UK - Julia James, 53, murdered, Snowdown, Kent, 27 April 2021 *ARREST*

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Wow well done DCC Richards
He has now asked for help or ‘mutual aid’ as it is known within from more experienced Metropolitan forces . This is excellent because in the past, pride has got in the way ! I know I sent some of my staff down to the Steve Wright Suffolk Strangler/Ipswich serial killer enquiry in 2006 because it was recognised that Merseyside Police were far more experienced in speaking with and getting ‘sex workers’ to trust them and in time, become witnesses and speak out against him as prior to that, the force was struggling to get sufficient a relationship with these sex worker witnesses so that they would come forward. So I’m sure Merseyside Police , Greater Manchester Police, West Midlands Police and the Metropolitan Police will be drafted in to assist which can only be a good thing because the area where this occurred is so vast ( for the U.K. ) and remote, that they workload in some instances will double and/or triple .
Not sure if anyone has seen that “Julia James” is trending on Twitter.. it’s great that her name is once again out there and hopefully the image appeal leads the police to gather any information that they need.. but my god the majority of tweets are disgusting considering A. He hasn’t been named as a suspect or as dangerous B. There’s nothing to suggest he’s an immigrant (I personally would of thought he was mixed race rather than Middle Eastern as they seem to be suggesting)
I do wonder if this could perhaps be someone who is homeless or moving between places & sleeping rough who the police believe may have come across someone/something vital but they are unable to track him (due to his moving around) so hoping someone who is aware of his current location gets in contact ASAP?
that's my instinct too..
he could have been sleeping in the park, saw something..
that photograph looks like somebody hitching a lift, waiting for a car...
Reverse image search brought no clarity
Not sure if anyone has seen that “Julia James” is trending on Twitter.. it’s great that her name is once again out there and hopefully the image appeal leads the police to gather any information that they need.. but my god the majority of tweets are disgusting considering A. He hasn’t been named as a suspect or as dangerous B. There’s nothing to suggest he’s an immigrant (I personally would of thought he was mixed race rather than Middle Eastern as they seem to be suggesting)
They always do that... huge contingent of filthy racists ready to swoop. Report them and block them.
Thanks, have found the spot now I think on google Google Maps

Looks like what I thought was a field he was stood in is actually that patch of grass in front of the houses (overgrown now but freshly cut on the google images)

Thanks for the Google map. Interesting it is so near to the houses I was imagining fields on the other side of the road.
Not sure if anyone has seen that “Julia James” is trending on Twitter.. it’s great that her name is once again out there and hopefully the image appeal leads the police to gather any information that they need.. but my god the majority of tweets are disgusting considering A. He hasn’t been named as a suspect or as dangerous B. There’s nothing to suggest he’s an immigrant (I personally would of thought he was mixed race rather than Middle Eastern as they seem to be suggesting)

I have not read any comments on twitter,but I do not think it is necessarily racist to consider the possibility he could be an illegal immigrant considering the proximity to the Kent coast.

This could mean that if he was ,it would be harder to identify him as he would not be recognised as someone people know.
New here, extremely long time lurker but first time poster so I hope I do this correctly. The diagram posted in the MSM above that highlights Spinney Lane, doesn’t actually show the full length of it in comparison to google maps.
I travelled down Spinney Lane on google street view and found that this location looks most accurate... and I think it may actually be the junction of adisham road, pond lane and Spinney lane...
to me the left side of the road shows where he would be stood in the long thick bladed grass as shown in Kent Online Image of man released in Julia James murder probe
and right side of the road shows the hedge, albeit very overgrown on the google maps pic.

Google Maps

not sure if it is of any use but I thought I would post.
New here, extremely long time lurker but first time poster so I hope I do this correctly. The diagram posted in the MSM above that highlights Spinney Lane, doesn’t actually show the full length of it in comparison to google maps.
I travelled down Spinney Lane on google street view and found that this location looks most accurate... and I think it may actually be the junction of adisham road, pond lane and Spinney lane...
to me the left side of the road shows where he would be stood in the long thick bladed grass as shown in Kent Online Image of man released in Julia James murder probe
and right side of the road shows the hedge, albeit very overgrown on the google maps pic.

Google Maps

not sure if it is of any use but I thought I would post.

Thank you very much for posting the map. Welcome to posting rather than Lurking! I lurked for ages before joining too.

This does seem a more likely spot along Spinney Lane.
I have not read any comments on twitter,but I do not think it is necessarily racist to consider the possibility he could be an illegal immigrant considering the proximity to the Kent coast.

