Found Deceased UK - Leah Croucher, 19, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, 14 Feb 2019 #4

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I believe by "the wrong people" he was referring to himself and his mates. A threat made out of anger as he percieved Mr X was taking advantage of his younger sister.

"mks finest" was what the person he was accusing of doing this had in is username on Facebook I believe.
I believe by "the wrong people" he was referring to himself and his mates. A threat made out of anger as he percieved Mr X was taking advantage of his younger sister.

"mks finest" was what the person he was accusing of doing this had in is username on Facebook I believe.
I also took the "MK's finest" comment to not only mean this was in his user name, but that this Mr X was supplying "quality" drugs. Just my take on it. I could be wrong. At the beginning, I thought that Mr X was a much older business man with a wife and family. Then again, would anyone involved in a drug racket want to go to court to get a non molestation order. Surely that would only draw attention to yourself. I have too many thoughts on this case.
I also took the "MK's finest" comment to not only mean this was in his user name, but that this Mr X was supplying "quality" drugs. Just my take on it. I could be wrong. At the beginning, I thought that Mr X was a much older business man with a wife and family. Then again, would anyone involved in a drug racket want to go to court to get a non molestation order. Surely that would only draw attention to yourself. I have too many thoughts on this case.

Agreed, search mksfinest and the image results speak for itself
A few random musings:-
Turning off the location services - was someone tracking her phone in real time? I get the feeling people think that she turned off the location services so her parents wouldn’t know what she was doing, but this makes no sense to me. I have a daughter Leah’s age, who seems quite similar to Leah in that she’s a homebody, not a great one for going out or socialising, casual dresser, even has similar hair. It would never occur to me to check her phone, track her, or scrutinise her movements. She’s an adult and if she said “I’m going out for a bit” I’d say “ok see you later”. It seems odd to me that people seem to assume that Leah’s parents would know every detail of every minute of her day; why would they? She’s a perfectly normal, nice young woman with a full time job, and as such I imagine they trusted her to just get on with life. Which brings me back to the feeling that someone else (X?) was tracking her, and she switched it off so that he wouldn’t know where she was.

This quote from HC - “he had mk finest in his name, he *advertiser censored**ed with the wrong people” - what does it actually mean? Who is “MK’s finest”? Who are the “wrong people“ that he f’ed with? Has that been explained anywhere?

I don't think she turned off her location services so her parents wouldn't know what she was doing. If that was the case, she would of turned off the location services at other times previously when meeting with X. We know for sure that Feb 14th, a day before her disappearance, was the only time location services had been turned off.

What made Feb 14th different to the other times she went to see X? Is it a coincidence that she turns off location services 15 minutes approx. beforehand ahead of a 75 minute time period that is still unaccounted for?
Is it a coincidence that she then goes missing the following day?
I don't think she turned off her location services so her parents wouldn't know what she was doing. If that was the case, she would of turned off the location services at other times previously when meeting with X. We know for sure that Feb 14th, a day before her disappearance, was the only time location services had been turned off.

What made Feb 14th different to the other times she went to see X? Is it a coincidence that she turns off location services 15 minutes approx. beforehand ahead of a 75 minute time period that is still unaccounted for?
Is it a coincidence that she then goes missing the following day

Could it be that Leah was "cheating" on X, or even that she slipped away to confront and/ or reveal all to his partner and turned off her phone so X would not know where she was going?
speculation, imo.
Could it be that Leah was "cheating" on X, or even that she slipped away to confront and/ or reveal all to his partner and turned off her phone so X would not know where she was going?
speculation, imo.

I've never thought of it like that, if Leah was perhaps cheating on X, then he definitely sounds way too 'protective', which warrants to the location services being turned off. If that is the case, then Haydon's statement makes sense.

I'm leaning towards Leah going to tell the partner, she tells her, X finds out, arranges to meet Leah the following day before work?
Would be interesting to know if X turned up late, or didn't turn up at all.
I think that Mr X did not take the relationship that seriously,so I do not think he would be that upset if Leah did have another boyfriend.
I think Leah would not directly confront Mr X's partner.I also cannot see Mr X's partner going out to meet Leah.
I think that Mr X did not take the relationship that seriously,so I do not think he would be that upset if Leah did have another boyfriend.
I think Leah would not directly confront Mr X's partner.I also cannot see Mr X's partner going out to meet Leah.

What do you think happened then?
What do you think happened then?

