GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #5

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But the dog walkers who found the body wouldn't have said that if they normally go in the dark???

Plus take a look at the Google Street view, you must be completely crazy waking down there at night, there's not a street lamp to be seen. It's total pitch black.
No, wasn't thinking of the middle of the night..just half light 7am or 5.30/6pm....darker than Christmas morning.
From the reports we know of, no one did actually see him set off. He was assumed to have set off.
He might not have had to back track anywhere, maybe as far as the toilet perhaps.

Unless the Police know better and were not to find out.

I think your spot on there too Phillb - The only time cctv stills look clear enough is in an indoor or bright setting (shop etc) Just think of the awful fuzzy image that was released of two white blobs in Clifton that could have been two men following Jo
From the reports we know of, no one did actually see him set off. He was assumed to have set off.
He might not have had to back track anywhere, maybe as far as the toilet perhaps.

Unless the Police know better and were not to find out.

Yes, but I thought (perhaps assumed) that he'd stopped for fuel on the way, in which case an hour or so's delay during only that first part of a 3 hr journey would be difficult to account for, wouldn't it?
I was genuinely horrified at some of the things being posted on this thread set.

... there has been a lot of things said about certain people close to the case - such as GR and JS - that is quite hurtful.

Dear Equationgirl

I can't agree with this. Some of the speculation is off the mark - some of it is way off! But you can't attack a problem through the lens of social desirability bias.

I.e. you can't worry about causing offence in seeking the truth.

We want to find where the truth lies and we are getting there.

We have formed relative consensus on a few items of this case.

I've always thought it was someone in the flats or next door. Sadly that means questioning GR - as like it or not, he is closest to the property.

There's no point bothering with this if we are determined to think everyone is 'good'. Clearly one person (I think two) wasn't/weren't

Just my opinion.
I am very surprised to find out his profession! call me old fashioned, but I thought it quite disrespectful of him to be walking with his hands half in his pockets when they went to lay the flowers..... also on Facebook, a lot of Joanna's friends had changed their profile pictures to either the 'Missing' poster or a 'Lily'..... he was posing in dark fairness he may not use his F/B that often and just didn't think to change it.

I dont think he got that directly involved, just changed the time that GR arrived, maybe GR said along the lines of....'look bruv, I dont want them pinning this on me, can you just say I got here a bit earlier.....' I dont think the wife is covering, she doesn't know exactly what time he got there, she was asleep.
I don't know about the hands in pockets thing...thought he looked uncomfortable...but primarily with the amount of press there and knowing this would be going nationwide...possibly international. Think this was done for the cameras anyway...they surely would have been told that this wasn't exactly where her body was found..think the L/E may have requested that they all go????????
Just a quickie here & i want as many of you to answer this as possible, do you think that if Joanna's body had been found that weekend on the Saturday for instance before GR had reported her missing, do you think we would be sitting here discussing it now ??

Only because of all the press conferences & media attention this investigation got in the early stages makes me think if she'd of been found earlier all you would of known of this is a couple of inches snip bit in a columnn of a newspaper.

In my opinion, this did go wrong for the murderer, she was meant to of been found much earlier on, probably before GR returned. Whether it was planned or not, i dont think the killer would of expected to of got so much coverage.

I am sticking with my original vote = 1 - GR
No, wasn't thinking of the middle of the night..just half light 7am or 5.30/6pm....darker than Christmas morning.

Well I think if they had any shadow of a doubt, or any reason to think their normal dog walking hours would mean they wouldn't have seen the body. Given the grave circumstances of what they had just found, and realising the full, and serious implications of painting an untrue picture to the Police.
I really can't see them publically stating anything but the truth, and fact.

I have to say I believe their word, simply because Jo was put there on Christmas morning.
Re: Jigzy

The body dumped somewhere either Friday evening in panic (or Sunday evening in the 4 hours), now wearing different clothing - tracksuit for example as she had changed immediately when she had got home on Friday.

Apartment tidied up Sunday evening would make it look as though she had worked on it Friday evening and Saturday am (and not died Friday evening around 9pm).

Body moved just before Christmas Day to a very obvious place, as it needed to be found to show the change of clothing to make the LE think that it was not a Friday night thing.

jigzy.. are you saying GR relocated the body Christmas day? Just so I understand you. Wouldn't that be a huge risk? Surely his every movement was being watched> Or are you saying this is all a trap by L/E to expose him?
Yes, but I thought (perhaps assumed) that he'd stopped for fuel on the way, in which case an hour or so's delay during only that first part of a 3 hr journey would be difficult to account for, wouldn't it?
Have the L/E said anywhere that he filled up en route? Maybe the car was filled up the day before....maybe he stopped to 'top it up' at a motorway services where he knew there would be cameras? The other thought worrying me is, if he decided not to travel until the following day...presumably he would have let his brother know? If not....then could this have been premeditated after all? Or perhaps the brother has just failed to mention it?
I don't know about the hands in pockets thing...thought he looked uncomfortable...but primarily with the amount of press there and knowing this would be going nationwide...possibly international. Think this was done for the cameras anyway...they surely would have been told that this wasn't exactly where her body was found..think the L/E may have requested that they all go????????

The video on this BBC link, has a very brief shot of the family walking away (family facing camera) at 1.07 you get a brief glimpse of Greg with his arms folded across his body.... very defensive body language.

LE definately 'encouraged' this for observation purposes imho
Well I think if they had any shadow of a doubt, or any reason to think their normal dog walking hours would mean they wouldn't have seen the body. Given the grave circumstances of what they had just found, and realising the full, and serious implications of painting an untrue picture to the Police.
I really can't see them publically stating anything but the truth, and fact.

