GUILTY UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #5

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Details: Trial (Part Heard) - Resume - 10:05
Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 10:09
Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 10:48
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 11:30 - 11:16

Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 11:35
Trial (Part Heard) - Legal Submissions - 13:07
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 14:15 - 13:08

Cardiff Crown Court 5


***** *****
angharad williamson
john mark cole
The trouble with what he is saying are some of JCs lies is that he never actually said them in police interviews or on the stand. AW was the one who made claims re the SAS and the 99 year sentence. There is no evidence of him saying that except for AWs word and she has also demonstrated that she tells lies.
JC also told another witness who gave evidence that he was in the SAS and 99 year sentence
12:41Philip Dewey


Mr Rouch makes reference to the youth’s involvement.

He said: “Angharad said she was so upset and ran out of the flat and Rhiannon Hales happened to be outside and Angharad told her immediately what (the youth) had just said, that he had pushed Logan down the stairs.

“You think there’s very little doubt (the youth) actually said that. It happened contemporaneously…..

“On the night John Cole left number five with Logan’s body, he told you under oath (the youth) was not with him. He said he was not aware of (the youth) being there.

“When you retire you will have access to a machine that will play all of the footage in this case. Look at them both of them leaving shoulder to shoulder, you can’t get a cigarette paper between them. Still he persists with the lie he was not aware of (the youth) being there.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
This is strange as there were no stairs in the flat when she ran out and her friend was there. The stairs were in JCs house when LM broke his shoulder
Details: Trial (Part Heard) - Resume - 10:05
Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 10:09
Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 10:48
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 11:30 - 11:16

Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 11:35
Trial (Part Heard) - Legal Submissions - 13:07
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 14:15 - 13:08

Cardiff Crown Court 5


***** *****
angharad williamson
john mark cole
What are these "legal submissions" in the middle of Closing Speech?
Isn't it too late for them?
I think it’s very interesting that AW hasn’t had any fits during the trial (as far as we know anyway).

If non-epileptic seizure disorder is caused in part by stress, would it follow that the proceedings haven’t stressed her out very much? I suppose it could also be that her access to medication is being much better managed and controlled.

13:57Philip Dewey

Nike bag

Mr Rouch makes reference to Cole’s claim about the Nike bag.

He said: “The first evidence about this was weeks into the trial, it wasn’t mentioned before. If it was used it was such a significant feature it would have been referred to in the narrative of what happened…..

“(Cole) says it now for one reason, to protect (the youth) so that when (the youth) left the flat with him at 2.43am he wouldn’t have been able to see Logan’s dead body and that is the sole reason he invented this account.

“Even then he can’t help but tell other lies. He says Angharad Willamson got the bag out of the cupboard and passed the bag to put the dead body in. It’s an out and out lie.

“You may think it’s absolute nonsense that when Cole left the flat carrying the dead body of a five-year-old child he didn’t know where he was going and what he was going to do.

“Was he going to walk around Pandy Park aimlessly without inspiration? He knew what he was going to do and had a plan when he left the flat. Again when I asked him the question about that, he persisted in the lie he didn’t know where he was going and he didn’t know what he was going to do.

“How did Logan’s body get in the river and the only person to put his body in the river was John Cole so why not tell us he put it there and how he put the body there. We know he lied and lied to you about it.
“Whoever put him in the river had wet trousers, socks and trainers so what happened to Mr Cole’s clothing, where would that have been put? In the tumble dryer, the same tumble dryer that contained Logan’s bed sheet. Who was putting stuff in the washing machine and the tumble dryer that night.

“Just think about Mr Cole’s clothing and why put that bed sheet of Logan’s into the tumble dryer? Who when interviewed said there was no top sheet protector on the bed.

“That’s because he knew where the sheet was, in the washing machine or the tumble drier and he put that there the same way he put his clothes.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
Last edited:
13:57Philip Dewey

Previous convictions

Mr Rouch turns to Cole’s Williamson’s previous convictions.

He said: “You know something of the history, he has form for (lying). You will see his history of offending and it’s significant that on September 6, 2007, he was dealt with for intimidation of a witness and perverting the course of justice.

“You may think the account John Cole gave of being woken up by Angharad Williamson and saying ‘Logan, he’s dead’ and he John Cole made little or no enquiry about how, why, or when that happened beggars belief and flouts commonsense.

“So in relation to the central questions, how did Logan die, you may disbelieve what John Cole told you about it.

“You must look at what Angharad Williamson told you in an objective way and make your own assessment about it. I ask you to give due allowance for any charged with offences such as those and the witness box is a very lonely place.”

He refers to Williamson’s previous convictions for theft and says she has no previous convictions for violent offending.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
13:59Philip Dewey

Logan's arm

Mr Rouch makes reference to Logan’s arm.

He said: “(Williamson) took responsibility for not taking (Logan) to hospital. She said it did not benefit her to say that. She said it was the delay in taking him to hospital that was the problem and she does not shy away from that responsibility. She took him to the hospital and follow up appointments.

“She said Logan had fallen down the stairs….. You may think there’s no doubt (the youth) said something about that along the lines of that day…..

