Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #15 *ARREST*

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Does anyone know if some of those multiple apartments have like a landlord "Master Key" that opens all the doors of the entire address?

I lived in an apartment one time and even though each tennant had their own key to their unit, the landlord had a "Master Key" that could access any unit. The landlord would give that key to the maintenance man who had access to each unit in case maintenance was needed while people were not home. I saw the key once and it had "MASTER" engraved on it. My understanding is that no hardware stores would ever allow it to be duplicated as it was a special key that required a special key blank in order to be created.

Was wondering if any of those student housing units ever had a Master Key like that?

Because if the wrong person ever got ahold of it then they would have access to any unit that it was fit for.
Many thanks @Vermont24 for alerting
us to the Libby Squire memorial fund
launched by the University of Hull.
We've donated . Its so very hearwarming to realise that Libby will never be forgotten by such kind good people especially in Hull and on this site who have shown such wonderful support in keeping Libby in the fore front of the news by lots of helpful words and deeds during this very sad time since Libby went missing .To all the special people that have taken Libby to their hearts and her family .Hopefully proving that good will always triumph over evil .
Hundreds of students join hunt for missing woman, 21, last seen leaving a taxi after night out | Daily Mail Online

Whilst not knowing the answers to your questions about PR's alleged masturbation in Wellesley on 19/1/19 (not the 12th) I have pieced together the backup information re the doorstep forensics. The relevant photo of the forensics appeared in Daily Mail Online 4/2/19 which said the work was ongoing late on Sunday 3/2/19. Using the photo and Google Streetmaps (7/2017), it is clear that the doorstep belongs to number 15. It seems probable that LE had PR's DNA from this site before his arrest.

Libby's house was 32 wasn't it.

Assuming no 15 is the house that was the scene of the incident on the 19th then it's interesting that had a glass door and glass porch! All the better for masturbating in public to a target audience rather than waiting around in the cold in the hope some young women will appear.

Does make it more likely that the witnesses would call the police if he was outside the door as well. And more likely the police would attend.

But again that would suggest a knowledge of the tenants.

I guess this has already been discussed but has anyone thought about a link between the alleged offences and any of the many student letting agents?

Yes many times.

All too convenient to me that he manages to get in these properties without actually breaking and entering.

In my day day it was internal notice boards in our uni. Today lot of them go through the letting agencies that cater to students like unicom and simply students in Hull. I had a quick look at both and saw addresses in all the streets were PR has a charge - apart from Ella street. There's a Unicom office on Newlands almost opposite his office and loads of other agencies in that area.

All maintenance jobs are reported to the letting agencies. He only needs one mate to let him know who lives where and where he can get in.

Does anyone know if some of those multiple apartments have like a landlord "Master Key" that opens all the doors of the entire address?

I lived in an apartment one time and even though each tennant had their own key to their unit, the landlord had a "Master Key" that could access any unit. The landlord would give that key to the maintenance man who had access to each unit in case maintenance was needed while people were not home. I saw the key once and it had "MASTER" engraved on it. My understanding is that no hardware stores would ever allow it to be duplicated as it was a special key that required a special key blank in order to be created.

Was wondering if any of those student housing units ever had a Master Key like that?

Because if the wrong person ever got ahold of it then they would have access to any unit that it was fit for.

This has been my theory all along...the letting agent connection. It would explain why he hasn’t been charged with breaking & entering. Eg if he had a master key to carry out repairs or had a friend at the letting agents... but was letting himself in when it suited him. Also if the masterbating thing on the 19th was at no 15 then a bit of a delayed reaction by police to collect the DNA? Unless it was reported on 19th but they never sent in forensics but after Libby went missing that they made the connection that One/ some of Libby’s friends resided there...which then linked it to Libby’s disappearance? Perhaps maybe that was also the house Libby had pre drinks in earlier that night?
Does anyone know if some of those multiple apartments have like a landlord "Master Key" that opens all the doors of the entire address?

