GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #5

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I notice some of you have noticed we sometimes have quite a few guests reading. I often read without signing in and sign in just when I want to post.

We do, however, seem to have other people reading who post on different forums. I tried to get to our thread the quick way, so I typed "Websleuths Joanna Yeates" into the search engine. And this is what I got, among other things: a thread from a different forum where someone said we were way out of line. Of course I had a look.

Just in case anyone was wondering about guests.

have just read a page or so of this forum, and not at all happy with the way correspondents address each other...

i commend websleuths because of its polite exchanges...excellent...and this forum does seem to have some extremely intelligent, literate members, expressing interesting, well-researched material.
have just read a page or so of this forum, and not at all happy with the way correspondents address each other...

i commend websleuths because of its polite exchanges...excellent...and this forum does seem to have some extremely intelligent, literate members, expressing interesting, well-researched material.
Yes agreed. It's a very well self policed forum is this, infact it's one of the politest and most sensible ones i've used. I've seen a few differencies of opinion here, but nothing at all to suggest any silly bickering, and attacking other posters like happens on most forums. Anyway. If we start slagging them off then were just stooping to their level. I suggest we ignore any of their negatives and carry on as we were.

This whole case has generated massive amounts of interest. Lots of forums have sprung up, everyone is talking about it. It's almost like an addictive game of nationwide online Cluedo...The Butler did it in the library with the candlestick holder.

But we have to remember it isn't a game, It's real peoples lives, and the one big looser in the game was poor Jo Yeates.

It's a very very sad thing to have happened :(
Thanks Phillb for bookmark tip. Was saving browser link but didn't work.
Add thread five to your favourite bookmarks gloriana (at the top of your toolbar) :)

If there are two perps involved they must be very sure of each other

Maybe somebody gave an alibi 30 odd years ago and therefore birds of a feather are flocking together.
Both RS and GR say that Jo was "useless" with her mobile phone

RS says that she too is "useless" with her phone

RS and GR say quite the same thing yet Jo's actions involving her phone on the 17th tell us that she uses her phone in a rather regular way like the rest of us - she called CAG (sorry forgot his initials), and she called and spoke to RS no problem - so that kind of contradicts RS and GR's tales of Jo's mobile phone habits (and indeed RS' story about her own mobile phone habits).

See, I don't think so at all. When I say I'm useless with a mobile, I really mean useless. And completely unpredictable. It doesn't matter if I've initiated texts or calls either. I mean this respectfully, and I know this sounds strange to those who are more consistent (whether Jo was or was not remains to be confirmed) or expect greater consistency, but it is perfectly intelligible to those who share similar communication patterns or habits.
The Rebecca video interests me, but the version I've seen (as posted by Phillb at 28 above) has clearly been extensively edited. Has anyone got a link to an unedited version? And an accurate transcript? A lot of the newspaper "reporting" is not very accurate.
Hi everyone.

I have read your threads almost a week now, so I am quite familiar with your views.
Because this case has a huge reflection in media, it also gives a rise to much speculation.
To be honest, I dont belive GR nor RS are related to this case. They are just ordinary people who have lost the loved one and probably they dont know how to cope with media or the attention people are giving. I cant imagine myself speaking about a loss of a friend in normal way without hiding my face..its my personal sorrow and it makes vulnerable to show it to the whole world.
By the way..couple of days ago somebody posted Lorps twitter account, but cant find it right now. Remember I found there quite interesting post that might need to be analyzed.
Please, could somebody post that site again?

Not sure if I'm allowed to post it here, but you could google 'lorp' and 'twitter' and it'll come up.

There's something odd and almost prophetic on it, not sure if he tweeted it himself, because I'm not familiar with Twitter.

"If there's a q&a I'll ask @willself whether he ever fugged up a room containing a dying loved one
9:09 PM Feb 25th, 2010 via mobile web"
This isn't the first dna sample is it? I thought they'd found a significant sample when her body was found. In fact the snow was supposed to have preserved it, well according to papers that is. What happened to that?
Ok, here goes. I'm new (and have my hands full with my little one) so be patitent with me re. spellings etc:)

Thanks for all the sleuthing, I've been reading for days and some interesting theories. Here's my take in brief:

1. As we don't have many details/facts, it's difficult to rule out a lot. We can only put forward theories in order of the most likely. To me, given what we know, JY was definitely killed by someone she knew, given the lack of break in/struggle and the body move. What we need is some motive.

2. I don't think this was premeditated on the basis of the way the body was dumped - hurried, lack of fore thought.

3. I have been swinging between various theories that centre around GR, motive being control/posessiveness.

4. RS break up on the 17th has been bothering me. Coincidences should be treated with suspicion. Having watched that interview of her, body language aside, my antenae are well and truly up. So RS is now my focus, Jealousy as a motive, with GR in the know? I strongly believe GR knows something.

a. When she found the police message, why did she phone Jo? Shouldn't she have phoned the police directly as it would have been urgent. I'd like to know what her and GR discussed.

b. Someone mentioned earlier the similar language being used by GR and RS.

c. Stumbling on whether she was alive...@ about 3:00

d. Can't remember (sorry, rushing) at what point she says they were all devastated then corrects it to being, she was more devastated. Almost competing to appear the mmost devastated.

e. Is it just me who finds it strange that RS says her family tried to have Christmas as best as they could given the circumstances?? Who even thinks about Christmas at a time like that? Almost like trying to pretend it's not happening.

f. Is she just nervous?

