GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #5

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I believe it is worth keeping in mind the L/L is still on police bail.

My hunch is the investigating team is in trouble with this.
It is to be hoped the reports of DNA being found are true. They need a quality sample too.
This case is made doubly difficult because there is no crime scene and no witnesses.
There appears to be little for detectives to work with and there is a lot of speculation in the print media. Is that speculation based on tip offs from detectives?

We desperately need a substantial breakthrough.
Where is it going to come from?
Latest from the Daily Mail here


Bristol Zoo has given detectives its CCTV tapes from the night Jo vanished.

According to the Mirror, a police source said: 'Bristol Zoo is not on the direct route from her flat to where her body was found, but the footage may prove useful in establishing how the killer reached her flat in the first place.'

The body of Glenis Carruthers,20, who was strangled in 1974 was foud outside Bristol Zoo.

Both she and Jo were blonde and found without shoes.

Cold-case officers investigating Glenis's murder will pass on any potential links to the team hunting Jo's killer.

Read more:


As part of my theory about the Avon Bridge route being used instead of the Clifton Suspension bridge. I've wondered if the killer did infact head North towards the Zoo. The reason i'm thinking this is possible is because it's a lot of a quieter area. It avoids the more main centre roads. But the main thing about that route is it takes you along the A4176 Bridge Valley Road and Avon Gorge further down. My reckoning behind this is because... suddenly you have a dead body to dispose of, your in a panic, where is the nearest, and best place to get rid of a body??

Local knowledge really comes into play here. I checked out that route on Google Street view, you can see it for yourself here

Over that low wall is a very substantial drop down the valley and into the River Avon below. A great place to let a body go over the side, plus it has the benefits of putting many marks on a body, making it hard to identify the cause of death perhaps?

But my guess is the road was too well lit and patronised at the time. The killer had no option but to carry on down the road. If so, then you have no option but to go under the suspension bridge, you can't get on to it from that road. You have to use the next bridge down, the Avon Bridge. Sadly the route I suggest as possible just misses the Bristol Zoo C.C.T.V by the looks of things on the street view.

*I think dumping her body on the other side of the river is the kilers one big mistake*
It narrows things down too much. It will catch him/them out eventually!

This is all surmise really, but if we keep posting these theories. It just might make someone think of things in a new light.
I don't think Gregs involved at all. Infact i think he's actually the second victim in all this. Loosing a loved one, and now with all the figers of blame, and suspicion on him for added insult.

Never say never, but my thoughts are he's innocent.
I agree. But when you are trying to consider EVERY possibility...he has to be included..simply because he was so close to Jo. But I feel increasingly uncomfortable that, if innocent, we may be adding to his overwhelming distress. As I posted before..just wish the police would state that they are happy with his alibi and that he is in no way involved. Really, really, hope he isn't.
Not sure if I'm allowed to post it here, but you could google 'lorp' and 'twitter' and it'll come up.

There's something odd and almost prophetic on it, not sure if he tweeted it himself, because I'm not familiar with Twitter.

"If there's a q&a I'll ask @willself whether he ever fugged up a room containing a dying loved one
9:09 PM Feb 25th, 2010 via mobile web"

I am more curious about his twit of the 17th dec....could it be a bit semiotic? Who could translate his meaning?:)
Having reveiwed the video of RS I must admit my original thoughts still remain that she could be a very likely suspect. I did not mention it until I saw the video of her but now I have deep reservations about her. Why on earth did she ring Jo's phone when in fact she should have been calling the police, knowing that she had been informed by them that Jo was missing. I dont understand that one at all. Jo,s bf could be involved but somehow I do not feel this likely although all avenues of enquiry must be left open at this point as we have not got enough information.

And furthermore a very good question why is this interview video'ed by the police???
I notice some of you have noticed we sometimes have quite a few guests reading. I often read without signing in and sign in just when I want to post.

We do, however, seem to have other people reading who post on different forums. I tried to get to our thread the quick way, so I typed "Websleuths Joanna Yeates" into the search engine. And this is what I got, among other things: a thread from a different forum where someone said we were way out of line. Of course I had a look.

Just in case anyone was wondering about guests.
Apart from a handful of expletives...I don't think anyone on that site would have much to offer here.
It is possible that her body could have been put into a black plastic garbage bag and carried down and put into the wheelie bin... I dont think it would have alarmed anyone if they saw this...

