UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #3

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Body of five-year-old child found in south Wales river

A body of a 5 year old child has been found in a river yesterday. Today We have 3 arrests.

#UPDATE | We can confirm that following reports of concerns for a missing five year old boy in #Sarn #Bridgend and the subsequent finding of the body in the Ogmore River near Pandy Park, three people have been arrested.

A 39-year-old man, 30-year-old woman and 13-year-old boy, all from the Bridgend area, have been arrested on suspicion of murder. We are not looking for anyone else in relation to this incident.

Anyone who has any information in relation to the incident can contact the Major Crime Team directly via this portal link Public Portal or alternatively via one of the following means quoting reference number 2100268674.

• Go to: Provide more information to be added to a crime report
• Send us a private message on Facebook/Twitter
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• Phone: 101
Man, woman and boy, 13, arrested over death of five-year-old in Bridgend

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And where, in the name of god, was the BABY in all of this? Her baby was a year old. Would need constant supervision. Would be sitting up, attempting to stand and walk. I haven't even heard the baby mentioned once in any of the statements or testimonies.
And where, in the name of god, was the BABY in all of this? Her baby was a year old. Would need constant supervision. Would be sitting up, attempting to stand and walk. I haven't even heard the baby mentioned once in any of the statements or testimonies.
I believe any mention of the baby will have been edited out by reporters.
And where, in the name of god, was the BABY in all of this? Her baby was a year old. Would need constant supervision. Would be sitting up, attempting to stand and walk. I haven't even heard the baby mentioned once in any of the statements or testimonies.

I've been thinking so much about the baby. Both parents in jail, as well as their eldest half brother, for causing the death of their other, middle half brother. I just hope pray that they're with good people who will give them constant love during their upbringing.
I hope Social Services will be documenting the incredible level of vulnerability and risk that baby was at because of AW's lack. Before they hand it back to her.

Baby's life outcome just improved by a million percent by dint of their brother being murdered. Sadly.
Earlier this week I posted that I believe each of the evil trio contributed to Logan's death and think AW as much as confirmed the same in her testimony (i.e., AW sheds grains of truth with every lie).

Ms Rees said: “The prosecution say that this finding suggests infliction of injuries on different occasions over a more prolonged period of time than the days immediately before Logan’s body was discovered.”

The youth joined in the beating because JC's own behavior made it OK for the youth to use Logan as a football.

I think the words AW attributed to JC about the couple breaking up because of Logan were not by JC but by AW herself. It's clear that she chose JC over Logan more than two years ago, and in her final testimony, we see AW resorting back to claiming JC a good man and great father! :eek:

(Duh, he contributed to the murder of your child)!

Let's be reminded of Logan's injuries to include a torn liver, ruptured spleen, broken clavicle, and traumatic brain injury.

There should be no doubt that AW was awake flicking the lights on and off-- watching YT videos. She knows too well that she was monitoring Logan's conscious/unconscious state.

Lastly, we heard testimony from Logan's teacher that AW tried to make that they were bff's and NOT that she was Logan's educator. AW did the same with the social worker -- all in a premeditated attempt to disguise and/or excuse the signs of abuse as childhood accidents.

Like many others living in a volatile environment during the global pandemic, I think the unprecedented event provided for an extended period of abuse without monitoring and/or detection.

May justice for Logan be swift.


UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2
Thanks so much for the updates.


I guess all that BS from AW would even shock a cattle farmer.

I'm going to reposition my air fryer, don't want lights flickering in the night with the cost of electric going sky high soon. :rolleyes:

That's all I have to say.

I find it strange that JC, the big violent man who is happy to knock about a 5 year old, appears to petrified of covid.

He made Logan wear a mask around the house and face the wall etc.

Nothing wrong with being scared of covid lots of people are due to health issues and living with vulnerable people etc but he just didn’t strike me as the sort of person that would be.
I find it strange that JC, the big violent man who is happy to knock about a 5 year old, appears to petrified of covid.

He made Logan wear a mask around the house and face the wall etc.

Nothing wrong with being scared of covid lots of people are due to health issues and living with vulnerable people etc but he just didn’t strike me as the sort of person that would be.
I think it was another way of alienating Logan.
I find it strange that JC, the big violent man who is happy to knock about a 5 year old, appears to petrified of covid.

