I hold a strong opinion that people who make false accusations of rape *need* to be heavily prosecuted. If they were, perhaps less people would feel it's fine to make false accusations, they'd have a greater risk to face in doing so..
I liken it to vandalism. If they up and took and a baseball bat to someone's houseful of belongings, they'd go to jail, no question. I am sure every man who's been falsely accused of pedophilia or rape would *rather* all his belongings were smashed, because those, unlike a life, a family, a reputation, are easily replaced.. How should we punish a person who takes a metaphorical baseball bat to someone, like that?
I don't have any patience or sympathy for people who bring charges 30 years after someone groped their boob. None. I cannot imagine right now going to police over the gropey old-world Italian boss I worked for as a 16 yo, serving coffee in his back room to all his elderly, mafiosi pals. I regularly got my bum patted. It was annoying, but even as a person who *was* sexually abused in childhood, it wasn't 'traumatic'. I would actually question the mental health (and the motives!) of anyone who -did- find it so traumatic as to bring charges of sexual assault, 30-40 years on.
Rape is another issue, though. If I had been groped in my privates, that would be *different* and I would have been *terrified* and felt very, very victimised. Anyone who has been digitally raped will know it's not any different to any other kind of rape, as far as one's feelings of shame and disgust and violation go.
Just to offer a balanced view - I never brought charges against ANY of the several people who raped and molested me as a child. For several reasons, some of which I regret and some I do not.
If, however, a woman was to bring one of my rapists to trail, damn right I would speak up. I might not have felt able to cope with the consequences of taking action, but I would support anyone who did so.
I have every understanding of how and why women come forward after so many years...
But on the other hand, if you're going to accuse, let alone charge a man for something you claim happened thirty, forty years ago? You better bring the proof and, IMO, a LOT more proof than most of these 'witnesses' have, despite being obviously coached by Yewtree. I see the majority of the charges against Rolf as profoundly problematic that way.
I would rather see him charged with ONE inarguable case, than a dozen as dodgy as these were.
False and conflated accusations demean and devalue real rape cases. And they *ruin* lives. Shame, eternal shame, on the people who do so.