GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #2

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Not sure if this has been posted.

Did Jo buy dinner for her killer? As the Mail reconstructs her fateful final journey, an intriguing new theory

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More from Luna15's link:

‘Joanna was a good-looking girl and in a busy office such as the one where she worked, there’s often someone who fancies you from afar,’ [retired regional crime squad chief Brian Theobald] says.

‘Then again, he may have met her in another way, but if I was a betting man, I would say it was someone who knew her. Learning she would be alone, he may have called on her soon after she got home, and something *happened as she opened the door.

‘There was then an altercation, and he panicked and strangled her, *perhaps with the sock; very few *murders are planned.’

Hoping it would help conceal his identity to dispose of Joanna’s body — Mr Theobald’s theory runs — the killer dragged her into his car. He apparently possessed local knowledge, for he headed towards the open country of north Somerset, his most likely route being over the nearby Clifton suspension bridge — assuming he had change for the 50p toll.

Had he known the area really well, however, he would probably not have turned down Longwood Lane, but taken the opposite fork of the T-junction.

‘If he had hidden her body down there, she might never have been found,’ Mr Theobald told me this week, as we ventured for miles along the lane. Gazing at the tangled woodlands *bordering the road, I saw his point.
but back onto the case, have the police confirmed yet that she was found in the same clothes as Friday?

There's been no confirmation of that that I can find. It must be one of those things which provide them a solid clue, and they don't want it released to the public, apparently.,_2011

Scroll to 6 of 9 - Front Page of tomorrows Sun "Jo's last text"

evidentally they are saying that Jo sent a text to a friend saying that she was at a loose end and wanted to meet up.....

no further info on whether the friend was male or female and whether it was that night or over the weekend that she wanted to meet up..... I personally think it would be odd if it was that night, if she was at a loose end - why not stay at the pub longer?

ETA - text sent as she walked home
This is Bristol provides a capsule summary of a few of the new recent theories published, for those just joining the thread:

Another report in a national newspaper claimed police are investigating a theory that Miss Yeates may have been snatched by her killer as she went to check her post in a communal hall on the far side of the building where she lived.

The theory would mean that the killer would not have had to enter Miss Yeates' flat and would explain why police found no evidence of forced entry or a struggle.

Last night further theories, that Miss Yeates was killed after refusing a lift home or that she was targeted by someone who had been monitoring her page on social networking website Facebook, were being reported.
Not sure if this has been posted.

Did Jo buy dinner for her killer? As the Mail reconstructs her fateful final journey, an intriguing new theory

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They have not explained officially why they are so sure he is in the clear, but sources say *signals picked up from his mobile phone provide *evidence he was well on his way to Sheffield when Joanna was at the Ram and could not have *doubled back surreptitiously to the flat.

Why wont they just confirm he has been eliminated then?

I hope it is not something as flimsy as "could not have doubled back". Do they know the time of death?

Also, the same article says of GR:

To those who know this genial, good-natured outdoorsman — an ace skier and surfer — the suggestion that he might be involved was wildly implausible.

Joanna was his first serious girlfriend, one of his friends told me, and their happiness was plain to see. There was no surprise, therefore, when police quickly eliminated him from the inquiry.

Completely off-topic, but the Guardian has a long and interesting tale of murder; not sure if it would make a good new thread but it's worth a read:

Death at the chateau: When the expat dream turned sour
Joanne and Robert Hall dreamed of a better life in France, and of building a luxury golf resort in the Brittany countryside. But 10 years later her burned body was found encased in concrete and he was charged with murder. So what went wrong?
Would Jo switch her phone off?

Just wondering when the B/F arrived home at 8pm, I have read somewhere that he did'nt ring anyone until he rang the police at 12 midnight, he did'nt search her bag until nearly midnight, but I think I have since read he did ring her mother before midnight, but I would think the first person he would ring would be Jo, and would it be ringing in her bag?
I hope it is not something as flimsy as "could not have doubled back". Do they know the time of death?

Also, the same article says of GR:

To those who know this genial, good-natured outdoorsman — an ace skier and surfer — the suggestion that he might be involved was wildly implausible.

Joanna was his first serious girlfriend, one of his friends told me, and their happiness was plain to see. There was no surprise, therefore, when police quickly eliminated him from the inquiry.


Just because GR's mobile phone and maybe even credit card went to Sheffield that weekend does not mean that he did. I hope the LE are not as daft as they are appearing right now. jmo.
TBH I find it odd he wouldn't use the gym @ Clifton College.

He's retired so would not know any of the pupils there.

He taught there for 30 years (approx) so had a deep love of the college so why not use their gym and pool?

It was local, so handy and convenient.

If he had no affection for his previous place of employment then I can understand him steering clear of it.

One thing worth bearing in mind is that he was engaged in a long struggle with the school in the early and mid-2000's to prevent them going ahead with various property developments. He was successful, and won't have become terribly popular with Clifton as a result.

There are several other reasons he might want to use a different gym,
Just because GR's mobile phone and maybe even credit card went to Sheffield that weekend does not mean that he did. I hope the LE are not as daft as they are appearing right now. jmo.

