Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #16 *ARREST*

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I can only offer general anecdotes unrelated to the case in response to that - being fully aware anecdotes are not evidence. Two friends of mine are prison officers. They don't know each other. They even work in different countries.

Both have said that generally sex offenders as a group were the only offenders who did not accept guilt - ever. That they'd always excuse their behaviour.

Other offenders generally, whether they showed remorse or couldn't care less would know they'd committed a crime.

Those are just anecdotal
generalisations though.

The other thing I thought about PR was a classic case of Dunning Kruger (which also explains Trump).
Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia

Thanks, the sex offender thing is very interesting. All I can think is that they have some personality disorder, or just don't even want to admit to themselves what kind of people they are?

I have read about the 'Dunning Kruger''s quite amusing when it isn't in association with world leaders!
Thanks, the sex offender thing is very interesting. All I can think is that they have some personality disorder, or just don't even want to admit to themselves what kind of people they are?

I have read about the 'Dunning Kruger''s quite amusing when it isn't in association with world leaders!
I will stress they are only anecdotes but it was strange to hear an almost identical opinion from two very different people.

Once aware of the Dunning Kruger effect you'll see it everywhere.
If the witnesses had given descriptions and reported the crime beforehand I can't see that being an issue.

Witnesses don't have to be the victims of the crime, though. They could be people that place PR in a certain location at a certain time or were offered stolen goods. They could have been found through police canvassing.
Witnesses don't have to be the victims of the crime, though. They could be people that place PR in a certain location at a certain time or were offered stolen goods. They could have been found through police canvassing.
Sorry. I should have been clearer. If they were witnesses to a reported crime. Even if they came forward later. The info would have to fit other known facts
Sorry. I should have been clearer. If they were witnesses to a reported crime. Even if they came forward later. The info would have to fit other known facts
Some of those witnesses will be police officers, forensics etc who have given statements about what was found in his house etc- they probably won’t be needed in court unless either prosecution or defence need them. A lot of statement evidence could he agreed before hand and the length of trial days could shorten. Courts are very keen these days to get as much agreed in advance and shorten time in court.
This year has gone mega fast, but it feels like eternity since Libby went missing.

I still think of the Libby and her family every day.
Yes, me too. It must be unbearable for them all. On a lighter note, I'd never heard of "Vans" casual shoes 5 months ago, yet today I was considering buying some at the shops! Apart from everything else, I can't get the Croda cam out of my mind and wonder if anyone in it has been eliminated or not. Just my particular obsession I suppose. Using Google Maps I've tried measurements for different journey starting points to see where distance is saved in comparison to sticking to main roads. The possibilities are too great of course but it didn't stop me trying!
I check for news every day its heartbreaking...I'm really at a loss now as to what they may be waiting for 4 months down the line in relation to PM really is beyond awful now for her family not being able to lay her to rest matter how supportive of the investigation
I check for news every day its heartbreaking...I'm really at a loss now as to what they may be waiting for 4 months down the line in relation to PM really is beyond awful now for her family not being able to lay her to rest matter how supportive of the investigation
Beyond awful knowing that they'll either have to sit through a trial as well at some point or not get justice for their daughter.

Who knows what stuff the defence will try fabricate.

I think about them every day as well. It's heartbreaking. Libby would be home for the summer now. Possibly celebrating her exam results. Probably deciding on her dissertation for next year and probably telling them all about it. I cannot even begin to imagine how awful it must be.

Perhaps the police want him tried as a convicted sex offender rather than an alleged one?
Been away a while looking at other cases whilst it’s been quiet here, also just been away in the US for three weeks and not a single day still goes by where I don’t think of Libby and her family.
Thinking of travelling to sit in on some of pr’s court case, can someone remind me of dates ?
Been away a while looking at other cases whilst it’s been quiet here, also just been away in the US for three weeks and not a single day still goes by where I don’t think of Libby and her family.
Thinking of travelling to sit in on some of PR court case, can someone remind me of dates ?
@kate2931 August 12th the date of PR trial Sheffield .Good that your going to attend part of PR's trial .Will
looking forward to your posts on here.
I check for news every day its heartbreaking...I'm really at a loss now as to what they may be waiting for 4 months down the line in relation to PM really is beyond awful now for her family not being able to lay her to rest matter how supportive of the investigation

