UNSOLVED UK - London, woman pushed into path of bus, 5 May 2017

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I'm a bit flaky on UK Law, but if police turned up at my door and wanted to take me to a police station to be questioned - about something I hadn't done - I would refuse.

In which case you would be arrested and "taken in for questioning".

I think under these circumstances they do arrest one as a means to take one in for questioning (suppose everyone, even the guilty, claim innocence)?. But of course they must have "reasonable grounds" for doing so, and it hinges on whatever these 'grounds' are doesn't it?.

An arrest in the UK is much less serious than in the US and requires only reasonable suspicion. That doesn't necessarily mean reasonable suspicion of having committed a crime, but can include reasonable suspicion that you have information concerning a crime, eg as a witness. Once under arrest you are interviewed under caution and are entitled to have a lawyer present (NOT in Scotland - the Scottish legal system is different to that in England and Wales).

Any serving full time UK police officer can make an arrest anywhere in the UK, but a special constable (the part-timers or Hobby Bobbies) can only make an arrest in the area of the force he or she serves with.
Re the BBM
Seems once police were told of his alibi they did check it and eliminate him. I wouldn't expect police to spend a lot of time checking if he was in this country before bringing him in for questioning though - how were they to know he had an ironclad alibi before his arrest?

bbm - ehm ... ask him "Where were you on May 5 at 7.30am?" Then check after he replied "In the US."
I live in London and know Putney well, there are 2 main reasons why the police would arrest someone, both go hand in hand - a reasonable amount of speculative evidence for an arrest to be made, and if the arrest was made through an arrest warrant then it means he was proving difficult to track down so they applied for the warrant to give them every possible legal means of finding him and arresting him - Also this is a serious incident, its unlikely the suspect, innocent or not, would be asked in for questioning.... IMO this guy was working off a bit of stress and angst and flipped when he saw this woman, maybe he'd been fighting with his GF before his run, or maybe she looked like an ex he was particularly angry about....
Maybe he wasn't cooperative until the arrest.
Meanwhile, somebody somewhere, has likely changed his look, routine and demeanor, imo.speculation.

RSBM .... yep, forwarned is forearmed. I would guess this guy thought he had got clean away with it. There had been no MSM as far as I am aware up until last week.
Now he must be hoping he doesnt have very observant neighbours or friends.

I wonder if the police had anyone else on their list as a person of interest. They did say they had a very good response to their appeal - surely not everyone was naming EB ?
What does this EB guy look like - have any of you seen a picture and compared it to the video jogger?

Just wondering - I don't think I saw anything like that posted here.... unless I somehow missed it. :pcguru:

On the scroll thingy above - it says "Arrest" - I guess it should be changed as this guy was released. Just saying'
meant to post this also....

Gitana said:
You should watch some of the videos of women who demonstrate what happens when you don't get out of the way of a man. I've experimented myself. We don't even realize we're doing it. Pay attention for a couple days how you walk in public. I bet you'll find you subsconsiously get out of the way or give way to men, consistently. And then see what happens if you don't.

I can't try that here cause NOBODY gets out of your here! LOL! But you are probably right, women would move before a man does. I remember a ton of times that happening to me....

jjenny said:
My understanding he is actually 41, not 50 or 51. The image of the alleged perp looks to be older than 30.

Thank you for the correction. I did see it mention at first 51, and then the articles went to 41. I agree on the guy in the video - he looks way older than 30.
Just posting some of this here since it may clear up some misunderstandings caused by the differences in being arrested here in the UK and the USA. Hope it helps.


Why do British police keep arresting people and then releasing them?

Because it’s a lot easier to arrest someone in the United Kingdom, but being arrested there isn’t a big deal like it is in the United States.
American police need probable cause to make an arrest, but in the United Kingdom, officers can arrest on suspicion. Probable cause is defined as the belief that a crime was probably committed, and that the suspect was probably responsible.
Reasonable suspicion means that a right-minded individual would have grounds to suspect that a crime had been committed and that the suspect might be responsible. To have probable cause, greater evidence is required.

Being arrested on suspicion in the U.K. isn’t so unpleasant as being arrested in the U.S. In fact, you’re likely to be released within hours without paying any bail.
First, a British police officer reads the offense you’re suspected of and then your rights. Your rights are not exactly the same as your Miranda rights in the U.S., but they similarly include things like the right to remain silent. (However, in the U.K. your silence may be used against you under certain circumstances.)"*
You won’t be told that you have “the right to an attorney,” but you do have right to a “solicitor” who will represent you in court the same way. A proper British officer will read these aloud from a document rather than cite them from memory. (U.S. officers are told to do the same.) After you’re handcuffed you’re taken to the nearest local police station, usually in a police van or panda car. (These were once white and black or white and blue, but now they’re often checkered blue and yellow.)

