UK UK - Martin Allen, 15, London England, 1979

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Martin was half expected to stay with his older brother that night in Holloway Road. Martin's brother Kevin was at work that day in Seagrave Road, which is near Earls Court Station. Martin's house was empty that night, his father was also working, and his mother would not have been back until late. However the £1 he said he was going home to fetch was still there. Martin must arrived at Gloucester Road Station between 4-08 pm and 4-10 pm. He was then seen at 4-15 being pushed against a wall outside the station. Whatever the man said he him, he went back into Gloucester Road Station with the man, and they got in the lift down to the Piccadilly Line Train. A woman with a young child was in the lift and saw a boy with a man matching the descriptions, so he would not have had time to go home.
There is no evidence that Martin went home that night. His brother Kevin said that the newspaper made a mistake. Martin was only missed the next day, 6th November at
4-20, when he did not arrive home from school.
Can anyone remember the murder of Bulic Forsyth?... Ive posted this one several of the missing posts from London as there is potential relevance.

From memory Forsyth worked for Lambeth Council in 1993 and confided in a work colleague he was about to reveal something but about VIP paedophiles operating In Lambeth and using council premises.

Two days later he was murdered and his house set alight. No one was ever arrested let alone prosecuted.

With people missing like Martin Allen, Lee Boxall, Kevin Hicks (police today believe he was murdered) and countless other 'missing children', it makes me wonder if there is more than meets the eye with these disappearances. I mean children, seemingly going about there day to say life suddenly vanishing more often than not with little evidence.

Thoughts appreciated...
Can anyone remember the murder of Bulic Forsyth?... Ive posted this one several of the missing posts from London as there is potential relevance.

I doubt the relevance of the Forsythe (note spelling) murder to the Allen case. The disappearance of Martin Allen preceded the allegations concerning Lambeth Council, was 14 years before the murder, and took place north of the river (Lambeth is south).

However, I agree that the Forsythe murder is likely linked to the wider allegations of paedophile activity in London in the 80s and 90s. A good place to start is with Clive Driscoll at Driscoll was the Metropolitan Police Chief Inspector originally in charge of the Lambeth investigation in 1998. He was removed in 1999 and the investigation closed after he disclosed in a meeting that he intended to question a leading politician. As the meeting was a working police meeting his disclosure was appropriate and his removal from the investigation clearly a cover up. Although the politician concerned was not named at the time it subsequently became clear that he was Paul Boateng, a Labour cabinet minister (see ). In the 1980s he was chair of the Greater London Council Police Committee and his wife, Janet, was Chair of Lambeth Social Services Committee which was responsible for the borough childrens homes. Clive Driscoll had found enough links between the Forsythe murder and his investigation into Lambeth to recommend the murder investigation be reopened before he was removed. Interestingly, despite being sidelined, Driscoll went on to achieve acclaim for his work on the Stephen Lawrence murder (again confronting police corruption) before being forced to retire.

The Lambeth allegations are just one part of a wider set of investigations now the subject of a public inquiry. However, the inquiry, which was set up by Theresa May when Home Secretary, was repeatedly sabotaged by her, firstly by appointing chairs who were not properly vetted and found to have connections to alleged offenders. Then she appointed Lowell Goddard, a respected judge..... and bound her hands with staff from the Home Office working to a political brief. I doubt anyone thinks the new chair, Alexis Jay, will expose anything inconvenient to politicians. She previously led the Rotherham Inquiry which focused on process rather than naming the guilty (other than those already identified). This was despite it being common knowledge that some political figures in and around Rotherham were complicit in the activities.

There is a fundamental problem with the investigations into paedophile activity in the UK. All the political parties have previously been complicit in covering up activities by their members (Labour - Greville Janner, Liberal Democrats - Cyril Smith and Conservatives - Peter Morrison and Leon Brittan. Note Brittan was only cleared of a rape allegation by a woman dating from the 60s and which always seemed unlikely). As a result all the parties are prepared to sacrifice proper investigations for their own peace of mind.

What the truth is about all of these things we will probably never know. But if anyones opinions are to be respected, about Forsythe and the wider matters, it is Clive Driscoll, who sometimes seems to have been the only honest detective in London.
Jan 4, 2018
Reward Offered – Missing Martin Allen from Kensington

"Reward Offered – Martin Allen
James Stunt offers a £50,000 reward via ‘The Steeple Times’ for information leading to the conviction of the abductors of Martin Allen
Fifteen year old Martin Allen disappeared on 5th November 1979. He was allegedly last seen at Gloucester Road underground station but no body has ever been found. His parents, Tom and Eileen, have both since died and justice for this innocent victim has never been done.

Police enquiries into his disappearance ceased in the 1980s, resumed in 2009 and then progressed further when news of the VIP abuse that went on at the evil pit of depravity that was the Elm Guest House surfaced in 2012.

