Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #14

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JMO but I think the statement that she had serious alcohol issues in the past that had 'arisen again' imply chronic addiction as opposed to someone who just gets a bit over the top when had too many. Also the idea that her disappearance (hint: death) is explained by or contributed to by alcohol and menopause lean heavily to the suggestion that she took the kids to school, got drunk, and fell in the river.

However, it's not substantiated or evidenced, it's just a bread-crummed into a narrative. One that personally, I'm not buying.
Read the family statement
We have no way of knowing if PF called the media or they contacted him.
I have no reason to disbelieve him:
SGI Post
"When Nicola’s family asked for SGI’s assistance, I wholeheartedly agreed with only noble intentions. I never intended to become the spokesperson or the face of the Nicola Bulley search. However, as there has been very little detail about this case, the media continue to contact me for any update I may have, and at times attracting a small amount of criticism towards me. Without this media interest, I believe this story would have gone quiet by now and crucial public support and interest in the search could mean the difference between finding her or not.
Thank you for all your support, your kind comments are all appreciated, there are too many to respond to. This story has captured the nation’s interest in a way never seen before and I know we all hope for a positive outcome."
"Due to the peri menopause Nikki suffered with significant side effects such as brain fog, restless sleep and was taking HRT to help but this was giving her intense headaches which caused Nikki to stop taking the HRT thinking that may have helped her but only ended up causing this crisis."
It's a very strangely-worded quote, isn't it? Is it implying that coming off HRT was to blame for this 'crisis'? And what exactly are they referring to when they say 'crisis'? I find what they're not saying here as interesting as what they ARE saying. To me -and this is JMO - this is a statement designed to carefully steer people into believing that the entire disappearance is based around hormonal imbalance which therefore led to alcohol issues. I still have red flags galore. JMO.
" there are people out there speculating and threatening to sell stories about her" - Why on earth would you do this?! Contact 101, report what you know, and leave it at that ffs. The impact on her kids of this is ridiculously unfair.

Some people are just vile. Trying to use a missing woman to make money. This case has really highlighted how grim some people can be, from those threatening to sell stories to people acting like the bench is a tourist attraction.
It's a very strangely-worded quote, isn't it? Is it implying that coming off HRT was to blame for this 'crisis'? And what exactly are they referring to when they say 'crisis'? I find what they're not saying here as interesting as what they ARE saying. To me -and this is JMO - this is a statement designed to carefully steer people into believing that the entire disappearance is based around hormonal imbalance which therefore led to alcohol issues. I still have red flags galore. JMO.
Snap. You read into it as i do.
Nicola's family have released a statement via Lancashire Police, which reads:

"As a family, we were aware beforehand that Lancashire Police, last night, released a statement with some personal details about our Nikki.

"Although we know that Nikki would not have wanted this, there are people out there speculating and threatening to sell stories about her. This is appalling and needs to stop.

"The police know the truth about Nikki and now the public need to focus on finding her.

"Due to the peri menopause Nikki suffered with significant side effects such as brain fog, restless sleep and was taking HRT to help but this was giving her intense headaches which caused Nikki to stop taking the HRT thinking that may have helped her but only ended up causing this crisis.

"The public focus has to be on finding her and not making up wild theories about her personal life.

"Despite what some media outlets and individuals are suggesting, we are being updated daily and receive support from our family liaison officers.

"Nikki is such a wonderful daughter, sister , partner and mother and is missed dearly - we all need you back in our lives.

"Nikki, we hope you are reading this and know that we love you so much and your girls want a cuddle. We all need you home. You can reach out to us, or you can contact Don’t be scared, we all love you so very much."

Lancashire Police Facebook page
So the family thinks she booked and is intentionally staying away? That's how I'm reading this.
It's a very strangely-worded quote, isn't it? Is it implying that coming off HRT was to blame for this 'crisis'? And what exactly are they referring to when they say 'crisis'? I find what they're not saying here as interesting as what they ARE saying. To me -and this is JMO - this is a statement designed to carefully steer people into believing that the entire disappearance is based around hormonal imbalance which therefore led to alcohol issues. I still have red flags galore. JMO.
Coming off HRT can trigger depression and anxiety. I don't believe you're meant to stop it cold turkey either.

JMO as no time to get sources.
Apparently people have taken from NB's linked in profile that she was 'not employed' for 9 years gap - one interpretation is she could have been struggling, another is that she may have been mothering her children and being a 'home-maker' as they say in the USA.

However, it strikes me that there are a plethora of other activities NB could have been undertaking that wouldn't necessarily be things to add into a CV on linked in as they add nothing to the career progression.

She could have been running a small home based business, doing 'menial' work (for want of a better word), doing something local within her community, maybe voluntary, or maybe studying a lot.

A 9 year gap doesn't mean she was unemployed / out of work / doing nothing in terms of career development.
If not tolerating HRT sometimes antidepressants are given because they have some properties which can helps with night sweats and hot flushes, and help with anxiety related to menopause. Sometimes antidepressants can make you feel worse before you feel better to the point that they cause suicidal ideation. I don’t know if they mean anything like that?
Stopping HRT isn’t well known for precipitating severe depression but some people are affected more by hormones than others.
This is so weird because HRT is the same hormones but at much lower doses than the normal combined oral contraceptive pill..
When you're menopausal you have a severe lack of estrogen which you replace in different doses depending on your needs. If you suddenly stop, your estrogen levels crash significantly causing horrible side effects like anxiety, depression, sweats and others.
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