UNSOLVED UK - London, woman pushed into path of bus, 5 May 2017

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no I didnèt - I just saw initials
does the photo match up with a photo released by policeÉ

Have you tried clicking on the workout days? There is a photo attached.
Did she know this man and did he have some kind of grievance with her.Why would she try to confront the man who just knocked her down? I noticed her name is not being mentioned anywhere.This was not just a push to the side,he shoved her down to the ground.
I have looked at the video multiple times and can't see the face clearly enough to say it was him or not. Imo this could be any guy around 40-50 y/o who has a strong athletic build.

LE must have other footage or other evidence to be able to arrest him. Or, since they let him go, maybe they don't have anything else.

I have read several versions of the letting go info.

1. He was bailed

2. He was let go, pending further investigation

3. He was let go with no charge

The fact that the police have not issued a definitive statement, says to me that there must be more investigation taking place and perhaps simply heavy workloads for the police is the reason they have not been able to verify his whereabouts, one way or the other, via passport check, airport check and flight info.
I've watched, and re-watched, the CCTV video, because this just makes no sense to me ( a lot doesn't in this world but, that's for another thread). He's just jogging along, looks off to his left at something, then forward again, doesn't seem to even take notice of the walker before her, all like a normal jogger, yet, he seems to "see" the female walker and it looks as if he starts to purposely veer closer to her, shove her, and then returns to casual jogger. He doesn't run away. He returns to just a normal jogger. People who didn't see what happened would not have taken note of him. I wonder if the female walker has an enemy? Also, if it were me, and I had a life insurance policy, I'd be double checking the beneficiaries. They could have decided they didn't want to wait for nature to take its course, so they paired up with someone, to help them to speed up the process. :thinking:

He ignores the man walking but attacks the woman.

Women are socialized to get out of the way of men when they cross paths. Men are socialized to barrel forward and expect women to make way. Men are socialized to take up space, while women are socialized to take up as little space as possible.

Sometimes, a particular man will become incensed if a woman does not get out of the way as expected. I note that this woman did not try to veer to the side as he came toward her and that might have enraged him.

Finally, sometimes people that are really into fitness (in my experience, usually bike riders), can be extremely entitled and arrogant. They expect everyone to get out of their way.
Im curious if she is texting or doing something where she would be distracted and he didnt like that, and maybe thats a cause for the push. Like a "look where your walking, IM JOGGIN OVA HERRE!"

I wondered that as well.

A video is available. She wasn't walking into him.
"He’s little more than a blur in the footage, described by witnesses as a white man in his mid-thirties with short brown hair, and he appears to deviate from his path in a concerted effort to attack the woman – in other words, she’s not in his way and he doesn’t elbow her to the side with unfortunate effect, but rather he sees her ahead and swerves toward her in order to give her a proper two-handed shove into the busy adjacent road."

True, but she was close enough to him that maybe he felt she should move farther out of his lordship's way. The man going by was actually walking on top of the berm. She had the audacity to walk on the path itself where he had elected to jog.



Strange that he was initially described as a man in his 30's. He looks older than that here.

It's disturbed me to see how many comments on SM (fb, twitter) from men saying 'she deserved it, she clearly tripped him' and 'I'd have done the same'. I haven't read any comments from women saying the same.
I'm pretty convinced there is no small amount of men out there who genuinely hate women. They aren't just sexist - they aren't just paying women less or cat-calling them - they want women pushed under buses.
Before anyone freaks out with #notallmen, I'm not saying all men. Many men have responded to those comments with "better get your eyes checked, because she clearly did NOT trip him".

I saw several from women as well. More from men but a dozen or so from women.

He looks very much like the man in the photo and he fits the profile. Someone who lives nearby, arrogant, somewhat sociopathic/anti-social. Though I haven't read it anywhere, it's probable that the victim identified him in a line up. She saw him twice, so she probably got a good look at his face, clothing, etc.

