GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #6

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I think we're reading too much into the exact wording - if I recall correctly, this was only published in one newspaper who got the info through doorstepping MW who wasn't keen to be interviewed. I think the chances that MW either paraphrased or was misquoted are very high. I think we can assume this was the general gist of the text, but the exact phrasing is probably a red herring.

There's way too much ambiguity about the entire MW involvement, imo

First, he was 'asleep' and didn't get JY's message

Next, his phone was recharging, so he didn't get JY's message

Next off, he was at a party, in a venue very close to where JY was attempting to contact him and asking him, ' Where are you ? Fancy a drink ? '

If I were investigating, I'd be starting with MW. And I'd be digging deep

I've always wondered how GR felt about the fact he was going to what was presumably for him an important family event without his "other half" ? Jo didn't seem to have any good reason not to go with him, that I've heard. Could he have been angry about it? Just seems to jar with the perfect relationship that is painted. As does the text to MW.

Can't fault your reasoning or questions at all
Hi Sasha,

Yes, I found your post useful, thank you very much, only I wasn't signed in, so couldn't click 'thank you'.
Sorry Firefly, my fault...I didn't know about the "The Following Users Say Thank You For This Useful Post" until I noticed it a few moments much for being observant. Unbelievable that I've read pages upon pages of posts and never seen it before! I'm aware of it now. There's been some fantastic ideas and informative posts here, some of which have really got down to the crux of things and blown me away at times. Sometimes I think I've cracked something and then I read someone else's ideas and realise I'm way off the mark. If it hadn't have been for members here I'd be plodding along the same old path wondering why I'm not getting any further. end this rather rambling note...I'll keep searching now that I know people found it useful.

By the way, (to anyone who may be reading this) not sure how true this is, but:

They [the police] have not explained officially why they are so sure he [GR] is in the clear, but sources say signals picked up from his mobile phone provide evidence he was well on his way to Sheffield when Joanna was at the Ram and could not have doubled back surreptitiously to the flat.

Would love to know who those 'sources' are. I don't know why, but although the police keep saying he's in the clear (so to speak) I can't help wondering.
Many, many posters in many fora have questioned this incident and explanations for it. But there have been those within many fora who've been determined to steer people away from this sort of speculation and to do so, they've either refuted any suggestion of MW/JY involvement that night, or they've simply tried to steer people's attention to other issues

As we've seen though, it's something that will not go away. People continue to return to it, because it's one of the very few certainties surrounding that night

No matter how much downplaying is attempted, it is a peculiar situation. On one hand, people bend over backwards to claim JY and GR were 'besotted'. Yet right there under the public's nose is the fact that JY did not choose for whatever reason to attend the Christening with him, despite they could both have driven there together after she'd finished work. So why didn't she go with GR ? It's never been explained, has it ?

Next, the moment GR has left, JY is phoning some guy who's supposedly a casual acquaintance of her brother to ask, ' Where are you ? Fancy a drink ? '

So was she bored with GR ? Was she looking around to replace him ? Was she looking for a fling ? Did she phone other guys that night and ask if they'd like a drink ?

MW doesn't conform with most women's idea of attractive, as far as I'm aware

So was it a meeting of minds ? Well, LE would have a lot of the online communication between them and would be in a position to know the answer to that ?

What was it about MW that prompted JY to phone him, asking if he'd like a drink ? Looks ? Charm ? Wealth ? Sex appeal ? Shoulder to lean on ?

And why after 18 months during which they hadn't seen each other ... allegedly ... did she seek a face to face encounter ? First opportunity without GR ? Or was GR aware JY was going to try to meet up with MW ? And was GR fine with that ?

And have LE forensically examined MW's vehicle/s ? And examined cctv footage of the venue it's claimed MW was at, and for how long ? If not, why not ?