5. So, did RS do the deed on the Friday/Saturday (on her way home for the Christmas break), end up stopping in Bristol until Sunday, and get some help from GR on the Sunday with the clear up? Proceeded home to Hampshire on Sunday.. What's the relationship between RS and GR? Can RS movements be accounted for?

More to come.
I don't believe RS could be involved directly with Jo's murder but it's good to speculate even so.
During the last phone call I was wondering if Jo could have confided in RS that she intended to ring MW and invite him out or round for drinks? (Mind you, two small bottles of cider wouldn't be enough to tempt me out)
If RS was of a jealous and spiteful nature or fancied him herself she could very well have rung Gregg and told him. He would have been well on his way to Sheffield then that's if he did leave at 7pm.
Did he in fact return in his brother's car, as has been speculated and on getting back to flat find traces of a visitor, (one that had already left of course)
Just thoughts on an alternative scenario.

Do we know if Jo was in same clothes as when she came home?

Someone mentioned the wheelie bins - could one have been used to transport body to car?

Also does anyone know who got to flat first on the night in question, after Gregg rung parents. Was it them or the police?
The Police obviously have Jo's last conversation with Rebeca traced to where R.S was at the time. If her mobile signal was in Bristol then it's time for her to worry big time, but I think she can easily be ruled out if not.
Which I suspect has already been done.

I don't thinkk we know enough about RS movements to rule her outt. We also don't know that police have ruled her out, or details of her movements wrt to time of jy time of death - which we also don't know...
Also does anyone know who got to flat first on the night in question, after Gregg rung parents. Was it them or the police?

I don't know, but it seems to me to an important factor- also, what time did GR phone the parents? Does anyone know? A timeline for the events of 20/21 December would be fascinating, but I doubt the information is out there, such as: what time did GR leave Sheffield? what time did the parents arrive at the flat? Who phoned the police and when? etc etc
"Perhaps they found the remains of a body organ ie a heart for example ?? I'm sure ive said this before ?? "
Sorry Destroyer but no quote button

I don't know if this is meant as 'tongue in cheek' joke kind of thing, some kind of blood or guts left on show.
Surely if this were so, GR would have spotted it immediately and rung police. However, if he was the guilty party he certainly wouldn't have left it there for parents to discover.

I feel this was impulsive murder not pre-meditated so no time for any kind of 'surgery' on body.
I definitely agree about parents not expecting their daughter to be found alive on that first press conference or whatever it's called. They didn't seem to have any hope for her very possible something was found in flat -but what??

Couldn't GR have eaten the pizza - he wouldn't have had any idea it was going to be an important clue. Box would have gone into rubbish bin which I believe was collected next day?
Then surely he would have simply said he came home and ate the pizza?
Just out of curiousity, and without having to trawl through masses of old posts/news articles.
How does Rebecca account for her movements that weekend?

Where does she state she is on the Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday?

Surely her last mobile call was traced to a signal well away from Bristol. I do trust the Police have checked this out?
I think RS is at university in Swansea. Reports have it that they broke up on the 17th Dec. for Xmas break. Presumably she would have gone partying with other students on the Friday/Sat night? as she says she travelled home (Hants) on the Sunday.
I've never given any thought that her friend could be involved before. I've totally dismissed the idea she might have been jealous of Greg being in Jo's life as pure nonsense. A woman murderer always seems harder to accept. It's not till I've watched the video that doubts creep in. One thought I have is why the video now?
The Police do use this tactic to flush out a perp. If anyone hasn't watched the video, I recommend they do.

The things that stand out in my mind particlarly are her statements at 04.27
she says ''obviously the news was on constantly'' to me her tone of voice when she says that is like.... it would drive a killer insane and rack them with guilt. They'd want it all to go away, not to be in every paper, and every news programme.

Then she says ''And then when her body was found'' the interviewer asks her ''is that how you found out'' Rebeacca for the first time only in the interview raises her voice, and is very quick to emphasise Yeah yeah through the telly, then her head goes down and a look of sickness in the stomach comes over her face. The way she is so quick and forceful about how she found out Jo was dead, that really stands out, her voice is very monotone up to that point. She shakes her head no at this point, a shake of the head like when you wish something would just go away and stop because it's agitating you.

To me that very much looks like a guilt ridden reaction.

*Interesting point to note when she says she's hardly slept since*
Not saying it is her, Just my musings, and a few points to consider.
Like I've said before 'Expect the unexpected' with this one.
When I first heard that RS was being interviewed on Sky News....I assumed that they would be filming it....why is this interview clearly being done by the Bristol and Avon Police?
I don't believe RS could be involved directly with Jo's murder but it's good to speculate even so.
During the last phone call I was wondering if Jo could have confided in RS that she intended to ring MW and invite him out or round for drinks? (Mind you, two small bottles of cider wouldn't be enough to tempt me out)
If RS was of a jealous and spiteful nature or fancied him herself she could very well have rung Gregg and told him. He would have been well on his way to Sheffield then that's if he did leave at 7pm.
Did he in fact return in his brother's car, as has been speculated and on getting back to flat find traces of a visitor, (one that had already left of course)
Just thoughts on an alternative scenario.

Do we know if Jo was in same clothes as when she came home?

Someone mentioned the wheelie bins - could one have been used to transport body to car?

Also does anyone know who got to flat first on the night in question, after Gregg rung parents. Was it them or the police?

It is possible that her body could have been put into a black plastic garbage bag and carried down and put into the wheelie bin... I dont think it would have alarmed anyone if they saw this...
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