GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #3

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A friend's brother dated RK several years back. Am I allowed to post his impressions of her as it is just hearsay or does it have to be backed up by anything? As I'm new here I don't want to do anything wrong :truce:

It would be fantastic if you could, but I think you would need to be verified as a local or an insider for that. It isn't a difficult process. I can't find the link to ask a mod now, but if you alert on your own post by hitting the flag at the top right of your post, you could ask a mod that way. :)
There are so many people on my FB who post pics of their children and make it Public! I always tell them they should probably change it to friends only, because you don't know who is looking for pictures of children online. I have even been blocked for telling someone this :/ they thought I were being rude!

In reference to rosdeep my whole feeling of her profiles and pictures I've seen of her is that she obviously likes to promote an image of herself which is a hard working caring mother. Now whether this is true or not, no one knows yet.
This is either a front - and she is an evil child murderer, she just liked to portray a good image of herself for attention and show off online....
Or this is true and the boy died in a tragic accident or mistake, and being too embarrassed or feeling ashamed to admit she isn't perfect and own up to the fact something went wrong, she tried to cover it up to protect her image / other children by lying and saying he had disappeared.

Personally being a mother myself, if anything tragically ever went wrong or accidentally happened to my child, 999 would be the 1st number I called. Some people panic under pressure I guess.... And react in strange ways.

I can't wait to find out the outcome of this case and I hope RK's children are in safe hands now and receiving the professional counselling which they will now need. The poor boy is gone and may he RIP, but it is those innocent children who have been left behind who now need to be safeguarded and hopefuly not split up and put into care...!

Welcome to WS!
BBC news just reported that police were asking for locals to get in touch if they saw Rosedeep and/or Mikaeel between Monday and Wednesday of last week. Looks like they have a time frame...
I actually had this really crazy story in my head where the drug cartel involved in the murder took the baby and all this crazy stuff happened. Then I realized that was the plot from the first episode of a tv show I watched last night and felt silly. The whole situation seems like something you'd see on TV though.

Him being malnourished is just so hard to tell from photos. Compared to the other children it's hard to say. There is no real right or wrong answer for a childs size other than extreme obvious'. I have two four year olds that are very tall for their age and super thin. Some people could look at them and think they are I suppose, but they eat tons and tons. It's just their body type, and their doctor is perfectly happy with their size. I worry about it, but I'm an overly worried mom so it's par.
i have the image of a lump on his head ... but i choose not to see reality.. fingers print marks round his neck ? even stab wound?

i just cant see the mum murdering him..

whats wrong with me ?

Nothing is wrong with you. A lot of people have a hard time accepting that a mother is capable of killing her own child. Just hang around here a bit longer and you will get over that. People are capable of truly heinous things.

I'm not caught up yet, but I did want to add that I am not surprised in the least that she has been charged with murder.

Some of us know the "script" quite well. . .

child just vanished in the middle of the night. . .

child has missed several days of school. . .or no neighbor/grandparent/family member has seen the child in days. . .

child just happened to be sleeping alone, for the first time ever, on the same night they disappeared. . .

parent is too distraught to talk.

I wish it wasn't so obvious. :(

One more point, a normal loving parent who has a child suffer a fatal accident at home does NOT think, "uh oh, better hide the body." And then proceed to hide the body in a river, bury it in the yard or hide it in the woods. They don't proceed to call the police and tell a big WHOPPING lie about how the child was stolen in the night or managed to wonder off on their own, meanwhile all of law enforcement is out with helicopters, dogs and/or divers. An entire city is out volunteering to do grid searches, but they keep silent, all the while knowing dang well where the child is. :banghead:

Nope, that is a parent with something to hide. . .they KNOW they caused the death of the child.

Nothing is wrong with you. A lot of people have a hard time accepting that a mother is capable of killing her own child. Just hang around here a bit longer and you will get over that. People are capable of truly heinous things.

I'm not caught up yet, but I did want to add that I am not surprised in the least that she has been charged with murder.

Some of us know the "script" quite well. . .

child just vanished in the middle of the night. . .

child has missed several days of school. . .or no neighbor/grandparent/family member has seen the child in days. . .

child just happened to be sleeping alone, for the first time ever, on the same night they disappeared. . .

parent is too distraught to talk.

I wish it wasn't so obvious. :(

One more point, a normal loving parent who has a child suffer a fatal accident at home does NOT think, "uh oh, better hide the body." And then proceed to hide the body in a river, bury it in the yard or hide it in the woods. They don't proceed to call the police and tell a big WHOPPING lie about how the child was stolen in the night or managed to wonder off on their own, meanwhile all of law enforcement is out with helicopters, dogs and/or divers. An entire city is out volunteering to do grid searches, but they keep silent, all the while knowing dang well where the child is. :banghead:

Nope, that is a parent with something to hide. . .they KNOW they caused the death of the child.


I agree. If an accident happens a parents seeks help, not alibis. :moo:
I think the difference between how we respond to mothers and how we respond to fathers is that I think the majority of us are ladies. I know we have some men on here, but I'm pretty confident they're by far out numbered.

Getting pregnant and having a baby doesn't make someone a mother, but its still a life changing experience. It's the love, dedication, day to day, the good stuff, the hard stuff, and the days you're so tired you feel like your brain is liquefying that makes a parent.

