Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #15

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Not sure if this is relevant or not? I have Team Meetings every week but I wouldn't do them outside walking my own dog (x springer/collie). For anyone walking their dogs you know dogs can react to other dogs/you speak to other dog owners. Any work meeting for me I conduct at home as it is more professional as in my mind as you are 'working'. Loads of others probably have a different mindest on this but MOO
My gosh it is hard to read 50 pages of posts when I thought I was up to date last night

IMO & questions

Do we know who was supposed to pick up the kids that day?

If suicide and you know there are dog walkers you’d tie up your dog knowing someone would come by. iMO

She was seen 10min before she vanished roughly - no one said she appeared intoxicated- so I’m presuming she wasn’t drunk. IMO

Does anyone know if the dog Walker who said she was there knew her well enough and went close enough to actually know it was definitely her?

Is the info on her state of mind only coming out now because someone leaked it to the press - and if so who - they seem a small tight unit. PA said they basically keep to themselves

The plea to come back and let’s get married seems like too little too late if they have been together so long. I’d probably eye roll at that.

I don’t think she fell or they would’ve found her. I don’t think she committed suicide either.

I wish I thought she was off and away taking a break or starting over.

As Angleterre said - Occums razor - maybe it has been set up that way.

** all IMO

Last but not least. The tatty red van that seems to belong to PA’s neighbour / cousin - what has been disclosed about that? I can’t find if that has been discounted or not as a witness had mentioned a ratty red van in the area.

Who apart from PA & parents have commented? I saw one video from a blonde friend.
Not sure if this is relevant or not? I have Team Meetings every week but I wouldn't do them outside walking my own dog (x springer/collie). For anyone walking their dogs you know dogs can react to other dogs/you speak to other dog owners. Any work meeting for me I conduct at home as it is more professional as in my mind as you are 'working'. Loads of others probably have a different mindest on this but MOO
She was only listening. Video and sound off. It wasn't an important meeting as such.
Hadn't really thought about the direction, but yeah you're right. Now after watching the full retracing video he was going away from the bench not towards it.

This retracing video is the best I've seen. They walked Nicola's exact route and times. I'm now even more convinced that Nicola made it back to the bench.

This is exactly what I thought his account of events and the timeframe would give the impression that she had made it back to the bench but then if P was coming the other way (not sure about that) wouldn’t someone have seen her along the path to the gate if she had left that way? It’s such a small window of time …. MOO
Her boss is not POI.
a general query about POI… when a person becomes a poi .. do the public get to know this? When would we know. Why would the police publish who are poi?
Sorry just wondering..
the odd thing to me is that she lives in a small place- a village. unless she travels away to a larger more urban spot, some one in town would know about her habits- even if she was being secretive, if she were buying alcohol or going to a pub, people would know IMO. ...and no one does seem to have known, unless they are being uncharacteristically tactfully silent.
yes but having issues with alcohol could mean a variety of things. Not being able to handle drinking, and behaviour changing. It doesn’t mean being an alcoholic necessarily. It could mean evening drinking becoming out of hand to make her feel better.
The point is, we don’t know what the issues mean in terms of this case. The police were told about the issues.. I worry that these have been blown out if all proportion and Nicola is not here to put her side. There may have been altercations in the house fuelled by drink (most likely) but we only have one side of the story.
That’s the danger resulting from the police putting this in the public domain. ( whilst I recognise they may have felt it was necessary)
I listened to the excellent NewsAgents podcast (Maitlis/Goodall) on the fallout of all this yesterday - especially trust in policing post Everard, role of media, social media etc.

As a poster, I've decided to rethink how I engage on these cases.

Especially I think I will focus on actual court cases where we discuss hard evidence, as part of open justice.

I'm not sure what value my contributions to these type of invetsigations add at all.

my 02c
Hello, I am a new member and felt compelled to join to post a couple of my thoughts. I think someone or possibly a couple of people very very close to NB are helping her and I think the timeout/time away has been engineered to reduce the impact of the investigation that is ongoing that resulted in the 10Jan visit. The helper knew Willow and I firmly believe the phone, Willow and bench area has been staged. Spaniels are happy dogs, they are very easily distracted if kept as a pet rather than a trained working dog and will play with anyone, could it be that NB was never near the bench but her helper was? MOO. My second thought is NB will be very close to her home and her parents will not be involved and this has got so massive there is no way out now without compromising her helper(s) so maybe a way out should be offered? MOO my final thought is people are very good at covering up turmoil, they can function, hold down professional occupations and raise their families. I think NB was unhappy and I think only a couple of people will know just how unhappy she has been and that is where the help has come from, find the helper(s) and they will lead to NB. MOO.
What I can’t seem to understand is why did the lady who first found Willow then call the other lady (Ron’s wife)? I find that odd. Do we know the connection between Ron / Ron’s wife and the First Lady? Or am I missing something? And then even more odd is why did Ron’s wife then call Ron to let him know the dog had been tied up? It doesn’t make sense. It’s as if they were all concerned for some time about an unattended dog and phone. IMO

To recap:
First Lady finds Willow and phone. Ties up Willow. Calls Ron’s wife.
Ron comes across phone. Ron’s wife calls to tell him that First Lady has tied up the dog.

