Questions should be asked!!!

Unsure if this has been covered but he had actually taken out an insurance policy which covered him for 75% of his salary should he become ill (critical illness policy?)
I find this quite amazing because few people - and I certainly wouldn`t have thought that IS would be one of these few - not only think to do this as it can be very expensive, but to actually get the policy honoured as most of them have so many hidden sub clauses, that very few actually do indeed deliver the goods. And didn`t IS do amazingly well from it!
Just a little nugget from today...

IS was taken to the wrong prison on Friday night. He's spent the whole weekend with no meds and no change of clothes.

OMG you have the BEST sources! How on earth did IS survive the weekend without a tube of Anusol to hand? Now that's what I call a bum deal!
Yes. My reliable source of info told me earlier :D Can't help feeling it wasn't really a mistake that he was taken to the wrong place:D

If it was SERCO, well...
I know of a case of a professional done for fraud, (there were some extenuating circumstances), but as he was well known to judges in the local courts, it had to be heard, "Up North", and although elderly and officially of low risk, he spent most of his sentence in Doncaster, which is a private, SERCO Category B prison, rather than a more local, open prison. He only got transferred a couple of months before release. He seemed to have been popular inside (not being seen as greedy, just incompetent) and was befriended by a well known gangster-perhaps the latter was a kind of protection.

Do the meds include bottom cream?
That's an excellent question. Had he returned the favour to Helen so that she would inherit his estate in the event of his death before their marriage? His sons would presumably have been his next of kin if he died before they were wed?

I would imagine, (and hope) that the boys were IS`s priority. Remember that Helen was financially secure. Unbalanced, I agree, but when you have children, you must consider them xx
It's bugging me how HB spent so much time and effort making sure IS would be comfortable in event of her death... She was for healthy slim 51. Whereas he was the sick older disabled one. Isn't it odd???

Flightpath - Helen wished to prevent IS being 'lost in the dark' legally or financially - as she initially felt she was after the tragic death of JS. This would have worked to IS's advantage in knowing of Helen's early worries as a Widow - and her concern to make sure her nearest and dearest didn't go through the same plight.
I don't think it's odd, no. They had both lost their spouse's young and unexpectedly. Of course the spectre of losing another love of their life would loom lower than for aonther couple who hadn't suffered such bereavement. I think it was only natural that Helen prepared - I am sure she wrote in her blog about how much of a mess things were financially after JS died and she didn't want to put anyone through that again.

Still I wonder what if he had made a will and taken out insurance for her... I bet he hadn't

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Unsure if this has been covered but he had actually taken out an insurance policy which covered him for 75% of his salary should he become ill (critical illness policy?)
I find this quite amazing because few people - and I certainly wouldn`t have thought that IS would be one of these few - not only think to do this as it can be very expensive, but to actually get the policy honoured as most of them have so many hidden sub clauses, that very few actually do indeed deliver the goods. And didn`t IS do amazingly well from it!

No way Michelle!!!! I guessed that made up some of the £2k but only guessed it!!!! How did you find out? It's unbelievable that they honoured it like you say with all their sub clauses!
Just a little nugget from today...

IS was taken to the wrong prison on Friday night. He's spent the whole weekend with no meds and no change of clothes.

Lol Net - that was one of the reasons for the late start. He wasn`t taken to the wrong prison - it was that there was no room left at the inn!
No way Michelle!!!! I guessed that made up some of the £2k but only guessed it!!!! How did you find out? It's unbelievable that they honoured it like you say with all their sub clauses!

Was spoken about today - and yes - I agree. Him!!! Him, of all people to think to take it out - to become sooo ill - and to actually be paid out all these years. Hmm...
Unsure if this has been covered but he had actually taken out an insurance policy which covered him for 75% of his salary should he become ill (critical illness policy?)
I find this quite amazing because few people - and I certainly wouldn`t have thought that IS would be one of these few - not only think to do this as it can be very expensive, but to actually get the policy honoured as most of them have so many hidden sub clauses, that very few actually do indeed deliver the goods. And didn`t IS do amazingly well from it!

OMG - he took out one of those pricey insurance policies as a young man and then, what do you know, he gets to benefit from it, for most of his adult life??? He is an arch manipulator and a serial 'something for nothing', play the system/people in general/your nearest and dearest for everything you can get, merchant.

What are the chances he didn't murder his wife Diane?!
No way Michelle!!!! I guessed that made up some of the £2k but only guessed it!!!! How did you find out? It's unbelievable that they honoured it like you say with all their sub clauses!
I'm sure there will be subclauses that will stop them paying out if you end up spending the rest of your days in prison.
Unsure if this has been covered but he had actually taken out an insurance policy which covered him for 75% of his salary should he become ill (critical illness policy?)
I find this quite amazing because few people - and I certainly wouldn`t have thought that IS would be one of these few - not only think to do this as it can be very expensive, but to actually get the policy honoured as most of them have so many hidden sub clauses, that very few actually do indeed deliver the goods. And didn`t IS do amazingly well from it!

That's certainly is amazing, I think it speaks volumes of the cunning measure of this man [emoji35]

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OMG you have the BEST sources! How on earth did IS survive the weekend without a tube of Anusol to hand? Now that's what I call a bum deal!

I'm going to start sending you my dry cleaning bill!

*changes underwear again*
Was spoken about today - and yes - I agree. Him!!! Him, of all people to think to take it out - to become sooo ill - and to actually be paid out all these years. Hmm...

It truly is unbelievable! Thank you so much for sharing this along with everything you have posted. X
I feel the Judge is wisely reminding the Jury of the horrors that were done to Helen's body after death. Her murder is bad enough - the degradations to which Ian Stewart subjected her body reveal the depths of his depravity. Hugely relevant and must not be overlooked.
Regarding the degradations, I fail to see the relevance as far as the jury is concerned - surely all they are interested in is if he killed her or not.

I doubt it would even affect the sentence as his dishonesty and deviousness must surely be more aggravating factors than what happened to the body.
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