This could mean that if he was ,it would be harder to identify him as he would not be recognised as someone people know.

The question of him possibly being an immigrant isn’t itself racist, however the language being used and the context in which they’re using it most definitely is.
New here, extremely long time lurker but first time poster so I hope I do this correctly. The diagram posted in the MSM above that highlights Spinney Lane, doesn’t actually show the full length of it in comparison to google maps.
I travelled down Spinney Lane on google street view and found that this location looks most accurate... and I think it may actually be the junction of adisham road, pond lane and Spinney lane...
to me the left side of the road shows where he would be stood in the long thick bladed grass as shown in Kent Online Image of man released in Julia James murder probe
and right side of the road shows the hedge, albeit very overgrown on the google maps pic.

Google Maps

not sure if it is of any use but I thought I would post.

This looks pretty accurate to me - in terms of shapes of scenery in the background it looks as though he's stood not necessarily in the long grass but in Pond Lane?
New here, extremely long time lurker but first time poster so I hope I do this correctly. The diagram posted in the MSM above that highlights Spinney Lane, doesn’t actually show the full length of it in comparison to google maps.
I travelled down Spinney Lane on google street view and found that this location looks most accurate... and I think it may actually be the junction of adisham road, pond lane and Spinney lane...
to me the left side of the road shows where he would be stood in the long thick bladed grass as shown in Kent Online Image of man released in Julia James murder probe
and right side of the road shows the hedge, albeit very overgrown on the google maps pic.

Google Maps

not sure if it is of any use but I thought I would post.

Hi, glad to see you made that first post!

Possibly, but I'm thinking the grass in front of the houses is more likely, not because it ties in with the map on MSM (they often get those wrong as we've seen on other threads), but because it explains where the zoom shot photo was taken from. It's an odd picture to explain any other way.
New here, extremely long time lurker but first time poster so I hope I do this correctly. The diagram posted in the MSM above that highlights Spinney Lane, doesn’t actually show the full length of it in comparison to google maps.
I travelled down Spinney Lane on google street view and found that this location looks most accurate... and I think it may actually be the junction of adisham road, pond lane and Spinney lane...
to me the left side of the road shows where he would be stood in the long thick bladed grass as shown in Kent Online Image of man released in Julia James murder probe
and right side of the road shows the hedge, albeit very overgrown on the google maps pic.

Google Maps

not sure if it is of any use but I thought I would post.
Great work.
Thanks for doing it!.
A warm welcome to you.
Not sure if anyone has seen that “Julia James” is trending on Twitter.. it’s great that her name is once again out there and hopefully the image appeal leads the police to gather any information that they need.. but my god the majority of tweets are disgusting considering A. He hasn’t been named as a suspect or as dangerous B. There’s nothing to suggest he’s an immigrant (I personally would of thought he was mixed race rather than Middle Eastern as they seem to be suggesting)
I literally just mentioned this about his ethnicity in a private WS conversation. The point that I made is that we have had some really hot weather recently and my BIL is a white male but he only has to look at the sun and his skin becomes a very rich dark brown and he’s often mistaken for being a Turk or Arab or Egyptian. So it’s difficult to say how This male identifies and if he identifies as Black or mixed race etc
This is important because there are so many nationalities who have settled in our country and in particular in and near the Capital, London , you have high concentrations of settled Albanians, Turkish , Middle Eastern and Black communities and it could be that This man is a local or on the outskirts of local or he could have travelled out of the Capital to Kent . It’s important because of liaising with all the settled communities with a view to identifying him . Also interestingly enough is -I have just read a book called ‘ The Crossing ‘ and it’s about the nationalities who are utilising The Dartford Tunnel to ingress and egress this country and how much more simple it has made it for people to return to their birth countries, especially the organised crime criminals going to and from the likes of Albania . It’s only an hour away or 50 miles from Snowdown.
Having said all of that , this young man could simply be born in this country and be of European decent or mixed race . The police haven’t said anything about him being dangerous or specifically stated that he is a suspect BUT they have had to balance their approach in releasing this photograph and the fact that he could be an innocent bystander versus him being the offender and because it’s an unusual course of action to subject any ordinary member of the public to, especially because it’s such a high profile murder , IMOO I feel that they think it’s the offender , but they don’t want to spook him and they can’t yet say with certainty and therefore they can’t put his photo out into the house domain ( which is bad enough if he’s not involved) and then add fuel to the fire by putting out that he is a dangerous individual because of he’s not involved then it can crucify him for life ! But they have to be measured in their approach and I suspect that they think they are on the right lines but are not yet 100% certain hence why they urgently want to speak with him . If that all
Makes sense . Remember my long post about what goes on behind the scenes ( I will see if I can attach it again for those of you that may not have seen it ), well the SIO would have really had to justify this course of action and this will be documented with precision , the requirements and justification for releasing this photograph against not releasing the photograph, In the SIO’s policy book.
This may be an opportune moment to post a message that I have previously posted in another U.K. case last year, so that it reminds those of you who are interested, just what is happening behind the scenes of Julia’s Investigation:

With any major enquiry wether that be a Murder / Homicide or a Missing Person, a dedicated team of detectives is set up with a SIO (Senior Investigative Officer ) as the lead.

Certainly in the UK, a Policy Book is commenced and everything that you know, everything that subsequently happens, every decision taken and every action followed up, is written into the policy book . Every decision made by the SIO and the justification behind such a decision, has to be written into the policy book . Even if the SIO considers a line of enquiry but makes the decision to discount it at that time, they MUST write it in the Policy Book and explain their reasoning for its consideration and then the reasoning for the decision taken to put it on hold or fully discount it and a full justification is written.
This justification is imperative for EVERY decision made wether it progresses the investigation forward or wether it’s just considered and discounted. You can have an infinite number of Policy Books by the time that the case is finalised at Crown Court I think the most Policy Books that I have ever written for an investigation is 6 and they are thick books with carbonated paper in between to enable the SIO to rip out the carbonated duplicate and enter it immediately into the HOLMES system . So it’s a LOT of writing.

I was responsible for leading a number of Murder investigations and Missing persons investigations and I would lead teams of Detectives and Forensic experts amongst other support staff.

A twice daily briefing would be held where everyone has an input as to what has happened that day , any evidence found , any witnesses spoken to etc and a summary of the day’s investigation would be written up by the SIO.

Each investigation has a MURDER INVESTIGATION STRATEGY and that strategy is followed from the Murder and Major Crime investigations Manual

So at the start of the Investigation, there will be various strategies drawn up to encompass all of the different strands of the Investigation.

They are :

1.Victim - what do we know ?

2. Suspect - Do we have any?

3. Circumstances of last seen and other pertinent information.

4. Intelligence - What do we know ? What can we find out?

5. Cell phone analysis.

6. Forensics -
Allocation of Forensic staff and any imperative retrieval’s made . Therefore, what do we have ? How are the Forensic Submissions to be prioritised? Which are being Submitted to the Forensic Laboratory and their cost? ( Forensics are a HUGE cost to the Investigation and the SIO has to make decisions having cognisance to the budgetary requirements and the Annual Forensic allocated budget.)

DNA evidence
Paperwork recovered for treatment.

7. Search parameters and recovery of evidence to include continuity of retrieval as exhibits.

8. CCTV- What’s available ? How do we prioritise it? Which is viewed in what order ? (Again bearing in mind the cost of this exercise and the cost to the investigation of Officer Allocation to look through each and doing your best to ensure that it’s relevant and timely).

9. Cell Phones - Victims, Suspect’s, Family, people who are in the area at the relevant time who come forward as witnesses .

10. Family History and antecedents and any information deemed relevant to the enquiry.

11. Actions - those raised that need investigation and graded according to their priority, those that are considered but not deemed to take the investigation further ( but it still all needs recording ).

12. Forensic mapping

13. Witnesses to be identified and interviewed and statements taken.

14. Interviews - suspect/s? Who will conduct them ? Will it be ‘downstream monitored’ to allow ‘real time’ alibis and further enquiries to be made?

15. Exhibits/Property Officer - to record everything brought into the enquiry and the continuity of that evidence. A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE as this is the easiest way, alongside Procedural issues, to lose the case at Crown Court).

16. File of evidence - Who will create the file of evidence for submission to CPS?

17. Warrants - allocated officer to swear all warrants pertaining to the investigation.

18. Disclosure - Officer allocated to start a disclosure record ( court process which again is very important).

19. Family liaison officer - Officer allocate to be the go between for the family and SIO and this role can continue long after any Crown Court case and conviction.

20. Media strategy - controlled release of information to press.

21. House to House enquiries

22. Forensic facial mapping/ Facial recognition/ Forensic composite sketch of offender

I could go on but I think that you get the drift that any investigation of this type is massive and takes time and has to be that way to get it right so that by the time it gets to the Court process, there’s no room for doubt or for weaknesses in the investigation to allow the accused to get off on a technicality or procedural issue .