We'd to wait an agonising 15 weeks for our daughter's funeral last year after she died suddenly from SADS, sudden adult death syndrome. They found no cause of death at first post-mortem so we'd to wait for Toxicology, which came back clear after 6 weeks but then for specialist analysis of her heart and brain and other tissue samples. There was a queue apparently and only a couple of centres in the UK that does them. Not saying it's the same but things can go slowly. One thing, no matter if they embalm it and keep it very cold the body continues to deteriorate over those months. Nothing they can do can prevent that, only slow it down somewhat. They probably will be advised not to view her after all this time.
We'd to wait an agonising 15 weeks for our daughter's funeral last year after she died suddenly from SADS, sudden adult death syndrome. They found no cause of death at first post-mortem so we'd to wait for Toxicology, which came back clear after 6 weeks but then for specialist analysis of her heart and brain and other tissue samples. There was a queue apparently and only a couple of centres in the UK that does them. Not saying it's the same but things can go slowly. One thing, no matter if they embalm it and keep it very cold the body continues to deteriorate over those months. Nothing they can do can prevent that, only slow it down somewhat. They probably will be advised not to view her after all this time.

Sorry about your loss. Thanks for sharing the info with us
We'd to wait an agonising 15 weeks for our daughter's funeral last year after she died suddenly from SADS, sudden adult death syndrome. They found no cause of death at first post-mortem so we'd to wait for Toxicology, which came back clear after 6 weeks but then for specialist analysis of her heart and brain and other tissue samples. There was a queue apparently and only a couple of centres in the UK that does them. Not saying it's the same but things can go slowly. One thing, no matter if they embalm it and keep it very cold the body continues to deteriorate over those months. Nothing they can do can prevent that, only slow it down somewhat. They probably will be advised not to view her after all this time.

That was painful to read, knowing you had to wait 15 weeks until you could give her a funeral. I'm so sorry to read about the sudden loss of your daughter.
I've just been reading today about the Lucy McHugh murder, poor girl - and remember at the time they held him on other offences (related to him refusing to give them his fb password) immediately after his arrest as they obviously had nothing at that time to charge him with her murder.

What i didn't realise however, was that it took them almost 4 months to charge him with murder - which came about after information from analysing his phone led them to his bloodstained jumper an stuff that linked him to the crime.

So basically my point is that it was only around 4 months ago that poor Libbys body was found, and obviously a little longer that she was missing for but I always presumed they woupd be able to get access to an analyse phone info really quickly but that clearly isn't the case as is proven in Lucys case.

I do also think tho that they are staying quiet recently on PRs upcoming case and anything about Libby as i think they want this coming trial to go as smoothly as possible and when he gets found guilty as a sex offender it has surely got to contribute towards any case of circumstantial evidence the police may want to re-present to
All just MOO :)
I've just been reading today about the Lucy McHugh murder, poor girl - and remember at the time they held him on other offences (related to him refusing to give them his fb password) immediately after his arrest as they obviously had nothing at that time to charge him with her murder.

What i didn't realise however, was that it took them almost 4 months to charge him with murder - which came about after information from analysing his phone led them to his bloodstained jumper an stuff that linked him to the crime.

So basically my point is that it was only around 4 months ago that poor Libbys body was found, and obviously a little longer that she was missing for but I always presumed they woupd be able to get access to an analyse phone info really quickly but that clearly isn't the case as is proven in Lucys case.

I do also think tho that they are staying quiet recently on PRs upcoming case and anything about Libby as i think they want this coming trial to go as smoothly as possible and when he gets found guilty as a sex offender it has surely got to contribute towards any case of circumstantial evidence the police may want to re-present to
All just MOO :)
My opinion also. Computer searches take a lot of time. I think certain post mortems take time. I think experts take time to analyse everything including where her body has been. I also wonder if things will emerge in his trial on unrelated charges will be enlightening as to his habits.

Last week I watched my child graduate from Hull knowing that Libby never will. Her parents won't see her graduate. I think of them every day. I want her and them to at least get justice
Wasn't PR supposed to be in court again in July? They can't still have anything firm to charge him with in relation to LS, if he is only remanded on the other charges.
I've just been reading today about the Lucy McHugh murder, poor girl - and remember at the time they held him on other offences (related to him refusing to give them his fb password) immediately after his arrest as they obviously had nothing at that time to charge him with her murder.

What i didn't realise however, was that it took them almost 4 months to charge him with murder - which came about after information from analysing his phone led them to his bloodstained jumper an stuff that linked him to the crime.

So basically my point is that it was only around 4 months ago that poor Libbys body was found, and obviously a little longer that she was missing for but I always presumed they woupd be able to get access to an analyse phone info really quickly but that clearly isn't the case as is proven in Lucys case.

I do also think tho that they are staying quiet recently on PRs upcoming case and anything about Libby as i think they want this coming trial to go as smoothly as possible and when he gets found guilty as a sex offender it has surely got to contribute towards any case of circumstantial evidence the police may want to re-present to
All just MOO :)

Ah I get it now. Of course!!
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