Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #5 *ARREST*

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That's right - we don't know, but even if the taxi had stopped to let her out to be sick on the way home, I doubt the journey time would have been almost half an hour. Most taxi drivers would want passengers who feel sick out of their car as fast as possible. I think it is possible that it was around 11 that she was refused entry to the club. If they refused her entry I'm assuming that she was too drunk (difficulty in walking)? The logical explanation for her then not going inside her house (if she didn't) is that she did not have her keys. She managed to walk to the bench so it does make me wonder how drunk she was. Could there be another reason that she didn't get in - I'm not suggesting there was but say there was an argument between friends outside the club, could they refuse entry? Also, if someone was verbally abusive towards the bouncers, they could refuse entry? Is there an entry fee for this club?
It's a fiver entry last time I was there. The bouncers have the ability to refuse entry to anyone they deem unfit (too drunk/bit of an arse etc.)

I think the details of the club aren't too important to be honest. Police know the taxi guy and confirm he's not a suspect. It was clearly a large group of friends who went in different taxis and after LS didn't get in they went and found her a taxi on the street (it's not hard, Welly is swarming with them constantly.) We know she got back to her house and was seen there but didn't go in. I think that's what's important.

If she's walked from her house to that bench she may have been drunkenly trying to walk back to Welly and find her friends who have keys but gave up when she reached the bench (too drunk/upset.) Maybe someone has offered to give her a lift back to Welly and done something sinister instead...
In the big town I used to live in the rule was that a Black Cab/London type car/Hackney Carriage) could pick up without a booking, but a private hire car had to have a booking. So that's the same rule as for in Leeds...I thought that was a national rule? Even private hire firms have meters in their cars though, and it would be unusual to not have the meter running. And private hire cars usually, in business hours, call into their 'headquarters' to tell them that they've picked up their fare (their passenger). I did once get into a private hire car where I live now without a booking, not one that was plying on the street, but I have no idea if he was supposed to do that or not. It's so long since my clubbing days...I would think that a lot of places would have some taxis outside ready to take people home, plus at the time Libby's group arrived there would also be taxis pulling up bringing people in.

It's exactly like that and private hire cars will occasionally pick you up without booking so they can't they can' t call in to their office to say they have picked a fair up. Apart from a few student places 11pm isn't going to very active either so a private hire could have dropped off at Welly and not have a job after so picked her up.
Yeah. I was going to say that I would never have sent a friend home by themselves anyways, especially if they didn't have their phone on them, but I don't want to sound like I'm blaming her friends because I'm really not. Even if a sober friend got a taxi home alone, we'd always check that they got home safely!

I'm not a big drinker so maybe more alert to what's going on, but I've never let a drunk friend go home on their own; I've been in a taxi with them. However, they've paid the next morning for ruining my night out! Early phone call to check on them if they live elsewhere, banging round the house and being horribly cheerful if they're living/staying with me and hungover....
I wonder if this guy is still THE suspect and LE has been able to place his vehicle on camera in the neighborhood the entire time from midnight on, for example, that could be why they seem to be determined to search right there in that park...rather than branching out.
Just wondered.....

I would like to illustrate how the press are responsible for distorting things and painting the picture that they want to let people see.

Just as a matter of interest, how many people here are aware of any other suspects?

Anyone know of any other property searches?

Reason i ask is that without lots of digging around, i would have been totally unaware of the fact that a convicted sex offenders home was searched 3 days ago!

Selective reporting does not help anyone.

I think many of us have been aware that there were houses searched in the area near Libby's. We're not allowed to post things that haven't been reported by LE or MSM sites, so even if we're aware we can't always talk about it on here.

But even if there are houses being searched, they all seem to be in that small area near Libby's house, near the park, near the bench on Beverley (Road or Ave?) And even if they are double-checking some houses in the area, they had PR in questioning for 96 hours, they've spent a lot of time at his house, in his street. It feels like they're pretty sure he's their man, but if they have something else that needs checking they're doing that check just to make sure. With the little we know, it seems like good practice?
I honestly think she was just really drunk. Lots of these girls (and guys) will start drinking vodka or something similar a few hours before even going out and if you are slurring your words or walking really badly you will be refused entry. All accounts point to her being very drunk. I am sure I have read people saying that it must be drugs because you have to be totally out of it to be refused entry at Welly when this isn't true at all, they are like every other place and if you stumble you will be told not tonight.