I have to say I believe their word, simply because Jo was put there on Christmas morning.

Have to disagree with this Phillb and think that the body was in situ on the 17th. I walk my two dogs twice a day and tend to take them the same places but different routes...often a friend comes and as we are usually busy nattering away one of us will usually pipe up with something like " Oooo I never noticed that before" or " has that always been there"?

I bet Jo's body was under the snow (it snowed heavily on the Friday night) and looking at the narrow road I also bet that dogs would be on the lead and so the chances of a dog running up to the body to investigate would be diminished. I know I steer clear of narrow lanes when walking my dogs. Im not saying that the dog walkers are lying but probably find it very hard to accept the fact that they could have walked past Jo's body

As Luna pointed out earlier (Im sure it was Luna but apologies if not x) The police would know whether Jo had been moved due to the blood pooling ?
As Luna pointed out earlier (Im sure it was Luna but apologies if not x) The police would know whether Jo had been moved due to the blood pooling ?

I think you only have to read between the lines of what's been in the news today.
The Police have been looking at places where the body could have been stashed. I think that's about as good as saying 'they have strong suspicions/good reason to think the body wasn't in Longwood Lane for 8 days, they think it might have been hid elsewhere'

They wouldn't be looking for a body hiding place do you think otherwise IMO.
The video on this BBC link, has a very brief shot of the family walking away (family facing camera) at 1.07 you get a brief glimpse of Greg with his arms folded across his body.... very defensive body language.

LE definately 'encouraged' this for observation purposes imho

Thank you Luna :)
btw - Have you noticed the brown coat and black hat that GR is wearing matches up perfectly with what the man behind Jo was wearing in Tesco cctv?

I know this MUST be a coincidence but weird all the same
Well I think if they had any shadow of a doubt, or any reason to think their normal dog walking hours would mean they wouldn't have seen the body. Given the grave circumstances of what they had just found, and realising the full, and serious implications of painting an untrue picture to the Police.
I really can't see them publically stating anything but the truth, and fact.

I have to say I believe their word, simply because Jo was put there on Christmas morning.
We'll agree to differ then...for the time being. If G/R is the would have to be 17th or 19th. I would hope that he would have been watched by L/E after that and don't see he would have the opportunity to do anything with her body once the L/E were involved but, hey, there is so much we don't know....could surprise us all!
Just a quickie here & i want as many of you to answer this as possible, do you think that if Joanna's body had been found that weekend on the Saturday for instance before GR had reported her missing, do you think we would be sitting here discussing it now ??

Only because of all the press conferences & media attention this investigation got in the early stages makes me think if she'd of been found earlier all you would of known of this is a couple of inches snip bit in a columnn of a newspaper.

In my opinion, this did go wrong for the murderer, she was meant to of been found much earlier on, probably before GR returned. Whether it was planned or not, i dont think the killer would of expected to of got so much coverage.

I am sticking with my original vote = 1 - GR

The thing is, IF he did dump her on Friday 17th (which I believe) and she had been found, the police wouldn't have a clue who she was, no ID, no young lady in Bristol reported missing (yet) was he hoping it would hit the news that the body of a young woman had been found, and then he could have rang round from Sheffield to see if anyone had heard from her?......

I actually do think we would be discussing it..... I think they would still have had a job linking him to it, and they would have arranged the press conference as an appeal to catch a murder....

I am positive he had no idea how big it would become, and now the genie is well and truly out of the bottle......
I think you only have to read between the lines of what's been in the news today.
The Police have been looking at places where the body could have been stashed. I think that's about as good as saying 'they don't think the body was in Longwood Lane for 8 days, they think it was hid elsewhere'

They wouldn't be looking for a body hiding place do you think otherwise IMO.

I'm not sure Phill to be honest as they could be looking for something else apart from a body? Petrol can maybe? Just a thought! I think the sniffer dogs will come next but we may not see them as they will be somewhere else.
Have to disagree with this Phillb and think that the body was in situ on the 17th. I walk my two dogs twice a day and tend to take them the same places but different routes...often a friend comes and as we are usually busy nattering away one of us will usually pipe up with something like " Oooo I never noticed that before" or " has that always been there"?

I bet Jo's body was under the snow (it snowed heavily on the Friday night) and looking at the narrow road I also bet that dogs would be on the lead and so the chances of a dog running up to the body to investigate would be diminished. I know I steer clear of narrow lanes when walking my dogs. Im not saying that the dog walkers are lying but probably find it very hard to accept the fact that they could have walked past Jo's body

As Luna pointed out earlier (Im sure it was Luna but apologies if not x) The police would know whether Jo had been moved due to the blood pooling ?

I cant claim that one pipkins..... I'm really not that clever :iamashamed:

totally agree about the dogwalking, I wouldn't let my moggy off his lead on that narrow lane.... tbh, I've never understood why you would walk along that lane, unless there was an entrance to some woods along the way? I think there was, opposite the quarry entrance?
I don't know about the hands in pockets thing...thought he looked uncomfortable...but primarily with the amount of press there and knowing this would be going nationwide...possibly international. Think this was done for the cameras anyway...they surely would have been told that this wasn't exactly where her body was found..think the L/E may have requested that they all go????????

From the first day the flowers were placed by the family and GR, every article I read said outright that the location was close to where JY had been found. They made it clear the spot was nit the actual location.

That's why I was astonished that the "detective" in the newspaper analyzed the body dump site wrongly.

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