UK UK - Keith Bennett, 12, Longsight, Manchester, 16 June 1964

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'Tell me where my son is buried': Dying mother's DVD plea to Moors murderer Ian Brady
'I'm doing it in the hope he will respond – that’s if he watches it,' Mrs Johnson, from Longsight, Manchester, told The People.
'The most important thing is to find Keith before the cancer beats me.'He knows where Keith is but I think he enjoys having that last bit of power – and if I find Keith he’ll have nothing left.

Mrs Johnson says she has sent hundreds of letter to Brady over the years asking him the same question, and doesn't hold out any realistic hope that he will now talk.

That's why friends of the family are raising funds - via the website - for a fresh search of the moors later this year.
More at Sunday Mail link above.
He's in for life and there's no death penalty so maybe they'll make him eat cold cereal for breakfast.
Truth serum comes to mind. This mother has spent far to many years searching for her son. Sorry all that must sound harsh but dang this woman has never given up
Brady probably doesn't know where Keith is buried. All that gloating about how he knows and he won't tell is just the kind of sick mind game his type would play, I doubt he could find his *advertiser censored* with both hands at this stage, let alone a spot where he buried someone 45 years ago.

Ignore him, I say. Carry on the search by other means and completely ignore that sick *advertiser censored**hole. If he does know something, he won't like being ignored so he's more likely to come out with it to get more attention anyway.
Brady probably doesn't know where Keith is buried. All that gloating about how he knows and he won't tell is just the kind of sick mind game his type would play, I doubt he could find his *advertiser censored* with both hands at this stage, let alone a spot where he buried someone 45 years ago.

Ignore him, I say. Carry on the search by other means and completely ignore that sick *advertiser censored**hole. If he does know something, he won't like being ignored so he's more likely to come out with it to get more attention anyway.

I think you are right. I doubt he knows any more and as a previous post highlighted, the moors shift over time and the attention feeds him.

Brady has already written his own autobiography. He said the manuscript is in a solicitor's safe and Brady has given instructions that it is not to be published until after his death.

Hmmm ... you wonder.

If found this statement by Brady about Hindley (and her claim she wasn't so involved) chilling.

On Their Relationship
“First accept the determinant. Myra Hindley and I once loved each other. We were a unified force, not two conflicting entities. The relationship was not based on the delusional concept of folie a deux, but on a conscious/subconscious emotional and psychological affinity. She regarded periodic homicides as rituals of reciprocal innervation, marriage ceremonies theoretically binding us ever closer. As the records show, before we met my criminal activities had been primarily mercenary. Afterwards, a duality of motivation developed. Existential philosophy melded with the spirituality of death and became predominant. We experimented with the concept of total possibility. Instead of the requisite Lady Macbeth, I got Messalina. Apart our futures would have taken radically divergent courses.”
Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill will refuse any attempt by child killer Ian Brady to be transferred to a Scottish prison so he can end his life.

The 74 year old monster is to argue at a public hearing next month that he should be moved from a high security mental hospital in England back to his native country.
more at Daily Mirror link above
The Moor murders are some of the most disturbing. I read it shattered innocence in Great Britain.
If they would have been caught two years earlier, they would have swung in 64.
Hidden face of a monster to be revealed: Ian Brady will be seen
in public for first time in 46 years via TV link after Europe ruling
(Daily Mail)
He has not been heard in public for nearly half a century. The last words Ian Brady uttered were in the dock of Chester Assizes in 1966, shortly before being sent down for the murder of three children.

Asked if he had anything to say, Brady picked up on a minor chronological error in the prosecution’s case. ‘No,’ he said. ‘Only that the revolvers were bought in July 1964.’

And that was it. There was no apology, no explanation. Brady was sentenced to life without parole in May 1966.

But in eight days’ time, on Monday, July 9, the Moors murderer will be seen after four-and-a-half decades of incarceration at a Mental Health Review Tribunal which will be transmitted on closed-circuit television. Watching will be members of the public, including 12 of his victims’ relatives in their own private area.
much more at link above
Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure that I have a sick bag on hand :puke:

He is an intelligent man who knows how the system works. This is all for attention IMO.
Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure that I have a sick bag on hand :puke:

He is an intelligent man who knows how the system works. This is all for attention IMO.
What, does this mean you won't be queuing up for tickets?? I see the Mail did manage once again to get Myra's "face of evil" photo in there. No surprise.
I wonder if they ever done a psychological profile on Myra Hindley and Ian Brady.
Daily Telegraph's belated but thorough David Smith obit.

The mother of moors murder victim Keith Bennett will be too ill to watch Ian Brady give dramatic videolink evidence, it emerged yesterday.

Winnie Johnson, 78, whose son was buried on Saddleworth Moor, Greater Manchester, 48 years ago by killers Brady and Myra Hindley, is in hospital with cancer.

Mrs Johnson is still urging Brady to say exactly where Keith is buried. Although “much improved” she will not be watching the TV evidence.
more at link above
So is this Ian's farewell tour?

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