UK - Sabina Nessa, 28, found murdered in park, SE London, 18 Sep 2021 *Arrest*

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Is it possible that she could have been taken elsewhere, perhaps by car, and then returned to the park? I just can’t see how they’d carry her all that way without being spotted. Or why they’d drag her all that way at all?
I see no mention of any of the arrested being cleared from investigation as of yet. I believe police might be waiting for one of them or both to slip up (if they are involved). Innocent till proven guilty of course. This is purely my speculation.
I have been racking my brain about how could she have ended up in that park if she was killed around 8:30, even if it was quiet. But now we know that she was actually attacked right after leaving her flat, so whoever is responsible would’ve had to carry a limp woman all the way there without raising suspicions (not a long walk but a good 400 minutes).

I just read a comment on Reddit for someone that lives in the area and said that there’s usually people walking in the area and they were actually there that afternoon and there were plenty of people around and people playing basketball too. Obviously not verifiable but it’s not unlikely that there would be people about on a warm September night. It makes me think that she was placed somewhere else until there were fewer people around.

Obviously this is just speculation but it’s just so bizarre that she’d end up there at that time.

400 minutes, or 400m? I don't mean to cast aspersion on your post - just wondering if you made a typo or have information I'm not privy to. From what I've read and from what I know of the area (I live not far away, though not in the Lewisham area), it was a 5 minute walk to Sabina's destination, so 400 minutes seems off to me.

Is it possible that she could have been taken elsewhere, perhaps by car, and then returned to the park? I just can’t see how they’d carry her all that way without being spotted. Or why they’d drag her all that way at all?

It does seem that any amount of 'dragging'/carrying is so incomprehensibly far to fathom in a busy London area and at the time the crime took place. I'd like to not make comparisons to Sarah Everard's case here, which I feel was exceptional (but also, who knows, at this point), but I don't think a car journey to dispose of a body is plausible or convenient with the distances that seem to be apparent in this case - that it was a 5 minute walk to Sabina's destination, and that she was attacked not far from her home. Just my opinion, of course.
I agree that whoever or whomever killed her, knew she had the date planned. And placing her in the park was to try make it look like a 'random attack' on her way to the date.
So I think the killer knew Sabina. MOO

Yep. It sounds a lot like they knew where she lived and also knew her plans that evening. What I’m not sure about is whether or not her date might also have been in on it. If he wasn’t, there’s perhaps a chance her phone or socials were being monitored in some way. (Amateur speculation etc)

Speaking of socials I can’t find anything for her but I’m not surprised. Teachers are very often difficult to find. They’re often super careful about social media for obvious reasons. Anyone else found anything?
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400 minutes, or 400m? I don't mean to cast aspersion on your post - just wondering if you made a typo or have information I'm not privy to. From what I've read and from what I know of the area (I live not far away, though not in the Lewisham area), it was a 5 minute walk to Sabina's destination, so 400 minutes seems off to me.

It does seem that any amount of 'dragging'/carrying is so incomprehensibly far to fathom in a busy London area and at the time the crime took place. I'd like to not make comparisons to Sarah Everard's case here, which I feel was exceptional (but also, who knows, at this point), but I don't think a car journey to dispose of a body is plausible or convenient with the distances that seem to be apparent in this case - that it was a 5 minute walk to Sabina's destination, and that she was attacked not far from her home. Just my opinion, of course.

And why attack her on the street? Why not wait until she’s actually in the park? I suppose there’s a chance she maybe lived at the end of the street closest to the park. And there’s always a chance the Mail isn’t completely accurate re: “yards”.

“Primary school teacher Sabina Nessa was hit on the head just yards from her home by an assailant wielding a weapon, then slung over his shoulder and dumped in a park in an attack caught on CCTV, it was reported last night.”

“The attack CCTV, first reported by the Daily Telegraph, shows an assailant apparently striking Sabina on the head with an object moments after she left her house.

He then carries her over his shoulder in the direction of Cator Park, a police source told the newspaper.”
Sabina Nessa 'was hit over head in attack caught on CCTV'

Usual Mail caveats apply…
Yep. Knew where she lived and also knew her plans that evening. What I’m not sure about is whether or not her date might also have been in on it. If he wasn’t, there’s perhaps a chance her phone or socials were being monitored in some way.