I lived in an apartment one time and even though each tennant had their own key to their unit, the landlord had a "Master Key" that could access any unit. The landlord would give that key to the maintenance man who had access to each unit in case maintenance was needed while people were not home. I saw the key once and it had "MASTER" engraved on it. My understanding is that no hardware stores would ever allow it to be duplicated as it was a special key that required a special key blank in order to be created.

Was wondering if any of those student housing units ever had a Master Key like that?

Because if the wrong person ever got ahold of it then they would have access to any unit that it was fit for.
Probably not a master key as such as they were a range of different properties, possibly with different landlords run by letting agency. But they certainly have copies of all the keys (front door plus room keys for each property).

There are a number of letting agents that cater specifically to students in that area and the houses are all clustered close to the uni.

They tend to cater for second and third years and post grads as fresher's will get a place in University run halls of residence for which I'd guess there would be a master key. That is far safer tho. Well lit with CCTV and security guards.

As far as we know at this moment, PR does not seem to have ventured on to campus or any of the areas with halls of residence.

What really alarmed me when looking at the map of his offences and the location of spidercam is how convenient it is.

There are lots of shops, cafes and a club (with a student night) onon Newlands avenue. It's popular with students. There are student houses on and off it.

Then there's student houses around the area where Libby lived.

If you look at where the offences are, the main area of student housing and love and then look at where the University - Haworth street is an obvious well used short cut. For night life outside the uni returning to campus or from night life at the student union returning to houses off campus. It's ideal. Dark little spot just past the houses.

It would be very interesting to know if the student properties PR targeted were all from one letting agency. It'd be interesting to know how often he parked in Haworth street
This has been my theory all along...the letting agent connection. It would explain why he hasn’t been charged with breaking & entering. Eg if he had a master key to carry out repairs or had a friend at the letting agents... but was letting himself in when it suited him. Also if the masterbating thing on the 19th was at no 15 then a bit of a delayed reaction by police to collect the DNA? Unless it was reported on 19th but they never sent in forensics but after Libby went missing that they made the connection that One/ some of Libby’s friends resided there...which then linked it to Libby’s disappearance? Perhaps maybe that was also the house Libby had pre drinks in earlier that night?

Looked at HullSTARS one if many student property letting agencies in the area .This agency has online tenants reviews on their accommodation website . There were a number of complaints in the reviews about maintenance people sometimes letting themselves into the property whist students were out.Sometimes there was no prior warnings of maintenance men arriving .This adds a lot of weight to your theory of connection to student properties rented from any letting agents .Bogus repair man possibly? Not blaming the agency/landlords just a watchful person with burglary trespass intentions would find this useful information. Trying to find the link..
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This has been my theory all along...the letting agent connection. It would explain why he hasn’t been charged with breaking & entering. Eg if he had a master key to carry out repairs or had a friend at the letting agents... but was letting himself in when it suited him. Also if the masterbating thing on the 19th was at no 15 then a bit of a delayed reaction by police to collect the DNA? Unless it was reported on 19th but they never sent in forensics but after Libby went missing that they made the connection that One/ some of Libby’s friends resided there...which then linked it to Libby’s disappearance? Perhaps maybe that was also the house Libby had pre drinks in earlier that night?
The I'm wondering about a friend in a letting agency.

Re the 19th I wonder if the police would bother going out with forensics before Libby disappeared. Low level crime and a police force that's been cut to the bone. Bit late then though. The problem with that offence is it covers everything from the poor old bloke with dementia and the drunk having a wee on the way home all the way to the starting point for potential rapists. If I had to guess I'd say a visit from an PC and a record of the crime rather than forensic evidence. So a very delayed reaction
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The I'm wondering about a friend in a letting agency.

Re the 19th I wonder if the police would bother going out with forensics until Libby disappeared. Low level crime and a police force that's been cut to the bone. Bit late then though.