Why would someone do this? Noticed from the video he was running in the center of the sidewalk, forcing anyone else to move far to the edge to get around him or pass very close to him to avoid stepping into traffic. Almost like he was picking a fight or trying to inconvenience others. A real jerk, someone who felt entitled to take the whole sidewalk for himself. I'm guessing this probably isn't the first time he's done something like this, just the first time he's been caught. Bet he tries to take up two parking spaces for his car, too.

That's what I think the motive is- entitlement. A jerk who feels his needs and desires trump everyone else's. And someone who is sued to getting his own way. I think it is as simple as that.
I've watched, and re-watched, the CCTV video, because this just makes no sense to me ( a lot doesn't in this world but, that's for another thread). He's just jogging along, looks off to his left at something, then forward again, doesn't seem to even take notice of the walker before her, all like a normal jogger, yet, he seems to "see" the female walker and it looks as if he starts to purposely veer closer to her, shove her, and then returns to casual jogger. He doesn't run away. He returns to just a normal jogger. People who didn't see what happened would not have taken note of him. I wonder if the female walker has an enemy? Also, if it were me, and I had a life insurance policy, I'd be double checking the beneficiaries. They could have decided they didn't want to wait for nature to take its course, so they paired up with someone, to help them to speed up the process. :thinking:

You're right, I noticed that too. Jogging, push, back to jogging. It's actually the best strategy when you want to get away with something. Carry on as if nothing happened. Hope nobody saw you long or clearly enough. But then why return just a few moments later on the other side of the bridge? To see if she died or something?

As if he specifically targeted her. Or he planned this, and was very focused on her from the moment he spotted her coming towards him.
Did she know this man and did he have some kind of grievance with her.Why would she try to confront the man who just knocked her down? I noticed her name is not being mentioned anywhere.This was not just a push to the side,he shoved her down to the ground.

If she knew him, I presume she would have just told police who he was. I think it's pretty clear she didn't know him.
You're right, I noticed that too. Jogging, push, back to jogging. It's actually the best strategy when you want to get away with something. Carry on as if nothing happened. Hope nobody saw you long or clearly enough. But then why return just a few moments later on the other side of the bridge? To see if she died or something?

As if he specifically targeted her. Or he planned this, and was very focused on her from the moment he spotted her coming towards him.

I don't think it was planned. I would be pretty hard to plan this, considering they are coming from opposite directions. How would he know that they were going to come close to each other just when bus was approaching? I think he got upset she didn't completely get out of his way and was too close to him (in his view).
The other vid didn't play for me so I watched this one a few times. It looks pretty damned deliberate to me.

You're right, I noticed that too. Jogging, push, back to jogging. It's actually the best strategy when you want to get away with something. Carry on as if nothing happened. Hope nobody saw you long or clearly enough. But then why return just a few moments later on the other side of the bridge? To see if she died or something?

As if he specifically targeted her. Or he planned this, and was very focused on her from the moment he spotted her coming towards him.

Returning to the scene is not uncommon. In fact LEOs are told to be vigilant at crime scenes, and they may very well arrest suspects, who return to the scene of the crime. Some will return to watch from a concealed area, others may try to blend into the crowd, while others may wait until it appears that all LEOs have left, to make their return to the scene.

She also takes a deliberate step closer to the divider just before he attacks her. She was never in his path. He had plenty of room ahead and to his left, and even to his right. It looks as if she saw him veering toward her, and took that deliberate step closer to the divider, as he was making his move toward her. I, personally, would not want to walk on the divider. There is plenty of room for people to walk and jog in both directions on that path. I wonder if he said anything to her.
The other vid didn't play for me so I watched this one a few times. It looks pretty damned deliberate to me.


Slow it down to .25 and there's even less question that it's deliberate.
Women are socialized to get out of the way of men when they cross paths. Men are socialized to barrel forward and expect women to make way. Men are socialized to take up space, while women are socialized to take up as little space as possible.