He made Logan wear a mask around the house and face the wall etc.

Nothing wrong with being scared of covid lots of people are due to health issues and living with vulnerable people etc but he just didn’t strike me as the sort of person that would be.

It is difficult to know what is true amongst all the lies ,but making Logan wear a mask could be another way of tormenting him.
I find it strange that JC, the big violent man who is happy to knock about a 5 year old, appears to petrified of covid.

He made Logan wear a mask around the house and face the wall etc.

Nothing wrong with being scared of covid lots of people are due to health issues and living with vulnerable people etc but he just didn’t strike me as the sort of person that would be.

It's another way for him to be in absolute control.
Aw seems to be pinning it on jc for the most part. I think when I read about the youth behaving so violently, I thought he must have inflicted most of the injuries. But I'm not so sure now. I'm really not sure what to believe and we will never know what really happened, I don't think. But all 3 culpable, and 3 guiltys for me.

Presumably we will hear the youths police interviews on Monday? You'd think, if he talked, the police would be able to trip him up/catch him out.
I hope Social Services will be documenting the incredible level of vulnerability and risk that baby was at because of AW's lack. Before they hand it back to her.

Baby's life outcome just improved by a million percent by dint of their brother being murdered. Sadly.

I believe that Logan had only one 'half' brother ( ' ' because I dislike that term half)

and I very, very much doubt that Angharad with regain custody of her younger child no matter the outcome and length of sentence.

So they had a row because JC was repeatedly attacking her child... AW tried to leave to save herself but had no concern about leaving Logan behind to fend for himself.

This arrogant, manipulating woman-- smarter than every detective in the room has done my head in. :eek:
Right, she is afraid of Cole because he is attacking her son and threatening her, and so she takes her sleeping meds so she will not be able to wake up until morning---leaving her baby and toddler alone all night with the 2 volatile violent males.
I feel now AWs final statement is as near to the "truth" as what we have heard so far.
Poor Logan was a "hindrance" to JC and on the whole she took JCs side over her child's.
I think Logan was abused in some form or another on a daily basis ...none of the independent witnesses have described these bad behaviours as these vile accused have.
I think isolation due to covid made things worse and JC beat him to death and I feel the youth ..JCs awful sidekick joined in.
My blood boiled reading her description of JC thumping him and enjoying the marks he left on logan. Logan was the same age as my oldest grandson and reading that I honestly felt if he did that to my child it would be me that would be in the Dock no matter if he was in the SAS , SEALS or bloody Marines angry today ..vent over
It is difficult to know what is true amongst all the lies , but making Logan wear a mask could be another way of tormenting him.
You can't make this stuff up!

Logan was isolated in his bedroom and if/when the adults delivered meals to him in his room, he had to be masked and ordered to face the wall when they entered.

And they wonder why the child craved attention. :eek:
Yep, also JC had openly threatened to kill Logan if anything he did happened to split himself and AW up!

So, fully aware of that clear death threat to Logan, knowing JC is murderously violent to Logan and has already severely harmed him, she then walked out, leaving Logan behind. Thereby creating the very split up that JC will 'kill Logan' over. She incited Logan's murder.

She's a piece of work. She needs holding culpable.

She describes these situations as if there were NO CHOICES being made by her and they all just happened. But it's been damn hard work for her all the time 'persuading' all and sundry of what a 'phenomal' man JC is, living in an overcrowded madhouse of violence, whacking herself out with medication, installing bouncy carpets... every step of the way was a choice. In the wrong direction.
Oh yah, she made sure to have doubly cushioned carpet to protect her precious self from any potential falls, and yet this 'protective' mother, as she calls herself, :rolleyes: allows her little boy to be punched in the gut and fly across the hallway, with no real concern. She figured he was OK, because although he was punched in the stomach 4 or so times, it didn't seem to be that hard of a punch by the grown man who was pummelling him. :mad:
Oh yah, she made sure to have doubly cushioned carpet to protect her precious self from any potential falls, and yet this 'protective' mother, as she calls herself, :rolleyes: allows her little boy to be punched in the gut and fly across the hallway, with no real concern. She figured he was OK, because although he was punched in the stomach 4 or so times, it didn't seem to be that hard of a punch by the grown man who was pummelling him. :mad:
AW had an excuse for everything! I'll give her that...
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