Then if there is a suspect you need to start thinking of who will do the suspect interview and the downstream monitoring and alibi checks .

And on top of all that, the biggest and most onerous task besides MOBILE PHONE DATA is CCTV . Both are huge, time consuming and onerous tasks. ... it takes Detectives hours upon hours to go through and watch CCTV to enable them to ascertain if there is anything of evidential value on each individual recording and that can be CCTV from the street , from a shop, car park, toll booth , buildings, churches , Public CCTV along a route and individual CCTV in peoples driveways or on their mobile phones, dashcam from vehicles and private residential CCTV etc

You start to get the idea of just how much work is involved in a Major Investigation and that’s before you go to a Judge to swear out warrants and arrest the perpetrator. Once an arrest takes place, you then have interviews and downstream monitoring in real time of the interviews and then liaison with the CPS in UK .And then putting the whole file of evidence and Investigation together and ensuring full disclosure to the defence ... it’s massive workloads and it goes on and on ...

Cell phone data is also massive because of pings of location and subsequent searches and data dumps of all cell phones active within a specific MAST area and tracing who those numbers belong to and ascertain what they were doing in the area. And I can tell you that the evidence from one cell phone alone can run into thousands of pages for my Detectives to read through and decipher what, If anything, is relevant to the case . So can you imagine when you have numerous people involved in an investigation, wether it to be rule them in or out or as a suspect, an alibi or a victim, just how onerous this task is? And it is just one small part of the investigation. Everything has to be prioritised as much as reasonably possible .

In the UK we have HOLMES ( Home Office Major Enquiry System ) and everything is entered into the system and looked at by three Police officers and Police supervisors above each officer, working with a large number of administrative support staff and any actions deemed necessary as a result of those 3 officers painstakingly going through every piece of information, item, cell phone number, cctv , search recovery evidence etc and allocating actions ( work ) to officers to compete before they are given another action . And some officers are individually given specific roles for example CCTV, Cell phones, Intelligence, Statement takers , Family liaison .

So this gives you an idea of just what is going on behind the scenes .

And the information released has to be protected and provenanced to ensure accuracy and the SIO doesn’t want information released unless absolutely necessary because the perpetrator may slip up and say something that hasn’t yet been released to the public and that then becomes dynamite to the investigation.

I hope this helps you all to understand the process , procedures and time for any major investigation to bear fruit .

I literally just mentioned this about his ethnicity in a private WS conversation. The point that I made is that we have had some really hot weather recently and my BIL is a white male but he only has to look at the sun and his skin becomes a very rich dark brown and he’s often mistaken for being a Turk or Arab or Egyptian. So it’s difficult to say how This male identifies and if he identifies as Black or mixed race etc
This is important because there are so many nationalities who have settled in our country and in particular in and near the Capital, London , you have high concentrations of settled Albanians, Turkish , Middle Eastern and Black communities and it could be that This man is a local or on the outskirts of local or he could have travelled out of the Capital to Kent . It’s important because of liaising with all the settled communities with a view to identifying him . Also interestingly enough is -I have just read a book called ‘ The Crossing ‘ and it’s about the nationalities who are utilising The Dartford Tunnel to ingress and egress this country and how much more simple it has made it for people to return to their birth countries, especially the organised crime criminals going to and from the likes of Albania . It’s only an hour away or 50 miles from Snowdown.
Having said all of that , this young man could simply be born in this country and be of European decent or mixed race . The police haven’t said anything about him being dangerous or specifically stated that he is a suspect BUT they have had to balance their approach in releasing this photograph and the fact that he could be an innocent bystander versus him being the offender and because it’s an unusual course of action to subject any ordinary member of the public to, especially because it’s such a high profile murder , IMOO I feel that they think it’s the offender , but they don’t want to spook him and they can’t yet say with certainty and therefore they can’t put his photo out into the house domain ( which is bad enough if he’s not involved) and then add fuel to the fire by putting out that he is a dangerous individual because of he’s not involved then it can crucify him for life ! But they have to be measured in their approach and I suspect that they think they are on the right lines but are not yet 100% certain hence why they urgently want to speak with him . If that all
Makes sense . Remember my long post about what goes on behind the scenes ( I will see if I can attach it again for those of you that may not have seen it ), well the SIO would have really had to justify this course of action and this will be documented with precision , the requirements and justification for releasing this photograph against not releasing the photograph, In the SIO’s policy book.
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