UK UK - Ruth Wilson, 16, Dorking, 27 Nov 1995

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I seem to have sparked a bit of debate on one or two issues so thought it may help to clarify my comments.

I know Box Hill very well. I live in Guildford, which is 10 miles from Box Hill and still visit that area (the NT property and Dorking) several times a year. In the past when I had retrievers and a springer we would walk them on Box Hill as a change from time to time. So my comments about the numbers of people in the area are based on my observations from walking there (you can hardly move some weekends for cyclists). The whole area is also riddled with public rights of way (footpaths, bridleways) used by walkers and dog walkers. I know from my dogs that they would head into the undergrowth and trees and would alert (or more likely be stubborn and refuse to move) if they found something of interest. With hundreds of dogs each day (and more at weekends) doing that I cannot believe a body would remain unfound unless in a wholly inaccessible place. And the only such place I can think of would be the slopes of the unused quarry - which I assume were checked. The area where Ruth was dropped is at the back of Box Hill, so is one of the less frequented areas and would be used more by locals than visitors - but there are still plenty of those.

Over the several decades I have lived in Surrey I have seen enough reports of the failings of Surrey Police to be wary of assuming that they will have done a good job. There have been multiple scandals about the personal behaviour of their senior command, but these have rarely been in connection with police business (they have a nasty habit of selecting senior officers who behave oddly). But whatever the personal failings of their senior officers, Surrey Police is a large, well resourced organisation with 2000 officers and specialists in most areas of policing. They also have very close working relationships with the Met Police (due to proximity) enabling them better access to other specialists and facilities than many forces. For all these reasons I find it hard to think they would fail to conduct basic policing not only in the initial enquiry but also in subsequent reviews. I do find their behaviour when interviewing Ruth's friend in Sheffield interesting. That definitely seems to suggest they believed she was still alive. Whether that was a default assumption or had some basis I do not know.

One of the primary sources of assuming failures on the part of Surrey Police is Mark Williams-Thomas. He is a former Surrey police officer and now a journalist, who acted as police liaison officer with the Wilsons. I would be careful in placing reliance on him as a source. He left Surrey Police in unclear circumstances and was charged (and cleared) of blackmail 2 years after leaving the police. I also note that he has commented on the possibility of Ruth still being on Box Hill. He must know the area and its heavy usage and, for me, this statement damages his credibility. He may be quite accurate in his view of the initial investigation, but he may also have an agenda.

In regards to the conditions when the taxi driver dropped Ruth. In November at 4.30 it would have been dark but not yet pitch black. I would have assumed the taxi driver was expecting Ruth to either be going to the pub or to one of the nearby houses. I have driven that road a few times over the years and there are quite a number of houses nearby. So the comment about thinking it was strange is most likely a retrospective view based on what subsequently emerged and his view in the mirror as he drove off. The area is rural (by Surrey standards), but I could take people to 100 more remote spots in Surrey (and there is nowhere which would classify as remote compared with US definitions of remote).

Finally, coming back to the taxi driver. It is because it is such basic policing that I make the default assumption that his story is to be believed. I would also expect that their would be CCTV to confirm his pick up of Ruth (since it was at Dorking station, which would have had coverage even at that time - always assuming it was the main station). If she ordered the taxi by phone there may also be a despatcher record). In all probability the taxi driver would also have gone onto another recorded job, providing a limit to his time window with Ruth. I am not saying it is impossible that he is involved; just that it seems highly improbable given what we know, and that we should be careful about thinking otherwise in these circumstances.

So, in conclusion, I do not know what has happened. I favour the planned disappearance as I see no convincing evidence of suicide, and the coincidence of personal circumstances intersecting with a predator seems unlikely. But all are possible and it is just a matter of opinion which seems most probable.
Thank you for advice. I hope I am pressing the correct reply button now.

You want the "reply with quote" button. And welcome to WS.

You seem to have done a fair bit of research on this. Have you ever seen confirmation of the notes/paracetamol/vermouth story?

