Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #11 *ARREST*

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Does anyone know what's going to happen in court now on Monday? Perhaps our new resident lawyer @Happylappy101? Will PR just be entering a plea for all 12 charges?

I’ve not had a chance to look at it yet! I know he was previously charged, and attended court, so I’m assuming that was court allocation at a magistrates. Some of his charges are what we call triable-either-way offences, meaning the magistrates will need to examine whether they have the power to try them summarily in their court or whether it will need to be referred to a Crown Court. I’m assuming Monday will be relatively similar on account of the new charges. I would think it’s mostly procedural at this early stage.
<modsnip: references to comments in social media were removed>.

One thought I had is that there is something unsettling about PR being splashed over the web and the mob mentality it invites. But I get it. People are angry and LE appear untroubled with this. Shouldn’t there be more clarity on why he is still a person of interest? Has LE management of the situation already undermined chances of any fair conviction? (Presumably he will need to be identified but everyone knows his face. And there is a strong desire to keep him in prison).

I’m comparing to the way German LE are operating on a case right now. With gradual and specific release of the case against and asking for the public’s help in filling in very specific gaps. Any thoughts on why this is not happening here? It can’t be so as to not jeopardise a case that hasn’t even really got off the ground.

My intention is not to debate his innocence or guilt or challenge any assumptions (they are all we have:)) And it could simply be that local LE ignores SM. I just hope it is not counterproductive to let the public focus on ‘one basket’ and potentially miss other evidence on the view that it is already apparently ‘case closed’.
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I also don’t know what he pleaded on account of first charges. If he refused to enter a plea, a not guilty plea will be entered on behalf of him and the case will continue to trial
<modsnip: references to comments in social media were removed>

One thought I had is that there is something unsettling about PR being splashed over the web and the mob mentality it invites. But I get it. People are angry and LE appear untroubled with this. Shouldn’t there be more clarity on why he is still a person of interest? Has LE management of the situation already undermined chances of any fair conviction? (Presumably he will need to be identified but everyone knows his face. And there is a strong desire to keep him in prison).

I’m comparing to the way German LE are operating on a case right now. With gradual and specific release of the case against and asking for the public’s help in filling in very specific gaps. Any thoughts on why this is not happening here? It can’t be so as to not jeopardise a case that hasn’t even really got off the ground.

My intention is not to debate his innocence or guilt or challenge any assumptions (they are all we have:)) And it could simply be that local LE ignores SM. I just hope it is not counterproductive to let the public focus on ‘one basket’ and potentially miss other evidence on the view that it is already apparently ‘case closed’.

I didnt think they had named him as a person of interest though it's the media that has named him?, you would think they would be more cautious sometimes.

LE just call him a 24 year male from what I've seen.

It's only the offences he has been charged with that LE have mentioned his name in relation to.

Unless I've missed something.

I do understand what you are getting at though as his name is out there.

But I wonder if LE has no reason to clarify the situation as they have never officially said he is the person they are investigating with regards to Libby.
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I agree on this whole heartedly.

I saw loads of posts on social media using the tragic disappearance of a young, bright and much loved girl to strengthen there argument on Brexit and to further there own ideology.

I remember when ITV news were out interviewing people just after the referendum and were asking people the reason they had voted to leave. One man very proudly stated that the only reason he voted to leave was "to get rid of all the foreigners." Embarrassing.
<modsnip: references to comments in social media were removed> One thought I had is that there is something unsettling about PR being splashed over the web and the mob mentality it invites. But I get it. People are angry and LE appear untroubled with this. Shouldn’t there be more clarity on why he is still a person of interest? Has LE management of the situation already undermined chances of any fair conviction? (Presumably he will need to be identified but everyone knows his face. And there is a strong desire to keep him in prison).

I’m comparing to the way German LE are operating on a case right now. With gradual and specific release of the case against and asking for the public’s help in filling in very specific gaps. Any thoughts on why this is not happening here? It can’t be so as to not jeopardise a case that hasn’t even really got off the ground.

My intention is not to debate his innocence or guilt or challenge any assumptions (they are all we have:)) And it could simply be that local LE ignores SM. I just hope it is not counterproductive to let the public focus on ‘one basket’ and potentially miss other evidence on the view that it is already apparently ‘case closed’.
It was the lowest level of the gutter press that initially identified him when he was first arrested. Daily Fail, Sun etc. The papers that pander to and fire up racism on a daily basis. They were also the ones that went to his family.

That's been a mixed bag in a way. On the one hand the it's fired up the racists and made it difficult for ordinary people to live their lives. It's an awful indictment on the country that when I heard somebody had been arrested I just hoped he was a white Brit so the far right couldn't trundlr out their usual racist bile. An awful thought following such a tragedy.

Not just the racism. All the victim blamers appeared. Why was she drunk etc.

On the other side the press are needed keep Libby in people's minds. To keep people focused. Just wish they'd do so responsibly. And the things they published that his sister had said have linked him to Libby.

The police have played things very close to their chests imo. Clarity might prejudice a trial. They've gone via responsible new sources and only released stuff when they feel it's needed.
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Going back to the spider cam CCTV, my two cents: I am sure I see the back part of a garment hanging loosely from the figure’s legs when they get in the car (the passenger side). I think it is the end of her jacket (but I doubt a leather jacket like hers would be long enough) or her skirt. Her skirt looks denim, which would give it stiffer, boxy look as we see in the CCTV footage
I didnt think they had named him as a person of interest though it's the media that has named him?, you would think they would be more cautious sometimes.

