UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2

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Some interesting evidence today albeit distressing.
I'm very torn based on the little we know who struck the actual blows to logan.
Up until today I thought likely the youth. But hearing AW repeatedly say at different times to people her partner hit him I'm not sure. I'd have thought she would have rather protected her "precious partner" and sold the youth up the river
I know it’s not for us armchair detectives to give psychological diagnoses but she sure seems to show at least some traits of a histrionic personality- the shifting of emotions, overly dramatic, attention seeking etc.
Some interesting evidence today albeit distressing.
I'm very torn based on the little we know who struck the actual blows to logan.
Up until today I thought likely the youth. But hearing AW repeatedly say at different times to people her partner hit him I'm not sure. I'd have thought she would have rather protected her "precious partner" and sold the youth up the river
I've wondered about that all along, since hearing her police interviews, but, I also wonder whether she is second guessing what a jury would think about her doing nothing about it if it was the youth. Also, she might think JC is going to drop her in it with regards to her part in assaulting Logan, and she wants to demonise him so that he is not believed.
'She said the victim was hit by her partner'

Ms Short confirmed this

When questioned by Mr Rouch, for Williamson, Ms Short said: “When I went into Ms Williamson’s cell she was quite upset.”

Mr Rouch said: “When she told you about what happened, this was interspersed with the questions you were asking her?”

Ms Short said: “Yes, it was about the accommodation when she brought it up. I asked if she could return to the address and she said it was crim scene and her son was murdered there and doesn’t want to live there anymore. She said ‘Do you know who I am’, I said I didn’t and she said ‘Five year old boy river’.

The witness has finished her evidence.

Logan Mwangi 'suffered extreme pain' - doctor tells murder trial

What an emotionless, despicable way to describe yourself, using those five words....all about her notoriety, zero respect for poor Logan :(

Ms Rees said: “Did she when you undertook that process say to you ‘You know who I am don’t you’?”

Ms Short said: “She was watching the news in her room. She said she was trying to keep up to date with what people were saying about her.”

Another example of how self obsessed she is. Several witnesses now speak about how she was asking if they'd heard of her/what was being said etc.
Would her Barrister be allowed to inform her about what the two other defendants plan to say ,including any allegations against her?
All evidence that any party intends to rely on must be submitted to all other parties. However, they can get up on the stand and start saying stuff they’ve never mentioned to anyone before.
Cross examination from John Hipkin QC
John Hipkin QC, for the youth defendant, asks if “delayed presentation” to hospital would set “alarm bells ringing” from a paediatric point of view.

Dr Stalker said: “It’s one of the hallmarks of an abusive injury.”

Mr Hipkin said: “If a close carer didn’t present promptly with a child of tender years that would send alarm bells ringing?”

Dr Stalker said: “Yes.”

Mr Hipkin said: “We know the clavicle fracture was several weeks old, secondly we know that fracture was never treated. Logan was never taken to hospital for treatment. Would that send alarm bells ringing?”

Dr Stalker said: “It would.”

Mr Hipkin said: “Logan would have been in pain, that pain wouldn’t have lasted for minutes or hours but more than days into weeks.”

Dr Stalker said: “It would.”

Mr Hipkin said: “It would have been absolutely obvious to any carer of Logan’s he would have been in such pain?”

Dr Stalker said: “Yes, you would expect this of any parent in tune with the needs of their child. Also Logan could speak so he could say he was in pain.”

Mr Hipkin said: “That would set alarm bells ringing.”

Dr Stalker said: “Absolutely.”

The doctor has finished her evidence and the trial adjourns for an hour lunch break until 2.15pm.

Logan Mwangi 'suffered extreme pain' - doctor tells murder trial

Sounds like the youth wants to blame AW and possibly JC.
These 3 defendants! :mad:
What an absolutely toxic mix they are.

WHO are these unnamed witnesses? Could they be children I wonder? OR could one be the youths Mother?
If she is named the public could make the link ;)

Thanks so much for the updates today.
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Logan Mwangi: Mother proud of prison notoriety, jury told

22 March 2022

A woman in prison with her said she had "a weird kind of attention seeking".

Joanne Brooks was in Eastwood Park prison in Gloucestershire at the same time as Ms Williamson.

She said the 31-year-old introduced herself by saying "Have you heard of the Bridgend baby - the boy that was murdered and thrown in the river? Well, I'm his mother".

When she showed her pictures of Logan, there were "still no emotions," the jury heard.

"If you're showing someone a picture of your child that has just died, you'd have emotion and there was none," said Ms Brooks.

"It was a weird kind of attention seeking. She was proud of the notoriety that came with being the Bridgend baby's mum."

He would have had an 80% chance of survival if he had been taken to hospital, the court heard.

Paediatrician Dr Deborah Stalker told the jury that mortality rates for children with similar injuries to their bowel and liver were around 20%.
I was loving the evidence from the other prisoner. It's that kind of raw insight which is really informative. Then defence raise that there was animosity between them, and you question her credibility (as is their intention). However, when you look at the detail she gives in her evidence 'she would behave differently depending on who was watching, watching married at first sight eating snacks and laughing then weeping 5 minutes before her hourly check by wardens was due' (para), that ALL fits in with the attention-seeking, disingenuous persona that everything else points to. Hopefully the jury see that too. I'm sure they will.
I believe the evil trio all participated in the injuries resulting in Logan's death.

We know that AW didn't believe Logan after he'd been thrown down the stairs by the youth.

I think JC likely physically punished Logan, the youth used this opportunity of Logan allegedly "misbehaving" to assault Logan where he could blame the child, and AW grabbed Logan from the collar of his PJs and violently shook her child when he was crying out in dire pain -- again not believing Logan that he'd been assaulted and suffering from internal injuries.

Each one of the evil trio could have called for aid but instead chose to watch the helpless child suffer before concocting their own cover stories to avoid punishment.

I think they were all awake very early that summer morning only to carry out the plan to dump Logan's body in the river and pretend he either walked out the back door or in the case of AW, that he was abducted by a woman known to AW. MOO
Sounds like the youth wants to blame AW and possibly JC.

On August 14, two weeks after Logan’s death, the youth was heard singing “I love kids. I *advertiser censored**ing love kids. I love to punch kids in the head. It’s orgasmic”, a court heard.

Prosecutor Caroline Rees QC claimed that in light of the mechanism of injury to Logan, the prosecution considered this comment “significant”.

“It certainly doesn’t demonstrate any sadness at the fact (a five-year-old) has died in traumatic circumstances,” she alleged.

Jurors heard on August 27, the youth reportedly made the following comment: “I ain’t letting (Cole) take the blame.

“No way. I might just plead guilty next week.

“My solicitor knows about all my mental state and I forget stuff. I can’t remember stuff.”
Snipped from Seattle's post above

He would have had an 80% chance of survival if he had been taken to hospital, the court heard.

And that right there is one more damning piece of evidence against AW to be found as guilty of murder as the other two. In fact - as his mother - I hold her more culpable than either of them.

It would be so good ( not going to happen of course ) if the Judge could add a year on each time AW goes into her full on actress sobs.
Whilst I have very little sympathy for the younger boy charged with this crime- I can’t help but feel this has been modelled to
Him for many years by two grown adults and ultimately normalised his behaviour. I wish they could throw the book at all 3 of them, but I also hope they can add additional charges to the adults who raised this child to believe he is invincible to humanity and needs no empathy anywhere.
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