GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I am convinced this crime will be solved.

Reading between the lines I'm convinced the police have the perpetrator's DNA and they know it is a male.
Now they have to build a case and find him. DNA alone isn't enough if you want to be sure of your case.

I still don't understand why she was killed.

I hope your right about the DNA Myserty, only time will tell if this crime is hopefully solved - as for the motive at the moment we havent got a clue, but weve had some interesting points put forward so far - even one with the cat (Bernard) eating the pizza !!!

I read the article about the LE are investigating her friendships on Facebook, i wonder if she held an alias account - apparently this is pretty common ive heard ??

Also it would of been interesting to of heard of any past lovers of hers or Greggs, you cant rule that out either - or even a former tenant of the flat Jo & Gregg shared in Canygne Rd.
Take a look at this photo album:

Laurence Penney's Photostream: Peter Stanley and Laurence Penney with another person tobogganning January 2010 in the dark. (Possibly in grounds of Clifton School as images of the school are in the same album).

This got me thinking: JY and GR were into snow sports. I wonder if JY ever went tobogganning or skiing in the dark, possibly with her neighbours.
I recall reading about the label on a forensic bag coming out of 44 Canynge Road saying it was from under skis in the hall I think. Hmmm.......

Maybe she went home Friday night and went out with the people CJ saw (allegedly) for an impromptu snowy adventure - sledging perhaps - taking the cooked pizza, slung back into it's box for carriage, to eat en route, leaving behind the cider she had been drinking when they called by. She could have returned to the apartment with her co-adventurers and who knows what followed....

I have been thinking about LE's two statements : " There is no sign of sexual assault " and " The motive may have been sexual ". Did a would be rapist get into the flat ? Maybe through an unlocked window ? I always thought the flat was unsafe,because it's a ground floor unit. Was Jo perhaps menstruating ? Did this frustrate and/or disgust her attacker, and cause him to become impotent ? Made him angry enough to strangle her ? This is the only thing I can imagine which makes both of LE's statements true....

As to why he would move her.... that's much more difficult to work out. It's very high risk behavior. But, then so is rape itself. MOO

....ah, I see the Star's sensation is Carole Everett - she sketched a load of 'suspects' in the Madeleine McCann case :rolleyes:
Take a look at this photo album:

Laurence Penney's Photostream: Peter Stanley and Laurence Penney with another person tobogganning January 2010 in the dark. (Possibly in grounds of Clifton School as images of the school are in the same album).

This got me thinking: JY and GR were into snow sports. I wonder if JY ever went tobogganning or skiing in the dark, possibly with her neighbours.
I recall reading about the label on a forensic bag coming out of 44 Canynge Road saying it was from under skis in the hall I think. Hmmm.......

Maybe she went home Friday night and went out with the people CJ saw (allegedly) for an impromptu snowy adventure - sledging perhaps - taking the cooked pizza, slung back into it's box for carriage, to eat en route, leaving behind the cider she had been drinking when they called by. She could have returned to the apartment with her co-adventurers and who knows what followed....


Yes you are right about the snow sports and evidence bag referring to the skis.

Anyone else find it odd for two grown men - at the time of the pics being taken, one aged 40 and the other 55, toboganning?

I do - teenagers, kids, parents with kids doesn't seem odd but this does.

This might well be the connection - would depend if there was enough snow to do this on Dec 17th but if there was, I can see a tipsy Jo doing it for a bit of fun. She like snow boarding as there are pics of her.

I have always thought it's the LL but I also found Laurence Penney a bit odd when he said he thought she had "absconded."

Absconded means to "run away." Why would he think Jo would run away? If she was a teenage girl still living with parents then yes I can see why you would think she would run away but she was a grown woman with a b/f, a job and a home.

Strange thing to say.
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Ironically I came across this article in The Mail today:-

... and other body language secrets that reveal what people are really thinking[/B]

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Hi to all, Just returning from a long day and trying to catch up on any new info.

Luna 15, I read this also this morning and immediately thought about the position of Greg's hand when he was crying at the public appeal stage, his hand and fingers ran down his face as if to cover his nose (alerts to untruthfulness). I would be terrible if this guy is innocent... but some of his behaviors/statements seem 'odd'.

Not my favourite paper in the UK ( far from it), but a very interesting article. Especially regarding the screams which were allegedly heard coming from the vicinity of Joanna's flat.

Buried in this article : " DNA samples were taken from all of the men present at that party " LE might have something to compare the DNA to ? If so, this case could be solved. Great lead. IMO

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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 23
Ironically I came across this article in The Mail today:-

... and other body language secrets that reveal what people are really thinking[/B]

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Hi to all, Just returning from a long day and trying to catch up on any new info.

Luna 15, I read this also this morning and immediately thought about the position of Greg's hand when he was crying at the public appeal stage, his hand and fingers ran down his face as if to cover his nose (alerts to untruthfulness). I would be terrible if this guy is innocent... but some of his behaviors/statements seem 'odd'.

There is no way he, and the police are not aware of the innuendo surrounding him, I really can not understand why the police do not just come out and say that he "has been eliminated from our enquiries", why allow extra misery to be heaped on the poor guy IF he is innocent?

Joanna definately had 155 'friends' on her facebook and her security settings were set high (unless they were set after her death) you couldn't view her wall but you could view her 'friends'..... so much misinformation printed in the press!
Buried in this article : " DNA samples were taken from all of the men present at that party " LE might have something to compare the DNA to ? If so, this case could be solved. Great lead. IMO


However, a DNA sample has been obtained from Jo's body which could provide a vital breakthrough.

It is being fed into the DNA database in the hope of making a match. It will also be compared to a routine sample provided by Jo's landlord Mr Jefferies.

And, obviously, with other samples.
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