GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #3

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I wonder if you are in custody can you request your online profiles are shut down? I can see a rumoured suspect's photo being shared and very nasty threats posted along with the picture. Would that not affect a trial?

And for argument sake, if the person turned out to be innocent- their life is already over. Not defending any acts that may or may not have been committed- just an observation. Tensions are very high and people are out for blood!
Last night seemed like (on official Police FB page)they were constantly splitting up a playground fight. I found it bizarre they let it continue. Is that person still posting?
Oh, some parts of Bristol are lovely! Just not *that* particular part :)

I went to Bristol a few years back and it was beautiful. I would have loved to have gone again.

So sad about the outcome of Becky. I feel really awful for ever being suspicious of her dad... not from the police statement but because of his FB status about totm.

I've watched the curry challenge vid on her dad's FB and she seemed like such a lovely girl... the complete opposite of what her selfie photos portrayed. The whole situation is dreadful. I just can't think fathom what the motive would have been.
A certain tweeter with the initials TW has suggested anyone retweeting the <modsnip> fb status screenshot remove it for legal reasons
Last night seemed like (on official Police FB page)they were constantly splitting up a playground fight. I found it bizarre they let it continue. Is that person still posting?

I was surprised they let some stuff rumble on... I guess they might be finding the odd snippet that's useful in all of the rubbish.

There is a surname posting frequently which is the same as someone who used to live in one of the houses being searched. I don't think they have anything to do with it, but just an indication of how close some of the connections in there posting might be.

I work for a local council, and you'd be shocked to find out how much info people know about each other on certain estates.
Last night seemed like (on official Police FB page)they were constantly splitting up a playground fight. I found it bizarre they let it continue. Is that person still posting?
Sorry for quoting myself but they're gone. I can't see their posts anymore. They're gone.
Good advice.

Good advice indeed! I'm sure it's been saved god knows how many times now... makes me think of how one made by a certain Tammy Moorer last year has never managed to disappear entirely.
From the Avon and Somerset Constabulary:

"...we cannot confirm or deny the names of those arrested until they have been charged.

We always encourage people not to share the names of people they believe are being held on suspicion of a crime as if this person is then deemed innocent or released without charge, it could have legal implications for the person sharing the name.

When we have an update and can name the people in custody, we will post the information on Facebook. Thank you."
From the Avon and Somerset Constabulary:

"...we cannot confirm or deny the names of those arrested until they have been charged.

We always encourage people not to share the names of people they believe are being held on suspicion of a crime as if this person is then deemed innocent or released without charge, it could have legal implications for the person sharing the name.

When we have an update and can name the people in custody, we will post the information on Facebook. Thank you."

Cheers for that - I think they have a matter of hours left to press charges or not so all should become clear in the morning... maybe
To be fair, that funeral would not need paying for. However, the estimated cost of losing a child is about 37k.... not sure how I know that.

Do victims of crime get their funerals paid for? I never realised that. Who pays technically?
Cheers for that - I think they have a matter of hours left to press charges or not so all should become clear in the morning... maybe
They got a 24 hour extension today. It will probably run out tomorrow afternoon.

The suspects will be allowed 8 hours overnight to sleep as well as 15 minutes break every two hours.

They may have some time left tonight but not much.

They will then have tomorrow morning and the remainder of the afternoon.
Do victims of crime get their funerals paid for? I never realised that. Who pays technically?
No. Not necessarily. Any funeral director would usually do it as an honour and as grim as it sounds for the exposure. For a huge case like this the family would probably be offered every aspect of the funeral free by one source or another.
I was at night class at college tonight and kept thinking of poor Becky and all the opportunities she will never have due to these horrible, horrible people. Hopefully tomorrow will bring those in custody officially charged.
No. Not necessarily. Any funeral director would usually do it as an honour and as grim as it sounds for the exposure. For a huge case like this the family would probably be offered every aspect of the funeral free by one source or another.

Ah I see. Thanks.
Guys can I ask a question?

The suspects were originally charged with suspicion of kidnapping right?

Does this imply Becky was taken against her will? Or held for a time against her will? Or is this just the charge they will put up in absence of conclusive evidence a death has occurred? I am guessing the latter?
Maybe I am odd but the method of disposal after a death doesn't mean anything to me. It is the murder or accident etc. and method of death that get me upset and make me put an evil label on perpetrators. I can see someone causing a death accidentally and cutting up a body to hideit (in fact in the Durst case the jury found him not guilty when he did just that-it was self defense, the death). Panic is not so unreasonable for weak individuals. If it is truly barbaric like eating their body parts I think they are extremely ill not evil. Robert Ressler one of the founders of the FBI's profiling unit testified for Jeffrey Dahmer and I think he was right, he was one very sick individual who could not stop himself.

Now that doesn't mean I think that perp's aren't evil, many are. However the method and motive are what concern me rather than the method of disposal.

The method of disposal doesn't surprise or shock me. The fact it is a family member doesn't surprise me. What will surprise me is if no one in that huge extended family hadn't had/seen suspicions that "someone" was not quite right. I would think that the behavior of the person responsible has been there all along.

Just following along, waiting for more info to come out on the guilty parties. This is a horrific crime, and so many loved ones will be forever in anguish over the senseless act.
I went to Bristol a few years back and it was beautiful. I would have loved to have gone again.

So sad about the outcome of Becky. I feel really awful for ever being suspicious of her dad... not from the police statement but because of his FB status about totm.

I've watched the curry challenge vid on her dad's FB and she seemed like such a lovely girl... the complete opposite of what her selfie photos portrayed. The whole situation is dreadful. I just can't think fathom what the motive would have been.

I admit to the same. Yes, the FB statement is what made me suspicious. That and the fact that nobody from the home knew what she was wearing when she went missing or what time she left the house, and the fact nobody saw her after she left the house made it seem she hadn't left the house - so I did think it must be something to do with family. I think the lack of information will all be explained now (in relation to who was in the house with her).
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