I had a bit of a Google but couldn't find anything.
It's a strange thing that Ruth didn't send those letters. Sends flowers to her stepmother.
Just been looking at a picture of Nesta Wilson nee Landeg's death certificate on Facebook. She was born 1 May 1948 in Wellingborough, Northants - according to her death cert. But I cannot find her birth certificate. Unless it's been left off Freebmd, Ancestry, and Familysearch
I can understand why Martin Bright and the former Met Police detective are trying to get information about this case of Ruth Wilson. From Surrey Police. I believe Liam and Martin are sure Ruth was murdered. If she committed suicide surely her body would have been found by now. It was an appalling investigation by the Surrey Police at the time. And Ruth's father Ian Glen Wilson seems to have not been assisting the police in their search for his daughter. Has he something to hide. Did Ruth find out more about how her mother, Nesta Wilson nee Landeg nee? die. It all sounds very suspicious to me. And also the fact Ian Wilson married Karen Bowerman a year after his wife died. And I do believe that the taxi driver should have been named.
A truly disgraceful investigation by Surrey Police. About time they gave the public more details. They wouldn't get away with the cover up today. I'd like the Surrey Police to let the former Met Police Detective know what was in Ruth's three letters. Under the Freedom Of Information Act. Did Surrey Police go into the background of the taxi driver fully ?( he was the last person to see Ruth alive. ) Did they take his cab in to have it examined fully? Martin Bright has mentioned on Facebook that Nesta Wilson nee Landeg's past should be investigated more.
Just been looking at a picture of Nesta Wilson nee Landeg's death certificate on Facebook. She was born 1 May 1948 in Wellingborough, Northants - according to her death cert. But I cannot find her birth certificate. Unless it's been left off Freebmd, Ancestry, and Familysearch

According to wikipedia:

Ruth’s mother was born in Wellingborough on the 1st May 1948 and was given the name Nesta Landeg by her adoptive parents.

There were 672 births registered in Wellingborough during the March and June quarters that year. We can assume half would have been boys, so that leaves 336 which were probably female. Nesta should have been one of them.
According to wikipedia:

There were 672 births registered in Wellingborough during the March and June quarters that year. We can assume half would have been boys, so that leaves 336 which were probably female. Nesta should have been one of them.

Thank you very much. It seems Wiki has just put this extra info on their website as I've not seen it before. I'd assumed Nesta had been adopted.

Just received email from Northants Reg Office saying no Nesta Landeg or Nesta or Landeg born in Wellingborough or sub districts from 1946 - 1950
Thank you for your email. I have searched our records for the Wellingborough district and the Rushden sub-district from 1946 to 1950 and I am afraid that there are no entries for anyone with the first name of Nesta or the surname of Landeg in that period.


Kind regards,


Abigael Campion

Registration Assistant.
Just received email from Northants Reg Office saying no Nesta Landeg or Nesta or Landeg born in Wellingborough or sub districts from 1946 - 1950

I don't know how secretive adoption was at that time. For many years there was a complete Chinese Wall between the birth parents and the adoptive parents which prevented the birth parents or the adopted child identifying each other.

However we can assume Nesta was conceived around July or August 1947. It's possible that she was illegitimate since during and after the war many women had had liaisons outside of marriage while their husbands were away on active service and found they had problem babies which would need to be explained when their husbands returned. So it's possible that Nesta was one of these babies surrendered for adoption by her mother.

It also seems almost certain that her adoptive parents were a couple surnamed Landeg who were Welsh or of Welsh extraction. However there's no evidence of any events in Northants involving anyone surnamed Landeg around this time.
I don't know how secretive adoption was at that time. For many years there was a complete Chinese Wall between the birth parents and the adoptive parents which prevented the birth parents or the adopted child identifying each other.

However we can assume Nesta was conceived around July or August 1947. It's possible that she was illegitimate since during and after the war many women had had liaisons outside of marriage while their husbands were away on active service and found they had problem babies which would need to be explained when their husbands returned. So it's possible that Nesta was one of these babies surrendered for adoption by her mother.

It also seems almost certain that her adoptive parents were a couple surnamed Landeg who were Welsh or of Welsh extraction. However there's no evidence of any events in Northants involving anyone surnamed Landeg around this time.
As far as I know
Joseph Landeg and his wife Linda May Thomas ( married 1939 Bedwellty) adopted child and called her Nesta Landeg.
When Ruth Wilson doesn't get on the school bus her ex-boyfriend, Will, turns up and offers Ruth a lift in his car. She declines his offer and tells him she will see him later; up Box Hill?
Nesta Wilson's father died in 1980. Two years before she hanged herself.
I have just returned from Spain and caught up with the posts in my absence. A few comments;

Firstly, there is no way Surrey Police would respond positively to a Freedom of Information request for the contents of notes. There is an exemption in the Act which allows the refusal of requests which would be likely to prejudice law enforcement. Whether you think that is the case or not in this instance it is a boiler plate reason used by police forces for refusing requests. There are other potential grounds they could cite for refusal but this would be the standard approach.