Now, in a new development, businessman James Stunt has decided to offer a reward of £50,000 for information leading to either finding Keith Allen alive or the conviction of his killer."
I fear that someone is following an agenda with the comments (on Wikipedia and elsewhere) trying to link this case to the Elm Guest House. Whilst there is considerable evidence of possible offences at Elm (and of cover up by police and higher authorities) there has been no credible link between the Allen case and Elm. The possible link to Sidney Cooke is more credible based on date and location, but still speculative. It is worrying that there seems to be a renewed effort to conflate probably unrelated cases as this was the tactic used to derail past investigations (including the use of 'Nick' as mentioned in the Wikipedia article).

As I said in 2016 (and before Nick was exposed), there is no reason to think that the investigations and inquiry put in place by the UK government are designed to do anything other than focus on peripheral offenders and deflect from potentially embarrassing cases. It is notable that the only political focus of the inquiry has been on Cyril Smith, dead and a member of the smallest party. A real inquiry would have started with Peter Morrison and the actions of the Conservative government in the 1980s after MI5 reported his paedophile activities to Thatcher (something documented and confirmed by former minister Edwina Currie in her autobiography).

I repeat what I said in 2016. The location, facts and timing of this disappearance make a direct link to Lambeth look unlikely, and I would add that, on that basis, a link to Elm Guest House looks even less likely. Floating these links only distracts from more likely enquiries.
I fear that someone is following an agenda with the comments (on Wikipedia and elsewhere) trying to link this case to the Elm Guest House. Whilst there is considerable evidence of possible offences at Elm (and of cover up by police and higher authorities) there has been no credible link between the Allen case and Elm. The possible link to Sidney Cooke is more credible based on date and location, but still speculative. It is worrying that there seems to be a renewed effort to conflate probably unrelated cases as this was the tactic used to derail past investigations (including the use of 'Nick' as mentioned in the Wikipedia article).

As I said in 2016 (and before Nick was exposed), there is no reason to think that the investigations and inquiry put in place by the UK government are designed to do anything other than focus on peripheral offenders and deflect from potentially embarrassing cases. It is notable that the only political focus of the inquiry has been on Cyril Smith, dead and a member of the smallest party. A real inquiry would have started with Peter Morrison and the actions of the Conservative government in the 1980s after MI5 reported his paedophile activities to Thatcher (something documented and confirmed by former minister Edwina Currie in her autobiography).

I repeat what I said in 2016. The location, facts and timing of this disappearance make a direct link to Lambeth look unlikely, and I would add that, on that basis, a link to Elm Guest House looks even less likely. Floating these links only distracts from more likely enquiries.
Thanks for the insightful post, admittedly have not read much about this case as i just stumbled onto it today and thought it could use a bump in light of the reward offered this year.
Do you think Martin really was seen with a blond man prior to his disappearance?
Do you think Martin really was seen with a blond man prior to his disappearance?

I do not know what happened or have a strong view on this evidence. What bothers me is the overwhelming evidence of powerful interference in investigations throughout the 80s and 90s until the present day. Investigations were shut down in the 80s (as testified by the former Chief Constable of Derbyshire) and the 90s (as evidenced by Clive Driscoll of the Met). Since then we have had the appearance of 'Nick', who has successfully switched attention from all the documented evidence onto pure fantasies and fabrications, and the appointment of an Enquiry chair who is avoiding any area which could embarrass past or present powers.

It rather reminds be of the Dutroux case in Belgium in the late 80s/early 90s. Unfortunately there will be no progress in the UK since the current government are the successor of the one of the same party that ignored MI5 warnings, and the current leader of the opposition (Corbyn) ignored warnings from Liz Davies (then senior social worker, now a senior academic) about the abuse going on in Lambeth and Islington when he was the local MP.

I am careful to avoid suggestions which cannot be verified. All of the above is a matter of public record.
Unfortunately there will be no progress in the UK since the current government are the successor of the one of the same party that ignored MI5 warnings, and the current leader of the opposition (Corbyn) ignored warnings from Liz Davies (then senior social worker, now a senior academic) about the abuse going on in Lambeth and Islington when he was the local MP.

That doesn't explain why nothing was done during the 13 years that Labour was in power between 1997 and 2010 under Blair and Brown. Unless of course any meaningful investigation would have produced information embarassing to the Labour Party.
That doesn't explain why nothing was done during the 13 years that Labour was in power between 1997 and 2010 under Blair and Brown. Unless of course any meaningful investigation would have produced information embarassing to the Labour Party.

Of course it would have produced embarrassment for Labour as well as the Conservatives. As I made clear above, Corbyn ignored warnings about paedophile activity in his constituency. The social worker concerned (Liz Davies) also asked Margaret Hodge (as Lambeth Council leader) for resource to address the problem - and was refused. Hodge has repeatedly refused to answer questions on this despite the Davies testimony. And then there was Janner..... As I have said, the problem is that all parties are compromised and do not want too close an examination of the issues.

On the matter of the Inquiry led by Alexis Jay; instead of focusing on peripheral matters she should focus on the one thing which could prevent it happening again. Instead of looking at the core offences she should be looking at who gave the orders to the police to discontinue investigations into Janner, Smith, Morrison, Elm Guest House and Lambeth childrens homes. Exposing the cover up would do more good than mere words about known offences.
It’s 39yrs today since Martin Allen disappeared, please keep his family in your thoughts


Martin was 15yrs old when he was last seen on 5 November 1979 at Gloucester Road underground station in London. It is believed he was abducted and came to harm at the hands of a VIP paedophile ring.