As a mother it's harder for me to take a mother harming her child is because this is a woman who had all of the same experiences I did as a mom. Everything from feeling the life growing inside of her to up all nights and kissing boo boos.... but somehow was able to do the most awful thing imaginable and my brain cant understand or accept it.
Nothing is wrong with you. A lot of people have a hard time accepting that a mother is capable of killing her own child. Just hang around here a bit longer and you will get over that. People are capable of truly heinous things.

I'm not caught up yet, but I did want to add that I am not surprised in the least that she has been charged with murder.

Some of us know the "script" quite well. . .

child just vanished in the middle of the night. . .

child has missed several days of school. . .or no neighbor/grandparent/family member has seen the child in days. . .

child just happened to be sleeping alone, for the first time ever, on the same night they disappeared. . .

parent is too distraught to talk.

I wish it wasn't so obvious. :(

One more point, a normal loving parent who has a child suffer a fatal accident at home does NOT think, "uh oh, better hide the body." And then proceed to hide the body in a river, bury it in the yard or hide it in the woods. They don't proceed to call the police and tell a big WHOPPING lie about how the child was stolen in the night or managed to wonder off on their own, meanwhile all of law enforcement is out with helicopters, dogs and/or divers. An entire city is out volunteering to do grid searches, but they keep silent, all the while knowing dang well where the child is. :banghead:

Nope, that is a parent with something to hide. . .they KNOW they caused the death of the child.


I agree. I completely understand why people are having a hard time accepting it but imagine if instead of RK, it was the dad who was implicated? I'll bet people would be adopting a very different view of it. I think its natural that people find the idea of a mother harming her own child to be particularly unnatural and abhorrent. Sadly, having worked in psych for many years has made me a bit more cynical- Ive seen first hand that mothers can and do harm their children. Its not super common, but it happens
Just a little excerpt from the Scotsman that you might have missed:

Wayne and his partner Krystal could hear the boy’s mother Rosdeep Adekoya crying on the morning of his disappearance. The couple, who did not wish to give their surname, are neighbours in the red brick flats on Ferry Gait Crescent. When the police first knocked on their door on Thursday morning looking for Mikaeel, they could hear Rosdeep crying loudly through the open door of her flat.

Fifth paragraph underneath the photo says police are paying particular attention to a small patch next to three prominent trees

From other aerial photos that have been shown, there are 3 very dense trees behind the adjacent neighbour's fence.....could explain why Mikaeel was placed there ( if he was ) rather than being placed directly behind the family bungalow
A friend's brother dated RK several years back. Am I allowed to post his impressions of her as it is just hearsay or does it have to be backed up by anything? As I'm new here I don't want to do anything wrong :truce:

Hi Madame Poulet & welcome to Websleuths :)

To answer your that wouldn't be allowed as you would need to personally know the accused.

If anyone does know the accused & would like to become, what we call, a Verified Insider, I'll include the following info....

Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters

Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
If she'd been struggling to cope with him that makes me more convinced that she lost her temper with him one day and killed him. (Although I also wouldn't be too surprised if she'd planned it way ahead either) What a shame he didn't stay in care.

And this was while she lived near her family!

Now, living far from them would be even worse.
If she'd been struggling to cope with him that makes me more convinced that she lost her temper with him one day and killed him. (Although I also wouldn't be too surprised if she'd planned it way ahead either) What a shame he didn't stay in care.

I wonder if Christmas could have played a part; the kids being off school, excited and hyper, extra financial pressure on her to provide toys/gadgets. Could be a recipe for meltdown.

RE him being in care - something I've experienced with the NHS here in the UK twice, not social services though, is if you're having treatment, and then you move to a different city and health authority, there's no follow up at all, the different authorities don't work together and pass the information along, you have to start the ball rolling and explain the whole thing again to the new Dr who knows nothing about it.

Earlier reports, before Mikaeel was found, had said that both of the twins were in foster care, but with different foster parents.

I wonder now if this was the case or if, in fact, it was only Mikaeel who was separated from the family and put into care

If so I wonder if that would be usual - splitting up twins - seems cruel. Feeling really sorry for Mikaeel now.
Adding in another reminder. Facebook & social media comments can't be discussed. We have no way of verifying the accuracy of those comments.

You can paraphrase a comment & direct members to it as long as you provide the link to it. However it still can't be discussed.

The only discussion allowed other than the accused's pages is main stream media (MSM) & police reports.

And if an article has been removed & there's no link for it any info from that can't be posted either.
This may sound harsh but I am sick of mothers harming their babies and then being on suicide watch.
To me it seems like they are down because they got caught not because of the horrendous crime they committed.
Rant over sorry

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This may sound harsh but I am sick of mothers harming their babies and then being on suicide watch.
To me it seems like they are down because they got caught not because of the horrendous crime they committed.
Rant over sorry

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk now Free

It doesn't sound harsh to me, I agree with you, anyway disgusting murderers like Ian Huntley, Vincent Tabak etc, they're always on suicide watch, it just makes me feel that they're even more pathetic (crying for themselves not for what they've done) and I'm glad in a way that they're suffering. And I'm someone who usually has sympathy and time for people with mental health problems.

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