Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #11 *ARREST*

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Not sure his car was seen backu up Wellesley and out onto main road - not that we know.

I think what you have said though is the main issue to prove. Did he drive her to park - and why? Just to flash at her?? Or worse? Did she run off in fear and accidentally fall in the river? Or did he assault her, abuse and kill her and dump her in the river?? That’s what the police are out to prove imho. I think without a doubt she’s ended up in the river. Let’s hope she is found and the family get closure.
Re his car being seen ...Not that we know, but am sure others would and maybe possibly talked about it if they had. They may have had access to cctv of something like that? It's a possibility.
Been mulling a theory. He approaches the bench, befriends a peed off, upset and freezing young lady. Offers her a lift/sit in car/help getting into house. He opens the car, helps her with a blanket, which explains the slight pause/shuffle before she gets in. Drives down Beresford , bypasses her house, parks up, exposes himself. LS runs out of car into park and after a time of running finds the bench to sit onto catch her breath, to wait to see if the coast is clear. Is spotted by someone, gets spooked and runs off again.
To me, the time line of him being seen driving down Beresford and almost straight away back up Wellesley onto the main road fits.
Whether he then returns to the park or LS becomes disorientated and loses her footing is anyone's guess. Feel free.

Would it not have been much simpler and far less risky to just expose himself at the bench, then go home to the Wife? This procedure seems to have been working for him in the past years.

I cannot see him going to all that trouble, with the intent of "just" (not playing that down, it is serious, absolutely) doing his alleged usual "showing". My feeling is that he chose one of two options available, being, he either innocently gave her a lift somewhere, as a caring worried law abiding civilian or he saw an opportunity to take advantage of a situation and go a further stage. I'm going with option two.
Would it not have been much simpler and far less risky to just expose himself at the bench, then go home to the Wife? This procedure seems to have been working for him in the past years.

I cannot see him going to all that trouble, with the intent of "just" (not playing that down, it is serious, absolutely) doing his alleged usual "showing". My feeling is that he chose one of two options available, being, he either innocently gave her a lift somewhere, as a caring worried law abiding civilian or he saw an opportunity to take advantage of a situation and go a further stage. I'm going with option two.
To be honest none of us know any 'next steps' he may have taken in the past. Looking into the mind of a thrill seeking flasher, to have someone in your own car would be a very thrilling next step.
I thought from his last appearance where he was completely emotionless, that he must be some sort of sociopath/psychopath, to be able to stand in court, after being in custody for 96 hours in connection with Libby’s disappearance, and being the prime suspect, looking completely unfazed. I was convinced he’d harmed her.
Today, when he looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack, I just kept thinking that he didn’t seem capable of cold blooded murder. But I suppose neither did Dennis Radar or Ted Bundy.
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Just catching up but I’m a bit lost and am not sure how St Andrews Quay came into it. Can somebody fill me in on that :)
Would it not have been much simpler and far less risky to just expose himself at the bench, then go home to the Wife? This procedure seems to have been working for him in the past years.

I cannot see him going to all that trouble, with the intent of "just" (not playing that down, it is serious, absolutely) doing his alleged usual "showing". My feeling is that he chose one of two options available, being, he either innocently gave her a lift somewhere, as a caring worried law abiding civilian or he saw an opportunity to take advantage of a situation and go a further stage. I'm going with option two.

Yeh I'm with you on this one.

I don't get the good Samaritan thing.

Not when his other offences mostly link to causing some level of distress to females (whether hands on or not flashing is very distressing).

I feel like he saw an opportunity to take it a step further with a lone vulnerable young female and couldn't help himself.

I also feel like if she had escaped and died due to weather conditions or similar she would have been found by now.

My own feeling is there has been a deliberate hiding of a body, but I don't know how he has got away with it.

Still not buying the river theory, never have.
I thought from his last appearance where he was completely emotionless, that he must be some sort of sociopath/psychopath, to be able to stand in court, after being questioned for 96 hours in connection with Libby’s disappearance, and being the prime suspect, looking completely unfazed. I was convinced he’d harmed her.
Today, when he looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack, I just kept thinking that he didn’t seem capable of cold blooded murder. But I suppose neither did Dennis Radar or Ted Bundy.

