GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #7

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The suitcase angle will be interesting, if that's the big 'breakthrough' the Sun is talking about. And the Mirror.

"Reports suggesting Jo’s killer may have removed the body from her flat in a suitcase were dismissed as a “red herring” by a police source. But the force refused to confirm whether a suitcase or bag was missing."

Which means something is missing, suitcase or bag. But 'red herring'?
Re: Luna15

Does anyone know what time the Sun & Mirror come online?

Hi Luna,

Should be any time now I would think.
Also from that Mirror link:

They are trying to establish if she was murdered somewhere other than her flat or the spot where her body was found.

Police have found no signs of a struggle at the home Jo, 25, shared with boyfriend Greg, 27, in Clifton, Bristol.

They still think it likely she was killed there but are keeping an open mind on the possibility she died in the culprit’s home or car.
Was the cat locked in the bedroom because the perp was afraid it would go outside when he opened the door to remove the body?
If the perp had no keys, and Jo's were in her purse, how could he get back into the flat if he needed to? He couldn't. Which means he only had one chance to remove the body and leave the scene the way he wanted to, unless of course he had his own set of keys. I do believe she was killed in the flat.

was it published somewhere that the cat was indeed locked in the bedroom?

if so, that confirms for me my suspicions about GR

there is no way anyone else would care whether the cat cowered behind a couch or skitted out the door while it was open or bothered them meowing and howling while they tried to think about how best to cover up their crime

anyone else would kick the poor cat aside or ignore it but someone who raised that cat with Jo would put it in a bedroom IMO
was it published somewhere that the cat was indeed locked in the bedroom?

if so, that confirms for me my suspicions about GR

there is no way anyone else would care whether the cat cowered behind a couch or skitted out the door while it was open or bothered them meowing and howling while they tried to think about how best to cover up their crime

anyone else would kick the poor cat aside or ignore it but someone who raised that cat with Jo would put it in a bedroom IMO

Very salient point. One of the strongest points of reasoning I've seen so far.

Re. the Mirror, I hope possible killing in a 3rd venue is not the new evidence. That would be very underwhelming.
Maybe the new evidence is the DNA result (yeah I know, my favourite).
Whatever it is it isn't enough to resolve the case just yet.
Very salient point. One of the strongest points of reasoning I've seen so far.

Re. the Mirror, I hope possible killing in a 3rd venue is not the new evidence. That would be very underwhelming.

Exactly. It doesn't sound the sort of 'new lead breakthrough' news to me either.
It seems to suggest their going backwards.

What's occuring? :waitasec:
mirror has some crap printed im so ashamed of the british papers its unreal
so why would the police even arrest CJ if they didn't have any evidence against him?

or did someone plant evidence to try & frame him?
LadyL, I was only speculating about the cat being locked in a room. Didn't mean to mislead you. ;)

Re. the Mirror, I hope possible killing in a 3rd venue is not the new evidence. That would be very underwhelming.

Back to square one if that's true.

Too many twists and turns. I'm done in!
Just read this on fb:
The pizza and its packaging have never been found. The new clue opens up the possibility Jo's killer may have eaten it.

Last night ex-Scotland Yard Commander John O'Connor called it a "highly significant breakthrough" in the case.

He said it reinforced the view of Jo's parents David and Teresa that she was strangled by... someone she knew.

And he added: "It also raises the possibility she never got back to her flat at all - and that her keys and other belongings were planted there to make it look like she did."

Mr O'Connor believes it is "highly unlikely" Jo was snatched off the street by a stranger.

Is John O'Connor legit, or is this nonsense ie. random speculation?
"DCI Jones said: 'When Jo Yeates was found on Christmas Day morning in Longwood Lane, although she was fully clothed she was not wearing her jacket and not wearing her boots and she was only wearing one sock.

'The jacket and her boots were found at her home address. That would indicate that Jo returned home."

Read more:

This quote only means she was found without her jacket (the white one) and her boots (the ones from the vid).

Does not mean though she was found without a jacket or footwear. Just means not the ones in the video. Maybe she was wearing a different jacket, or a fleece, or a poncho. Maybe she was wearing shoes or different footwear.

Maybe yes she returned to the flat and went out for a walk taking just a single house key. I often do that, and just slip the house key or 2 keys in my pocket. I have a spare front door and flat door key on a ring. That's not out of the questions.

GR is my man, however it is possible JY went for a walk and came to grief outdoors.
Is John O'Connor legit, or is this nonsense ie. random speculation?
I would not pay attention to what an ex-Scotland Yard Commander has to say, considering that he probably does not know more than we do. This 'new clue' has yet to be officially and more precisely worded.

