Spain Jay Slater, 19, missing on holiday in Tenerife, 17 June 2024 #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
In the context it was used, a "fall or precipitation" might mean he either fell or was pushed. From the autopsy and the injuries it might not be easy (or possible) to tell which.
or thrown.
Important that the police are still looking carefully at the area to check they haven't missed anything.
I still have that question - why on earth would he think that that (not the bottom of the ravine but the terrain at all) was a better option than the road or waiting for the bus or a lift? Why did he leave at all? I simply don't buy the 'young people make poor decisions' argument. He sounds a fairly steady young man. I still feel there was a reason for his sudden departure. I really want to hear MWT's explanation of his previous statement.

and... if the dogs were resting through the heat of the day, how in heaven's name did anyone find him in that area at all? Someone deserves huge thanks and respect for their diligence and courage.
I still think the most important question is why Jay went back to the Airbnb in the first place and why he left so quickly after arriving. The Airbnb may not be responsible for his death but if he had not been there he would still be alive today
A lot of things get said by families in these distressing situations. imo, usually anger and frustration are some of the first emotions that surface, when you feel helpless and nothing is in your control
I wonder why Lucy suddenly popped back up and starts speaking for the Family .??
She had been off the radar . The family should have had an official spokesperson right from the begining someone who knew how to deal with the press MOO
New poster here. Been following the WS threads closely since the beginning. Regardless of previous he didn't deserve an ending like that. Its such a shame.

Is this just bad reporting on DM? They're saying he most likely was killed instantly and wasn't there for a long time. But he was there for nearly a month?

'Initially they thought how could he be so close and yet be missed but now having seen the location they appreciate the remoteness of it and there is no criticism of the search"

'It looks as if he fell from a height so he would most likely have been killed instantly and he wasn't there for a long time
New poster here. Been following the WS threads closely since the beginning. Regardless of previous he didn't deserve an ending like that. Its such a shame.

Is this just bad reporting on DM? They're saying he most likely was killed instantly and wasn't there for a long time. But he was there for nearly a month?

'Initially they thought how could he be so close and yet be missed but now having seen the location they appreciate the remoteness of it and there is no criticism of the search"

'It looks as if he fell from a height so he would most likely have been killed instantly and he wasn't there for a long time

Just that he wasn’t lying there alive but injured for days on end. The fall killed him.
In the context it was used, a "fall or precipitation" might mean he either fell or was pushed. From the autopsy and the injuries it might not be easy (or possible) to tell which.

It might be difficult, especially with the likely amount of decomposition, to even determine exact cause of death.

There was one report of a friend hearing him possibly sliding on gravel. I wonder if they will be able to determine anything like that, possibly from damage to clothing/shoes?

Depending on what time his phone packed up maybe something might be gleaned from that, such as accelerometer data? Or maybe a smartwatch/fitbit?

Or it might just be an open verdict.
New poster here. Been following the WS threads closely since the beginning. Regardless of previous he didn't deserve an ending like that. Its such a shame.

Is this just bad reporting on DM? They're saying he most likely was killed instantly and wasn't there for a long time. But he was there for nearly a month?

'Initially they thought how could he be so close and yet be missed but now having seen the location they appreciate the remoteness of it and there is no criticism of the search"

'It looks as if he fell from a height so he would most likely have been killed instantly and he wasn't there for a long time
I read that too and assumed it was a clumsy wording meaning that he wasn't alive there at the bottom of the ravine for a long time. Literally it doesn't make any sense, I think they are trying to be reassuring to the family that he didn't suffer for a prolonged period.

I wonder if the autopsy of lung contents will show anything in relation to that

Is this just bad reporting on DM? They're saying he most likely was killed instantly and wasn't there for a long time. But he was there for nearly a month?

'Initially they thought how could he be so close and yet be missed but now having seen the location they appreciate the remoteness of it and there is no criticism of the search"

'It looks as if he fell from a height so he would most likely have been killed instantly and he wasn't there for a long time

A month in searches of Missing Persons is a short time.

Especially in vast and rough terrain.

That is why
"he wasn't there for a long time."

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Could have flown a drone in perhaps - they were able to get a helicopter over to help with recovery. Inaccessible might also be shorthand for it being really dangerous and not a good idea for the general curious public to go anywhere near (but merely almost inaccessible and rather treacherous for the experienced S&R teams). There was the video earlier in the thread where they were using machetes to hack through.
Yes but my question is why they were looking i n that particular area at that precise time as opposed to all the other areas. I still feel that they may have been given information MOO
Yes, just Googled and it’s a Latin derivative. “Falling from height”

I still think the most important question is why Jay went back to the Airbnb in the first place and why he left so quickly after arriving. The Airbnb may not be responsible for his death but if he had not been there he would still be alive today
His choice and no one is ever going to say why for definite now are they ?
He probably left when there was nothing going on . The doorbell ringing woke him up . There's nothing sinister to make of that . More it's about why he left the road and no one's ever going to know that either are they?
It's mindless to speculate on such things .
There is a very good video on the tube by DTR showing the walk from the Casa, down the track, past the cottages and to the end of the track and beyond that J supposedly took, which I believe corresponds with carbuncle69 map.

'Walking Jays last known footsteps'
Do you have a link for the video please I would like to watch it. Thanks
In the context it was used, a "fall or precipitation" might mean he either fell or was pushed. From the autopsy and the injuries it might not be easy (or possible) to tell which.

Precipitation doesn't imply 'pushing' so I think the meaning is clear, from the intransitive verb:

: to fall headlong
: to fall or come suddenly into some condition
: to move or act with violent or unwise speed

eg. a combo of him maybe moving too fast, losing his footing, stepping on unsolid ground, causing him to fall headlong.
I was hoping this was what it meant! I dont think it's very clear though and no doubt that will fuel the conspiracy theories I've seen even more that "he was placed there recently"
I wrote a post yesterday about wording from DM. I know journalists can be on a timeline to get news out before anyone else . They had wrote the article yesterday about jays remains being found but stated his "clothes and possessions were found alongside/beside/near his body " depending on which rehashed article you clicked into .I felt it misled people into believing he was not in his clothes ,and for a split second I thought that was the case . It is mistakes like these that fuel more speculation and hurt imo
His choice and no one is ever going to say why for definite now are they ?
He probably left when there was nothing going on . The doorbell ringing woke him up . There's nothing sinister to make of that . More it's about why he left the road and no one's ever going to know that either are they?
It's mindless to speculate on such things .
Quite rude to call me mindless.!! It was my own opinion to which I am entitled.
I wrote a post yesterday about wording from DM. I know journalists can be on a timeline to get news out before anyone else . They had wrote the article yesterday about jays remains being found but stated his "clothes and possessions were found alongside/beside/near his body " depending on which rehashed article you clicked into .I felt it misled people into believing he was not in his clothes ,and for a split second I thought that was the case . It is mistakes like these that fuel more speculation and hurt imo

I think some people
"change a fly into an elephant"
meaning seeing things that are not here.

The sentences in DM were/are completely understandable and clear
even for a foreigner
(not English native speaker)
like me ;)


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