Speaking of socials I can’t find anything for her but I’m not surprised. Teachers are very often difficult to find. They’re often super careful about social media for obvious reasons. Anyone else found anything?

I like to think of myself as fairly au fait with SM, but I've not found any profiles for SN. From what I know - and this may be a more mainland European trend, but I've seen it in the UK, too - people often obscure their usernames on social media if they work in a public sector. The EU trend I've seen is removing vowels, eg changing 'Blanchet' to 'Blncht' or 'Bnt', but in the UK I've also seen people choose an entirely different surname for their own safety/privacy when they work in the public sector. That includes my own partner who is recently working in a school environment, as SN was, and I wouldn't be surprised if she made her SM profiles harder to find than the 'regular' person in the same way.
Very shocking the suggestion that she was hit over the head and carried to the park. A very high risk approach for being seen or detected or extreme confidence. I agree it feels targeted if it was right outside her front door. Police will want to know how many people were aware of the date and her plans.

The fact that she might have been hit over the head with a heavy object is an indicator of the intent to attack but not of specific targeted planning necessarily (thinking of Levi Bellfield and poor Amelie Delagrange). Bad people go out with weapons to randomly attack as well as those planning on a specific target.

I feel that the police are running through the 'usual suspects'. Ex boyfriend, first date guy. They will also be asking friends, family and flatmate about potential harassment, stalkers, professional associates, strange neighbours who Sabina may have told them about. Did she have friends who visited the flat or does flatmate have a boyfriend/friends who visited the flat? Who else specifically knows where she lives? How long had she lived there? Is her address trackable eg. via the electoral register etc? How much of her personal life was shared on SM?

Looking at the CCTV it seems that the man realises there is a camera and then turns his head away and puts up his hood.

All JMO. Too sad. When will women be safe and free to move around their lives.
400 minutes, or 400m? I don't mean to cast aspersion on your post - just wondering if you made a typo or have information I'm not privy to. From what I've read and from what I know of the area (I live not far away, though not in the Lewisham area), it was a 5 minute walk to Sabina's destination, so 400 minutes seems off to me.

Ugh :( I meant meters, not minutes! Thanks for correcting me, I don’t know what my brain was doing
I haven't really been keeping up with the MSM coverage, so perhaps this has already been discounted, but my preferred theory is that she had a stalker.

Being attacked viciously close to your own front door suggests to me that someone was hanging around specifically for her to emerge. It may have been someone she knew, or it may have been someone who admired her from afar who she wasn't particularly aware of. One respect in which her otherwise anodyne job may have been a risk factor is that she would have met a lot of parents in a context where she would need to be friendly, caring and responsive whether or not she liked them or was genuinely interested in them (or their child). She was an attractive woman. I can easily see that she might have attracted obsessive attention from someone she was only being professionally pleasant towards.

My guess is that the first man arrested was the man she was on her way to meet, the second was her ex, and the man in the CCTV is someone seen in the area acting suspiciously who has yet to be identified and who may have been following her. It's really nothing more than a guess, but what I do think there's some evidence for is that her attacker had feelings for her, because of the way her body was covered up with leaves. I think a profiler would say that suggests care, respect, perhaps shame, and a desire to preserve her dignity. I'm hoping someone here knows more about this kind of thing than me.

I'm watching with interest but don't have much else to offer except my gut impressions.

I'm sure I've seen the name of the flats in which Sabina lived, but I can't find that info now. Can anyone link me to that info? I'd like to make a map of the route from the potential scene of the crime to the park in which she was found, just for the reference of those using this forum.
Your post is super interesting and I think you definitely made a few very good points.

I haven't really been keeping up with the MSM coverage, so perhaps this has already been discounted, but my preferred theory is that she had a stalker.

Being attacked viciously close to your own front door suggests to me that someone was hanging around specifically for her to emerge. It may have been someone she knew, or it may have been someone who admired her from afar who she wasn't particularly aware of. One respect in which her otherwise anodyne job may have been a risk factor is that she would have met a lot of parents in a context where she would need to be friendly, caring and responsive whether or not she liked them or was genuinely interested in them (or their child). She was an attractive woman. I can easily see that she might have attracted obsessive attention from someone she was only being professionally pleasant towards.

