UK - Peter Connelly, 17 mos, brutally murdered, London, 3 Aug 2007

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What was ALLOWED to happen to this poor baby is horrific! THIS comment, from the third link, angers me greatly -

Not a single social worker will lose their job over the blunders which let the little boy suffer 50 injuries including a broken back, eight fractured ribs and ripped fingernails.Officials will instead be let off with written warnings despite being accused of passing a 'death sentence' on the 17-month-old by handing him back to his mother when she was being investigated by police for assault.
Everytime I think I have read something that was the most horrible thing I have ever heard I read something new and this takes the cake. Its so horrible I just cant believe it even though I know its real. What got me is that after all the misery this poor little baby was put through, he tried to still smile. It is so heartbreaking.
I'm sorry ......but I was sicken just by reading what you wrote, I was unable to gather the strength to read anymore. That poor sweet baby will always have a place in my heart.
Apparently this baby's "mother" has had another child in prison and is bragging she will be out of jail by Christmas. Disgusting!

What a ginormous she is!! This is why people murder kids, because they can without hardly any punishment. Then they go on to make more kids to abuse.:furious:
And to top it off the social workers were fighting to try and let her keep the baby after they know good and well what happened to the last one, this case is making me so maddddddddd.
It is beyond my comprehension how this infant was completely ignored. My god, a broken back????? Who are these people? This "pedatrician" (who should have her licensed stripped!!!)? This case should be plastered throughout England and this little Angel a symbol for all others out there. Even, to be quite honest, a warning Angel to those so-called "officials" and medical personnel who totally and completely ignored the most !!!!OBVIOUS!!!! signs of abuse. Every single individual that was part of this case should be held accountable in the highest degree legally possible.

I am so angry I could literally spit tacks!!! :furious: Every single one of them...may they receive what they deserve!!!!!
If there's only one thing to be thankful for, it's that the child did not have to grow up with such terrible caretakers and that he is in a place now where every tear will be wiped away and his TRUE Father is taking care of him.

It makes me sick to think of the torture he endured for no reason, but thank the Lord he is living for eternity in peace.
My God!! What happened to this poor baby is unthinkable! 60 visits with social services and they looked the other way. So many people failed this child it just blows my mind.

It really shakes ones belief in humankind that something like this can happen to an innocent child.
He was so beautiful. I hate his mother for not just allowing one man to beat and torture him but TWO men while she sat on internet chatrooms. His clothes and cot were splattered in blood and he was always hungry. The longest day I live I will never understand such cruelty. This poor baby must have spent every day and night in SUCH agony with all those injuries....even the tip of one of his fingers was missing.

Life should be given to his mother and that sadist she let kill her little boy but in Good Old Britain they'll be back on the streets before we know it where no doubt she will breed more kids that she doesnt give a damn about.

God Bless his poor little soul. Rest in Peace Baby P.
They want to protect her human rights? What about the human rights of the baby she gave birth to? Doesn't that baby have the right to a life free of abuse and neglect? If the mother has done it before, she's not going to stop doing it with this baby.

This just infuriates me.
If you click on the link in badhorsie's post there is an e-petition that you can sign to take action against those in charge who failed so miserably to protect this dear little baby.
This is going to sound terrible, but why don't they make child abusers/murderers get sterilized? It should be the automatic punishment for abusing a child. Then, legally restrict them from ever being near a child again, just like pedophiles. There should be a database of child murderers like these two, for adoption agencies to refer to. Then they will never be able to adopt, either.
This is just infuriating on so many levels. How could social workers be so complacent that when they see a child like Baby P in the conditions he was in and feel comfortable leaving him in the situation because the mother seemed attentive. OF COURSE SHE DID WHILE YOU WERE THERE.
The DOCTORS who missed the fact the child had a broken back and ribs????? When a baby screams in pain when you touch him shouldn't that be an indication that you should start doing x-rays? Are people just that lazy?

So many people failed this little boy. So many. I HATE his mother with a passion for sitting around on her fat *advertiser censored* looking at *advertiser censored* all day and being so insecure that she allowed worthless men to abuse her child because having a man around made her feel less ugly and worthless. How could a mother be so heartless about her own child's torture? I would have kicked the out when I found out he was torturing animals not only because I love animals(even froggies) but also because that is BIG warning sign. She has such good taste in men she found not one, but TWO who were child abusers.

I totally agree with Colombo. There should be automatic sterilization for abuse. This woman could get pregnant again next month and would be allowed to have the baby and keep it.

I do not normally support the death penalty but in cases like this I gladly condone it.
This is going to sound terrible, but why don't they make child abusers/murderers get sterilized? It should be the automatic punishment for abusing a child. Then, legally restrict them from ever being near a child again, just like pedophiles. There should be a database of child murderers like these two, for adoption agencies to refer to. Then they will never be able to adopt, either.

People that do this or allow it to happen should be executed.
someone that could do this is no longer human.
OMG. I couldn't even read through everything posted about the horrible abuse this boy went through. I am currently pregnant with my first child, and I'm finding that I can't stomache WS like I used to. I can't stand to think of things like this while carrying my unborn child. Ugh!!!

My prayers for this little boy.
Child abuse is not uncommon anymore ,but this is one of the worst cases I have ever heard about it's one thing not to know about it ,but something needs to be done about DSS and not just in London here as well. I can not believe 60 visits were not enough to tell DSS there was a problem and to have a DR. stop an exam because a baby is crying that has a broken back and ribs that Dr. needs to be up on charged I am a grown women broke my ribs yrs ago and with pain meds it was say the baby is fussing and having a bad day .OMG> RIP SWEET BABY ,THEY CAN'T HURT YOU NOW.
Precious Baby Boy!! He is in the arms of Jesus now!!
This case has caused a storm here. The Head of the Social Services at first refused to apologise and even now a Group of Head Teachers have written letters in support of her. The whole lot of them from her down should be fired! Baby Peter's mother had help paid for 4 days a week so she didnt even have an excuse to neglect this baby the way she did. The childminder is now doing the rounds of interviews saying she saw this that and the other for example that his head had open sores because he was so infested with lice. They ALL sicken me.

There is a march planned here for this baby on Dec 13th to try make sure this case does not just fade away and the abusers all get sentenced two days later on the 15th Dec.

Many groups have sprung up with petitions and such on Facebook too. I joined two myself. This child's suffering has shook me to my core. The fact the "mother" has had another child since just disgusts me. I saw a pic of her today and the two men on Facebook, she was on several sites. I despise them all.
I am actually very upset after reading about this. I cannot stop crying. I just read a big story on this on Where was this boy's bio dad? Has the mom been sentenced yet?

This is the worst case of child abuse I have seen. I am so sad for this little boy. I just showed this article to my husband who is also upset. My precious 5 month old son is in his crib sleeping. I cannot see how a mother can allow anyone to viciously abuse her baby. I am disgusted in this 15 yr old girl too who saw and heard the abuse and did nothing.

EVERYONE involved in this case should be criminally charged including all the social workers. And this evil step-dad is only facing 14 years??

Goodness this case is too upsetting for me to continue reading it. I am just a wreck now.

RIP little Baby P. Poor little God.

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