UK - Rebecca Joynes, teacher, accused of sex offence against 2 pupils

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Sentencing date confirmed​

Following disussions between Joynes’ barrister Michael O’Brien and the judge a sentencing date has been confirmed.
Rebecca Joynes will be sentenced on July 4.

14:39Charlotte Hadfield

Joynes spent six month in custody ahead of trial​

It can be revealed that Joynes has previously spent time in custody pending the trial.
Mr O'Brien said: “She spent nearly six months in custody, and then six months or more on qualifying curfew. She had done the equivalent of an 18 month sentence."


Joynes starts crying as she's granted bail​

Joynes has been granted bail until her sentence date.
Judge Kate Cornell told Joynes: “You know you must be here at court for sentence, and have to serve whatever sentence I pass. On the understanding that you realise that, I am prepared to grant you bail on the same conditions. You must see probation before sentencing.
“There is a baby involved here who has done nothing wrong - you must be under no illusions on what is going to happen. Bail can be granted on the same conditions as before,” she added.
Joynes began crying as she was granted bail.


CPS statement​

Jane Wilson, Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West, said:
“Rebecca Joynes is a sexual predator.
“Joynes was entrusted with the responsibility of teaching and safeguarding children.
She abused her position to groom and ultimately sexually exploit schoolboys. Her behaviour has had a lasting impact on them.
“The CPS worked with Greater Manchester Police to build a strong case to put before the jury, including eyewitness testimony, phone evidence showing the messages sent by Joynes and CCTV footage.
“I would like to thank the victims for supporting the prosecution. Joynes will now face the consequences of her actions.”

14:39Charlotte Hadfield

Joynes spent six month in custody ahead of trial​

It can be revealed that Joynes has previously spent time in custody pending the trial.
Mr O'Brien said: “She spent nearly six months in custody, and then six months or more on qualifying curfew. She had done the equivalent of an 18 month sentence."

I'm a bit confused by O'Brien's maths skills, here. Does anyone know where the extra half a year factors in?

They granted her bail even though the guilty verdict part relates to open offences actually committed while she was on bail!

I have no words (well none that comply with ToS) :mad::mad::mad:

She's going to get a non custodial sentence isn't she? I'm as mad as a bag of cats here.
I'm a bit confused by O'Brien's maths skills, here. Does anyone know where the extra half a year factors in?
I don't think the paragraph from the journalist includes all of the factors to consider. I'm guessing that the basis is of an 18 month sentence where half (IE 9 months) is served in custody and half on license with the "qualified curfew" counting half as much as the custody so:

6 months in custody plus 6 months Quali Curfew (equivalent to 3 months custody)= 9 months custody. Then whatever time she's been on the bail she's currently on is equivalent to the license/probation part of the 18 month sentence?

I could well be wrong (in fact I probably am!) but that's my best guess?
She may get a decent custodial sentence. Jeremy Forrest got 5.5 years, although one of his charges was child abduction.
Well that was a surprise said nobody ever.
She will definitely serve a prison sentence for this.
How ironic sentencing on the 4th July.
Well done jury.

Edited to add it looks like she was granted bail due to her pregnancy.
I don't think the paragraph from the journalist includes all of the factors to consider. I'm guessing that the basis is of an 18 month sentence where half (IE 9 months) is served in custody and half on license with the "qualified curfew" counting half as much as the custody so:

6 months in custody plus 6 months Quali Curfew (equivalent to 3 months custody)= 9 months custody. Then whatever time she's been on the bail she's currently on is equivalent to the license/probation part of the 18 month sentence?

I could well be wrong (in fact I probably am!) but that's my best guess?

No I think you're right. Which means, for an 18 month sentence, she would be waltzing back out of court, on daddy's arm.

Hopefully the Judge gives her the maximum possible - especially considering her reoffending whilst on bail - and she spends at least a few years inside.
In the eyes of those who knew her, Rebecca Joynes was a “nice and quiet” person who lived in a leafy village.

Growing up, Joynes was the eldest of two children who enjoyed gymnastics and dancing.

Joynes was described by her dad, who attended court to support his daughter, as a “perfect child in every way” who from “child to adult was always at the top.”

more at the link...........


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