Sometimes, a particular man will become incensed if a woman does not get out of the way as expected. I note that this woman did not try to veer to the side as he came toward her and that might have enraged him.

Finally, sometimes people that are really into fitness (in my experience, usually bike riders), can be extremely entitled and arrogant. They expect everyone to get out of their way.

Oh gosh I sure am glad I have never met any men like that.
The other vid didn't play for me so I watched this one a few times. It looks pretty damned deliberate to me.


Yes totally. Hence I believe he planned this. He might not have planned to shove her under the bus, but just to push her. Why? Idk. Anger issues? Plain psychopath who likes to frighten and harm others?

I kinda hope Mr. Bellquist is the jogger otherwise it would mean an innocent man's life and career is being ruined right now. (sm blowing up over his arrest for example)
Women are socialized to get out of the way of men when they cross paths. Men are socialized to barrel forward and expect women to make way. Men are socialized to take up space, while women are socialized to take up as little space as possible.

Sometimes, a particular man will become incensed if a woman does not get out of the way as expected. I note that this woman did not try to veer to the side as he came toward her and that might have enraged him.

Finally, sometimes people that are really into fitness (in my experience, usually bike riders), can be extremely entitled and arrogant. They expect everyone to get out of their way.

Maybe in some regions but this is not the case where I am from. Males are raised to be polite, as are females. Not that all of them are, but, I never encountered this throughout my upbringing. Deferring to my elders, yes, both male and female children were taught that. The men who would do this type of thing, didn't have proper raising, but some who did have proper raising, did turn out to be like this guy, some folks are just @******$, no matter what, they turn out to be plain old self-important bullies. Some, maybe because they got a little more financially well off than others, in the area (but not a given). There are females with these traits as well.

Watch the video at .25 speed. She does take a step to try and veer away, without getting onto the divider (I'd not want to get onto that divider either, personally), as it looks as if she notes him coming toward her.
I think they'd have tried to track down other footage of the jogger that day, to try to track where he went. Once they got a name, they could've looked for more footage, either that day, or another, to compare his running gait and jogging shoes/clothing.
They might have phone pings.

I don't think the police are foolish enough to arrest a so-called VIP just because someone identified him by sight. I even wonder if they released the footage so late, because they were planning to arrest him, and wanted his friends/employers to know what he'd done, so they wouldn't necessarily believe his version and cover for him.

how on earth can you possibly know that EB fits the profile?! (and where did this profile come from anyway?) do you know EB personally? do you have an MSM link stating EB is 'arrogant, somewhat sociopathic/anti-social'???

I agree...

The perpetrator (whoever he is) could be a kind hearted soul who was trying to help the woman grow as an individual. Likewise, he could have thought the woman was a suicide bomber- then pushed her down to save others.

In the end, however, I have a sneaking suspicion that more than a few people would say that the perpetrator is arrogant, bullying (I doubt he would have pushed a fit male that way), and otherwise mildly aggressive.

This does not mean that the perpertrator is the fictitious "Hannibal Lector". Rather, it just means he is probably a life long jerk who was having a bad day and let his natural instincts get the better of him. We all have met people like this.
Well it seems as if Mr.Bellquist is taking down his pictures on social media.and deleting his LinkedIn Profile. @cakeinmilk @EricBellquist @byronhamburgers.Maybe his partner was not happy about this news.I can tell you this if someone pushed me down and I saw them not once but twice I would be able to recognize their face.It was 7:30 am so there was plenty of light.

Yes...and she tried to talk to him on his return trip/jog and he refused to talk to her...maybe hiding his American accent?
Why did nobody try to stop him when he came back and she called out to him? Was she alone? I would have thought the bus driver and bus passengers would be there plus some onlookers, at least. No police?
Why did nobody try to stop him when he came back and she called out to him? Was she alone d? I would have thought the bus driver and bus passengers would be there plus some onlookers, at least. No police?

I would say the bus driver had to move on to keep his schedule and left his details with her and she waited for the police to arrive.

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