Once in the station, usually only suspects who appear dangerous or drunk or just a nuisance are locked up. Even those who are locked up won’t have to share a holding cell (in some parts of the U.S., holding cells can contain several people at once), and some officers have observed that the U.K. cells tend to be cleaner.
British police next will conduct an interrogation (the preferred term is “interview”), which is recorded on audio or videotape. Finally, the suspect is let out on bail, which is a temporary release that often costs nothing, depending on the severity of the offense and the likelihood a suspect would flee. The same rules apply in all of England and Wales—unlike in the U.S., where many laws vary from state to state—but the criminal-justice systems in Scotland and Northern Ireland are different.
A second suspect in the hunt for a jogger who shoved a woman in front of a bus has been arrested before being ruled out of police inquiries.

The 41-year-old man was arrested on Saturday on suspicion of grievous bodily harm following a CCTV appeal about the incident on Putney Bridge in south west London.

He was taken to a south London police station but, following further inquiries, he was released with no further action later that day.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-released-woman-pushed-bus.html#ixzz4plfxRUWU
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What does this EB guy look like - have any of you seen a picture and compared it to the video jogger?

Just wondering - I don't think I saw anything like that posted here.... unless I somehow missed it. :pcguru:

On the scroll thingy above - it says "Arrest" - I guess it should be changed as this guy was released. Just saying'

His picture was in every news article when he was arrested. It is still in articles saying that he has been cleared, for example here:


Personally I wouldn't be able to tell one way or the other whether he resembles the jogger in the video or not. The video doesn't show the face of the jogger clearly.
His picture was in every news article when he was arrested. It is still in articles saying that he has been cleared, for example here:


Personally I wouldn't be able to tell one way or the other whether he resembles the jogger in the video or not. The video doesn't show the face of the jogger clearly.

There has got to be some confusion, because supposedly EB is 41 years old and the second guy is supposedly also 41 years old? Unless UK police is only arresting 41 year olds in this case.
What does this EB guy look like - have any of you seen a picture and compared it to the video jogger?

Just wondering - I don't think I saw anything like that posted here.... unless I somehow missed it. :pcguru:

On the scroll thingy above - it says "Arrest" - I guess it should be changed as this guy was released. Just saying'
Lots of pictures of him all over msm. Body type looks similar to the image of the attacker. Also the hair. But you can't see the face clearly on the image of the attacker, which is presumably why the wrong people keep getting arrested.
im still wondering why her? he passed the other man before her and probably passed many people along his route. i hope they find the right man so he can tell us!!
im still wondering why her? he passed the other man before her and probably passed many people along his route. i hope they find the right man so he can tell us!!

If he had pushed the man, the jogger would run the risk of the woman being close enough to see what happened.
In addition, the man was quite heavy set and already walking on the divider platform, so he had a height advantage over the jogger. Would not be so easy to push.

But, from what we can see on the cctv evidence, there does not appear to be anyone walking closely behind the woman. So no witnesses to his actions ( no doubt he didnt think about cctv ).
Such a strange case! Was it targeted? (hired) or was it a narcissistic or impulse control thing?

Clearly the woman was staying to the side and giving him plenty of room to jog past her.
The hero bus driver who saved the life of a woman shoved into his path by a jogger says the 'Putney pusher' must be prosecuted as he reveals the victim has not yet been in touch to thank him.

Oliver Salbris, 45, swerved his number 430 bus to avoid the commuter, 33, when she was pushed into the road by the runner on Putney Bridge in south west London.

Today he urged the Metropolitan Police, who have so far questioned and released two people in their ongoing inquiries, to catch the jogger - who Mr Salbris believed acted 'on purpose'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-Putney-pusher-prosecuted.html#ixzz4sHF9oIa7
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
The hero bus driver who saved the life of a woman shoved into his path by a jogger says the 'Putney pusher' must be prosecuted as he reveals the victim has not yet been in touch to thank him.

Oliver Salbris, 45, swerved his number 430 bus to avoid the commuter, 33, when she was pushed into the road by the runner on Putney Bridge in south west London.

Today he urged the Metropolitan Police, who have so far questioned and released two people in their ongoing inquiries, to catch the jogger - who Mr Salbris believed acted 'on purpose'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-Putney-pusher-prosecuted.html#ixzz4sHF9oIa7
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Thanks for the link Alyce. I was interested by this sentence in that article "The Metropolitan police have not excluded the possibility that the jogger and his victim knew each other. "
Wouldn't the victim be able to say whether she recognized the person? Has she stated whether or not she suspected anyone/ had enemies?? This is truly bizarre and if not targeted, an extreme public safety threat.
Agree Jessie, re that line from the police - sounds like they know or suspect something.

Gone Girl - All I have read is that the victim does not want to be named ( fair enough ) but other than that, no statement from her at all.

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