Absolutely impossible imo- a garbage bag couldn't contain an adult human body unless it was dismembered or folded double. Even if it could contain the body, it wouldn't be strong enough to support 50+ kg, even if someone was strong enough to lift it- the bag would burst. Then anyone struggling out to the bin with 50+kg in a bin bag would be extremely conspicuous, due to the extreme effort it would require.
definitely don't agree. i think rebecca was trying to hold it all together in order not to break down, note how she bites her lips constantly.
she will now have emerged as part of police plan.
just think how you would feel if you were to have to talk on national/international tv about your best friend. especially since she was the penultimate person contacted by jo....

same with boyfriend.
imagine how responsible you would feel...going away to see twins and enjoying a fun activity...skiing...whilst your girlfriend murdered...
also, how could you hold yourself up to parents , knowing that without your actions it is likely that their beloved daughter would still be alive.
you would have a huge rush of emotions...guilt at not having acted earlier,guilt at exposing jo to an ugly untimely death, death of all your hopes and plans for the future as well as huge natural grief at the one you loved being so destroyed in this way..
plus, people on websites slating you as a murderer....
i appeared on local television last year about an appeal to developers against building in a local beauty spot. because money involved...local councillors... and i was horrified to be met with critical,scathing comments online.
i now realise that is how the web is used destructively...and, believe me, it hurts, whatever you say to yourself...
Good point about RS....also G/R...but, at the time of that interview, her body had not been found and we were led to believe they were looking for a missing person? which brings us back to what did they know...which had not been made public?
I am more curious about his twit of the 17th dec....could it be a bit semiotic? Who could translate his meaning?:)

Here is a cut and paste of my post about this from an earlier thread:

"Mary Beard is an author of a well received book on Pompeii, covering daily life in a Roman city. Plenty of phallic imagery in Pompeii, if you ever visit. Loaded is a UK "Lads' Mag" with lots of soft *advertiser censored* type images of women. He is contrasting everyday imagery in the Roman Empire and today, and where real power lies? maybe??"
Not sure if I'm allowed to post it here, but you could google 'lorp' and 'twitter' and it'll come up.

There's something odd and almost prophetic on it, not sure if he tweeted it himself, because I'm not familiar with Twitter.

"If there's a q&a I'll ask @willself whether he ever fugged up a room containing a dying loved one
9:09 PM Feb 25th, 2010 via mobile web"
Oh, don't get me going on this one...this guy is a serious weirdo (but that doesn't make him guilty of murder)....working on it though.
Ok, here goes. I'm new (and have my hands full with my little one) so be patitent with me re. spellings etc:)

Thanks for all the sleuthing, I've been reading for days and some interesting theories. Here's my take in brief:

1. As we don't have many details/facts, it's difficult to rule out a lot. We can only put forward theories in order of the most likely. To me, given what we know, JY was definitely killed by someone she knew, given the lack of break in/struggle and the body move. What we need is some motive.

2. I don't think this was premeditated on the basis of the way the body was dumped - hurried, lack of fore thought.

3. I have been swinging between various theories that centre around GR, motive being control/posessiveness.

4. RS break up on the 17th has been bothering me. Coincidences should be treated with suspicion. Having watched that interview of her, body language aside, my antenae are well and truly up. So RS is now my focus, Jealousy as a motive, with GR in the know? I strongly believe GR knows something.

a. When she found the police message, why did she phone Jo? Shouldn't she have phoned the police directly as it would have been urgent. I'd like to know what her and GR discussed.

b. Someone mentioned earlier the similar language being used by GR and RS.

c. Stumbling on whether she was alive...@ about 3:00

d. Can't remember (sorry, rushing) at what point she says they were all devastated then corrects it to being, she was more devastated. Almost competing to appear the mmost devastated.

e. Is it just me who finds it strange that RS says her family tried to have Christmas as best as they could given the circumstances?? Who even thinks about Christmas at a time like that? Almost like trying to pretend it's not happening.

f. Is she just nervous?

5. So, did RS do the deed on the Friday/Saturday (on her way home for the Christmas break), end up stopping in Bristol until Sunday, and get some help from GR on the Sunday with the clear up? Proceeded home to Hampshire on Sunday.. What's the relationship between RS and GR? Can RS movements be accounted for?

More to come.
Welcome to W/S Brummster. Interesting points...just wanted to say that if I got a message from police saying they wanted me to contact them about a close friend...think I would, instictively, ring my friend first....but that's just me.
Re. Teabreid
Originally Posted by MMENJBRIT
It is possible that her body could have been put into a black plastic garbage bag and carried down and put into the wheelie bin... I dont think it would have alarmed anyone if they saw this...
Absolutely impossible imo- a garbage bag couldn't contain an adult human body unless it was dismembered or folded double. Even if it could contain the body, it wouldn't be strong enough to support 50+ kg, even if someone was strong enough to lift it- the bag would burst. Then anyone struggling out to the bin with 50+kg in a bin bag would be extremely conspicuous, due to the extreme effort it would require.