All just my opinion

I havent seen a pic of MW is there a link please. I am begining to wonder if there was something strange about her lifestyle. Arm wrestling new dates, not going to Nottingham with GR and contacting an old bf 18 months for a drink!! Sorry if this seems to be demoralising JY I am just going down every train of thought as there just isn't anything to be sure of.
I havent seen a pic of MW is there a link please. I am begining to wonder if there was something strange about her lifestyle. Arm wrestling new dates, not going to Nottingham with GR and contacting an old bf 18 months for a drink!! Sorry if this seems to be demoralising JY I am just going down every train of thought as there just isn't anything to be sure of.


Matthew Wood, 28, received her message inviting him for a drink at 8.20pm on Friday, December 17.

She had left the Bristol Ram pub just after 8pm after drinking with friends, and was making her way home.

Soon afterwards she would have passed the row of pubs and bars known as the Clifton Triangle where Mr Wood was attending his work Christmas party.

Mr Wood, who knew Miss Yeates through her older brother Chris, said he did not see the message until 9.20pm when he replied, telling her he was ‘busy’ at the party
Many, many posters in many fora have questioned this incident and explanations for it. But there have been those within many fora who've been determined to steer people away from this sort of speculation and to do so, they've either refuted any suggestion of MW/JY involvement that night, or they've simply tried to steer people's attention to other issues

As we've seen though, it's something that will not go away. People continue to return to it, because it's one of the very few certainties surrounding that night

No matter how much downplaying is attempted, it is a peculiar situation. On one hand, people bend over backwards to claim JY and GR were 'besotted'. Yet right there under the public's nose is the fact that JY did not choose for whatever reason to attend the Christening with him, despite they could both have driven there together after she'd finished work. So why didn't she go with GR ? It's never been explained, has it ?

Next, the moment GR has left, JY is phoning some guy who's supposedly a casual acquaintance of her brother to ask, ' Where are you ? Fancy a drink ? '

So was she bored with GR ? Was she looking around to replace him ? Was she looking for a fling ? Did she phone other guys that night and ask if they'd like a drink ?

MW doesn't conform with most women's idea of attractive, as far as I'm aware

So was it a meeting of minds ? Well, LE would have a lot of the online communication between them and would be in a position to know the answer to that ?

What was it about MW that prompted JY to phone him, asking if he'd like a drink ? Looks ? Charm ? Wealth ? Sex appeal ? Shoulder to lean on ?

And why after 18 months during which they hadn't seen each other ... allegedly ... did she seek a face to face encounter ? First opportunity without GR ? Or was GR aware JY was going to try to meet up with MW ? And was GR fine with that ?

And have LE forensically examined MW's vehicle/s ? And examined cctv footage of the venue it's claimed MW was at, and for how long ? If not, why not ?

All just my opinion

You've been raising very good points, laserdisc, if I may say so and thanks to everyone again.

There is a lot of control being exercised over this case in the public arena, after an initial burst of appeals and encouragement of press attention.

Now, the consensus about the couple has hardened - besotted, devoted, faithful etc - even though there are unusual elements to the whole thing.

But elements which we are supposed to regard as completely 'usual' - and if one points out that they are 'unusual', one is regarded as a freak or a ghoul.

The apparent habit of not replying to texts or phone calls. This was 'not unusual'. Yet there we have the victim on the phone, sending and replying to texts or at least open to doing so.

Not going to the family event. No reason given.

The cider and the pizza - things which immediately gave rise to the idea (not unreasonably) that there may have been another person involved that evening. Again, this was rubbished as some kind of moral slur. Though the inference was obvious and easily made.

That held sway in a puzzling way for some time, until ... it emerged later that ...

... there was an attempt to meet up with a male friend.

Again, 'not unusual'?

Well maybe or maybe not.

That's just a few anomalies which we as the public have been encouraged by the police to notice.

Encouraged, yes, because had the police not alerted the media in the way they chose to do on this case, the city of Bristol and its annoyingly 'affluent suburb' and the whole drama of this murder would have passed us all by as just another blip in our end of year experiences.