'Close to breakthrough' is exactly equal to 'far from breakthrough', it only means 'still stuck' but it sells more paper.
was it published somewhere that the cat was indeed locked in the bedroom?

if so, that confirms for me my suspicions about GR

there is no way anyone else would care whether the cat cowered behind a couch or skitted out the door while it was open or bothered them meowing and howling while they tried to think about how best to cover up their crime

anyone else would kick the poor cat aside or ignore it but someone who raised that cat with Jo would put it in a bedroom IMO

I don't think that the above follows really.
Indeed, I'd say that Bernard, and his "acting crazy" on Sunday evening is possibly in Greg's favour.
First, though, it has to be pointed out that Jo can't have died Sunday evening. This is because, if she did, the police could not rule out her having eaten the pizza. The fact that they *can* rule that out means that they have to have proof that she died no later than such time as the pizza would have been fully digested [and so on... (!)]. So this rules out the idea earlier put about in various places that GR comes home on Sunday and kills her (which had a number of big problems anyway).
Now, if GR *had* killed Jo on Sunday afternoon, it might have made sense for him to say "I got back on Sunday and the cat was going bananas", since that would strengthen the supposition that she was killed on Friday, and he would then be able to account for where he was then.
Yet, if GR killed Jo on *Friday* and then was claiming that it was kind of normal that he didn't raise the alarm well before midnight *why on earth would he mention that the cat was going nuts?*
This only struck me the other day, but I think it's a compelling factor in Greg's favour. Because, to reiterate, given that so many of us [myself included] are thinking "Jeez, it just isn't right that he would toddle about doing nothing on Sunday night when he hadn't heard from her all weekend, the cat was going nuts"... Greg has actually *given* us, voluntarily, reason to be very suspicious. Whereas, if he had killed her he would have made no mention of the cat.
There may be a number of reasons to suspect Greg. But, if he's not stupid, the cat business oddly goes in his favour. Because Bernard would have been calmed down and fed by the time Jo's parents got to the house. And the cat situation would not be against him.
Of course, he might have done it and he might also be stupid. On its own, though, I think it goes quite a long way in his favour.

Anyhow, hello again people. I'm afraid I haven't been able to follow this case terribly much lately, and feel that I don't anyhow have anything much to contribute, for want of much real evidence coming out. But I'm enjoying glancing here from time to time and benefiting from the insights of some dedicated and talented sleuths.
Cy'all after tomorrow's CrimeWatch. [On which note, if the feature doesn't make it on to YouTube perhaps one of us Brits can see if they can export it from the Beeb iPlayer to somewhere accessible to our trans-Atlantic friends?
If nobody else can do it, I can try to do so, but probably not before the weekend.]
I would not pay attention to what an ex-Scotland Yard Commander has to say, considering that he probably does not know more than we do. This 'new clue' has yet to be officially and more precisely worded.

'Close to breakthrough' is exactly equal to 'far from breakthrough', it only means 'still stuck' but it sells more paper.

Agreed. The ex detective should take into account Jo's bins were emptied on Tues 21st December. Such a nonsense statement from a man who should know better I.M.O.
It is quite feasible she was murdered inside her apartment.
A strong male would overpower her very quickly.
The perpetrator also had the element of surprise on his side.

Also strangulation doesn't always leave a lot of obvious evidence behind.
I went out this evening and got back to find 6 unread pages on WS to read. I take my hat off to you alll for some very good posts here. Excellent guys.

First I really enjoyed reading about the sociapaths article. I have a brother who is a sociopath. I can tell you quote clearly from bitter experience that you cannot have one of them in your life. Initially I thought he was a narcist (for those of you who do know how they operate there are plenty of good articles on you tube relating to this personality disorder), but after seeking help from a Pschologist I reallised that he is a sociopath. I walked away from him 4 years ago and he was so cruel during the period when our father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and subsequently died.

The reason I am saying all this is that I must say I can see extremely similar traits in GR. These people have no emotion and are very clever copycats of other peoples emotions and reactions. It took me most of my life to identify his behaviour. If GR is a sociopath it would certainly make clear his behaviour in the photos and statement. He would have no concsiounce regarding his actions and would be looking at everyone he knows for sympathy.

These people really are very dangerous, not only by the fact they they are capable of such cruelty to loved ones but also the people associated to them.

If anything could make me sure it was GR it would be the fact that he was a sociopath. But like everything in this case it is only conjecture - but my guess he very well could be.

If GR did murder Jo and lets say he is a sociopath, he just would not have any compassion for the cat, leaving it to either starve for the weekend or kicking outside out of sight. Poor Bernard too.
But what if his involvement was to direct Jo to someone else who did have drugs?

Ecstacy use is prevalent in the UK. So in cannabis use.

MW could have tried to line up someone for her. Equally, one of the guys in the pubs she visited could have organised for someone to come round. Or they could have agreed to supply her with something themselves. We don't at all know she took drugs but we really can't rule it out. So many young professionals do.

Depends what you mean by prevalent. Maybe it is in London but I don't think you can apply that as a sweeping generalisation to the whole of the UK, and to all young professionals.

As I've said before, if there were the slightest whiff of any drug use in this case the media would have made a HUGE deal out of it and there would have lots more reporting. I simply do not think that drugs are involved in this case, and I think we should be very careful about implying that there could be. Suggesting that certain individuals are drug dealers, even hypothetically, could have legal ramifications for this website.
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