So do I. The bouncers always check ID before allowing entry (in my experience), and if you were seen dropping things like your bag/ID in the queue, or you couldn't answer questions the bouncers asked you from your ID (like your address or date of birth), because you are so drunk you can't remember/talk without really slurring your words, they would refuse you. My friend once fell over in front of a bouncer as we walked towards a club and he straight away told her she couldn't come in.
Can someone help please with this , why can I only see Humberside Police info from 3rd Feb , why can’t I see anything from the 1st , I had it earlier as was checking what time the police report was issued . Am I on wrong link or has it vanished , I wanted to go back to beginning and read all their reports in date / time order , thanks
Search | Humberside Police


She arrives at the club's student night at 11.18pm accompanied by three friends. Doormen, however, believe she may have had too much to drink and turn her away. Less than five-minutes later, her friends make sure she is ok and wait with her until she is put into a cab and driven home.

So that's the taxi journey sorted - it was more like 4 or 5 minutes.

Case closed.
Did friends pay the taxi driver? Or leave Libby to figure it out? That might indicate how drunk they thought she was.
Thanks for doing this, really helpful! So basically, whether he turned left or right out of Haworth he'd have got clocked in either direction?

The police must have SO much more data from CCTV and his phone. Question is whether it marries up with what he's told them.


If he went left and headed toward Beverley Road he would have three options, left back on to Beverley road where he could then turn down Beresford or Wellesley (which would allow access to Oak Road PF), straight on down Clough Road (also allows access to Oak Road PF but more tricky and there is a large Police Station and a Fire station down Clough Road with cameras) , or right on to Beverley Road toward the town centre but this would not allow access to Oak Road PF.
I agree - the taxi journey would have taken 5 minutes. There is no way the journey would have taken 29 minutes. The time of her friends putting her in a taxi is sketchy at 'around 11', could it be that she had tried to get into the club at 11. If they have traced the taxi driver which I think they have, if the meter/computer can confirm the time she got out of the taxi I would also expect it to be able to confirm the time that the journey began. Have any of the friends who put her in a taxi said anything or was it bouncers who put her in the taxi. How drunk would she have had to been before they refused entry to the club. Why didn't she go into her house (assuming she didn't) - no key is the logical explanation but there could be other reasons - went for a takeaway, went down there hoping to meet someone etc. I think it's highly likely the house is a shared HMO for students. So that's basically one large house with multiple bedrooms and shared kitchen and living room and they all have their own bedrooms. Some can be full en-suite or only with a basin and some have shared bathrooms. I had a look online and there are HMO properties in the street that she lives on.
I have been a taxi driver for 26 years so I suppose I am qualified to answer some of the points raised.
The first thing that needs confirming is whether the taxi was a private hire car or a hackney. Hackney carriages can pick up off the street or taxi rank without a booking behind made but a private hire car would require to be booked by phone or app.
The private hire option is much safer as all bookings must be recorded by the taxi company by law.
I am a private hire driver and in the town where I work there are approximately 700 private hire cars as opposed to 20 Hackney vehicles.
From experience young people tend to book private hire cars as this is both more convenient and also cheaper.
As it is alleged that LS did not have her phone it is most likely a friend or someone from the club would have did this on her behalf. If in fact a phv was booked, which I feel is most likely then a certain amount of information is required to be recorded by the operator but in truth much more information is actually recorded than is legally required.
When booking is made the time of the call is logged to the 10th of a second as is the time the booking is despatched to the car. The record will then show what vehicle is given the job and which driver is driving the car. The telephone number that booked the car is also recorded or the user details if booked by app. To use the app the customer is required to pre register with their personal details including phone number and email address.
Now let’s consider what happened the night LS went missing.
Allegedly she got the taxi “ around 11 “. This probably means the taxi was booked at this time. The driver issued with the job may have been a few minutes away from the pick up location so may not have arrived there until a few minutes later,say 11.10. By the time he located LS and she got in the car could have added another few minutes. When the driver dropped her off he would then press the computer in the car to tell the office he had dropped off and this time would have been recorded by the office computer.
This probably accounts for the rough time of the pick up and accurate time of the drop off.
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