I have not come up with a reason why Leah turned off her location,went home and then left the house in very casual clothes;so not dressed to go on a date.
I have wondered if she saw or heard that MrX.was seeing someone else(possibly a girl from work) and she went to check whether she could spot them together.
Another theory is that she was pregnant ,but I am not sure how that fits into turning off her location and going out that evening, unless she bought a pregnancy test and Mr X wanted to see proof so she went to show him the result of the test.
Agreed, search mksfinest and the image results speak for itself
Ok so I'm reading between the lines here. I googled "mks finest Leah Croucher" and nothing came up. I'm not on fb. However these are just random thoughts leading on from your reply and I have no factual basis. If Mr X happened to be a drug dealer, perhaps Leah was persuaded to do a few deliveries for him. Her appearance is not one that you would profile as a drug mule. She would be unlikely to be stopped and searched by police. She may have been under pressure to do more and she realised that he was using her and said that she wasn't doing it anymore. Mr X called the relationship off as he had no use for her anymore. Leah was devastated as she thought that he was genuinely interested in her as a person. She was very upset and he didn't want her hysterically telling someone what he was doing. After that who knows. Feel free to pick holes in this. As I say it is just a personal theory.
Had thought that "finest" referred to LE everywhere, but it seems to be more of a New York thing- perhaps a saying picked up from watching US tv shows? speculation.
New York's finest
''New York's finest
A police officer, or the police in general, in New York City. Can either be used sincerely or sarcastically. It took nearly four hours before New York's finest showed up after I called in the burglary. This parade is in honor of New York's finest, who risk their lives every day to help keep our city safe.''
Could it be that Leah was "cheating" on X, or even that she slipped away to confront and/ or reveal all to his partner and turned off her phone so X would not know where she was going?
speculation, imo.

This is sort of where my train of thought is leading. I know it’s not a popular opinion, and I’m sure I’ll be proved wrong eventually, but I’ve always though there was someone entirely different involved in this, not connected to X.

I’m have to say, I’m also quite uncomfortable with the endless speculation that Leah was pregnant. Just because she was young and female, it doesn’t automatically follow that she was careless. There are lots of reasons for something bad to happen to a woman, and focusing on pregnancy seems rather stereotypical.
This is sort of where my train of thought is leading. I know it’s not a popular opinion, and I’m sure I’ll be proved wrong eventually, but I’ve always though there was someone entirely different involved in this, not connected to X.

I’m have to say, I’m also quite uncomfortable with the endless speculation that Leah was pregnant. Just because she was young and female, it doesn’t automatically follow that she was careless. There are lots of reasons for something bad to happen to a woman, and focusing on pregnancy seems rather stereotypical.

I dont believe focusing on pregnancy being a motive as being rather stereotypical. When you consider that he was Engaged / Married, Leah being pregnant could have blew his world apart. And add to that, he then would have to pay for the baby's upkeep for years to come. Thats a strong angle to speculate on.

A different angle not discussed is his self description as being MK's finest. If you believe that MK's finest alludes to him selling MK's finest drugs, then maybe Leah knew he was a drug dealer and had threatened to tell everyone (including LE) about it, if he did not give her what she wanted?

Pure speculation of course but with him not allowing LE to investigate his phone, he gives me a bad vibe.
Family of missing Leah Croucher issue desperate appeal for information from Milton Keynes and beyond

Citizen trying to keep the search at the fronts of people’s minds.

Such torment for the family
Could Leah be in another country altogether? Sorry to bring up a pregnancy again, but what if somebody wanted the baby, spirited LC off far away to have it, then kept/sold/gave away the child, but held on to Leah and put her to work (domestic slavery?)
Completely wild and hopeful speculation, imo.bbm.

From link, thanks..
"All the time Leah is still missing she is always at the forefront of our minds. We look everywhere and anywhere for any signs or sightings of her...Someone, somewhere knows something. Please, please come forward and help."

Teresa's last sentence sums up the family's desperate message over the past 16 months - someone, somewhere knows something. It is highly unlikely that a young girl as unworldly wise as Leah could stage her own disappearance so expertly. Therefore is highly probable that someone helped her or perhaps took her with force.''
If X is a drug dealer, why does he need to work? Is he just crap at dealing drugs? I thought successful drug dealers made a couple thousand a week.

Plus doesn’t he have relatives that could set him up in a job? From what I have read online (ie I don’t know if it is true), his jobs have been relatively low level compared to what he may be able to earn from a family or friend business, if he worked hard. This is all speculation because I am out of the area and don’t know the local situation.
If X is a drug dealer, why does he need to work? Is he just crap at dealing drugs? I thought successful drug dealers made a couple thousand a week.

Plus doesn’t he have relatives that could set him up in a job? From what I have read online (ie I don’t know if it is true), his jobs have been relatively low level compared to what he may be able to earn from a family or friend business, if he worked hard. This is all speculation because I am out of the area and don’t know the local situation.

Work is something like an alibi, he has to be able to explain how's he's making several a week if he's not working,
The low level job explains this to an extent.
My opinion is that if X is involved in any crime, regardless or not of whether it pertains to Leah, it should be reported. I would make reports directly to the police the the Leah portal (even if it’s about something else he has done) or through Crimestoppers. Both have options to do so anonymously. Even if you don’t have full details, put it through the portal. Let the police worry about what can and cannot be proved or investigated.

I feel quite rattled about all the Maddie McCann news reports these past few days. Although it is not unexpected in terms of outcome, it is horrific that this situation has taken so many years to get to this point. Please let’s spare Leah’s family this extension to heartbreak.
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