He is 5ft tall, of slim build with dark brown eyes. When last seen he was wearing a blue school uniform blazer with badge and a navy & yellow tie. He was carrying a large yellow bag marked ‘ASTRAL’.

Earlier this year, a businessman, James stunt put up a £50,000 reward for information that leads directly to closure for the family.

If you have any information, please contact the Metropolitan Police on 101, quoting Operation Malswick. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or use their online reporting service.


(read the comments under the article - Reward Offered – Missing Martin Allen from Kensington)

Martin Allen is NOT listed on Missing People org site (yet).
It’s 39yrs today since Martin Allen disappeared, please keep his family in your thoughts


Martin was 15yrs old when he was last seen on 5 November 1979 at Gloucester Road underground station in London. It is believed he was abducted and came to harm at the hands of a VIP paedophile ring.

He is 5ft tall, of slim build with dark brown eyes. When last seen he was wearing a blue school uniform blazer with badge and a navy & yellow tie. He was carrying a large yellow bag marked ‘ASTRAL’.

Earlier this year, a businessman, James stunt put up a £50,000 reward for information that leads directly to closure for the family.

If you have any information, please contact the Metropolitan Police on 101, quoting Operation Malswick. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or use their online reporting service.


(read the comments under the article - Reward Offered – Missing Martin Allen from Kensington)

Martin Allen is NOT listed on Missing People org site (yet).

There is something odd about this. James Stunt has a very obscure background, involving multiple allegations, uncertainty about the source of his money and a close relationship with the Adams family who, for some time, were regarded as the main crime family in London. I really do not know what to make of his involvement, and clearly neither do the press as his reward would normally have attracted more publicity. Perhaps it is a genuine attempt to help but,if so, he would have done better to have put up the money anonymously.
There is something odd about this. James Stunt has a very obscure background, involving multiple allegations, uncertainty about the source of his money and a close relationship with the Adams family who, for some time, were regarded as the main crime family in London. I really do not know what to make of his involvement, and clearly neither do the press as his reward would normally have attracted more publicity. Perhaps it is a genuine attempt to help but,if so, he would have done better to have put up the money anonymously.

I think if you read the comments UNDER the article in the link I posted upthread it would clear some of your questions. He comments there, so does Martin's brother.

I personally, have not heard of J. Stunt, but it stated that his own brother was missing and found murdered. It seems he can relate to the pain of it all. Shady character or not this gesture is actually quite noble from him.

With regards to donating money anonymously. Well, 50 K is not small amount even for business people. Even though some private people (not companies) do donate anonymously, donating big amounts by private person is actually quite rare occurance. In fact so rare that I am sure you would remember one or two missing person cases where it did happened.

If he decided to have his name published for whatever ego stroking or other reasons, I personally have no objection with that. It is still quite big and noble gesture and it also brought extra exposure to Martin's case. Also gesture which nobody else has done for Martin in 30 years.

I am very sure view on this will vary widely from person to person and this is just my own personal opinion. In bigger picture, it was ment good and is good for Martin's case.

With that, I will read up on J. Stunt in near future.
I think if you read the comments UNDER the article in the link I posted upthread it would clear some of your questions. He comments there, so does Martin's brother.

I personally, have not heard of J. Stunt, but it stated that his own brother was missing and found murdered. It seems he can relate to the pain of it all. Shady character or not this gesture is actually quite noble from him.

With regards to donating money anonymously. Well, 50 K is not small amount even for business people. Even though some private people (not companies) do donate anonymously, donating big amounts by private person is actually quite rare occurance. In fact so rare that I am sure you would remember one or two missing person cases where it did happened.

If he decided to have his name published for whatever ego stroking or other reasons, I personally have no objection with that. It is still quite big and noble gesture and it also brought extra exposure to Martin's case. Also gesture which nobody else has done for Martin in 30 years.

I am very sure view on this will vary widely from person to person and this is just my own personal opinion. In bigger picture, it was ment good and is good for Martin's case.

With that, I will read up on J. Stunt in near future.

I understand the feelings but I still have doubts on this one. His brother was not murdered; he overdosed (according to the reports). No one has a clear idea of the source of Mr Stunt's money, but the connection with the Adam's family (he is, apparently, the godson of Terry Adams - the head of the organisation, think John Gotti) makes you wonder. And he has cultivated an image of huge wealth (at least 100's of millions) so £50k would be tea money for him - except that his real wealth seems impossible to pin down.

Like you I am happy to see anything which creates focus on the case, but I do think it would have received more attention with a different (or no) name attached. The UK press seem very suspicious of Mr Stunt. One thing which has gone uncommented is the wider options he had in this case. If this case was connected to the Sidney Cooke paedophile ring I would expect that Mr Stunt's connections could have found this out for certain via their ability to access prisoners. I wonder whether this means that they have done so and found it not to be the case or something else. Of course, Mr Stunt may not have enlisted the help of his Adam's connections - but that would seem surprising.

A very puzzling development.

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