UK - James Bulger, 2, abducted & murdered, Merseyside, 12 Feb 1993

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It now looks like Venables will be released without charge, no listing on the sex offenders registry for him. All just to keep his new identity secret, even though it has been reported he was telling people his true identity.
It now looks like Venables will be released without charge, no listing on the sex offenders registry for him. All just to keep his new identity secret, even though it has been reported he was telling people his true identity.

AND they will end up paying for a 3rd identity soon enough as it will take just one of those people to talk(for £££)to the Sun or another tabloid & reveal the new identity.
I dont get the feeling he was hanging out with the best of characters & with this such a hot topic in the UK I'm surprised it hasnt happened already.Im sure the Sun would pay ALOT!

I say try him under his birth name ,Venables & be done with it .
If he's not tried what message does this send to the other child *advertiser censored* collectors? To other criminals?

BTW the rumor his he had level 4 child *advertiser censored* the worst according to the British standards.Thats violent,sadistic *advertiser censored*.
There WERE sexual elements in the murder(Jamie's underwear & trousers were removed PRIOR to death) & I know people say Thompson was the 'leader' but he hasnt been found with violent child *advertiser censored* has he?
I also am curious why only 1 care worker has spoken out & then only about Thompson? NOTHING about Venables? Curious.......*advertiser censored*.html

Officials need to stop protecting these 2, who are living under new assumed identities.
he has already been back in remand for several months. there were some major cries for his blood in the papers here when it happened (do you guys want links, I can prolly find a zillion)

it was only today that they allowed the charges to be told to the public.

I must say "sources" were well correct in this particular case. "they" have been saying it was child *advertiser censored* from about day 3.

I'm almost crushed to tell the truth. I hate everything about the James Bulger torture & murder and I truly did hope that these two could be rehabilitated.

I guess the other one's doing all right but I suspect that one is a sociopath - it wont work out for him to commit another crime. moo and all that.
I do not believe vicious child killers like this can ever be rehabilitated. People need to be warned that this guy is a threat to kids. What if he marries some clueless woman who has kids or he has kids with her? This !*!? has been given a second chance and he blew it.
Because England has gone out of its way to protect these two, and pretty much all media has been given a gag order that they are not to identify these 2 with their new names, nor print a recent picture.

The UK is very liberal on violent crime so this does not surprise me. The courts have decided these 2 have a right to privacy and that their safety would be compromised if their identities released.
Because England has gone out of its way to protect these two, and pretty much all media has been given a gag order that they are not to identify these 2 with their new names, nor print a recent picture.

The UK is very liberal on violent crime so this does not surprise me. The courts have decided these 2 have a right to privacy and that their safety would be compromised if their identities released.

You think you know what stupid is and then someone brings it to a whole new level. Better to protect the murdering pedo than the potential victims I guess. Good work *!?*&!.
It's hard not to take this new information and put a new twist on little man's death. :(
No name calling guys - not that I don't agree with you, but it is against TOS and we need to be consistent.


You think you know what stupid is and then someone brings it to a whole new level. Better to protect the murdering pedo than the potential victims I guess. Good work *!?*&!.

Both of these 's should have NEVER been given a second chance. I agree with the above post. Ay yi yi..... I hope the is given the max for the *advertiser censored*. :furious: :furious: :furious:
There are alot of people really ticked off at the special changed identity priveledges these 2 murders have been afforded. Some websites were posting age progression of these 2 men so the general public has an idea of what they might look like.

It was because these 2 were children when they committed this terrible crime that they were given new identities. The same thing happened with Mary Bell who murdered 2 young boys at age 11.

Here is a recent article on Venables and how is mental state appears to be diminishing.
Why cant we see a picture of him as an adult?

When he was taken back into custody in Feb, someone or another got a group together on FB with the sole purpose of accusing a random guy of BEING him, regardless of the fact the guy they were accusing was well and free whereas Venables was IN REMAND.

this is why they wont show or tell, it's not just for his own protection (I do believe he'd be dead in an hour) it's for people who are unfortunate enough to be mistaken for him.

although IMO I think they did right to protect him until now, because there was always the possibility he had been rehabilitated, apparently he's facing "10 years" on the child *advertiser censored* charges which frankly flies right over my head because they were originally given life, and released with the condition they could be taken back into remand at any time for the rest of their original sentence. now, this child killer is obviously still no stranger to crimes against children and so I do believe he should be named and shamed and taken to serve his life sentence.
I understand protecting their identities as children (in my opinion they should never have been released from prison/mental institution or whatever), but since he's committed another crime, his face and name should be made public. JMO.
So this arrest should trigger the life sentence-can anyone weigh in on why that is not happening?
So this arrest should trigger the life sentence-can anyone weigh in on why that is not happening?

I think a previous poster mentioned something about the UK being shockingly lighthanded on violent criminals....that would also be my guess..
I think a previous poster mentioned something about the UK being shockingly lighthanded on violent criminals....that would also be my guess..

I was following the UK news for a while, back when they had the expenses scandal in Parliament. During that time I saw a number of cases of violent criminals with sickeningly light sentences. I was truly shocked by the lax attitude of the courts there.*advertiser censored*.html

Jon Venables, now 27, appeared at the Old Bailey via video link from prison to admit downloading and distributing scores of indecent images of children.
Prosecutors told the court he had an 'extensive history' of searching for and downloading child *advertiser censored*. Some of the pictures involved children as young as two - James' age when he was killed.

Sick videos found on the killer's computer also showed eight-year-old girls being raped and forced to perform sex acts.
He even posed online as a married mother, offering up her own young daughter to another paedophile to be abused in return for cash.

Read more:*advertiser censored*.html#ixzz0uVuDqrTe

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