Forensics arrived the same day when my rental property was broken into, but maybe I was just lucky (though not that lucky - I also waited over 12 hours for my insurer's contractor to show up and secure the broken door).
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Looked at HullSTARS one if many student property letting agencies in the area .This agency has online tenants reviews on their accommodation website . There were a number of complaints in the reviews about maintenance people sometimes letting themselves into the property whist students were out.Sometimes there was no prior warnings of maintenance men arriving .This adds a lot of weight to your theory of connection to student properties rented from any letting agents .Bogus repair man possibly? Trying to find the link..

I linked this twice, at the very start of the case and last week. It’s notable that the poster mentioned feeling uncomfortable. Will see if I can find link
Confusion about who rang for maintenance repair would be understandable in any shared accomodation.With students / other tenants shsring out at diffetent times of day night .Even if no one in these shared houses were aware of any problem that needing sorting.Its posdible in the meanwhile anything could occur and be reported to a lablord .Then if any bogus maintenence person artived unnanounced possibly by coinciedence or was in the house unexpectedly.This could perhaps enable any bogus person(s) to make their excuses say anything to leave in a hurry very probably with the 'haul' already in the tool bag.
Or worst case scenario in and out before attracting attention but ready with the excuse just in case .There are in some rental contracts 24 hour notice to allow landlord/repair men into the house.
It's not always respected I imagine.
Possibly a problem police landlord have to worry about burglars being one step ahead with cunning .
Simply Students ran a competition on their site at Halloween. Students who had rented accommodation from them had to carve a pumpkin, upload a photo of the pumpkin, tag themselves and write their address on the post. These are still publicly available for anyone to view. I think it’s fair to say that deciphering who was living in houses around Wellesley/ Heathcote/ Beresford would not have been a challenge!
Funnily enough Simply Students was the first letting agency I looked at yesterday and it had a property in every location that PR has been charged, apart from Ella street which is less likely to let to students.

This is the time to look at their websites as well because students will be looking for next September. Unicom had some of the locations.

Doesn't mean much in itself because anyone could look and then recce.

I wonder if it could explain the story his sister gave about putting Libby's address in his sat nav. I know it's from MSM so not reliable but it's unusual enough to be true. Could he have put it in the minute he knew there were student houses on the market! For later visits?
Simply Students ran a competition on their site at Halloween. Students who had rented accommodation from them had to carve a pumpkin, upload a photo of the pumpkin, tag themselves and write their address on the post. These are still publicly available for anyone to view. I think it’s fair to say that deciphering who was living in houses around Wellesley/ Heathcote/ Beresford would not have been a challenge!
That is simply awful.
Many thanks @Vermont24 for alerting
us to the Libby Squire memorial fund
launched by the University of Hull.
We've donated . Its so very hearwarming to realise that Libby will never be forgotten by such kind good people especially in Hull and on this site who have shown such wonderful support in keeping Libby in the fore front of the news by lots of helpful words and deeds during this very sad time since Libby went missing .To all the special people that have taken Libby to their hearts and her family .Hopefully proving that good will always triumph over evil .
Thank you @Vermont24 have now donated as well
Forensics arrived the same day when my rental property was broken into, but maybe I was just lucky (though not that lucky - I also waited over 12 hours for my insurer's contractor to show up and secure the broken door).
That is good. Not sure they'd bother here. I'm hopeful in that case that they got good forensics from the incident in Wellesley avenue earlier then 3rd Feb.
What makes you 10% doubtful?

We just don't have the info (don't expect to be given the info) and he just doesn't seem a criminal mastermind. The jump from possible flasher to murderer? Even if accidental.
if he is guilty he's been incredibly lucky, seemingly very little hard evidence (he'd have been charged by now if there was anything exceptionally concrete) and all the events have lead to him not been completely incriminated.
I definitely believe he was with LS on that night and possibly the last to see her alive. That's as far as I can get.
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