We would now be posting on Tunisia or Brazil or Sri Lanka or some dreadful murder which we don't know about because there is no publicity surrounding it.

But here we are. We have brains. We think. We have opinions and the fora to express them. It is not possible for public interest and alarm to be stood down as easily as it can be 'stood up'.

Certainly, saying that 'sadly, so many murders go unsolved' isn't going to wash with this one.
I like your style, Sir Robert :toast:

and your prose

Yes, time for plain speaking now
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't his mother come out a blazing that she didnt want her son implicated and that he had done nothing wrong which was a pretty bold statement.
I'm not too sure to believe all these reports if they were besotted, or there were serious cracks in the relationship. Gossip gets distorted for all number of reasons.

You have best friends write you a testimonial, your the next best thing since sliced bread. But you get the people you have had run ins with to write you one. Well... I'm sure they will tear you to bits just for fun. There are lots of little snides who crawl out of the woodwork when things like this happen.

Just look what happened to Mr C.J. A diry peeping Tom he was painted to be, poor old lad I.M.O.
Backstabbers and gossipers should be treated with the same distrust they obviously relish in.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't his mother come out a blazing that she didnt want her son implicated and that he had done nothing wrong which was a pretty bold statement.

The comments attributed to MW's mother (reported as step-mother) will be online somewhere and I'll try to locate them, but for now, I think she was quoted as saying along the lines of she didn't want MW 'dragged into all this' ... something like that

After all, what affects a member of our family also affects us, doesn't it ? It can damage our reputation, lower our social standing, cause us embarrassment and humiliation, put us under the microscope, etc.

The comments attributed to MW's mother (reported as step-mother) will be online somewhere and I'll try to locate them, but for now, I think she was quoted as saying along the lines of she didn't want MW 'dragged into all this' ... something like that

I found it earlier.

Mr Wood’s stepmother Teresa Yeandle yesterday refused to comment on his relationship with Miss Yeates.

At her terrace home in Trewellard, near Penzance, Cornwall, she said: ‘I’m not very happy about him being pulled into all this – it’s got nothing to do with him. She wasn’t a close friend of his.’

Hope it saves you searching :)
I'm not too sure to believe all these reports if they were besotted, or there were serious cracks in the relationship. Gossip gets distorted for all number of reasons.

You have best friends write you a testimonial, your the next best thing since sliced bread. But you get the people you have had run ins with to write you one. Well... I'm sure they will tear you to bits just for fun. There are lots of little snides who crawl out of the woodwork when things like this happen.

Just look what happened to Mr C.J. A diry peeping Tom he was painted to be, poor old lad I.M.O.
Backstabbers and gossipers should be treated with the same distrust they obviously relish in.


You can be fairly certain CJ will have taken note of those who rushed to ridicule him. I think he'd have quite a sting in his tail if roused. Maybe a lot of inheritences gone with the wind too, lol
i wonder if, perhaps, it was jo who was doing the chasing of mathew and he replied that he was busy.
sounds as if jo was not good on her own...or perhaps, as others have indicated, not so satisfied with greg.
if my daughter's partner were to go away i would expect her to arrange meeting with her friends...not his...which matthew was meant to have been.
she could always have spent longer in the pub on park street, if she felt lonely...
laserdisc10; you just might have nailed it regarding MW.

I hope they do have the DNA talked about. It might not clinch the investigation but it will mean someone has some explaining to do.
The case will take a giant leap forward too.

The hairs on the back of neck are standing up. Something is going to happen, I just know it.
i wonder if, perhaps, it was jo who was doing the chasing of mathew and he replied that he was busy.
sounds as if jo was not good on her own...or perhaps, as others have indicated, not so satisfied with greg.
if my daughter's partner were to go away i would expect her to arrange meeting with her friends...not his...which matthew was meant to have been.
she could always have spent longer in the pub on park street, if she felt lonely...

