Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #2

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This is curious to me. She was wearing winter clothing and the river is, at least mostly, not deep. I'd expect a hat, a glove, wellies, something, to get stuck somewhere.

But water can hold it's secrets for a while. So I guess we'll see. But it is kinda odd.

Yes indeed, a body could still be submerged at this point; it’s winter, cold water, takes longer to surface at this time of year. 5-7 days would be typical in these conditions, longer if the body is snagged or weighed down.
Cold water shock if your body’s not fully submerged?

the only river theories I can believe is that she wasn’t conscious when she went in and/or has got trapped in an undercut. That river just doesn’t look deep enough or strong enough to carry a body away.

Surely they’d have found her by now.
I guess time will tell. I hope she didn't go in the water as if she did its unlikely we'll hear good news.

I honestly do think people underestimate water and the affect on the body though. Fall in the water, the cold shock gives you issues breathing, and you're in trouble immediately.

I really do hope she's just wondered off and will be found safe and well.
Yes I said this earlier on - no one actually witnessed NB at the bench only on the towpath before! JMO.
Oh understood now, the 9.15am sighting was on the path that leads eventually to the bench, but the sighting was not actually at the bench that close to the river. Seems like a reasonable assumption though that she went on to the usual riverside walk but yes not a fact.
It’s possible she was distracted by the teams call and wasn’t aware of where Willow was, then made an assumption he was in the water and went in wherever she’d seen him last.
Willow could have been anywhere in the field and may not even of seen her go in. Or he did go in the water and the fact he was dry is just wrong.
I just can’t see any concrete evidence or witnesses that place NB at the bench
Yes you’re right - there isn’t any concrete evidence that places NB at the bench (no one witnessed her at the bench). The witness that saw her at 9.15 saw her on the towpath before the bench and the assumption is that she walked her normal route to said bench, where she left her dog, harness, lead and phone. Which is why I still wonder whether something happened before the bench and her items were placed there to look as though she had been there. Speculation. JMO.

Source - Police find 'key witness' who may help them locate Nicola Bulley
"Police say they remain 'open minded' as to Ms Bulley's disappearance but insist they do not believe at present that she was attacked.

Rescuers were today focusing their efforts on a tidal stretch of the river amid fears she may have fallen in and been washed out towards the coast at Fleetwood, some nine miles away."

Missing Nicola Bulley's dog was 'in an agitated state' when discovered
those who say some sort of signs would be there if she had gone into the water, please can you clarify what signs would definitely / almost certainly be there if she slipped or fainted and rolled down the slope and dropped in ?

I am projecting a lot here but I saw my dad in bed semi conscious from a stroke (didnt know what was going on at the time of course) in the wee hours of the morning - this was in the years before stroke signs were understood and widely known and hence ambulance would have been called immediately. I remember my mother trying to yell in his ear, force water down his throat etc. Anyway if he had been by a riverside sloping downward bank alone at that moment when the stroke happened, he would have fallen in almost surely
"Police say they remain 'open minded' as to Ms Bulley's disappearance but insist they do not believe at present that she was attacked.

Rescuers were today focusing their efforts on a tidal stretch of the river amid fears she may have fallen in and been washed out towards the coast at Fleetwood, some nine miles away."

Missing Nicola Bulley's dog was 'in an agitated state' when discovered
I’m pretty sure someone has asked this but how long would it take for an unconscious person to be washed up to the next town say? I hate saying something so horrible.
someone said if she had stood in the water it would have been only little more than waist deep .
Is this right ?
Why then the sign saying deep water right over the bench that has been reported. Deep for pets and kids?
Seems to be based on speculation because police have been seen wading further upstream. IMO
Rescuers were today focusing their efforts on a tidal stretch of the river amid fears she may have fallen in and been washed out towards the coast at Fleetwood, some nine miles away."
Oh, I'm sad to read this. It ties in with my thoughts, tbh. My view hasn't changed really. I still think a plausible possibility is that NB <modsnip - not victim friendly> entered the water at deeper, faster moving point.

I hope so hard this is NOT true and somehow, there's still a sliver of hope.

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Could Willow have been unable to get out of the river and NB bent over to reach down and get here and then the harness came off she then lost her balance and went head first into the river thus possible head injury ? PURE SPECULATION and JMO this would explain no slip marks on the embankment ?

I obviously dont know and my thoughts are a million percent with her family at this terrible time. They must all be beside themselves with worry. Its been all ive thought about for days!
Looking at the drop to the river from the bank, I wondered how a dog would get back up from the water. I agree with you. Most probably lent over to help it.
those who say some sort of signs would be there if she had gone into the water, please can you clarify what signs would definitely / almost certainly be there if she slipped or fainted and rolled down the slope and dropped in ?

I am projecting a lot here but I saw my dad in bed semi conscious from a stroke (didnt know what was going on at the time of course) in the wee hours of the morning - this was in the years before stroke signs were understood and widely known and hence ambulance would have been called immediately. I remember my mother trying to yell in his ear, force water down his throat etc. Anyway if he had been by a riverside sloping downward bank alone at that moment when the stroke happened, he would have fallen in almost surely
I'm really sorry about your dad <3

If we pictured that NB would be around the edge of the river - why? She's a 45 year old adult who knows where to stand and where not to, and imho wouldn't stand so close especially with slippy mud around. I absolutely agree a person could have a stroke or hemorrhage and fall in sorta sideways (so no slipping marks on the bank), but why would she stand there anyway? Moo just musing, no disagreement
Willow likely slipped her harness if not wearing it, I’m assuming the lead was attached to it.

1. If the lead was attached to the bench Willow has been tied to it and slipped the harness

2. If the lead is attached to the harness and both are ‘loose’ Willow has slipped the harness while someone was holding it potentially? JMO
I have interpreted this information from two witness statements the caravan woman who found willow and then the group who came upon willow the second time also finding her phone . The woman who found willow did not take her home because she had an appointment. She called someone to let Paul know. Paul then made his way down there. Willow was tied up and panicked. She has panicked and wrangled herself free of the harness. She was found lead and harness free which looked dropped on the floor by the next lot of dog walkers to come by. Willow was still there looking worried.

If I’m correctly interpreting the information The lady who owns the caravan found willow but did not remove her from the area she simply tied her up and left her for someone else to deal with after letting her daughter know to tell Paul, because she had an appointment. The dog has gotten free and then was found again by the second group who then found the dog and recognised the screensaver as NB. JMO

Another thing that sticks out for me is that this area has already had multiple people go passed it in a short amount of time but no one saw her at the bench? . JMO
Read a report about this case so came on WS to see what the opinion was.

Apparently the children's school is pretty much next to the park so NB apparently parked at the School and then took the dog for the walk.

Feels very odd really that after nearly a week there's been searches in the water but nothing found. And I assume given that time of day plenty of people would've also been walking pets or for leisure purposes.

Anyone know how isolated the bench and lake are? I'm thinking of my local park in Birmingham (UK) which has a lake in the middle. It's pretty open to view so you can get a good viewing of people walking around it or sitting on benches from 500m away (park is on a slope). I assume this location is far more secluded otherwise surely a witness would've noticed another individual emerging/acting with suspicion?

Timeline feels very quick though for foul play to be involved if this house is ruled out.
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