“It’s said Angharad Williamson gave different accounts when the injuries were caused. That’s not the case, she said it happened when he fell down the stairs.”

The barrister then turns to the alleged attack on Logan by Cole and the youth.

He said: “Something happened on Thursday to cause Angharad Williamson to run from the house as she did…. The extreme nature of what happened can be gleamed from some of the previous witnesses.”

He makes reference to neighbours saying Cole appeared erratic, Williamson was crying hysterically, and she was trying to leave the address but was prevented by the youth.

He said: “So what happened on the Thursday? You may think it wasn’t just one of the usual arguments, you may think there was overwhelming evidence there were numerous arguments during which John Cole and Angharad Willamson would raise their voices.

“If you want to assess who was the dominant figure look at the evidence of those witnesses.”

The barrister makes reference Cole being described as the loudest of the two and appeared to be dominant in arguments.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:00Philip Dewey

Police interviews

Mr Rouch refers to Williamson’s police interviews.

He said: “She never mentioned in the first four interviews what happened on the Thursday, she said she hadn’t mentioned it before because she was afraid of John Cole and explained she was afraid of him because what he had told her about himself, his previous convictions, had been to prison, told her he had been a member of the SAS and subject to an IPP sentence.

“What was the purpose of saying that? Ethan Bevan said it was to show he was someone who shouldn’t be messed with. He was portraying himself as a hardman and someone you should be afraid of. It’s completely untrue he was in the military or the SAS, the only reason to say so was to intimidate.

“According to Angharad Williamson he said he could disappear if he wanted to do so.

“What’s the image we have of the SAS? It’s an arm of the military of harm men who can look after themselves and disappear in the most hostile of situations.

“He said he was on an IPP, that is a sentence of imprisonment to protect the public from him. Doesn’t that mean someone who is dangerous and someone to be afraid of.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:04Philip Dewey

'Death stare'

Mr Rouch turns to the youth defendant.

He said: “He’s chosen not to give evidence. That’s his right and some say it’s every defendant’s right to give evidence and give an account.

“Out of the three people there that night, two have given evidence. Had he given evidence there are some questions I would have liked to have asked him.

“Why did you tell people you didn’t like Logan?

“Why did you tell people you wanted to kill Logan?

“What happened to Logan before you and John Cole left the flat at 2.43am?

“When you got back inside the flat did you go into Logan’s room?

“There were questions I would have liked to have asked about his interviews….

“I would have asked him what he meant when he said Logan would give a death stare.

“I would have liked to have asked him questions about his manner and what he did on July 31.”

The barrister asked for a clip to be played of body worn footage on July 31 which showed the youth punching himself in the temple after being told what the word unconscious meant.

He said: “I would have liked to have asked him why he did that.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:07Philip Dewey

'Who do you think acted as a team?'
Mr Rouch makes reference to Logan’s injuries.

He said: “It’s obvious one or more of the three are responsible for Logan’s injuries. To decide who it was there are two areas of evidence which may assist you. The nature of the injuries and assault and secondly the attitude each of the three had to Logan.

“I put it to John Cole about the injuries to Logan’s eyes and described it as a one two and he said ‘I hope (the youth) wouldn’t have done that’.

“Do you believe Angharad Williamson punched Logan twice to his face or assisted or encouraged another to do it? If there was teamwork, who do you think acted as a team?

“Injuries to the naval were consistent with knuckle punches. No matter what you may think of Angharad Williamson, our submission would bne it was not her who punched Logan at least three or four times.
“There was a large bruise to his back which may represent a kick. You may conclude whoever killed Logan, it would not have been Angharad Williamson nor that she encouraged or assisted anyone else to do that.

“You can see the damage to Logan’s hands as compression injuries, where the hand is caught between two hard surfaces. We submit there’s no indication Angharad Williamson caused those particular injuries.

“Looking at those injuries and the way they were caused you may not think they were consistent with being caused by Angharad Williamson and she would not have assisted or encouraged anyone to do this. You remember her running from the flat in distress on Thursday.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:07Philip Dewey

'Angharad Williamson was someone who was very proud of Logan'

Mr Rouch refers to Williamson’s attitude towards Logan.

He said: “Who was it who wanted to cause injury to Logan? Look at the independent evidence or to the relationship and attitude towards Logan. Who was it who didn’t like Logan and prepared to do him injury?

“Rhiannon Hales said Logan was a mummy’s boy and he loved her and she loved him.

“Clare Williamson said she was a fantastic mother and Logan loved her to pieces . He was a loved child and Angharad loved him. She never saw her being physical with him and was patient with him.”

The barrister referred to the evidence of other witnesses who described Williamson as a good mother - and teachers would describe her as a “overprotective mother”.

He said: “Angharad Williamson was someone who was very proud of Logan and cared for him deeply.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:10Philip Dewey

Willamson's legal team point the finger at Cole and youth defendant

Mr Rouch refers to Cole’s attitude towards Logan.

He said: “Whether deliberately or not, you may think he drove a kind of wedge between Logan and Angharad Williamson. It seems relationships with Williamson’s mother and two close friends were fractured….

