UK UK - Keith Bennett, 12, Longsight, Manchester, 16 June 1964

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This was one of the first true crime cases I glommed onto, via Emlyn Williams's chilling book Beyond Belief, published in 1967 and a Book Club selection here in America.


And yes, of course, Daily Mail's look at recent events once again prints Myra Hindley's shock! horror! photo here.
I guess that would be one of the "prison visitor" volunteers who befriend prisoners officially when they are too disgusting to have any other friends? What is the law about what they're meant to divulge?
Its just been on Sky news..
The womans name is Jackie powell and shes Bradys legal advocate.From what i understand Brady had given her a letter,i presume to be opened on his death which i believe details where Keiths buried.
One problem is that when Brady was taken back to the moors 20yrs ago and wasnt able to tell the police where Keith was buried so the letter may be BS.also to add,some guy on sky news is saying that this info about the woman has been known for some time,and to take everything brady says with a pinch of salt..
Also,Keiths mum Winnie has not been told of this arrest..
Jackie Powell is also saying to Sky that her words have been misrepresented and blown out of proportion but refuses to confirm a letter detailing burial exists..
It's absolutely ridiculous the people the police place under arrest sometimes. And this letter was no secret, I am sure we have known for a long time a letter existed "to be opened upon his death". Maybe the police could have demanded to see it a long time ago?
Im busy but from the little bits im picking up,Jackie Powell was being interviewd for a documentary about Brady due to be screened in a couple of weeks,i believe during that she had said about the letter,production crew then advise her to go to police and that takes us to where we are now.
As far as i know police are at her address and his prison searching for the letter..
Someone from the cold case unit has came out and addressed the press but i didnt catch what was said..
Oh and i believe the letter was for Winnie...
Well I still think arresting her is completely out of order, unless she was refusing to cooperate from a completely legitimate request by the police and that was the only way they could get access to the letter.
From what the SKY reporter was saying when he interviewed her earlier today she refuses to confirm the letter,i dont know if shes saying the same to the police tho.
As a legal Advocate would she be intitled to refuse to talk about her client?,sorry i cant think of the correct wording but you know,doctor/patient confidentiality(sp)..
I think she was his mental health representative(seriously whats up with these big words),is that a legal advcate?.
I don't know how it works with regards to professionals but I still think there's a moral duty to let the police know. For all we know the letter could contain something nasty. I do wish, though, that Keith would be found before his mother dies. I personally think that Brady just likes playing twisted games, though.
Well the BBC news website is saying no one has a clue whether the letter contains the boy's remains location or not, so any arrest on the grounds stated seems terribly premature. On the one hand we recently had a murder suspect with evidence stacked a mile high allowed to wander around as he pleases, and on the other hand someone with no evidence against them at all as yet, and on a much lesser crime anyway, arrested. Do the police have no consistent guidelines at all?
It may be that shes not co-ooperating with the police etc and she been arrested for interfering/hampering with a police investigation or something along those lines..
News saying that shes his mental health advocate so she may not be legally bound by confidentiality etc.
Its also been reported that she wont confirm this letter..

I just really hope Winnie gets a chance to lay Keith to rest...
I really hope poor winnie finally gets peace and is able to bury little Keith.
His photo just haunts me,I cant imagine the pain she has suffered for 47years.

The Moors murders have always creeped me out and I can't explain Why,just every time I see something about it on tv or online it sends shivers up my spine.

One can only hope now that brady is nearing the end of life he can show some compassion and tell Winnie where Keith is but I will not hold my breath.not like he has shown any remorse or guilt up til now.

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The Moors murders have always creeped me out and I can't explain Why,just every time I see something about it on tv or online it sends shivers up my spine.
For me, it's the loneliness of the moors themselves, and the old black & white pictures of the police stalking across them at arm's length from one another, searching for clues. The pictures of the moors I've seen all have a similar emotional flatness.

And the evilness in Hindley and Brady's diseased relationship. And the photos of the pair: something wicked this way comes.

And David Smith and his wife cowering in fear in the phone box when they phoned police.

And of course there's the tape recording made during the torture of Lesley Ann Downey. Good God, I thought when I first read of it. Good God. A shocker - the shock of the new. First I'd read of something like that, incorporating technology to re-experience later their ghastly and perverse crime.

Strongly reinforced years later by the Smiths' "Suffer Little Children." Chilling. Great song. Linked on page two here. First time I heard it, after I bought that record, all the original emotions flooded back.
I really hope they find him, but Brady is such a manipulative little coward I do not trust him. Cannot believe this woman told the documentary makers she might have a letter stating where a child is buried and did nothing.

the moor's murders creeps me out, I think it because saddleworth is so desolate, and bleak the idea of a child being buried there alone for half a century is just horrendous. I think the way they taped lesley-ann is also chilling. makes you wonder what they woudl have done today.
@brit1981,i dont think she quite said that, i think she may have said she had a letter from Brady to Winnie after Bradys death or as little as that and the producers of the documentary.
Im only guessing of course...
Whether or not the police were legally within their rights to arrest this woman, I'm glad they did. And I hope she spent a miserable time in jail even if it's only for a few hours. And don't anyone tell me that it excuses her that she is an advocate legally bound to keep Brady's confidences - she broke that confidence as soon as she mentioned the letter on a tv documentary and as a human being how can she live with herself withholding information which potentially could lead to a dying elderly woman finding the remains of her son after 47 years of suffering?
One of moors murderer Ian Brady's closest confidantes has said she gave him back a letter that could reveal the last resting place of one of his victims.

Police arrested Jackie Powell and searched her south Wales home for ten hours looking for a sealed envelope to pass to Winnie Johnson, mother of 12-year-old Keith Bennett, in the event of Brady's death.
But this afternoon sources close to the investigation said Ms Powell has now told officers she returned the envelope to the serial killer at some point between July 30 and her arrest yesterday.
A mental health advocate with no moral compass? Hm.
Whether or not the police were legally within their rights to arrest this woman, I'm glad they did. And I hope she spent a miserable time in jail even if it's only for a few hours. And don't anyone tell me that it excuses her that she is an advocate legally bound to keep Brady's confidences - she broke that confidence as soon as she mentioned the letter on a tv documentary and as a human being how can she live with herself withholding information which potentially could lead to a dying elderly woman finding the remains of her son after 47 years of suffering?

Then to go and give the letter back to him, how insensitive towards Keith's family is that? She must have known they'd find out about it.

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