The idea that he got an accomplice to drive halfway across the country while he got busy with murdering his girlfriend ("Oh, and please don't tell anybody, although there's nothing in it for you") isn't very persuasive.
I think the police may well be as daft as they appear at the moment, but it's hard to say.
Would Jo switch her phone off?

Just wondering when the B/F arrived home at 8pm, I have read somewhere that he did'nt ring anyone until he rang the police at 12 midnight, he did'nt search her bag until nearly midnight, but I think I have since read he did ring her mother before midnight, but I would think the first person he would ring would be Jo, and would it be ringing in her bag?

The battery may have gone flat.

Reading one of the newspaper links, it said Jo had taken up rowing as a hobby separate from Greg.

I'm wondering if someone at the rowing club took a shine to her, knew she would be alone and so called round.

She may have let him in as she vaguely knew him.
Daily Star has more on the SWNS story posted earlier on the thread about the two men seen running from the body site today:

Cleaner Jane Gray, 55, was driving to work at 6.20am yesterday when she spotted the men on the edge of woods just yards from Longwood Lane near Bristol.

Though the sighting was two weeks after Jo’s body was found, detectives have always believed the culprits could return to the scene and try to cover their tracks.

The men, not wearing coats and drenched by the pouring rain, appeared to be acting suspiciously.

They darted across the road and away from the scene where the strangled body of 25-year-old landscape architect Jo was found on Christmas Day.

Jane, of Failand, north Somerset, said: “I was just going around the first bend after Longwood Lane when I saw two males.

“One was white, with blond hair and dressed in a white T-shirt. I cannot remember what the other one looked like but he was white as well.

“They were drenched from head to foot because the weather was awful.

“I must have startled them because they looked really agitated. I thought they were going to run in front of my car.”

Jane flashed her lights to alert the men that she had seen them.
She added: “I don’t know what the two men could have been doing up there, as there is nothing for miles around.”

more here:
The idea that he got an accomplice to drive halfway across the country while he got busy with murdering his girlfriend ("Oh, and please don't tell anybody, although there's nothing in it for you") isn't very persuasive.

Did I say that?
Would Jo switch her phone off?

Just wondering when the B/F arrived home at 8pm, I have read somewhere that he did'nt ring anyone until he rang the police at 12 midnight, he did'nt search her bag until nearly midnight, but I think I have since read he did ring her mother before midnight, but I would think the first person he would ring would be Jo, and would it be ringing in her bag?

It may have been out of batteries or on silent.
I found the answer to one question I raised in my earlier post, from the Telegraph, 27/12:

"During the one-mile walk home she stopped at a Waitrose store, but did not buy anything, and then went to a Tesco Express store in Regent Street, Clifton."

Seems odd to me, but only because it's something I would never do myself!

It wouldn't surprise me if she did buy something (perhaps something personal) and the police aren't telling us.
Also, there's a good chance that Waitrose just didn't have what she wanted (bear in mind that shops around the country were experiencing problems with deliveries that week) -- particularly if she was set on a vegetarian pizza rather than any other kind.
The battery may have gone flat.

Reading one of the newspaper links, it said Jo had taken up rowing as a hobby separate from Greg.

I'm wondering if someone at the rowing club took a shine to her, knew she would be alone and so called round.

She may have let him in as she vaguely knew him.

Yes, I was wondering about the rowing club Sgt Jones, they would all be new friends for Jo, I'm sure they would all have made a great fuss of her as she was a pretty young lady, she liked sports, so she must have been quite a strong young lady, so it makes you wonder why she was unable to fight her attacker.
Just because GR's mobile phone and maybe even credit card went to Sheffield that weekend does not mean that he did. I hope the LE are not as daft as they are appearing right now. jmo.

That means Greg posted his credit cards and mobile phone to an accomplice in Sheffield or the accomplice drove down and picked them up.

It would also mean that Greg had malice aforethought and it was all pre - meditated.

Seems unlikely to me - would you post these items? Or would someone come and collect them? Too risky - what if they had an accident in the bad weather on the way down or back?

I suppose the accomplice could have text / phoned Greg and said they were safely in Sheffield so alibi complete so now you can murder your girlfriend.

That would mean Greg has another mobile unless he took the call on the landline - I'm sure the pollice would have checked the landline calls.

Plus there would be no reason to plan to kill Jo - why not just end the relationship if he was unhappy or she was cheating on him?

They were not married, had no mortgage so Jo was unlikely to have life assurance so Greg would not have benefited financially from killing Jo.

She may have had death in service benefit from a company pension fund but would she have nominated Greg as her beneficiary if there was no joint mortgage?

If he did kill her (I have my doubts) I think it would have been an impluse killing so not planned and not involving a 3rd party.

If it was on impulse, and after 9pm, his phone signal would have shown him still being in Clifton not half way to Sheffield.

Also, as Dr Zhivago pointed out, the accomplice would have to use Greg's card en route and in Sheffied to establish the alibi- ok not too difficult with chip and pin these days but a 3rd party having Greg's phone doesn't make much sense. What would they do about calls and texts? Ignore them?

If the accomplice sent texts on Greg's behalf, the police would be able to tell (if they check) as people text in different styles.
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