“You may think on evidence you heard…. (Cole) pushed (Logan) further out of the family.
“There’s no getting away from it. Angharad Williamson must have had her arms full…..

“Rhiannon Hales said John Cole said he would alway love Angharad even if he didn’t love Logan.
“What about Daniel O’Brien, he said he was in the garden of 5 Lower Llandsantffraid and Logan was playing. It’s hard to think of a more pleasant setting and what did John Cole say? He didn’t like Logan….Why say that? He didn’t like Logan.

“What about the punishments of Logan? Doesn’t the evidence establish John Cole over the months becomes more and more involved in punishments meted out to Logan and gradually became more harsh.

“What about taking Logan’s body out and disposing of it in or by a river….

“How about who actually caused the injuries to Logan, what about his comments after Logan died?”

The barrister refers to a comment Cole made to a prison officer. He said: “The thing is I didn’t kill Logan, (the youth) had been recorded singing a rap song to the tune of ‘I like kids, I like kids, I like to punch and kick them’.”
He added: “I’ve got a dilemma, do I go down for murder or protect (the youth).”

Mr Rouch said: “There’s only one interpretation that (the youth) was involved and would not admit to his own involvement and John Cole’s evidence was not of (the youth’s ) involvement because he was there….
“Angharad Williamson is not mentioned once of being involved, not even in an oblique way.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:24Philip Dewey

'Members of the jury, look at the evidence'

Mr Rouch turns to the attitude of the youth defendant towards Logan.

He said: “Who was it who disliked Logan so much he would have caused violence towards him?”

The barrister referred to the evidence of witnesses who described the youth’s previous violent behaviour.

He refers to the youth making a comment about wanting to kill “the five-year-old and makes reference to his behaviour following Logan’s death, when he appeared to be celebrating and squared up to a visitor.

He also refers to the comments “I love kids, I *advertiser censored***** punching kids, it’s orgasmic” and “I did some bad stuff but I’m not allowed to talk about it.”

Mr Rouch said: “Members of the jury, look at the evidence read to you and the history as it developed, we say (the youth) had no affection for Logan. He said to people he wanted to hurt Logan and is somebody who can behave violently when he feels like it.

“Ask yourselves the obvious questions, who was likely to have carried out such an attack with heavy blows, likely to have punched, kicked and stamped? Who was it who indicated they wanted to harm Logan and who afterwards said they knew who assaulted Logan. Angharad Williamson doesn’t feature in any of those categories.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
14:44Philip Dewey


Mr Rouch next refers to Cole’s allegation Williamson burnt Logan with a teaspoon.

He said: “It’s not part of the prosecution’s case Angharad Williamson deliberately burnt Logan’s neck. Not one question about this burn was asked by the prosecution and the evidence was not put to the expert witnesses…. It’s another lie invented by Mr Cole, you submit you can put that immediately to one side.

He next refers to the evidence about Williamson’s behaviour in HMP Eastwood Park.

He said: “There’s nothing probative about this evidence concerning the period of imprisonment of Angharad Williamson which Joanne Brooks tried to paint and the jumbled evidence of two of the staff there. The prosecution didn’t ask one question about it.”

The barrister said Brook was not liked by Williamson or others on the ward and Williamson never confided in her. He said what she said about Williamson was gossip or overheard conversations Williamson had with other people.

Mr Rouch next returns to Logan’s fractured clavicle.

He said: “Adults can suffer pain and discomfort and not even know there’s a fracture.”

The barrister said the multiple injuries Logan suffered could not be separated but the fractured clavicle could be treated as a stand alone injury.

He said: “Dr Stalker said such an injury in children is not unusual and can be caused by a fall to the shoulder. The likelihood is the fracture was caused some time before July 17.

“You know for the best part of a month before that date Logan was continuously in school and had been in Blackpool on holiday. For all that time nobody picked up on if Logan had problems with his shoulder. He went to school every day before July 16.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
He said: “It’s not part of the prosecution’s case Angharad Williamson deliberately burnt Logan’s neck. Not one question about this burn was asked by the prosecution and the evidence was not put to the expert witnesses…. It’s another lie invented by Mr Cole, you submit you can put that immediately to one side.

I thought she admitted doing it ? Because her father used to do it to her, so it was all ok
He refers to Williamson’s previous convictions for theft and says she has no previous convictions for violent offending.

I do not remember hearing this before.

It refers to a spent conviction, when AW misused her mother's credit card. She got a community service order.

Logan Mwangi's murder-accused mum says he was 'perfect'

ETA: There's been so much material heard in this case, it's been hard to keep up with it all, but for some reason that stuck in my mind as an example of her disinclination to take responsibility for herself - to the extent that her mother reported her to the police.

It refers to a spent conviction, when AW misused her mother's credit card. She got a community service order.

Logan Mwangi's murder-accused mum says he was 'perfect'

ETA: There's been so much material heard in this case, it's been hard to keep up with it all, but for some reason that stuck in my mind as an example of her disinclination to take responsibility for herself - to the extent that her mother reported her to the police.


Thanks very much.I do now remember that.
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