I wouldn't say absolutely impossible.... it depends what size Trash Bag you buy... Joanna was 5'4". If it was a Super Size bag I say it is possible.
Re: Teabreid

Re. Teabreid
Originally Posted by MMENJBRIT
It is possible that her body could have been put into a black plastic garbage bag and carried down and put into the wheelie bin... I dont think it would have alarmed anyone if they saw this...
Absolutely impossible imo- a garbage bag couldn't contain an adult human body unless it was dismembered or folded double. Even if it could contain the body, it wouldn't be strong enough to support 50+ kg, even if someone was strong enough to lift it- the bag would burst. Then anyone struggling out to the bin with 50+kg in a bin bag would be extremely conspicuous, due to the extreme effort it would require.

I wouldn't say absolutely impossible.... it depends what size Trash Bag you buy... Joanna was 5'4". If it was a Super Size bag I say it is possible.

I was also envisioning the Perp supporting the bag with his arms as opposed to lifting it by the top with one hand where it would be inclined to burst>?

Plus, a possibility he got lucky, it was dark and no one was a witness?

All conjecture mind you.
Re: Teabreid

Re. Teabreid
Originally Posted by MMENJBRIT
It is possible that her body could have been put into a black plastic garbage bag and carried down and put into the wheelie bin... I dont think it would have alarmed anyone if they saw this...
Absolutely impossible imo- a garbage bag couldn't contain an adult human body unless it was dismembered or folded double. Even if it could contain the body, it wouldn't be strong enough to support 50+ kg, even if someone was strong enough to lift it- the bag would burst. Then anyone struggling out to the bin with 50+kg in a bin bag would be extremely conspicuous, due to the extreme effort it would require.

I wouldn't say absolutely impossible.... it depends what size Trash Bag you buy... Joanna was 5'4". If it was a Super Size bag I say it is possible.

I was also envisioning the Perp supporting the bag with his arms as opposed to lifting it by the top with one hand where it would be inclined to burst>?

Plus, a possibility he got lucky, it was dark and no one was a witness?

All conjecture mind you.
Without conjecture....there would be no postings on this site! Just wish we had more facts.....and maybe, more suspects?
Oh, don't get me going on this one...this guy is a serious weirdo (but that doesn't make him guilty of murder)....working on it though.

but he is definitely not the only weirdo in nos 42, he.....

i think it is that fact that makes me so uneasy about the so-thought-of crime scene....

ps son and girlfriend live in the house next door...2 doors away...
how disturbing is that...

when i woke up in pain from broken wrist at night i felt genuinely scared....
Re: We Sleuths

I think we just have an awesome group of people on this site who are willing to keep going and unturn every stone that might have been overlooked in the quest to reveal this Perp. I believe that someone 'thinking outside the box' as we have been doing is what will increase our chances of assisting in finding the guilty culprit. The answer may be more simple than we realise/or be more complex! At this point we just don't know. It is no effort for me to try and bring this evil person to justice, just wish I had the answers! I feel at some point whoever did this (and I do not believe this is a first offence ) will have made an error (or 2) and will get tripped up.

Amazing job everyone and PhilB... those maps really are terrific.
Re: We Sleuths

I think we just have an awesome group of people on this site who are willing to keep going and unturn every stone that might have been overlooked in the quest to reveal this Perp. I believe that someone 'thinking outside the box' as we have been doing is what will increase our chances of assisting in finding the guilty culprit. The answer may be more simple than we realise/or be more complex! At this point we just don't know. It is no effort for me to try and bring this evil person to justice, just wish I had the answers! I feel at some point whoever did this (and I do not believe this is a first offence ) will have made an error (or 2) and will get tripped up.

Amazing job everyone and PhilB... those maps really are terrific.
I think we are looking for one of two different 'types' of perps. First is unpremeditated addidental killer..who has only managed to escape detection through an amazing amount of luck....the second is someone cunning (not clever) who, even though may not have premeditated the murder...then goes on to, successfully, cover their tracks. The latter is probably someone with their head so far up their rear entrance that they truly believe they will never be caught....and I think that it is that very arrogance which will prove their undoing.

Body at quarry...deliberate or mistake...still not sure but, if the perp is the cunning one...BIG MISTAKE.
I think we are looking for one of two different 'types' of perps. First is unpremeditated addidental killer..who has only managed to escape detection through an amazing amount of luck....the second is someone cunning (not clever) who, even though may not have premeditated the murder...then goes on to, successfully, cover their tracks. The latter is probably someone with their head so far up their rear entrance that they truly believe they will never be caught....and I think that it is that very arrogance which will prove their undoing.

Body at quarry...deliberate or mistake...still not sure but, if the perp is the cunning one...BIG MISTAKE.
Sorry idea what addidental is (new word in this investigation...perhaps?) should have read: accidental!
but he is definitely not the only weirdo in nos 42, he.....

i think it is that fact that makes me so uneasy about the so-thought-of crime scene....

ps son and girlfriend live in the house next door...2 doors away...
how disturbing is that...

when i woke up in pain from broken wrist at night i felt genuinely scared....
Tell me more about the son and girlfriend...don't remember seeing this....and what about the wrist???
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