My guess is that the first man arrested was the man she was on her way to meet, the second was her ex, and the man in the CCTV is someone seen in the area acting suspiciously who has yet to be identified and who may have been following her. It's really nothing more than a guess, but what I do think there's some evidence for is that her attacker had feelings for her, because of the way her body was covered up with leaves. I think a profiler would say that suggests care, respect, perhaps shame, and a desire to preserve her dignity. I'm hoping someone here knows more about this kind of thing than me.

I'm watching with interest but don't have much else to offer except my gut impressions.

I haven't really been keeping up with the MSM coverage, so perhaps this has already been discounted, but my preferred theory is that she had a stalker.

Being attacked viciously close to your own front door suggests to me that someone was hanging around specifically for her to emerge. It may have been someone she knew, or it may have been someone who admired her from afar who she wasn't particularly aware of. One respect in which her otherwise anodyne job may have been a risk factor is that she would have met a lot of parents in a context where she would need to be friendly, caring and responsive whether or not she liked them or was genuinely interested in them (or their child). She was an attractive woman. I can easily see that she might have attracted obsessive attention from someone she was only being professionally pleasant towards.

My guess is that the first man arrested was the man she was on her way to meet, the second was her ex, and the man in the CCTV is someone seen in the area acting suspiciously who has yet to be identified and who may have been following her. It's really nothing more than a guess, but what I do think there's some evidence for is that her attacker had feelings for her, because of the way her body was covered up with leaves. I think a profiler would say that suggests care, respect, perhaps shame, and a desire to preserve her dignity. I'm hoping someone here knows more about this kind of thing than me.

I'm watching with interest but don't have much else to offer except my gut impressions.


Great thoughts, Lucy. I'm not sure I would go as far to agree that SN had a stalker, but I'm inclined to agree that this might be a crime of passion, and one in which it seems the perpetrator had some knowledge of SN's movements. You say you're not aware of the mainstream news - unfortunately, I don't think we're getting that coverage in the same way that cases like Sarah Everard's have done, so I'm not sure there's much to catch up on.

I truly, truly hope that this case does gain some momentum in the same way SE's did - obviously they're not comparable, but imo SN deserves the outpouring of empathy, and therefore potential leads, of the wider-publicised crimes of this dire year. Peace and hope to every murdered woman in our country, whomever and from whatever background they may come.
I live close to Kidbrooke. I find some aspects of this case astonishing.

A) How close the very shifty CCTV man is from SN’s intended destination.

B) The location of the attack and the carrying over the shoulder, walking that distance as early as 8.30pm and not being seen.

C) The time it took to discover SN the next day considering the circumstances.

D) Two arrests from the same area, around the same age with no connection - and both quickly released.

Personally I think the most logical explanation is an jilted ex being helped by friends/associates. It seems too planned/polished to be a chance attack. <modsnip> SN seems too nice to have enemies. I was thinking the date was perhaps a honey trap, but the longer there’s no charges, the less likely as an easy line of enquiry.

So sad SN has added to the list of women being killed at the hands of men on the streets of London. RIP
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Ugh :( I meant meters, not minutes! Thanks for correcting me, I don’t know what my brain was doing

You're absolutely fine!! It might be worth updating your original post to clear the confusion, but I truly didn't mean to imply any animosity :)
I feel that the police are running through the 'usual suspects'. Ex boyfriend, first date guy. They will also be asking friends, family and flatmate about potential harassment, stalkers, professional associates, strange neighbours who Sabina may have told them about. Did she have friends who visited the flat or does flatmate have a boyfriend/friends who visited the flat? Who else specifically knows where she lives? How long had she lived there? Is her address trackable eg. via the electoral register etc? How much of her personal life was shared on SM?


She is on the electoral register at her parents' address in Sandy, Beds.

In my experience, teachers, doctors etc try to fly under the radar on social media. Many of the ones that I know use their middle name as a surname, which a lot of institutions recommend. Sabina's middle name is Yasmin, if that helps anyone find her on SM.

[Source: FindMyPast]
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