GUILTY UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #5

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Mitigation for youth defendant - John Hipkin QC

John Hipkin, barrister for the youth defendant, begins his closing speech.

He said: “(The youth) was 13-years of age at the time of this. Much of this is the adult world.”

The barrister said there was “no credible evidence” his client had done anything physical to Logan.

He makes reference to the prosecution’s description of the youth defendant as “troubled, violent and complex boy.”

Mr Hipkin said: “To an extent but by no means to the extent the prosecution say, we would go with them but analyse it. It’s unsurprising giving his background he has some conditions and issues.”

He conceded his client could be “inappropriate” and many of his past actions would “not endear him” to the jury.

The barrister said: “Nowhere in these reams of evidence gathered from those accounts is there a piece of evidence that suggests that (the youth) had caused anyone really serious injury.

“What we say is yes, he is what he is but this is a million miles away from murder. In that context we would ask you to view those comments made about Logan.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
Ah ok, I see. The reporting doesnt correspond with real time. I thought it was a short delay beforr reporting. Sorry

Yes, it can be confusing. I do tend to include those timings at the top of the blog, but it indicates when the reporter logs his copy.

Here's the full list of timings from the Law Pages.

Peter Rouch for AW did almost 3 hours

Youth defendant QC just under one hour

From memory, David Elias for JC did 2.5 hours

Cardiff Crown Court 5

***** *****
angharad williamson
john mark cole

Details: Trial (Part Heard) - Resume - 10:05

Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 10:09
Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 10:48
Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 11:30 - 11:16
Trial (Part Heard) - ANGHARAD WILLIAMSON; Defence Closing Speech - 11:35
Trial (Part Heard) - Legal Submissions - 13:07

Trial (Part Heard) - Case adjourned until 14:15 - 13:08

Trial (Part Heard) - ***** *****; Defence Closing Speech - 14:19
Trial (Part Heard) - Legal Submissions - 15:16

ETA - no idea now how long the Prosecution did because the log was filed late in the guess would be 2.5 - 3 hours.
Last edited:
Yes the Judge said she didn't want to do her summing up before Easter, so they won't be back until Tuesday now. Let's hope she gets them out by Tuesday afternoon and we should have verdicts by Friday.

As it is for all 3 of them I would not be surprised if it went into the following week. Though it would only take me a minute from the evidence we have had from court reports.
17:14Philip Dewey

Arm injury

Mr Hipkin refers Williamson’s account to police about the injury to Logan’s arm in 2020.

He said: “Angharad Williamson as his mother did not take him to hospital the same day as potentially he received his injury. Why not? Why wouldn’t you take a child to hospital? What are you worried about?

“I am going to suggest this document is the beginning of a pattern of what (Williamson) does.”

The barrister says according to Williamson’s statement, it was not possible the youth could have pushed Logan down the stairs.

He also referred to a passage where Williamson described Logan as “jealous, frustrated and angry”. He said: “Why would you mention that? Are you giving an excuse for something that had deliberately been done to him.”

Mr Hipkin also reads out the passage where Williamson described grabbing Logan’s arm and popping it back in.

He said: “We know Logan sustained an offended fracture, it was so displaced more than a width of the bone.

“She may well have caused the fracture, she blamed Logan…. And she decides to blame (the youth). The problem with that is what she told police.

“She caused the injury to Logan, blamed Logan and pointed the finger elsewhere.

“She said Logan as being a melodramatic brat. It gets worse ladies and gentlemen because realising this point has emerged in the trial that she caused the injury, she changed tack, she’s that devious, and says ‘John Cole did it, I just lied’.

“She lied about it when Logan was dead, how wicked can you get? Either she caused serious injury to Logan or she lied to the police investigating a very serious injury to him.
“It’s a hard pill to swallow that a mother is guilty of murdering her son like this, five years of age, but it’s a less difficult pill to swallow when you hear that she’s capable of this isn’t it?”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:14Philip Dewey

'Why wasn’t he taken to a hospital? Scared of what? Being found out?'

Mr Hipkin says Williamson was awake during the night Logan’s body was dumped.

He said: “She clearly was, she causes the injuries. The pattern is she blames Logan, melodramatic brat, and then points the finger at (the youth) when the heat is on.

“The problem with that is what a tangled we weave, on the body worn footage ‘(Youth) you’ve done nothing wrong’.

The barrister also refers to Logan’s untreated broken collarbone and suggests Williamson would have noticed problems when Logan ate, showered or dressed.

He added: “Yet he was never taken to hospital. Why not? The reaction of most parents is take them and hope for the best but let’s find out. Why wasn’t he taken to a hospital? Scared of what? Being found out?.”

Mr Hipkin says there was 80% chance Logan could have survived and also refers to the burn to his neck allegedly caused by Williamson, who can be heard crying in the dock.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:16Philip Dewey

'Logan’s last days were cruel but had nothing to do with the youth'

Mr Hipkin refers to Logan’s last week alive.

He said: “What goes on behind closed doors, goes on behind closed doors. Child abuse and sexual abuse doesn’t taken place in front of the neighbours and friends.