Maybe just your natural tendencies towards human empathy kicking in.
I work in social care and used to have a client who displayed potentially psychopathic tendencies. He was mostly very calm and cold-seeming, but when he knew he was being 'caught out' for something he'd done, he could turn on the waterworks and appear upset and remorseful at the drop of a hat.
That's something I'm turning over. I can see him being capable of rape though, and can imagine a scenario which escalates from there - possibly unintended.
Maybe just your natural tendencies towards human empathy kicking in.
I know! If he hadn’t been up for such deviant charges, I’d have felt sorry for him.
I work in social care and used to have a client who displayed potentially psychopathic tendencies. He was mostly very calm and cold-seeming, but when he knew he was being 'caught out' for something he'd done, he could turn on the waterworks and appear upset and remorseful at the drop of a hat.
Ah, very devious! Maybe it was all an act!
After today's court apiece i honestly have doughs that he was directly involved in libbys disappearance, do we have any other suspects that might be of interest, or have we all got all our eggs in on basket ,, I'm still thinking down the line of some one she knows like boyfriend or ex boyfriend!
Yeh I'm with you on this one.

I don't get the good Samaritan thing.

Not when his other offences mostly link to causing some level of distress to females (whether hands on or not flashing is very distressing).

I feel like he saw an opportunity to take it a step further with a lone vulnerable young female and couldn't help himself.

I also feel like if she had escaped and died due to weather conditions or similar she would have been found by now.

My own feeling is there has been a deliberate hiding of a body, but I don't know how he has got away with it.

Still not buying the river theory, never have.

I agree, apart from the "he couldn't help himself" as I think he did indeed help himself to, as you say, a very vulnerable young female.

I'm not convinced with the river either.
I thought from his last appearance where he was completely emotionless, that he must be some sort of sociopath/psychopath, to be able to stand in court, after being questioned for 96 hours in connection with Libby’s disappearance, and being the prime suspect, looking completely unfazed. I was convinced he’d harmed her.
Today, when he looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack, I just kept thinking that he didn’t seem capable of cold blooded murder. But I suppose neither did Dennis Radar or Ted Bundy.

You see imho, he was detained for 96 hours . Doesn’t mean he was questioned all that time - he’d have to have adequate sleep breaks and rest between questioning - police are obliged to follow very strict rules on how to treat a suspect in custody, or evidence such as confession or what is said in interview could be inadmissible in court, or the case even thrown out. I presume a lot of the interview could have been about all these other charges, to try and get inside his mind and behavior patterns. And I really belief his Defence team would have advised on no comment interview.

Re his panic attack today - maybe reality has hit him that he’s up against a lot of charges, the police have a lot of evidence and he possibly might have a longer stay in prison. Maybe what seemed like a game ie exposing and frightening women has finally come back to bite him and reality has dawned his wife may not want to see him again and he’s likely therefore not to see much of his kids grow up.
After today's court apiece i honestly have doughs that he was directly involved in libbys disappearance, do we have any other suspects that might be of interest, or have we all got all our eggs in on basket ,, I'm still thinking down the line of some one she knows like boyfriend or ex boyfriend!
There is the serial rapist that's still on the loose just a few miles away from Libby's area.
You see imho, he was detained for 96 hours . Doesn’t mean he was questioned all that time - he’d have to have adequate sleep breaks and rest between questioning - police are obliged to follow very strict rules on how to treat a suspect in custody, or evidence such as confession or what is said in interview could be inadmissible in court, or the case even thrown out. I presume a lot of the interview could have been about all these other charges, to try and get inside his mind and behavior patterns. And I really belief his Defence team would have advised on no comment interview.

Re his panic attack today - maybe reality has hit him that he’s up against a lot of charges, the police have a lot of evidence and he possibly might have a longer stay in prison. Maybe what seemed like a game ie exposing and frightening women has finally come back to bite him and reality has dawned his wife may not want to see him again and he’s likely therefore not to see much of his kids grow up.
I don’t doubt his guilt about the flashing and burglary charges and I still think there is a strong possibility he could have played a part in Libby’s disappearance.
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