GUILTY UK - Katie Rough, 7, killed by teen, Woodthorpe, York, 10 Jan 2017

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rhetorical question because it is just so sad, there is no answer but, how could a 15 year old girl kill someone else and not be mentally unstable?

It's a fair question

The law is quite clear to be of diminished responsibility there would need to a classified mental illness under the mental health act that has left the attacker incapable of making a rational responsible decision or Actions

The child might have "lost it" and of course they are unstable mentally , but that's doesn't mean they lack capacity or ability to make an alternative action
You might not , but social services would , its a legal grey area , but when one is stabbing the other I can assure you social services would be opening a safe guarding case file

I'm quite shocked no one is concerned 4 childre were alone and one is stabbing the other but because the patent describes themselves as "normal" then that's fine

Really ? For sleuths that's quite interesting
No, social services wouldn't. In my state, the law is to be 11 years old to babysit. My parents just happened to want me to take the Red Cross course as well. I believe the law is 9 to be home alone.

ETA - in my state the law is 10 years old to be alone. Illinois says 14. Maryland is 8. They are the only 3 states with specific laws according to
I don't think anyone is saying that kids stabbing kids is normal. My point is that it's entirely appropriate to leave adolescents home alone, within the LAW, for a period of time, depending on their maturity level and where they are developmentally.
I babysat my little brothers regularly, once I turned 11,and had gotten my Red Cross babysitting certification. I was very mature and other families hired me to babysit as well. There was never anything worse than a skinned knee.

You can't just say all kids of a certain age shouldn't be left alone. They are individuals. While I was very responsible and capable, my youngest brother wasn't left alone until he was 14 or 15. My parents knew he just wasn't ready.

Sounds like you really had great parents

And your correct great parents can make good calls

You didn't go on to stab anyone , that's the point

If they were capable of that behaviour they should never be left alone

Even in "normal" families
Live according to your needs , and don't have children you can't afford to have looked after properly

I'm not blaming the parents here in this case , we don't know the facts

But what I can say is that extreme child violence is on the rise we have specialist units popping up all over the country

They have a children's behavioural unit in Northampton a private one £300k a year and its full hundreds of beds by violent delinquent children ... hundreds of them ! And they can't build these units fast enough nationally !

It's too easy to blame parents or society ... it's a sysyem failure our conveyor belt is churning out broken kids !
Live according to your needs? Whilst I may agree with that statement in part - you obviously have no clue!

I was married with children, got divorced (not my fault or my children's) so was forced to then go out to support them.

Guess what? None of them harmed the other (except maybe for an occasional Chinese burn or bad hair comment) and I raised great kids who are kind, compassionate, non bigoted, hardworking, respectful, good humoured young adults.

It's a good job for you that I don't want a time out or a ban because you're the type of person that is currently making my tongue bleed from all the biting!
Sounds like you really had great parents

And your correct great parents can make good calls

You didn't go on to stab anyone , that's the point

If they were capable of that behaviour they should never be left alone

Even in "normal" families
It seems like you aren't recognizing that these cases are extremely rare. Kids all over the world are home alone for hours at a time. Rarely do minor siblings kill each other.
There are trees at the bottom of the grassy track which opens up to a playing field.

As Mr McCartney came out to look, he had looked down the track to see a girl lying by the trees.

So this happened outside, not in the home. Why did the teenager have a knife? Did she always carry a knife with her? Or was she arguing with her sister outside and ran inside to get a knife, then back outside to stab her?

I mean, if they were in the kitchen and she just lost her temper and grabbed a knife off the counter that would be bad enough, but this sounds premeditated :(
Discuss the case and not each other.

That means stop the bickering and judgmental attitude toward other posters and get back to discussing the specifics of Katie's case.

YOu Sound a great mom and i mean that

their fathers let you down !irresponsible parents leaving children vulnerable and unsupported

IF they had good dads then you wouldnt have been in that situation re work

I generally find fathers are often absent and poor role models in these situations ... the fact is the vast majority of YOI inmates have poor father figures
This is absurd. There are plenty of terrible moms AND dads.

So this happened outside, not in the home. Why did the teenager have a knife? Did she always carry a knife with her? Or was she arguing with her sister outside and ran inside to get a knife, then back outside to stab her?

I mean, if they were in the kitchen and she just lost her temper and grabbed a knife off the counter that would be bad enough, but this sounds premeditated :(

They don't live on the street it happened, not in the immediate vicinity anyway. Going back to what LE have said and what has been in MSM.

I posted this a page or 2 back from the York Press
"Police are appealing for witnesses who were in the area of Morrell Court, Belhouse Way, Osprey Close and Alness Drive between 3pm and 5pm on Monday and may have seen two girls, one aged 15-years-old and the other 7-years-old, to get in touch."


Google map link

Police were called at 4:30pm. Were the girls in school yesterday? Walking home from the bus? It seems logical they would be, or Katie certainly. There is a bus stop on Foxwood lane close to a small walkway that goes to Morrell Ct. The streets mentioned make a path to the scene.

It's not often that news stories shock me but this really has. It's such an awful thing to have happened, not only that a sister would kill her sister but to slash her throat in a public place... I can't imagine what their parents are going through.

Reports are saying that Katie's parents had been together years but had only got married a couple of weeks ago and Katie was a bridesmaid. Katie's mother has 3 grown up children from her previous marriage. I wonder if the marriage stirred up some issue with the older children.

RIP Katie.
I don't think she is her sister, it says the mother has three older children. We have not heard much about the 15 year old.
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YOu Sound a great mom and i mean that

their fathers let you down !irresponsible parents leaving children vulnerable and unsupported

IF they had good dads then you wouldnt have been in that situation re work

I generally find fathers are often absent and poor role models in these situations ... the fact is the vast majority of YOI inmates have poor father figures

Fair point about absent fathers, but the wife didn't raise them, nor did the children so by your logic it's not the fault of mother or children. I think leaving kids at home for a couple hours between the time they finish school and you get home from work is pretty normal, it's been happening for many years.

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OMG! Poor little Katie...[emoji22]

<modsnip>...she was only 7 and looks like a sweet little thing

RIP Katie [emoji178][emoji253]

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