“Logan’s last days would have been lonely, isolated, distressed and cruel. That cruelty was not at the hands of (the youth).

“Logan was kept in his room, barred in, made to wear a mask, and if anyone came in he was made to face the wall. If he reacted he was placed in the naughty corner repeatedly time after time, the distress to him being so he self harmed to the extent of bleeding. Cruel beyond measure

“If he reacted worse he was hit to the head, violence used by both parents, told to stop *advertiser censored***** lying, for such events as being just a child. Logan’s last days were cruel but nothing to do with (the youth).”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:33Philip Dewey

July 29

Mr Hipkin turns to alleged assault on Cole on July 29.

He said: “Angharad Williamson is lying, an obvious lie. It’s the same pattern.

“You would want to tell the police the truth straight away about the death of your child. She didn’t tell what she says was the truth when interviewed about the death of Logan for hours and days on end. She may be many things but she is not a woman who is controlled.
“The incident where she runs out, if Logan had been assaulted by John Cole and (the youth), the very last thing she would do would be to leave Logan with his two attackers. The instinct of the lioness protecting the cub kicks in, of course assuming she has maternal instincts at all.

“What gives it the lies is the evidence of Fred Witchell, she was saying Don’t make a scene (youth)’. She realised in the witness box that what Fred Witchell said and what she was saying didn’t stack up.

“Never would you subsequent to such an assault go out on your own leaving Logan again with John Cole and (the youth) for the urgency of a pouch of tobacco and pop. She’s simply lying about it.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:34Philip Dewey

'Williamson was awake on night Logan's body was dumped'

Mr Hipkin again tells the jury Williamson was awake on the night Logan’s body was dumped.

He said: “One of the benefits of going to a site visit is that you will remember the actual layout. When it’s suggested (the youth) invisibly is vaulting over walls, it’s trying to explain the unexplainable. Remember the drop between the wall and the garden?

“No suggestion of analysis of (the youth’s) phone he visited websites with videos of esoteric interests such as Pimple Popper or pain management….

“Of all the issues in this case, the one that may not trouble you is Angharad Williamson was awake.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:34Philip Dewey

'The adults used violence didn’t they?'

Mr Hipkin turns to the events of July 30.

He said: “Medical evidence suggests the injuries to Logan would have been sustained on the Friday. Logan had eaten briefly on the Friday….

“He wouldn’t have been able to eat if he had sustained those abdominal injuries.

“Neither of the adults present in that house say (the youth) did anything to Logan at all.

“The adults used violence didn’t they? John Cole struck Logan to the head. He stated he didn’t know whether it had caused the injuries in terms of the bleed to the brain or not. Angharad Williamson described it as a wallop.

“Angharad Wiliamson told Logan to ‘Stop *advertiser censored***** lying’ and John Cole said ‘It’s all your fault about this row with your mum’ and on it goes. What was the atmosphere like and who caused it?”

The barrister refers to his cross examination when he asked her why Logan wouldn’t come to her and she replied ‘How was I to know what was going on in Logan’s head?’.”

Mr Hipkin said: “Was that the moment she picked him up by the collar of his pyjamas causing the damage when he was trying to avoid her picking him up.”

He refers to the comments Williamson made during her arrest, ‘(Youth) you’ve done nothing wrong’.

He said: “Her son was dead by that stage. To say that you need to know it, in the context of a five-year-old child’s death, you would not be saying that if you were unsure.”

The barrister also makes references to a letter she sent to a family, in which she makes no mention of the youth doing anything wrong.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:35Philip Dewey

'No evidence the youth attacked Logan'

Concluding his speech, Mr Hipkin said: “Where does that leave us?

“What we suggest is when you analyse these things, analyse Logan’s last days, there’s no evidence (the youth) attacked Logan.

“Cruelty to him, where does that come from? The adults. The atmosphere, who was that from? The adults. Violence and temper, who was that from? The adults. Who lied, lied and lied? The adults.

“There’s no evidence you can be sure of that (the youth) deliberately encouraged or inflicted any harm or injury that caused Logan’s death. The case against him is based entirely on the character statements that were read out.

“In respect of count three (perverting the course of justice), you have his account in interview What we submit is (the youth) is not guilty and the prosecution have not proved so you are sure that he’s guilty of the murder of Logan.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
17:36Philip Dewey

Closing speeches finished

The closing speeches have now finished.

Mrs Justice Jefford tells the jury the trial will be adjourned until next Tuesday after the Easter break when she will sum up the case.

Once that has been completed, the jury will retire to consider their verdicts.

Logan Mwangi murder trial jury hears closing speeches
Addressing the jury, Mrs Justice Jefford DBE said the trial would now adjourn until next week. “I have no doubt you will not be able to put this case out of your minds over the Easter break”, she said, wishing them a pleasant few days off from the trial.

The judge will begin her summing up of the facts in this case on Tuesday next week at 10:30am.

Stepfather 'drove wedge' between Logan and his mother, court told | ITV News
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