GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #14

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So how did she get a fracture to the nose, which caused it to bleed? If she was already dead when she fell to the floor (if she did), her nose wouldn't bleed would it?
Are there any educated guesses as to what the point of law under discussion was ? Presumably the moment at which it became necessary to discuss it would suggest the subject.

It was immediately after the jury were re-shown a close-up of JY's face after her body had been discovered. Perhaps some discussion about whether the prosecution is deliberately trying to shock the jury by showing them the photo for a second time ... but I have no idea.
If they're seen setting out from the flat then surely they're likely to have the footage of what went on that night ...namely VT's comings and goings...too? If so then I have to wonder how long it took them to get round to this footage because it can't have been before CJ was arrested, or even in the couple of weeks after that.

Private CCTV footage given to Joanna Yeates' murder police team

This was published on 17 January - Tabak arrested and questioned a few days later....
"Greg walked back to flat at 5.30pm. He let out Bernard the cat and got ready for a weekend away."

So, it sounds like the cat could well have still been out when JY returned, thus perhaps giving VT an excuse to go round.

... but not the case, as GR later said that Bernard was in when he returned, and desperate to get out.
GREG drank the cider that Jo left!

"It was a habit of Jo's to leave open drinks and leave them. So Greg drank the cider."
This is getting worse and worse. What business did VT have putting an arm around her?!? Poor JY. I wonder if he knows how many lives he wrecked that night: not only the victim's but also her partner's, his own partner's... GR will be traumatized for the rest of his life, and probably blaming himself (although it happened through no fault of his own); JY's parents will never get over it deep inside, as you never really get over your child's death; last but not least, what about TM knowing that she lived with a killer. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for GR, JY's family and friends to testify today.

Around 9pm when the couple were due to watch The Apprentice Greg called Joanna again. He heard her phone ringing in her coat pocket.

"I really didn't know what was going on. I tried to justify it and keep calm," Greg told the jury.

Greg thought that Joanna may have gone to friends house and forgotten her coat and phone. He paced around the flat.

"I was looking for things trying to find out what she might have done.. What she might be wearing." Greg told jury.

As he paced around Greg cleared up the flat. He looked in the bin, nothing had been added since Friday. He found her bag, wallet and keys

"I panicked. It was realisation that now something was wrong. At the very best she had been locked out with her things in the flat,": Greg.

Greg then started ringing #joannayeates' friends and her parents before calling the emergency services.

Greg tells jury that before the police arrived he found the earrings he thought Joanna was wearing when he last saw her at work.

The earrings were found in and near their bed. The clasps from both earrings were missing. One clasp was later found.
This is getting worse and worse. What business did VT have putting an arm around her?!? Poor JY. I wonder if he knows how many lives he wrecked that night: not only the victim's but also her partner's, his own partner's... GR will be traumatized for the rest of his life, and probably blaming himself (although it happened through no fault of his own); JY's parents will never get over it deep inside, as you never really get over your child's death; last but not least, what about TM knowing that she lived with a killer. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for GR, JY's family and friends to testify today.

VT's family are to be pitied too.
Greg did not know his next door neighbours Vincent Tabak and his girlfriend Tanya.

Greg stood in the background while police spoke to Tabak on the night Joanna was killed.

Greg Reardon now finished giving evidence. The defence and judge had no questions for him.
From Jon Kay

I am sitting directly above the defendant. Vincent Tabak still has his head bowed in the dock. He has not looked at Greg Reardon once.

From Steven Morris

Greg Reardon concludes his evidence - he was confident and dignified throughout
by skynewsgatherer via twitter edited by nicola.boden 2:45 PM
Greg stood in the background while police spoke to Tabak on the night Joanna was killed.
Police officer DC Karen Thomas now been called to give evidence.
DC Thomas spoke to Tabak and his girlfriend Tanya on the night #joannayeates was killed.
by skynewsgatherer via twitter 2:48 PM

surely she means 'reported missing'?
If it was just a hand around her back and then she screamed and the strangled, how did she get the bruises to each wrist and the damage to both left, right and top of her head?
by skynewsgatherer via twitter edited by nicola.boden 2:45 PM
Greg stood in the background while police spoke to Tabak on the night Joanna was killed.
Police officer DC Karen Thomas now been called to give evidence.
DC Thomas spoke to Tabak and his girlfriend Tanya on the night #joannayeates was killed.
by skynewsgatherer via twitter 2:48 PM

surely she means 'reported missing'?

Yes at that point (in December) she was missing. It is now known that by 22:00 at the latest she was dead. I don't think there's any dispute about that from the defence so I guess the wording doesn't matter too much
DC Thomas says Tabak was overly interested in the forensic examination of the flat and why the front door had been seized. She found it odd
by skynewsgatherer via twitter edited by nicola.boden 2:45 PM
Greg stood in the background while police spoke to Tabak on the night Joanna was killed.
Police officer DC Karen Thomas now been called to give evidence.
DC Thomas spoke to Tabak and his girlfriend Tanya on the night #joannayeates was killed.
by skynewsgatherer via twitter 2:48 PM

surely she means 'reported missing'?

Just sloppy tweeting. The BBC's Jon Kay, who is also there, says that it was "while Jo was still missing". Obviously it couldn't have been on the night she was killed.
"Greg walked back to flat at 5.30pm. He let out Bernard the cat and got ready for a weekend away."

So, it sounds like the cat could well have still been out when JY returned, thus perhaps giving VT an excuse to go round.

... but not the case, as GR later said that Bernard was in when he returned, and desperate to get out.

I'm not with you there? - Greg let the cat out, but the cat could have come back in when Joanna returned, and he was still inside when Greg got back on the Sunday.
It is indeed. GR has just testified that he found one of the earrings that he believed JY had been wearing that day under the covers of their bed.

When photos of her body/face were shown last week it was reported that she was wearing one of her stud earrings. It sounds as though GR may have been mistaken in thinking she'd been wearing the teardrop earrings that day.

I wonder if they found the missing stud earring anywhere.
I thought it meant in the early hours of Saturday morning after Greg had reported her missing - surely Greg would not be there on the day that VT was arrested? They must mean that night, surely? The Friday night she died/early hours of Saturday when the police got involved. they must have suspected foul play once they realised she had none of her possessions and nobody had seen her.
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