LE just call him a 24 year male from what I've seen.

It's only the offences he has been charged with that LE have mentioned his name in relation to.

Unless I've missed something.

I do understand what you are getting at though as his name is out there.

But I wonder if LE has no reason to clarify the situation as they have never officially said he is the person they are investigating with regards to Libby.

According to ITV news
"He was arrested on suspicion of abduction on February 6 in connection with Miss Squire's disappearance and police said he "remains under investigation".

So I would say police have linked him.

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According to ITV news
"He was arrested on suspicion of abduction on February 6 in connection with Miss Squire's disappearance and police said he "remains under investigation".

So I would say police have linked him.


Will look (Not doubting you, want to satisfy my own curiosity).

It's obvious that PR is the man they have under investigation but I didn't think LE had directly said his name in relation to Libby.

I thought his name had only been released in relation to the offences he has been charged with, every other comment I've seen refers to a 24 year old man still been under investigation in relation to LS.

Easy to put two and two together but wouldn't it be odd to officially release the name of someone they have under investigation for LS when they havnt actually charged him with anything in relation to LS.

I'm meaning official LE statements by the way not what the media have run with.

Libby Squire: A month on | Humberside Police
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Forgot to add earlier (don’t know if this has already been mentioned) - bail wasn’t granted due to him being a flight risk, and because he is at high risk of re-offending.

Thanks for that Joelle88 hope you don't have nightmares tonight.
<modsnip: references to comments in social media were removed>

One thought I had is that there is something unsettling about PR being splashed over the web and the mob mentality it invites. But I get it. People are angry and LE appear untroubled with this. Shouldn’t there be more clarity on why he is still a person of interest? Has LE management of the situation already undermined chances of any fair conviction? (Presumably he will need to be identified but everyone knows his face. And there is a strong desire to keep him in prison).

I’m comparing to the way German LE are operating on a case right now. With gradual and specific release of the case against and asking for the public’s help in filling in very specific gaps. Any thoughts on why this is not happening here? It can’t be so as to not jeopardise a case that hasn’t even really got off the ground.

My intention is not to debate his innocence or guilt or challenge any assumptions (they are all we have:)) And it could simply be that local LE ignores SM. I just hope it is not counterproductive to let the public focus on ‘one basket’ and potentially miss other evidence on the view that it is already apparently ‘case closed’.

Myseelf (and other members here I'm sure) would be very interested in the other case you mention. Is it on WS?? Are you able to provide details ? TIA
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Going back to the spider cam CCTV, my two cents: I am sure I see the back part of a garment hanging loosely from the figure’s legs when they get in the car (the passenger side). I think it is the end of her jacket (but I doubt a leather jacket like hers would be long enough) or her skirt. Her skirt looks denim, which would give it stiffer, boxy look as we see in the CCTV footage

Police have confirmed that her skirt was 'laced'. Is it possible that you're seeing something to that effect?

Libby Squire replica clothes released | Humberside Police

I felt like I was seeing high-top Vans on the Welly CCTV, however.
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It was the lowest level of the gutter press that initially identified him when he was first arrested. Daily Fail, Sun etc. The papers that pander to and fire up racism on a daily basis. They were also the ones that went to his family.

That's been a mixed bag in a way. On the one hand the it's fired up the racists and made it difficult for ordinary people to live their lives. It's an awful indictment on the country that when I heard somebody had been arrested I just hoped he was a white Brit so the far right couldn't trundlr out their usual racist bile. An awful thought following such a tragedy.

Just for accuracy, it's not racism. The suspect is a white Caucasian. It's xenophobia. Nothing to do with his race, just that he's foreign.

xenophobia, n. A deep antipathy to foreigners. (OED)
According to ITV news
"He was arrested on suspicion of abduction on February 6 in connection with Miss Squire's disappearance and police said he "remains under investigation".

So I would say police have linked him.

Regarding the politics of Brexit etc. I thought politics was off limits? Not wanting to be a party pooper, just don't want to see the thread locked!

A sociologist would say that this is politics with a 'small p'.
Don't forget though that there are quite a lot of other Polish nationals at his place of work. His wife is also Polish, and there is a large population of Eastern Europeans in the area he lived. His English could still be very basic and just enough to get by in day-to-day life.

My neighbours are quite similar to this. They moved here around 6 years ago, but they work in a factory which has a lot of other Polish people, many of which they are friends with etc. The husband's English is ok, but his wife still has very limited English vocabulary, and will struggle if she is coming around to collect a parcel from my house etc.

As others have said though, it is a legal right to have an interpreter, even if his English if pretty good.

I understand PR's neighbour did state that neither PR nor his Wife spoke english well, hence, when their fence dividing the properties fell down, the Wife asked the neighbour if he could explain to the landlord about the fence, on their behalf.
I understand PR's neighbour did state that neither PR nor his Wife spoke english well, hence, when their fence dividing the properties fell down, the Wife asked the neighbour if he could explain to the landlord about the fence, on their behalf.

IIRC it was PR's wife only who spoke to the neighbour. We know nothing of PR's grasp of the English language.
There are nearly 1,000,000 Polish peole in the UK btw.
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