Might be way off here, but I've never regarded MW as a love interest, particularly. For some reason, I see him more as a type of go-between or even as an entrepreneur (don't know if I spelled that correctly, but it'll have to do)

All JMO, as always
I've always wondered how GR felt about the fact he was going to what was presumably for him an important family event without his "other half" ? Jo didn't seem to have any good reason not to go with him, that I've heard. Could he have been angry about it? Just seems to jar with the perfect relationship that is painted. As does the text to MW.

That's my view too. This angle has been relatively ignored. Reardon's parents called off and it may wll be that Greg put great store in attending his nieces' christening.

One other factor that hasn't really been discussed is the strain that might develop in a relationship in which the couple not only live together but work together.

Is the obvious not being ignored at the expense of introducing suspect after suspect, such as Rebecca Scott or Mathew Wood on the basis of, well, not a lot, actually?

The latter's text message comes to us courtesy of the British media which has presented a garbled version of just about everything else. It seemed totally harmless to me. Rebecca Scott struck me as a perfectly normal person who was desperately sad at the loss of her friend.

On the one hand, a fundamental assumption is being made that A&S Police would have ample grounds for believing GR's alibi - presumably via positioning through mobile phone data and credit card receipts. But the same A&S Police are being condemned for laxity in allowing rubbish and recycling bins to be cleared - then having to plough through 300 tons of refuse - and focusing too much effort on examining CCTV from the wrong places. So are A&S Police completely on the ball?

What if GR's mobile was switched off and his alibi largely relies on a statement from his brother? Is that beyond the bounds of possibility?

My immediate inclination in this case was to look very close to home. Only someone who lived in no. 44 (or maybe no. 42) and had access to the meagre car-parking areas would be likely to have committed this murder.

I then thought the police must have had something on Chris Jefferies. But on reflection, why would guys like CJ - or PS or LP - think of murdering Joanna Yeates? It would make for a great TV murder mystery but how often is real life like that? To them, she was just another young professional/student tenant whom they hardly knew.

Occam's Razor suggests that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one.
Anyone know much about M.W?
Work place, where he lives (If so don't put it in the public domain here though) hobbies, anything like that?
...If the killer took the chance to remove the body (if we're assuming she was killed at home), which to my mind is a huge risk to take...

Just thinking about these words....

If Jo was killed in the house, then given the risks involved in moving the body, can we assume the only reason that someone would bother to do so would either because a) they were behaving rationally - they had a close connection with the scene and had to move the body to distance themselves from or b) they were behaving irrationally and moved the body despite the fact it introduced more risk to them of get than leaving it in the flat would have done.

Everything to me seems to point to irrational behaviour. Moving the body (at huge risk) but leaving her shoes/bag/keys/etc behind seems irrational - it still points the finger of suspicion right at the flat (whereas if these items had been removed and dumped then there would be much less focus on the flat). Going to the risk of moving the body but then placing in in a barely concealed position next to a road seems irrational - a little more effort would have rendered it unlikely to have been discovered for a long long time to come.

If (a big if) the two suspect car sightings in the area are connected, then we have the possibility that the body was moved that night in a panic, with the quarry entrance being chanced upon rather than carefully selected, after driving somewhat haphazardly around looking for somewhere quiet (hence the rapid U-turn at the golf club entrance). The following day, they're worried: they dumped the body in the dark in a rush - is it well hidden or not? So they return, drive up and down a few times but they've been spotted by a passer by and there's no chance now to do anything about it.

This all makes me think it is someone known to GR and/or the family, who was acting in an irrational panic following an incident which had got badly out of hand, and whose first thought would not simply have been to flee the scene and leave the body in situ.

If we buy into the idea that the body might only have been placed at Longwood Lane some days later, a further thought is that the moving of the body could have been motivated by guilt and concern for the family - initially moving it from the flat so Greg didn't have to find it on his return, and then placing it in 'open view' in response to her parents' plea to be 'reunited'.
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