I think it is still a presumption that the Surrey Police investigation was either deeply flawed or has subsequently failed to plug holes in the original investigation. This may be the case, but at present we only have the view of a deeply compromised former Surrey PC (Mark Williams Thomas) and a journalist and ex-policeman with limited access or knowledge to take an informed view. I agree that the lack of communication by Surrey Police looks bad but, firstly, there may be good operational reasons and, secondly, living in the area I know their PR is appalling even when they do a decent job.

I had seen the death dates of the Landeg parents (1980 and 1992), but in terms of understanding this side of the family I still think that, as previously mentioned, that the question of whether Nesta had a Landeg sibling (as indicated on an Ancestry family tree) is key. If this tree is accurate then that sibling may have new information or be able to cast light on the family background. If the sibling does exist I suspect they were also adopted since I can find no record of any other birth to Joseph and Linda Landeg (nee Thomas) on Ancestry. I simply do not know whether this sibling exists as I can find no confirmation of the Ancestry tree (but that is not unusual).
I have just returned from Spain and caught up with the posts in my absence. A few comments;

Firstly, there is no way Surrey Police would respond positively to a Freedom of Information request for the contents of notes. There is an exemption in the Act which allows the refusal of requests which would be likely to prejudice law enforcement. Whether you think that is the case or not in this instance it is a boiler plate reason used by police forces for refusing requests. There are other potential grounds they could cite for refusal but this would be the standard approach.

I think it is still a presumption that the Surrey Police investigation was either deeply flawed or has subsequently failed to plug holes in the original investigation. This may be the case, but at present we only have the view of a deeply compromised former Surrey PC (Mark Williams Thomas) and a journalist and ex-policeman with limited access or knowledge to take an informed view. I agree that the lack of communication by Surrey Police looks bad but, firstly, there may be good operational reasons and, secondly, living in the area I know their PR is appalling even when they do a decent job.

I had seen the death dates of the Landeg parents (1980 and 1992), but in terms of understanding this side of the family I still think that, as previously mentioned, that the question of whether Nesta had a Landeg sibling (as indicated on an Ancestry family tree) is key. If this tree is accurate then that sibling may have new information or be able to cast light on the family background. If the sibling does exist I suspect they were also adopted since I can find no record of any other birth to Joseph and Linda Landeg (nee Thomas) on Ancestry. I simply do not know whether this sibling exists as I can find no confirmation of the Ancestry tree (but that is not unusual).

Hi, just read your post; like you I have not found any birth registers. It seems Joseph Landeg and Linda M Thomas married 1939, couldn't have children of their own. So they adopted a child born 1st May, 1948 in Wellingborough, Northampton, and called her Nesta Landeg. Who married Ian G Wilson 1976, Newport, Wales.

Probably adopted another child.

I got in touch with Wellingborough Register Office. To no avail. So the only register of a Nesta Landeg is on her death certificate.

I'll get to the point. I believe Ruth Wilson arranged to meet someone at Boxhill next the pub. Off drives the taxi - could he really see Ruth in his rear view mirror in the dark? If taxi driver is telling the truth, Ruth was looking around for another car to pull up.

So she gets in the car and disappears forever. Suicide seems out - murder seems more likely. Who did she meet that fateful night ? When her ex offered Ruth a lift that morning she declined the offer. And said she'd see him later. Did she?
National Archives:

Formal adoption, as we now know it, did not exist in England and Wales until*1927. Before then, adoptions were usually informal. In a few cases there was some legal documentation, but no central register.

To have a better chance of finding the records of a person’s adoption it will help if you know:

the name of their parents, spouse or next of kin, where applicablethe approximate date of the adoption order
The Adoption Act of 1976 was another piece of legislation affecting the adoption process. Prior to this it had been assumed that adoption was final and there would be no reunion between the respective parties.

The Act altered this and gave individuals adopted after 11 November 1975 the right to access their birth records after reaching the age of 18. Those adopted before that date could also seek their birth records provided that they saw a counsellor beforehand.
I wonder if Nesta ever discovered who her birth mother was......

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