Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #12 *ARREST*

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It feels really different here tonight, Its like a unanimous intake of breath that we are all sat waiting to release.

Its "nice?" to see Libby and her family at the forefront of all our minds.

Out of respect to them im away from here now until we have an update on todays events.

Libby ❤
Body recovered from Humber Estuary | Humberside Police

"A body has been recovered from the Humber Estuary this afternoon, (Wednesday, 20 March), in close proximity to Grimsby Docks.

At this stage it is too early for any identification or confirmation of gender to be made.

Further information will be released as soon as we are in a position that we are able to do so. "

All MOO but I honestly feel as though this means that they're only not confirming gender or that it's Libby because they're giving the family the night to take it in before the media are given the confirmation in the morning. I honestly think the only reason they've mentioned the gender thing is because Libby's the only female missing (that I'm aware of) so straight away we'd know it's her if they said it's female.

I could be completely wrong. All we can do is wait until morning. Poor soul, whoever it is. I'll be thinking of their family before I go to sleep and when I wake up.
I saw the first snippets of news come in earlier this evening, but had to go out for the night. I was fully expecting to come home to an update that the body recovered was confirmed as male. Sadly now I get the feeling this is Libby. I say sadly because a tiny part of me still hoped and believed it was possible that she might be alive, being held against her will ... but as the weeks went on even that tiny hope faded.

As others have said, this will most importantly bring her family closure and hopefully give police vital evidence. @TheCasual it seems you were right with your premonition. Significant news this week ... and it feels as though this is it.

This has been the first case I’ve posted on on WS. I’ve followed every single thread from day 1. Thank you all for providing wonderful insight, intelligent discussion, fantastic local knowledge, legal answers and genuine compassion.

I hope Libby’s family get the closure and justice they deserve.
My heart sank when I saw the headlines - I felt grateful for this community, and to know I could come here and talk to people who feel equally emotionally invested in Libby’s story.
This is one of those awful situations where even the best case we can hope for is an awful case for everyone. I hope that if it is her, the cause of death can be identified, and it brings her friends and family some peace.
I also think the phrasing 'confirmation of gender' is significant, meaning that they have a pretty good idea but aren't yet prepared to state it publicly. That was my immediate reaction to the police statement, but it's also supported by local comments - don't think any of those have made it into MSM, though, so my sources can't be posted here.
Such a sad end to the case, if it's confirmed tomorrow.
My heart sank when I saw the headlines - I felt grateful for this community, and to know I could come here and talk to people who feel equally emotionally invested in Libby’s story.
This is one of those awful situations where even the best case we can hope for is an awful case for everyone. I hope that if it is her, the cause of death can be identified, and it brings her friends and family some peace.

Well said. Glad we can support each other here as we anxiously await updates.

Continued prayers for Libby's family and friends.
I had the worst sleep last night, I couldn’t get poor Libby out of my head. This is of course nothing compared to what her family must be going through right now. I’ve never been so emotionally invested in someone I’ve never met. Although I think most of us here believed that this would be the outcome (if it indeed is her), it’s still an incredibly sad time. We are all here for various reasons but at the bottom of it all is the fact that we care what happened to this lovely young girl with her whole life ahead of her. Whatever today brings, my heart goes out to Libby’s loved ones.
What a lovely message.
It feels really different here tonight, Its like a unanimous intake of breath that we are all sat waiting to release.

Its "nice?" to see Libby and her family at the forefront of all our minds.

Out of respect to them im away from here now until we have an update on todays events.

Libby ❤
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I had the worst sleep last night, I couldn’t get poor Libby out of my head. This is of course nothing compared to what her family must be going through right now

I know exactly what they'll be going through as we lost our 22 year-old daughter, only child, suddenly, to sudden adult death syndrome, last April. They'll be going through hell on earth with still so many unanswered questions and what ifs. Let's hope, if it is her, that they get some answers now and aren't left in limbo still. To lose a child, a young person with all their life, hopes and dreams, ahead of them is just terrible, as we found out unfortunately.
I know exactly what they'll be going through as we lost our 22 year-old daughter, only child, suddenly, to sudden adult death syndrome, last April. They'll be going through hell on earth with still so many unanswered questions and what ifs. Let's hope, if it is her, that they get some answers now and aren't left in limbo still. To lose a child, a young person with all their life ahead of them is just terrible.

So sorry to hear that Chris. So young. Less than a year on it must still feel very raw for you. Sending love.
All along I've said IMO that PR was involved to a point and that I think he got caught up in something far bigger than he could ever have imagined. I stated all along I think she tried to get away and either hid or fell in the water (or possibly someone pushed her) but the screams were her scared in the dark and then going in the water etc. Poor love. I could cry just thinking about it and I don't even know her. The video footage of her she looked like a lovely young woman. I agree with Cags that Not Knowing is worse than knowing. We will wait to see what tomorrow brings.
You have, indeed, stated this all along, but why? I've never understood why you don't suspect that he did something awful. It's really odd to me. The most likely scenario, surely, is that he murdered her? Why is it more likely that he didn't? I fully expect a murder charge to follow if this is Libby's body.
You have, indeed, stated this all along, but why? I've never understood why you don't suspect that he did something awful. It's really odd to me. The most likely scenario, surely, is that he murdered her? Why is it more likely that he didn't? I fully expect a murder charge to follow if this is Libby's body.

I have always thought this a strong possibility also ...only based on the screams being over a 15 minute timeframe and the running man coming out of the park almost yes it's a second hand news report ...and could also be totally unrelated...but if it is ?

I'm 50 50 on either an enforced accident while running away or he harmed her to silence her
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