I’m so confused!
Im glad this has been posted as i couldn’t work that out either… it is all very confusing..why would R’s wife need to be called by P? Actually just had a thought maybe it was to put his mind at rest as they had both discovered the scene and were concerned so she had his wife’s number and wanted to let him know what she had done with Willow. That is why R said when he got to the red building he felt something wasn’t right MOO
What I can’t seem to understand is why did the lady who first found Willow then call the other lady (Ron’s wife)? I find that odd. Do we know the connection between Ron / Ron’s wife and the First Lady? Or am I missing something? And then even more odd is why did Ron’s wife then call Ron to let him know the dog had been tied up? It doesn’t make sense. It’s as if they were all concerned for some time about an unattended dog and phone. IMO

To recap:
First Lady finds Willow and phone. Ties up Willow. Calls Ron’s wife.
Ron comes across phone. Ron’s wife calls to tell him that First Lady has tied up the dog.

I’m so confused!
I can understand that chain of events.. the first woman finds it strange and immediately calls the most appropriate friend who is on the dog walking scene. She lets her husband know immediately ( he may already have started his dog walk) and he walks to the bench to see what’s going on and finds the items.
That, to me would be what would happen in my neck of the woods.
Dog walkers would let each other know if one of the usual dogs was found without the owner.
The scenario doesn’t sound strange, really imo
Did PA make it all the way down to the bench when he got called by the school? (Before police told him to go home?)
Just watching the retracing video gives me the willies. That’s a very narrow path, and fenced in in both sides (like a cattle Shute to death). I would not feel comfortable alone on that path - esp. with the tall hedges and bramble on either side. Who was watching her six? Willow?

No way. There are no coincidences. Something seems to be very amiss and unsettling. If you walk this all the time, you have another disadvantage. Complacency. When nothing BAD ever happens, and you walk the route repeatedly, you drop your guard. It’s just human nature and physiology. Yet I also know complacency kills. Never relax in the saddle. (I adhere to the law of DTA: Don’t Trust Anyone).
Agree I would feel uneasy too

a general query about POI… when a person becomes a poi .. do the public get to know this? When would we know. Why would the police publish who are poi?
Sorry just wondering..

yes but having issues with alcohol could mean a variety of things. Not being able to handle drinking, and behaviour changing. It doesn’t mean being an alcoholic necessarily. It could mean evening drinking becoming out of hand to make her feel better.
The point is, we don’t know what the issues mean in terms of this case. The police were told about the issues.. I worry that these have been blown out if all proportion and Nicola is not here to put her side. There may have been altercations in the house fuelled by drink (most likely) but we only have one side of the story.
That’s the danger resulting from the police putting this in the public domain. ( whilst I recognise they may have felt it was necessary)
Yes exactly I have been saying this on precious posts, I completely agree. It’s like people have completely changed their perspective on the case since we all found out she was on the menopause and liked a drink. It worries me that people are now just purely going to focus on that and assume they think the cause of it. Everybody talking about suicide but it still seems unlikely to me. It sucks this day and age having a mental health issue, or anything similar, without people assuming you’re going to do yourself harm. There really is a fine line of victim blaming.
This is in response to a post I had on Thursday. They wanted to know where I had got the abduction rate from. They seemed to think only 40 people are abducted each year, when in fact it is around 5000 people. I couldn’t reply to them which was quite frustrating, not sure if it was their settings or whether you’re able to reply to people after a certain time. This is taken from ONS stats.

This is in response to a post I had on Thursday. They wanted to know where I had got the abduction rate from. They seemed to think only 40 people are abducted each year, when in fact it is around 5000 people. I couldn’t reply to them which was quite frustrating, not sure if it was their settings or whether you’re able to reply to people after a certain time. This is taken from ONS stats.

View attachment 403660
Kidnapping offences in England and Wales 2022 | Statista link is here
This is in response to a post I had on Thursday. They wanted to know where I had got the abduction rate from. They seemed to think only 40 people are abducted each year, when in fact it is around 5000 people. I couldn’t reply to them which was quite frustrating, not sure if it was their settings or whether you’re able to reply to people after a certain time. This is taken from ONS stats.

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I can understand that chain of events.. the first woman finds it strange and immediately calls the most appropriate friend who is on the dog walking scene. She lets her husband know immediately ( he may already have started his dog walk) and he walks to the bench to see what’s going on and finds the items.
That, to me would be what would happen in my neck of the woods.
Dog walkers would let each other know if one of the usual dogs was found without the owner.
The scenario doesn’t sound strange, really imo
I think the lady (P) came across Willow loose, phone on bench, harness on ground and then the man (R) arrived and saw the same.

IMO they are friends and he probably said to ring his wife as she might remember who the dog belongs to as neither of them could recall their names.

He then carried on walking and his wife then rang him to hear his side of what they had found. He said he thought the owner may have nipped off for a wee but it was when he got to the red brick hut that he turned around and thought something isn't right here.

What happened up until 10.50 when the school rang PA is still a mystery and very muddled
The figures quoted for kidnapping include children though, so IMO the majority will be children taken by the other parent. You would need to break them down into adult females kidnapped in broad daylight for them to have any relevance here. MOO
The figures quoted for kidnapping include children though, so IMO the majority will be children taken by the other parent. You would need to break them down into adult females kidnapped in broad daylight for them to have any relevance here. MOO
Yeah, I’m just highlighting how many people are abducted and trying to find out the actual figure for adults. Somebody said a while back only 40 people a year are abducted but don’t know where they got that from unless they meant that being adults only.
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